Stop pretending

Many of you can now stop pretending Bush didn't lie his way into a war with Iraq.

Smoking gun email exposes Blair on Iraq

The damning memo, from Secretary of State Colin Powell to President George Bush, was written on March 28, 2002, a week before Bush’s famous summit with Blair at his Crawford ranch in Texas.

In it, Powell tells Bush that Blair ‘will be with us’ on military action. Powell assures the President: ‘The UK will follow our lead’.

The disclosure is certain to lead for calls for Sir John Chilcot to reopen his inquiry into the Iraq War if, as is believed, he has not seen the Powell memo.

A second explosive memo from the same cache also reveals how Bush used ‘spies’ in the Labour Party to help him to manipulate British public opinion in favour of the war.

The documents, obtained by The Mail on Sunday, are part of a batch of secret emails held on the private server of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton which U.S. courts have forced her to reveal.

Former Tory Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said: ‘The memos prove in explicit terms what many of us have believed all along: Tony Blair effectively agreed to act as a frontman for American foreign policy in advance of any decision by the House of Commons or the British Cabinet.

The former Prime Minister has always hotly denied the claim that the two men signed a deal ‘in blood’ at Crawford to embark on the war, which started on March 20, 2003.

The Powell document, headed ‘Secret... Memorandum for the President’, lifts the lid on how Blair and Bush secretly plotted the war behind closed doors at Crawford.

Powell says to Bush: ‘He will present to you the strategic, tactical and public affairs lines that he believes will strengthen global support for our common cause,’ adding that Blair has the presentational skills to ‘make a credible public case on current Iraqi threats to international peace’.

Five months after the summit, Downing Street produced the notorious ‘45 minutes from doom’ dossier on Saddam Hussein’s supposed Weapons of Mass Destruction. After Saddam was toppled, the dossier’s claims were exposed as bogus.

Nowhere in the memo is a diplomatic route suggested as the preferred option.

Instead, Powell says that Blair will also advise on how to ‘handle calls’ for the ‘blessing’ of the United Nations Security Council, and to ‘demonstrate that we have thought through “the day after” ’ – in other words, made adequate provision for a post-Saddam Iraq.
Just using the other Peoples money to bailout the wealthiest while not calling it Socialism.
Many of you can now stop pretending Bush didn't lie his way into a war with Iraq.

Smoking gun email exposes Blair on Iraq

The damning memo, from Secretary of State Colin Powell to President George Bush, was written on March 28, 2002, a week before Bush’s famous summit with Blair at his Crawford ranch in Texas.

In it, Powell tells Bush that Blair ‘will be with us’ on military action. Powell assures the President: ‘The UK will follow our lead’.

The disclosure is certain to lead for calls for Sir John Chilcot to reopen his inquiry into the Iraq War if, as is believed, he has not seen the Powell memo.

A second explosive memo from the same cache also reveals how Bush used ‘spies’ in the Labour Party to help him to manipulate British public opinion in favour of the war.

The documents, obtained by The Mail on Sunday, are part of a batch of secret emails held on the private server of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton which U.S. courts have forced her to reveal.

Former Tory Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said: ‘The memos prove in explicit terms what many of us have believed all along: Tony Blair effectively agreed to act as a frontman for American foreign policy in advance of any decision by the House of Commons or the British Cabinet.

The former Prime Minister has always hotly denied the claim that the two men signed a deal ‘in blood’ at Crawford to embark on the war, which started on March 20, 2003.

The Powell document, headed ‘Secret... Memorandum for the President’, lifts the lid on how Blair and Bush secretly plotted the war behind closed doors at Crawford.

Powell says to Bush: ‘He will present to you the strategic, tactical and public affairs lines that he believes will strengthen global support for our common cause,’ adding that Blair has the presentational skills to ‘make a credible public case on current Iraqi threats to international peace’.

Five months after the summit, Downing Street produced the notorious ‘45 minutes from doom’ dossier on Saddam Hussein’s supposed Weapons of Mass Destruction. After Saddam was toppled, the dossier’s claims were exposed as bogus.

