Suit: Police chasing white suspect wrongly arrest Black man

BOSTON (AP) — A suburban Boston police officer who was pursuing a white suspect pinned a 20-year-old Black man to the ground as he was walking home and placed a knee on the man's neck despite having no evidence that he was involved in any crime, according to a federal civil rights lawsuit filed Wednesday.

Donovan Johnson was minutes away from home after leaving work in February 2021 when a white officer who had been chasing the white suspect ran up to Johnson, drew his gun and threw him to the snow-covered ground face first, the lawsuit filed against the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, and three of its officers alleges.

Police were were initially called to an Arlington hotel about a man seen there who the staff believed was previously involved in the theft of televisions, the lawsuit says. The white man was “known to police” for “prior criminal acts” and when officers arrived at the hotel, officer Steven Conroy showed a photo of the man to the front desk clerk, who said it appeared to be the same person.

Police went to the room to investigate, but the man escaped and they began to chase him, according to the lawsuit. Johnson, who was almost to his Somerville home, saw the man jog past him before Conroy approached and yelled at both men to “get the (expletive) on the floor.”

The white suspect got on his knees, but Johnson stayed standing, the lawsuit says. After that, Johnson says Conroy drew his gun, threw him to the ground and pinned him down with a knee on his neck.

Another officer who arrived in a cruiser recognized the white man and put him in handcuffs, and the suspect told the officer he didn't know Johnson, according to the lawsuit. A third officer who arrived “immediately jumped on” Johnson to help Conroy hold him down, according to the complaint.

This story can't be true, because there is no such thing as a white criminal.

The police don't have to chase down white men because they never commit petty crimes.

This black guy was guilty as hell, these officers should be receiving medals instead of a lawsuit.

How would the police have known that black guy they pinched wasn't actually the white guy they were looking for? He might have been a transhonky, or someone who identifies as white.
Yeah, it is time to end this thread.

Peace out....22 days till College Football!

Same side of the coin.

You have an example of a long standing social problem that republicans have been in charge of for generations and never get called on it, even though it is constantly being discussed?

Whoa. That does change everything.

What is the example?
You have an example of a long standing social problem that republicans have been in charge of for generations and never get called on it, even though it is constantly being discussed?

Whoa. That does change everything.

What is the example?

What did Obama do about Eric Garner?
So now you think that Cops are required to hold people down on the ground, handcuffed with a knee to the neck in order to investigate?

I think you watch way too many TV shows.

So if a suspicious person is ordered to the ground and they refuse police orders, WTF do you expect police to do, just say "okay, you don't want to listen to our orders, fine with us" and leave the guy be?
What did Obama do about Eric Garner?

He used it to support the false narrative of AMERICA, having some sort of problem with white wacism.

Is that what you meant? I'm not aware that he did anything to try to address these issues. He did benefit from the...use of race baiting to incite political support for himself and his agenda.

That's sort of my point.

So, to be clear, you DON'T have a counter balancing example of Republicans doing something similar, right? THat was just...empty talk?
So if a suspicious person is ordered to the ground and they refuse police orders, WTF do you expect police to do, just say "okay, you don't want to listen to our orders, fine with us" and leave the guy be?

There was nothing suspicious about this person. other than maybe being black. That is the whole point of this.
Uh because the white guy had just committed a crime and the black guy did not, what part of that don't you understand.

The part where blacks always fight with cops when asked to do something so simple.

Why was the black guy detained at all? The white cops just like you just assumed the black man had committed a crime, when they knew good and damn well they were looking for a WHITE guy. A white guy commits a crime and runs past a black man and you just naturally AssUMe that the black man committed a crime as well and the fact that you don't see anything wrong with that really tells me a lot.

Do I have to keep repeating myself; is your attention span that short? I told you and everybody here, apparently they were in the vicinity of each other. They ordered both to the ground and only the white guy (as usual) obeyed their commands.
So if a suspicious person is ordered to the ground and they refuse police orders, WTF do you expect police to do, just say "okay, you don't want to listen to our orders, fine with us" and leave the guy be?
That may not be gator's or pknopp's intent, but that will DEFINITELY be the result if we leave it to them.

This is how it will always go down:

Police: Get on the ground

Suspect: Dindu Nuffin


Suspect: Pursuant to the 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendments, I have.....

Police: Take him down

Suspect: Help....Help...dindu nuffin. I can't breath. (grabs police service weapon)(promptly dies of multiple gunshot wounds)

Suspect's Stupid Family: He dindu nuffin. Day kill him fo no reason....

We all get stupider.
So if a suspicious person is ordered to the ground and they refuse police orders, WTF do you expect police to do, just say "okay, you don't want to listen to our orders, fine with us" and leave the guy be?

The problem is finding someone simply walking home as suspicious.
The problem is finding someone simply walking home as suspicious.
Understand something. It doesn't make one squirt of piss difference whether police can articulate why someone is suspicious. Failure to comply with a lawful order IMMEDIATELY results in suspicion AND is a criminal act in and of itself.

Here are two scenarios:

Scenario 1:

Police: (looking for a suspect) FREEZE

Person Simply Walking: Dindu Nuffin (keeps walking like an idiot)

Police: Take him down

(gets booked and spends a night in jail)

Scenario 1A:

Police: Take him down

(fight breaks out)(person simply walking dies in a shootout)
(stupid family members cry on TV about dindu nuffin and justice)

Scenario 2:

Police: (looking for a suspect) FREEZE

Person Simply Walking: (freezes)

Police: Get on the ground

Person Simply Walking: (gets on the ground)

Police: (cuffs person simply walking) (ask) What are you doing here?

Person Simply Walking: Walking home

Police: Where are you coming from?

Person Simply Walking: The store 2 streets over

Police: When did you leave

Person Simply Walking: About 10 minutes ago

Police: Did you see this guy (shows photo)

Person Simply Walking: Yeah, he ran that way.

(3 minutes later)

Police: We caught the fleeing suspect. Thank you for cooperating. You are free to go. Have a nice evening.
There was nothing suspicious about this person. other than maybe being black. That is the whole point of this.

Typical leftist, when your argument is failing, run and grab your race card.

It works like this: Police are trained this way. They are trained to make sure every base is covered when they are in a situation for the safety of themselves and others. So let's say this black guy was working with the white guy. The cops ignore him, start working on arresting the white guy. Now the black guy pulls a gun and kills the two officers. Why are two officers dead? Because they didn't follow their training. They didn't make sure the black guy was checked out first. Had they done that, they'd be alive today.

I know you on the left embellish Thought Police, but we are not there yet. Cops can't read minds. That's why they ask for simple cooperation from people that may be involved in such a situation.

So now this lowlife sues the city. The city has to make changes in policy. Another situation similar to this happens, but the police are scared of the scrutiny they might face by making sure everybody that is involved or could be involved is cleared, and a police officer or two are killed because of it. I'm sure nothing would make you happier.

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