Taxing The Rich

do they Willingly pass any of the profit down to their employees who keep the whole thing running?

Yes, they do. They pay their empoyees market wages. We know that because they have employees. Every one of the millions of WalMart employee got their best job offer from Walmart. No one turned down a better offer to work there.

You thought Walmart employees work for free? What is wrong with you? Of course you didn't think that

they do what business does best make money for the owners. so they install self check out, SHOPPERS do the work for free that checkers got paid for, then you install robots to roll down the isle & check product. so there is another job gone

And you encourage them to do that by making the cost of hiring employees higher for the same employee. Think about it

Sometimes in small towns these are most of the only jobs around. Am not saying if this is wrong or right, All over the middle of the country small towns are dead or dying. The cost of everything has gone up. more people are low income. Am not seeing the benefit to average working people of tax cuts for the rich with the exception of them putting more money in the pockets of All our politicians to buy how they want things run.

That's because you don't know anything about economics. When you take more money from employers, we have less money to hire people and there are fewer jobs. We actually have the same interests. It's your class warfare that's killing jobs
re the science ECONOMICS------had I majored in ECONOMICS in college----I KNOW, I would have had a PERFECT grade point average. I Aced every "sociology" (ugh) course I attended. -----however, sociology
books are, at least READABLE (good for casual reading---like "stories")-------"economics" seems, to me to be as dull as banking..... local
to the society that USES a particular form like a
local craft. I DO NOT BELIEVE the "theories"
put forth by ECONOMISTS like Bakunin or
Marx or Edward Bellamy-----and MOST ESPECIALLY by----alexandra ocasio cortez.
--nor does her gradepoint average impress
me------if I can do it, anybody can do it

I've used nothing but "supply-and-demand" ... find a product in high demand and supply it ... starting with construction work of the highest quality workmanship ... The Rich want this for repairs on their $10 million homes and happily pay whatever I asked ... I never reached my goal of 12 customers, but I did well enough until the rental opportunity in a chronic housing shortage area ... huge demand for any rental, strict laws preventing any new rentals be built ... the perfect supply-and-demand situation ... [ka'ching] ...

""THE RICH"" as in---WHO???? whom one sees as "RICH" is highly relative-----to all sorts of factors. including pseudo "race" The US is headed for a REAL--real-estate disaster.
The dearly beloved "LEADER" of my town has
declared any person OWNING real-estate as being FAR TOO RICH and obligated to house anyone who does not like to pay rent----and provide all kinds of services including psychiatry in the clinic owned by his wife
do they Willingly pass any of the profit down to their employees who keep the whole thing running?

Yes, they do. They pay their empoyees market wages. We know that because they have employees. Every one of the millions of WalMart employee got their best job offer from Walmart. No one turned down a better offer to work there.

You thought Walmart employees work for free? What is wrong with you? Of course you didn't think that

they do what business does best make money for the owners. so they install self check out, SHOPPERS do the work for free that checkers got paid for, then you install robots to roll down the isle & check product. so there is another job gone

And you encourage them to do that by making the cost of hiring employees higher for the same employee. Think about it

Sometimes in small towns these are most of the only jobs around. Am not saying if this is wrong or right, All over the middle of the country small towns are dead or dying. The cost of everything has gone up. more people are low income. Am not seeing the benefit to average working people of tax cuts for the rich with the exception of them putting more money in the pockets of All our politicians to buy how they want things run.

That's because you don't know anything about economics. When you take more money from employers, we have less money to hire people and there are fewer jobs. We actually have the same interests. It's your class warfare that's killing jobs
do they Willingly pass any of the profit down to their employees who keep the whole thing running?

Yes, they do. They pay their empoyees market wages. We know that because they have employees. Every one of the millions of WalMart employee got their best job offer from Walmart. No one turned down a better offer to work there.