Nowhere in the memo is a diplomatic route suggested as the preferred option.

Instead, Powell says that Blair will also advise on how to ‘handle calls’ for the ‘blessing’ of the United Nations Security Council, and to ‘demonstrate that we have thought through “the day after” ’ – in other words, made adequate provision for a post-Saddam Iraq.
Just using the other Peoples money to bailout the wealthiest while not calling it Socialism.
That was kind of out of left field but yeah, point taken. Business interests in this country generally prevail over the Peoples interests.
Many of you can now stop pretending Bush didn't lie his way into a war with Iraq.

Smoking gun email exposes Blair on Iraq

The damning memo, from Secretary of State Colin Powell to President George Bush, was written on March 28, 2002, a week before Bush’s famous summit with Blair at his Crawford ranch in Texas.

In it, Powell tells Bush that Blair ‘will be with us’ on military action. Powell assures the President: ‘The UK will follow our lead’.

The disclosure is certain to lead for calls for Sir John Chilcot to reopen his inquiry into the Iraq War if, as is believed, he has not seen the Powell memo.

A second explosive memo from the same cache also reveals how Bush used ‘spies’ in the Labour Party to help him to manipulate British public opinion in favour of the war.

The documents, obtained by The Mail on Sunday, are part of a batch of secret emails held on the private server of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton which U.S. courts have forced her to reveal.

Former Tory Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said: ‘The memos prove in explicit terms what many of us have believed all along: Tony Blair effectively agreed to act as a frontman for American foreign policy in advance of any decision by the House of Commons or the British Cabinet.

The former Prime Minister has always hotly denied the claim that the two men signed a deal ‘in blood’ at Crawford to embark on the war, which started on March 20, 2003.

The Powell document, headed ‘Secret... Memorandum for the President’, lifts the lid on how Blair and Bush secretly plotted the war behind closed doors at Crawford.

Powell says to Bush: ‘He will present to you the strategic, tactical and public affairs lines that he believes will strengthen global support for our common cause,’ adding that Blair has the presentational skills to ‘make a credible public case on current Iraqi threats to international peace’.

Five months after the summit, Downing Street produced the notorious ‘45 minutes from doom’ dossier on Saddam Hussein’s supposed Weapons of Mass Destruction. After Saddam was toppled, the dossier’s claims were exposed as bogus.

Nowhere in the memo is a diplomatic route suggested as the preferred option.

Instead, Powell says that Blair will also advise on how to ‘handle calls’ for the ‘blessing’ of the United Nations Security Council, and to ‘demonstrate that we have thought through “the day after” ’ – in other words, made adequate provision for a post-Saddam Iraq.
Just using the other Peoples money to bailout the wealthiest while not calling it Socialism.
That was kind of out of left field but yeah, point taken. Business interests in this country generally prevail over the Peoples interests.
i am on the left.
Many of you can now stop pretending Bush didn't lie his way into a war with Iraq.

Smoking gun email exposes Blair on Iraq

The damning memo, from Secretary of State Colin Powell to President George Bush, was written on March 28, 2002, a week before Bush’s famous summit with Blair at his Crawford ranch in Texas.

In it, Powell tells Bush that Blair ‘will be with us’ on military action. Powell assures the President: ‘The UK will follow our lead’.

The disclosure is certain to lead for calls for Sir John Chilcot to reopen his inquiry into the Iraq War if, as is believed, he has not seen the Powell memo.

A second explosive memo from the same cache also reveals how Bush used ‘spies’ in the Labour Party to help him to manipulate British public opinion in favour of the war.

The documents, obtained by The Mail on Sunday, are part of a batch of secret emails held on the private server of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton which U.S. courts have forced her to reveal.

Former Tory Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said: ‘The memos prove in explicit terms what many of us have believed all along: Tony Blair effectively agreed to act as a frontman for American foreign policy in advance of any decision by the House of Commons or the British Cabinet.

The former Prime Minister has always hotly denied the claim that the two men signed a deal ‘in blood’ at Crawford to embark on the war, which started on March 20, 2003.

