Stomp on jesus

America to God:
We will stomp on Jesus and bruise His heel.

God to America:
He will stomp on America and crush your head.

Just as in Gen 3:15, describing the final bell in the fight between Christ and Lucifer.
Is there any reason to believe that God continues to bless America? :(

Hate to break the news to you But what you quoted was from the Hebrew bible and has nothing to do with the christian god and his god jr

Thanks for the correction, but,
Gen.3:15 is the first prophecy in the Bible. The conversation is between God and Lucifer. God explains that while Satan may bruise Mary's seed, Mary's seed will crush Satan's head.
One is a superficial wound, the other is fatal.

Let's examine this passage.

15. And I shall place hatred between you and between the woman, and between your seed and between her seed. He will crush your head, and you will bite his heel."

Who is involved?
I= G-D
You= the serpent
Woman= Eve

Who isn't involved?

Creative perversions.

There are several hundred details about the life of Christ in the Old Testament.
One of my favorites is Dan. 9:25 when Daniel was praying and Gabriel interrupted him and
give him a four verse prophecy.
In verse 25 it says that from the going forth of the command to restore and build the city of Jerusalem until the coming of the Messiah the King, it shall be sixty-nine weeks.
This period is 69 sets of seven years or 483 years. Four hundred-eighty-three sets of 360 days calculates out to 173,880 days.

When will the real messiah actually come?

When will Moshiach come?

What Is the Jewish Belief About Moshiach? - Texts & Writings

Jews anticipate the arrival of Moshiach every day. Our prayers are full of requests to G‑d to usher in the messianic era. Even at the gates of the gas chambers, many Jews sang “Ani Maamin”—I believe in the coming of Moshiach!

However, the Talmud states that there is a predestined time when Moshiach will come. If we are meritorious, he may come even before that predestined time. This “end of time” remains a mystery, yet the Talmud states that it will be before the Hebrew year 6000. (The Hebrew year at the date of this publication is 5772.)

This does not rule out the possibility of Moshiach coming today and now, if we merit it. It should be noted that many Torah authorities are of the opinion that we are in the “epoch of the Moshiach,” and the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, stated on numerous occasions that the messianic redemption is imminent

The way the jews will know when the messiah comes is when he fullfills the messianic prophesies.

They are
  • World peace = Michah 4:3
  • The rest are in Ezekiel 37
  • One unified king
  • All the jews coming to Israel
  • All the jews staying in Israel.
  • All nations recogning one unified G-D
  • The temple in jerusalem being rebuilt and standing forever

Just that jesus proclaimed himself a god within itself would disqualify him. Because G-D said to trust only him, and that there is only him. That he is one, and there are no parts.

The messianic prophesies will occur because of the one G-D, not because of the messiah.
You know what--in retailiation to the de-jesus-fying of the University's, Christian colleges and University should introduce a program that calls on the stomping on Hawkins, Nietsche, and Marx!!

That will teach those god hating ba$$*&ds!! Let us stomp on their heros!!

Unfortunately, you can't consider yourself a good atheist, socialist or communist or even a freethinker if you do not criticize Hawkins et al. So the "Pro-Christian stomp" progam at the Christian universities is actually a "stomp" in the right direction, is it not??:tongue:
Hate to break the news to you But what you quoted was from the Hebrew bible and has nothing to do with the christian god and his god jr

LOL. Hebrews and Christians, and Muslims for that matter, all worship the same God. By definition, all monotheistic faiths recognize the same God. People of different faiths may understand God differently or focus on different aspects of God, but one = one.

Not by a long shot Unk. Allah has no son. The God of Abraham has a Son in whom He is well pleased.

And neither does Yawheh have a son(whom you must refer to as the Jewish God). Allah/Yawheh is the same God.
The truth is, Irish Ram, is that you're an idiot. A couple jews are trying to send you a message that their scriptures have nothing to do with you or your beliefs. Now, I don't agree entirely with what they're saying. But of course the way you retaliate is to compare Christianity with Islam like you do every time. You and other Christians speak to Jews as if they are more intelligent, more experienced, and more religious than you. You're downgrading yourselves for absolutely no reason. You used to be on top and now you guys are almost learning from them. Be yourselves. It's almost as if you out yourselves in that position by yourselves. It's really weird. Some of it really is. I was watching the documentary on CNN about Jesus, what's funny was that the documentary was created and narrated by Jews and I didn't bother watching because I knew what it was about. It was Jews sending Americans a message that their scriptures are exclusive to them and telling the Christians that they came up with their own principles of their prophecies and telling them that it isn't actually true. But you guys still don't realize that for some reason. It's unfortunate.
Hate to break the news to you But what you quoted was from the Hebrew bible and has nothing to do with the christian god and his god jr

Let's examine this passage.

15. And I shall place hatred between you and between the woman, and between your seed and between her seed. He will crush your head, and you will bite his heel."

Who is involved?
I= G-D
You= the serpent
Woman= Eve

Who isn't involved?

Creative perversions.

There are several hundred details about the life of Christ in the Old Testament.
One of my favorites is Dan. 9:25 when Daniel was praying and Gabriel interrupted him and
give him a four verse prophecy.
In verse 25 it says that from the going forth of the command to restore and build the city of Jerusalem until the coming of the Messiah the King, it shall be sixty-nine weeks.
This period is 69 sets of seven years or 483 years. Four hundred-eighty-three sets of 360 days calculates out to 173,880 days.

When will the real messiah actually come?

When will Moshiach come?

What Is the Jewish Belief About Moshiach? - Texts & Writings

Jews anticipate the arrival of Moshiach every day. Our prayers are full of requests to G‑d to usher in the messianic era. Even at the gates of the gas chambers, many Jews sang “Ani Maamin”—I believe in the coming of Moshiach!

However, the Talmud states that there is a predestined time when Moshiach will come. If we are meritorious, he may come even before that predestined time. This “end of time” remains a mystery, yet the Talmud states that it will be before the Hebrew year 6000. (The Hebrew year at the date of this publication is 5772.)

This does not rule out the possibility of Moshiach coming today and now, if we merit it. It should be noted that many Torah authorities are of the opinion that we are in the “epoch of the Moshiach,” and the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, stated on numerous occasions that the messianic redemption is imminent

The way the jews will know when the messiah comes is when he fullfills the messianic prophesies.

They are
  • World peace = Michah 4:3
  • The rest are in Ezekiel 37
  • One unified king
  • All the jews coming to Israel
  • All the jews staying in Israel.
  • All nations recogning one unified G-D
  • The temple in jerusalem being rebuilt and standing forever

Just that jesus proclaimed himself a god within itself would disqualify him. Because G-D said to trust only him, and that there is only him. That he is one, and there are no parts.

The messianic prophesies will occur because of the one G-D, not because of the messiah.

Although the book of Genesis does not mention Satan as being the serpent on the garden one can ascertain who this serpent was or rather who controlled him.

In Ezekiel 28:13 the passage is talking about Satan and there is a clear reference to Satan being in the Garden of Eden.

It should also be noted that Satan is called a serpent, not once but three times in the book of Revelation (Revelation 12:9, 12:15, 20:2).

About your prophecies. You say that the Messiah will come when the temple stands forever.

How long is forever?

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