You thought Walmart employees work for free? What is wrong with you? Of course you didn't think that

they do what business does best make money for the owners. so they install self check out, SHOPPERS do the work for free that checkers got paid for, then you install robots to roll down the isle & check product. so there is another job gone

And you encourage them to do that by making the cost of hiring employees higher for the same employee. Think about it

Sometimes in small towns these are most of the only jobs around. Am not saying if this is wrong or right, All over the middle of the country small towns are dead or dying. The cost of everything has gone up. more people are low income. Am not seeing the benefit to average working people of tax cuts for the rich with the exception of them putting more money in the pockets of All our politicians to buy how they want things run.

That's because you don't know anything about economics. When you take more money from employers, we have less money to hire people and there are fewer jobs. We actually have the same interests. It's your class warfare that's killing jobs
If jobs can be easily automated, do we really need those low wage jobs in our first world economy?
If you incorporate on a for-profit basis you are required by law to try to achieve a profit. Government has the social authority to move the goal posts. You have to re-consider your bottom line to make a profit.

I don't know what this has to do with inflation ...

Raise worker expense, we must raise revenue ... in order to maintain the same "bottom line" ... or add margins and increase our bottom line ... if the bottom lines decrease, we shut our doors, not worth the risk ...

Inflationary ...
Can you show some evidence that when the minimum wage is raised all wages go up? Do you really believe that?

That kind of happened when unions were big in this country. During good economic times, when union workers got a raise, the rest of industry had to offer better pay to compete with union shops to attract good workers. Wages went up, costs went up. Wages went up again, costs went up again. Eventually we priced ourselves right out of the world market, and that's why most of our stuff is made in China and other countries.

If you worked at a company for ten years and now make $18.00 an hour, after all your work, everything you learned throughout the years, are you gong to stand working for only three bucks an hour over minimum wage? You simply can't do that. Because minimum wage went so high, it creates inflation. That means your cost of living is going to go much higher. If you don't demand more, you are going to lose out.
Someone gets the notion that they can, for want of a better analogy, build a better mouse trap, or tea kettle. They start tinkering around in there garage, and lo! success! They move on to manufacturing and marketing, soon, (gasp in horror) they're rich! It all started with an idea. My friends, we need to ban ideas.
So you've heard myths and fables to that effect too? Ya know who really patents things anymore? Who patents improvements on things? In what century did your great idea first get patented?
No. 37,433. Patented Jan. '27, 1863.

u ruins. "Mo-Lithograph. wumn m ac.



Geniuses and great inventors tend to go nuts and die broke. There's only one Elon Musk for a reason. There's no one else like him.
Is a cycle of life and economics....We the people have to put laws in place that are fair. No one should or need to amass billions of dollars from a business while most of his workers are making minimum wage for starters.

I know people that own multiple businesses and mansions and they brag that they pay little to no taxes just like trump.

I seem to recall you telling me you do very well financially, so let me ask: When you get your car repaired and they charge you $1,200, do you give them $1,400 because you want their workers paid well? If your plumber replaced your toilet for $350.00, do you give him $500.00 because you want to make sure he can afford healthcare?

Most everybody pays the least for labor they can regardless of how much or how little money you have. Provided you get the same quality of work, you are going to in most cases always go for the cheaper price. Industry does the exact same thing you and I do. Why would you pay somebody $12.00 an hour when their labor is only worth $8.00 an hour? It doesn't matter how much money you have or how much profit your company makes. That's all the job is worth, and that's what you will pay unless you can't find people to accept the job for that pay.

You as an employer cannot make your employees labor anymore valuable than it is. Your employees have to do that themselves. Companies don't determine what your value is, you do. If you believe your company is making too much on your labor, you can find a better job, or buy stock in your company to share in those profits you help create.
If you incorporate on a for-profit basis you are required by law to try to achieve a profit. Government has the social authority to move the goal posts. You have to re-consider your bottom line to make a profit.

I don't know what this has to do with inflation ...

Raise worker expense, we must raise revenue ... in order to maintain the same "bottom line" ... or add margins and increase our bottom line ... if the bottom lines decrease, we shut our doors, not worth the risk ...

Inflationary ...
Inflation happens all the time. You merely indulge special pleading with wages. Why have wages not kept up with inflation?
Can you show some evidence that when the minimum wage is raised all wages go up? Do you really believe that?