The Powell document, headed ‘Secret... Memorandum for the President’, lifts the lid on how Blair and Bush secretly plotted the war behind closed doors at Crawford.

Powell says to Bush: ‘He will present to you the strategic, tactical and public affairs lines that he believes will strengthen global support for our common cause,’ adding that Blair has the presentational skills to ‘make a credible public case on current Iraqi threats to international peace’.

Five months after the summit, Downing Street produced the notorious ‘45 minutes from doom’ dossier on Saddam Hussein’s supposed Weapons of Mass Destruction. After Saddam was toppled, the dossier’s claims were exposed as bogus.

Nowhere in the memo is a diplomatic route suggested as the preferred option.

Instead, Powell says that Blair will also advise on how to ‘handle calls’ for the ‘blessing’ of the United Nations Security Council, and to ‘demonstrate that we have thought through “the day after” ’ – in other words, made adequate provision for a post-Saddam Iraq.
Just using the other Peoples money to bailout the wealthiest while not calling it Socialism.
That was kind of out of left field but yeah, point taken. Business interests in this country generally prevail over the Peoples interests.
i am on the left.
Indeed you are. This is an excerpt from an article on the problems that Syria is dealing with and in this section addresses the mechanism by which the transfer of wealth takes place.
The Source

Brookings’ 2014 annual report (.pdf) reveals among others, the following sponsors from big-finance; JP Morgan Chase & Co., Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, State Farm, MetLife, and GEICO. From big-defense there’s; General Electric, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon. Big-telecom is represented by; Comcast, Google, Facebook, AT&T, and Verizon. Big-oil; Exxon, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, British Petroleum, and Shell. And even consumer corporations like Pepsi and Coca Cola help underwrite what are essentially policy papers conspiring to commit crimes against humanity that have since been systematically carried out at the cost of hundreds of thousands of innocent lives.

It is the Fortune 500, centered on Wall Street and London, driving the conflict in Syria and the larger arc of chaos consuming the MENA region and beyond.

Russian and Syrian efforts aimed at stemming the flow of weapons and cash over Syrian borders alone is not going to “solve Syria.” Clearly the problem is larger than Syria, and even larger than the geopolitical chaos the US has created arcing over the MENA region. It is the unwarranted wealth, power, and influence that drives that chaos that constitutes the ultimate source of the problem. Disrupting or displacing that power will be difficult, and the failure thus far to significantly disrupt or displace it is precisely why this chaos continues.
First appeared:Multipolarism Solves Syria at the Source | New Eastern Outlook
With everything going on in the world today you want to talk about 14 year old emails? What's next radial tires?
What is happening in the ME today is a direct result of what happened in Iraq in '03.
You might as well blame Winston Churchill.
In fact what is happening in the ME is the direct result of Obama's poor leadership--no, make that non-leadership and foreign policy follies.
After taking out Hussein, Bush handed the keys to Iraq over to the Iranians. Do you understand?
Actually, we handed over the keys to the newly elected Iraqi government.

How is it Bush's fault that they failed miserably at running a country?
With everything going on in the world today you want to talk about 14 year old emails? What's next radial tires?
What is happening in the ME today is a direct result of what happened in Iraq in '03.
You might as well blame Winston Churchill.
In fact what is happening in the ME is the direct result of Obama's poor leadership--no, make that non-leadership and foreign policy follies.
After taking out Hussein, Bush handed the keys to Iraq over to the Iranians. Do you understand?
Actually, we handed over the keys to the newly elected Iraqi government.

How is it Bush's fault that they failed miserably at running a country?
It was the Bush administration who promoted Nouri al-Maliki for the position of PM. You are not going to pretend now that the US invaded a country and left the choice of the leader of the country to democracy are you. That would be stunningly naive.
Yes, just the point of some on the left; for comparison and contrast, when real Capitalists roamed the Earth, they also acquired and possessed their own "cruisers" and advanced their own private, "foreign policies"; and, would not resort to the socialism of the coercive use of force of the State should voluntary association and contract fall short of the required financial objective.

