Suit: Police chasing white suspect wrongly arrest Black man

Show me what law states I have to do what a cop tells me when I have not committed any crime. I'll wait.

In the United States, a failure to obey charge is typically a misdemeanor. For example, in Virginia, it is a misdemeanor to refuse to assist an officer in responding to a breach of the peace[1] or in executing his official duties in a criminal case.[2] In Washington, DC, this law is utilized primarily for purposes of ensuring that officers tasked with directing traffic have the authority to direct motorists and pedestrians in a proper and safe manner.[3]

Imagine if they would have just detained the suspect they were looking for. A black man was not a suspect.

No, he was in proximity to a criminal and refusing to obey a police order.
I thought you said you were retired military. Did you spend most of your time there behind bars? You must have since you don't respect authority.

I have a great deal of respect for authority, I have zero respect for those that abuse their authority. Twice in the Marine Corps I refused a direct order, once went well for me and the other not as much.
He was detained because the criminal they were chasing ran to his house, which means for all the cops knew at that point, he was an accomplice.

He did not run into his house, he ran by him on the sidewalk. That does not mean he was an accomplice
Let me help you out here, buddy.

My son and his girlfriend was moving one day. I was supposed to meet them at the house and help them unload the truck. He calls me and said they had been pulled over up the street. I asked him what for. He told me because him and his girlfriend were riding in the back of the truck.

I head that way. They had the ID of the driver and was pressing my son and his girlfriend for hers. Neither had one on them. I asked the officers why they pulled them over. He said "because they were riding in the back of the truck". I pulled an article up real quick on my phone showing where they were doing nothing illegal and told the officer my son does not have to produce anything and that they needed to give the driver his license back.

He made a lame excuse that they were just making sure they were safe riding in the back. I told them they did not need their ID's to do that.

The officers "request" was not obeyed but he knew he was wrong. The police need to be able to understand this.
He did not run into his house, he ran by him on the sidewalk. That does not mean he was an accomplice
No, he was in proximity to a criminal and refusing to obey a police order

That's what I have been saying for the past 24 hours.

Obey police instruction when they are in pursuit or bad things happen.

That's what I have been saying for the past 24 hours.

Obey police instruction when they are in pursuit or bad things happen.

So now just being in the proximity is enough for an assumption of guilt.

Fuck freedom, but at least you all will feel safe.

But on the bright side, people like this man will keep getting rich off of these actions
My son and his girlfriend was moving one day. I was supposed to meet them at the house and help them unload the truck. He calls me and said they had been pulled over up the street. I asked him what for. He told me because him and his girlfriend were riding in the back of the truck.

I head that way. They had the ID of the driver and was pressing my son and his girlfriend for hers. Neither had one on them. I asked the officers why they pulled them over. He said "because they were riding in the back of the truck". I pulled an article up real quick on my phone showing where they were doing nothing illegal and told the officer my son does not have to produce anything and that they needed to give the driver his license back.

He made a lame excuse that they were just making sure they were safe riding in the back. I told them they did not need their ID's to do that.

The officers "request" was not obeyed but he knew he was wrong. The police need to be able to understand this.

First, who goes outside without ID these days?

Second, would it have killed them to provide ID's?

I'm sorry, I started out pretty sympathetic to BLM, but it seems like a big excuse for the cop haters to just get the cops to give up and not do their jobs. I think that would be considerably worse.
So now just being in the proximity is enough for an assumption of guilt.

Fuck freedom, but at least you all will feel safe.

But on the bright side, people like this man will keep getting rich off of these actions
assumption of guilt?

You fast-forwarded all the way to the trial phase. This is the investigation phase.

Cops should not investigate?

Why should we even have cops if we don't let them do their job we ask the to do?
So now just being in the proximity is enough for an assumption of guilt.

Fuck freedom, but at least you all will feel safe.

I think it's more an issue of OFFICER SAFETY.

Yes, the police ARE overly cautious. Then again, we live in a country where we let the mentally ill wander the streets and any fool who wants a gun can get one. So they have to kind of approach every traffic stop as a situation where they could potentially be killed.

Because in 2021, 633 officers died in the line of duty.

Yes, 455 were from Covid, but that's the kind of hazard you face as a cop these days.
assumption of guilt?

You fast-forwarded all the way to the trial phase. This is the investigation phase.

Cops should not investigate?

Why should we even have coos if we don't let them do their job?

So now you think that Cops are required to hold people down on the ground, handcuffed with a knee to the neck in order to investigate?

I think you watch way too many TV shows.
So now you think that Cops are required to hold people down on the ground, handcuffed with a knee to the neck in order to investigate?

I think you watch way too many TV shows.
When they are acting like accomplices by resisting, yes. It would be dereliction to let a guy go if he behaved in a suspicious way and would not cooperate, giving police reason to believe he was part of the crime being committed.

What should we expect of people when they interact with police? If suspicion falls on a person, who has the duty to help remove that suspicion?

But, I am not getting sucked back into this nonsense. The fact that we have to even have this discussion tells me all I need to know.
When they are acting like accomplices by resisting, yes. It would be dereliction to let a guy go if he behaved in a suspicious way and would not cooperate, giving police reason to believe he was part of the crime being committed.

Walking down a sidewalk is not "acting like accomplice" no matter how much you want it to be.

The fact that we have to even have this discussion tells me all I need to know.

I agree 100%, you are the last person I ever expected to be a Comply or Die proponent.
First, who goes outside without ID these days?

Second, would it have killed them to provide ID's?

I'm sorry, I started out pretty sympathetic to BLM, but it seems like a big excuse for the cop haters to just get the cops to give up and not do their jobs. I think that would be considerably worse.

Again, you have this failed idea that we either have to allow the police violate our rights or have no police.

Not everyone is such a small thinker.
Does the mayor handle to duties of the Dog Catcher as well? How about over at the Water Dept, does the mayor send out the trucks when a water main is broken. How about Waste Management, does the mayor set the schedule of when and who is going to pick up your trash? What is the job of the folks who are the Heads over these departments? Do they just come to work and play pocket pool all day.

Tell me JB Stoner if the suspect you are looking for is a white man, why would you stop and cuff a black man? Tell me how many white men this has happened to when the suspect was black.

The Dog Catcher, is responsible for doing his job. If he does it wrong, that is on him.

If he keeps doing it wrong and the mayor ignores it, and lets him keep going though a whole career, and then replaces him with a Dog Catcher who does the same thing, and then once that one retires, he replaces that dog catcher with another of the same type, on and on for nearly ONE HUNDRED YEARS,

THAT, is then on the Mayor.

Seriously? You really in your example, want to see generation after generation of dog owners, just going after the series of dog catchers and never go to the dog catchers BOSS, to try to address the problem(s)?

Superbadbrutha, I know you lefties are comfortable pretending to be stupid, so that you can defend your polices or dems.

BUt, really, this one, is... just not going to fly. No one is going to believe you are that dumb.

You are clearly giving the Dems a pass, because you are a partisan and/or ideological zealot. And you don't actually want to address the issue, you just want to talk shit about America and whitey.

You dems have OWNED these cities for generations. Any reforms or policies you want, you could have had decades ago.


You are not going to do shit about it. Because the person(s) you have to confront and make demands on to address them, is YOU.
Again, you have this failed idea that we either have to allow the police violate our rights or have no police.

Not everyone is such a small thinker.
You have the completely stupid belief that police will be anything but a waste of money if citizens have no duty to cooperate in the process.

You will never change this fucked up belief, so NO POLICE!!!

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