Take out Assad

Again.................especially to the Never Trumpers..........

Which I am not..................You kill Assad then What??

Show us your righteous strategy.................OH.........let's piss on Russia's leg...........

Nice.............such a Strategic Objective

The place is already an uninhabitable shithole. Might as well level the rest of it and put up warning signs around the border
Point taken...........it is a shithole.............with that I can agree on.........

Later statement..............that's on you not me.
Trump bombed Syria the last time he used gas, and he's going to do it again.

Good for Trump.

He's doing the right thing, despite his rube poorly educated base.
I am not buying the line that he gassed his own people. The last time there was no evidence (2017)...and the time before that (2013)...what makes this time different?

"Lost in the hyper-politicized hullabaloo surrounding the Nunes Memorandum and the Steele Dossier was the striking statement by Secretary of Defense James Mattis that the U.S. has “no evidence” that the Syrian government used the banned nerve agent Sarin against its own people.

This assertion flies in the face of the White House (NSC) Memorandum which was rapidly produced and declassified to justify an American Tomahawk missile strike against the Shayrat airbase in Syria.

Mattis offered no temporal qualifications, which means that both the 2017 event in Khan Sheikhoun and the 2013 tragedy in Ghouta are unsolved cases in the eyes of the Defense Department and Defense Intelligence Agency.

Mattis went on to acknowledge that “aid groups and others” had provided evidence and reports but stopped short of naming President Assad as the culprit."

Now Mattis admits there was no evidence Assad used poison gas on his people: Opinion

Yet...now?...after he (Assad) has been winning (ISIS control down >95% since 2014 peak) and Trump announced in March that he was pulling US troops out? Assad will suddenly decide to gas his own people AFTER being repeatedly warned against it...despite success? Come on...thinking caps.

Additionally, the Russians have been warning of FSA and Al Nusra elements of planning chemical attacks.

"MOSCOW, March 17 (KUNA) -- Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Col.-Gen. Sergei Rudskoy said the Syrian militant groups are planning for terrorist attacks with poisonous agents in the southern Daraa province.
"In the early March, the sabotage groups were deployed in the southern de-escalation zone near Daraa," he said at a joint press briefing with spokesman of the Russian Defense Ministry Maj.-Gen. Igor Konashenkov at the National Centre for State Defense Control on Saturday.
"Formations of so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) are located there. They are preparing provocations using explosive devices fitted with poisonous agents," he revealed.
"In the future, this fact will be used in order to accuse the (Syrian) government troops of using chemical weapons," Col.-Gen. Rudskoy claimed."

KUNA : Russia warns against poissible chemical attacks in Syria - Military - 17/03/2018

This is all a big scam.
Again.................especially to the Never Trumpers..........

Which I am not..................You kill Assad then What??

Show us your righteous strategy.................OH.........let's piss on Russia's leg...........

Nice.............such a Strategic Objective

The place is already an uninhabitable shithole. Might as well level the rest of it and put up warning signs around the border
Point taken...........it is a shithole.............with that I can agree on.........

Later statement..............that's on you not me.

Look, let me explain it to you:

It isn't about Syria. It's unfortunate that they are going to be smack dab in the middle of a shitstorm, but so was Korea and Vietnam.

From the time Donald Trump took office, he's been goaded, prodded, and bullied 24/7 by the left with their moronic sob story that he's soft on Putin. Think about what happens in schools sometimes when some poor SOB is so mercilessly bullied that ends up shooting the place up.

How would you react if you were being goaded by the left into proving that you're not in cahoots with some Russian dictator? Would you over-react? Would you over-compensate?

I'm telling you, man. Whatever happens within the next couple months is going to be on the left's heads. Remember the 1950's when a certain Senator from Wisconsin tried to warn us that Russia was trying to interfere in our political system? How did the elitist academic left-wingers react to that? They called him "Tailgunner Joe", they called him a right-wing wacko. They laughed and laughed, thinking that it was a big joke.

Except the last laugh will be on them. I hope they can still laugh when they're crawling out from underneath a pile of radioactive rubble that used to be the city they lived in. Because nobody else will be laughing much. They made their beds, so let them sleep in them.
This is the advice of Lindsey Graham...........another Career politician, RINO, and member of the swamp.

To take out a leader and ensure more and more chaos in Syria............with no group able to hold power after he's gone...............This is the insanity of some who would have the dang War go on forever.........

When you are forced to choose in the region............he has the best chance of Stability after ISIS is gone.......doesn't mean I like the SOB...............but he is the lesser of evils to me. To allow us to leave with some stability after we are gone...........

What is the mission there and exit strategy.................it doesn't seem to exist anymore.

Lindsey Graham: Take Out Assad

Thought we learned our lesson when we took out Saddam...
Again.................especially to the Never Trumpers..........