In the case of Athens, since most of the fleet's triremes were paid for by wealthy citizens, there was a natural sense of competition among the patricians to create the "most impressive" trireme, both to intimidate the enemy and to attract the best oarsmen.[28] Of all military expenditure, triremes were the most labor- and (in terms of men and money) investment-intensive.--Source: Trireme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The irony, thanks to your relentless efforts to get Hillary's emails.

Makes one wonder what's in the rest of the emails

I support a full investigation........

Me too. Let's get to the bottom of!

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
So, NOW you're interested in the Hilderbeast's email. But only as far as it incriminates someone else.
When/if anything surfaces against her it won't matter.
Do you know why it won't matter?

I do.


With everything going on in the world today you want to talk about 14 year old emails? What's next radial tires?
What is happening in the ME today is a direct result of what happened in Iraq in '03.
You might as well blame Winston Churchill.
In fact what is happening in the ME is the direct result of Obama's poor leadership--no, make that non-leadership and foreign policy follies.
After taking out Hussein, Bush handed the keys to Iraq over to the Iranians. Do you understand?
Actually, we handed over the keys to the newly elected Iraqi government.

How is it Bush's fault that they failed miserably at running a country?
It was the Bush administration who promoted Nouri al-Maliki for the position of PM. You are not going to pretend now that the US invaded a country and left the choice of the leader of the country to democracy are you. That would be stunningly naive.
Who is the current PM?
With everything going on in the world today you want to talk about 14 year old emails? What's next radial tires?
What is happening in the ME today is a direct result of what happened in Iraq in '03.
You might as well blame Winston Churchill.
In fact what is happening in the ME is the direct result of Obama's poor leadership--no, make that non-leadership and foreign policy follies.
After taking out Hussein, Bush handed the keys to Iraq over to the Iranians. Do you understand?
Actually, we handed over the keys to the newly elected Iraqi government.

How is it Bush's fault that they failed miserably at running a country?
It was the Bush administration who promoted Nouri al-Maliki for the position of PM. You are not going to pretend now that the US invaded a country and left the choice of the leader of the country to democracy are you. That would be stunningly naive.
So the two free and fair elections they had were shams? Really? Of course not. The US had a favored candidate and that's good.
Everything was going fine until Obama fucked up by cutting and running from a war we had won, allowing Iran and its proxies to get in. Two SecDefs under Obama have confirmed this is exactly what happened.
What is happening in the ME today is a direct result of what happened in Iraq in '03.
You might as well blame Winston Churchill.
In fact what is happening in the ME is the direct result of Obama's poor leadership--no, make that non-leadership and foreign policy follies.
After taking out Hussein, Bush handed the keys to Iraq over to the Iranians. Do you understand?
Actually, we handed over the keys to the newly elected Iraqi government.

How is it Bush's fault that they failed miserably at running a country?
It was the Bush administration who promoted Nouri al-Maliki for the position of PM. You are not going to pretend now that the US invaded a country and left the choice of the leader of the country to democracy are you. That would be stunningly naive.
Who is the current PM?
Haider al-Abadi
You might as well blame Winston Churchill.
In fact what is happening in the ME is the direct result of Obama's poor leadership--no, make that non-leadership and foreign policy follies.
After taking out Hussein, Bush handed the keys to Iraq over to the Iranians. Do you understand?
Actually, we handed over the keys to the newly elected Iraqi government.

How is it Bush's fault that they failed miserably at running a country?
It was the Bush administration who promoted Nouri al-Maliki for the position of PM. You are not going to pretend now that the US invaded a country and left the choice of the leader of the country to democracy are you. That would be stunningly naive.
Who is the current PM?
Haider al-Abadi
Handpicked by Obama.
The US had a favored candidate and that's good.
No, as it turns out, and this is the point you are missing, it's not good when that person turns out to be an Iranian sympathizer.
You might as well blame Winston Churchill.
In fact what is happening in the ME is the direct result of Obama's poor leadership--no, make that non-leadership and foreign policy follies.
After taking out Hussein, Bush handed the keys to Iraq over to the Iranians. Do you understand?
Actually, we handed over the keys to the newly elected Iraqi government.