That kind of happened when unions were big in this country. During good economic times, when union workers got a raise, the rest of industry had to offer better pay to compete with union shops to attract good workers. Wages went up, costs went up. Wages went up again, costs went up again. Eventually we priced ourselves right out of the world market, and that's why most of our stuff is made in China and other countries.

If you worked at a company for ten years and now make $18.00 an hour, after all your work, everything you learned throughout the years, are you gong to stand working for only three bucks an hour over minimum wage? You simply can't do that. Because minimum wage went so high, it creates inflation. That means your cost of living is going to go much higher. If you don't demand more, you are going to lose out.
Only because Congress did not enact a tariff on Labor from firms going out of State for cheaper labor; if what firms paid was the same regardless, they would not have moved to countries merely for cheap labor; we have our first world economy to consider.
The last thing America needs is a well paid work force.

And I bet you're the first person to sift through products to make sure you get the cheapest one. If you don't think people are getting paid enough, open your own company, produce the exact same products, and pay your employees much better. Let's see how long your company stays open.
Back when America was great, they didn’t have to pay the help at all.

Those were the good old days.
""THE RICH"" as in---WHO???? whom one sees as "RICH" is highly relative-----to all sorts of factors. including pseudo "race" The US is headed for a REAL--real-estate disaster.
The dearly beloved "LEADER" of my town has
declared any person OWNING real-estate as being FAR TOO RICH and obligated to house anyone who does not like to pay rent----and provide all kinds of services including psychiatry in the clinic owned by his wife

The Rich as measured by the tax forms they file with the IRS every year ... if one staples their W-2's to a Form 1040EZ, they are Poor ... if one staples their W-2's and 1099's to a Form 1040A, they are Middle Class ... if one has 300 to 500 forms under their "long form" 1040, they are Rich ...

Which tax form do you think your elected officials fill out? ...

I self-identify as "Lower Upper Class" ... I start on the back of the 1040 and on the line labeled "Tax" I write a zero, then work backwards filling out all the forms I need to in order to make it all legit and legal ... usually 12 to 15 forms ... it's a skill set, worth your time to learn ...
Democrats are the party of PUNISHMENT! If you work hard and are successful you are to be PUNISHED for it. If you dare earn more than others Democrats steal your money and redistribute it. Here's an idea why don't the millions of fat lazy ass mooching deadbeats get up off their big fat lard asses, work a job and pay their own damn bills.
Democrats are the party of PUNISHMENT! If you work hard and are successful you are to be PUNISHED for it. If you dare earn more than others Democrats steal your money and redistribute it. Here's an idea why don't the millions of fat lazy ass mooching deadbeats get up off their big fat lard asses, work a job and pay their own damn bills.

Democrats are the party of PUNISHMENT! If you work hard and are successful you are to be PUNISHED for it. If you dare earn more than others Democrats steal your money and redistribute it. Here's an idea why don't the millions of fat lazy ass mooching deadbeats get up off their big fat lard asses, work a job and pay their own damn bills.
that reminds me of communism a lot
Tax the billionaires big time. Or prevent them from buying government favors and protection. Or both.
you really think that will make a difference, they will just have less money to invest in business that creates jobs .
This is what cons don’t get. They completely fail to understand the heinous nature of the ultra wealthy, when the corrupt federal government is for sale to the highest bidder. Will they ever comprehend?
Laugh of the week:

Neighbor, long retired, has run up huge credit card debt and finally decided to earn some money to pay it down.

Extreme liberal person. Absolutely hates (as only a true liberal can hate) Walmart and calls people who shop there "crazy".

Said neighbor applied for and got a job at Walmart this week. I questioned whether that was hypocricy. Of course denied; defended by saying "I'm glad to take their money away from them." But I won't buy anything there. Just take their money.

So, I had to ask.....if the person would still do that if there was an employee discount.

I'm still waiting for an answer.

Person fled the room shreiking about how unfair that question was.

Liberals - who needs stand-up comics when we have an excess of those critters?

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