Which I am not..................You kill Assad then What??

Show us your righteous strategy.................OH.........let's piss on Russia's leg...........

Nice.............such a Strategic Objective

The place is already an uninhabitable shithole. Might as well level the rest of it and put up warning signs around the border
Point taken...........it is a shithole.............with that I can agree on.........

Later statement..............that's on you not me.

Look, let me explain it to you:

It isn't about Syria. It's unfortunate that they are going to be smack dab in the middle of a shitstorm, but so was Korea and Vietnam.

From the time Donald Trump took office, he's been goaded, prodded, and bullied 24/7 by the left with their moronic sob story that he's soft on Putin. Think about what happens in schools sometimes when some poor SOB is so mercilessly bullied that ends up shooting the place up.

How would you react if you were being goaded by the left into proving that you're not in cahoots with some Russian dictator? Would you over-react? Would you over-compensate?

I'm telling you, man. Whatever happens within the next couple months is going to be on the left's heads. Remember the 1950's when a certain Senator from Wisconsin tried to warn us that Russia was trying to interfere in our political system? How did the elitist academic left-wingers react to that? They called him "Tailgunner Joe", they called him a right-wing wacko. They laughed and laughed, thinking that it was a big joke.

Except the last laugh will be on them. I hope they can still laugh when they're crawling out from underneath a pile of radioactive rubble that used to be the city they lived in. Because nobody else will be laughing much. They made their beds, so let them sleep in them.
My Response

You are INSANE.
Again.................especially to the Never Trumpers..........

Which I am not..................You kill Assad then What??

Show us your righteous strategy.................OH.........let's piss on Russia's leg...........

Nice.............such a Strategic Objective

The place is already an uninhabitable shithole. Might as well level the rest of it and put up warning signs around the border
Point taken...........it is a shithole.............with that I can agree on.........

Later statement..............that's on you not me.

Look, let me explain it to you:

It isn't about Syria. It's unfortunate that they are going to be smack dab in the middle of a shitstorm, but so was Korea and Vietnam.

From the time Donald Trump took office, he's been goaded, prodded, and bullied 24/7 by the left with their moronic sob story that he's soft on Putin. Think about what happens in schools sometimes when some poor SOB is so mercilessly bullied that ends up shooting the place up.

How would you react if you were being goaded by the left into proving that you're not in cahoots with some Russian dictator? Would you over-react? Would you over-compensate?

I'm telling you, man. Whatever happens within the next couple months is going to be on the left's heads. Remember the 1950's when a certain Senator from Wisconsin tried to warn us that Russia was trying to interfere in our political system? How did the elitist academic left-wingers react to that? They called him "Tailgunner Joe", they called him a right-wing wacko. They laughed and laughed, thinking that it was a big joke.

Except the last laugh will be on them. I hope they can still laugh when they're crawling out from underneath a pile of radioactive rubble that used to be the city they lived in. Because nobody else will be laughing much. They made their beds, so let them sleep in them.
My Response

You are INSANE.

Well what can I say? These are crazy times we're living in. I didn't make it that way.
Again.................especially to the Never Trumpers..........

Which I am not..................You kill Assad then What??

Show us your righteous strategy.................OH.........let's piss on Russia's leg...........

Nice.............such a Strategic Objective

The place is already an uninhabitable shithole. Might as well level the rest of it and put up warning signs around the border
Point taken...........it is a shithole.............with that I can agree on.........

Later statement..............that's on you not me.

Look, let me explain it to you:

It isn't about Syria. It's unfortunate that they are going to be smack dab in the middle of a shitstorm, but so was Korea and Vietnam.

From the time Donald Trump took office, he's been goaded, prodded, and bullied 24/7 by the left with their moronic sob story that he's soft on Putin. Think about what happens in schools sometimes when some poor SOB is so mercilessly bullied that ends up shooting the place up.

How would you react if you were being goaded by the left into proving that you're not in cahoots with some Russian dictator? Would you over-react? Would you over-compensate?

I'm telling you, man. Whatever happens within the next couple months is going to be on the left's heads. Remember the 1950's when a certain Senator from Wisconsin tried to warn us that Russia was trying to interfere in our political system? How did the elitist academic left-wingers react to that? They called him "Tailgunner Joe", they called him a right-wing wacko. They laughed and laughed, thinking that it was a big joke.

Except the last laugh will be on them. I hope they can still laugh when they're crawling out from underneath a pile of radioactive rubble that used to be the city they lived in. Because nobody else will be laughing much. They made their beds, so let them sleep in them.
My Response

You are INSANE.

Well what can I say? These are crazy times we're living in. I didn't make it that way.
Let them sleep in them..................Nuclear Armagedon..........

I restate you are INSANE

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