How is it Bush's fault that they failed miserably at running a country?
It was the Bush administration who promoted Nouri al-Maliki for the position of PM. You are not going to pretend now that the US invaded a country and left the choice of the leader of the country to democracy are you. That would be stunningly naive.
Who is the current PM?
Haider al-Abadi
So al-Maliki served two terms and now there's this guy.
How did Bush orchestrate all of this? The guy must be a genius. But you guys insist he's an idiot.
I smell bullshit
After taking out Hussein, Bush handed the keys to Iraq over to the Iranians. Do you understand?
Actually, we handed over the keys to the newly elected Iraqi government.

How is it Bush's fault that they failed miserably at running a country?
It was the Bush administration who promoted Nouri al-Maliki for the position of PM. You are not going to pretend now that the US invaded a country and left the choice of the leader of the country to democracy are you. That would be stunningly naive.
Who is the current PM?
Haider al-Abadi
Handpicked by Obama.
I have no problem with that statement. The question is why you can't admit that Bush handpicked al-Maliki.
After taking out Hussein, Bush handed the keys to Iraq over to the Iranians. Do you understand?
Actually, we handed over the keys to the newly elected Iraqi government.

How is it Bush's fault that they failed miserably at running a country?
It was the Bush administration who promoted Nouri al-Maliki for the position of PM. You are not going to pretend now that the US invaded a country and left the choice of the leader of the country to democracy are you. That would be stunningly naive.
Who is the current PM?
Haider al-Abadi
So al-Maliki served two terms and now there's this guy.
How did Bush orchestrate all of this? The guy must be a genius. But you guys insist he's an idiot.
I smell bullshit
Stop breathing from your mouth.
The US had a favored candidate and that's good.
No, as it turns out, and this is the point you are missing, it's not good when that person turns out to be an Iranian sympathizer.
In Libya we had no strategy for succession after Ghaddafi. How'd that work out?
In my opinion none of this mess is working out well. We had a strategy in Libya for after the fall of Ghaddafi. Open a National bank and create an oil company. Sounds about right, doesn't it.
Actually, we handed over the keys to the newly elected Iraqi government.

How is it Bush's fault that they failed miserably at running a country?
It was the Bush administration who promoted Nouri al-Maliki for the position of PM. You are not going to pretend now that the US invaded a country and left the choice of the leader of the country to democracy are you. That would be stunningly naive.
Who is the current PM?
Haider al-Abadi
Handpicked by Obama.
I have no problem with that statement. The question is why you can't admit that Bush handpicked al-Maliki.
Actually, we handed over the keys to the newly elected Iraqi government.

How is it Bush's fault that they failed miserably at running a country?
It was the Bush administration who promoted Nouri al-Maliki for the position of PM. You are not going to pretend now that the US invaded a country and left the choice of the leader of the country to democracy are you. That would be stunningly naive.
Who is the current PM?
Haider al-Abadi
So al-Maliki served two terms and now there's this guy.
How did Bush orchestrate all of this? The guy must be a genius. But you guys insist he's an idiot.
I smell bullshit
Stop breathing from your mouth.
Which is it?
Did he pay off Iraq citizens to vote?
Did he just appoint him and there really wasn't two free and open elections where he won the majority?
Bush really held that much away over the people that they would happily elect al-Maliki because W liked him?

I'm sorry, but you're going to have to wait until next Columbus day for the sale on tinfoil hats
The US had a favored candidate and that's good.
No, as it turns out, and this is the point you are missing, it's not good when that person turns out to be an Iranian sympathizer.
How many votes did we (America) cast? And how, given how we're so hated by Iraqis, did we convince them to vote for a specific candidate?
At great expense to this nation we toppled the leader of Iraq and now you are going to argue that we just left the future of Iraq to chance. That would make either you or Bush an idiot depending on one's beliefs. I'm betting on it being you.

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