Taxing The Rich

And I bet you're the first person to sift through products to make sure you get the cheapest one. If you don't think people are getting paid enough, open your own company, produce the exact same products, and pay your employees much better. Let's see how long your company stays open.

Oregon used to have some manner of "Bacon-Davis" wage requirements for construction workers on government buildings ... union scale, about double the Free Market wages ... we had the very best workers on those sites, most skilled, most talented ... best buildings in town ... worker productivity out the roof, owners got rich fast ... Bigger Government is always better ...
Laugh of the week:

Neighbor, long retired, has run up huge credit card debt and finally decided to earn some money to pay it down.

Extreme liberal person. Absolutely hates (as only a true liberal can hate) Walmart and calls people who shop there "crazy".

Said neighbor applied for and got a job at Walmart this week. I questioned whether that was hypocricy. Of course denied; defended by saying "I'm glad to take their money away from them." But I won't buy anything there. Just take their money.

So, I had to ask.....if the person would still do that if there was an employee discount.

I'm still waiting for an answer.

Person fled the room shreiking about how unfair that question was.

Liberals - who needs stand-up comics when we have an excess of those critters?

HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ... I'm a liberal too, but that is funny ... fucking Republicans won't let him bankrupt out from underneath credit card debt ... typical hippy ...

My son works at WalMart and laughs in my face when he brags about how good he's getting at selling the American Economy out to the Commies in China ... just roars with laughter ... damn rebel ...
Oregon used to have some manner of "Bacon-Davis" wage requirements for construction workers on government buildings ... union scale, about double the Free Market wages ... we had the very best workers on those sites, most skilled, most talented ... best buildings in town ... worker productivity out the roof, owners got rich fast ... Bigger Government is always better ...

Trust me, union workers do not equate to the best workers. I'm from a construction family. My father got me to join the bricklayers union when I was much younger. Couldn't stand construction so I went into the transportation industry. Speaking of which, if I went to a company I knew nothing about for a delivery, didn't talk to anybody about their company, I could tell you within five minutes if they were union or not. In fact the company I worked for had a policy of not going to any of the UAW auto plants for that reason. He just didn't have ability to have a driver in one place for six hours whereas most places can have you unloaded between 20 and 40 minutes.

Big government is better? Sure, they will pay top dollar because it's not their money they are wasting--it's ours, so they don't care. Years ago in my suburb they had new schools built. With financial help from the state, they had it figured out to the penny. Construction started, and the unions copped a bitch because it was non-union companies doing the work. They had to pay prevailing wage which of course broke our budget big time. Guess who had to pay for that? That's right, we taxpayers.

When I pay for insurance for my buildings, the insurance company has to set their rates according to what it would cost if I had a total loss and it had to be rebuilt. They use union wages to figure that cost out, and it doesn't matter if you hire a union company or not. Thanks to unions, all of us have to pay higher insurance costs as well.
Democrats are the party of PUNISHMENT! If you work hard and are successful you are to be PUNISHED for it. If you dare earn more than others Democrats steal your money and redistribute it. Here's an idea why don't the millions of fat lazy ass mooching deadbeats get up off their big fat lard asses, work a job and pay their own damn bills.

That's the Democrat motto: Punish success and reward failure.
You are all over the place. What is the number one destination country for immigrants?
Ten million migrants fleeing Iraq and Syria; which country is responsible for their plight? In 2015 the US was the number one destination for all global immigrants which is only fair since the US military is responsible for the conditions leading to mass migration and death.

Total Immigrant and Emigrant Populations by Country
HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ... I'm a liberal too, but that is funny ... fucking Republicans won't let him bankrupt out from underneath credit card debt ... typical hippy ...

My son works at WalMart and laughs in my face when he brags about how good he's getting at selling the American Economy out to the Commies in China ... just roars with laughter ... damn rebel ...
Urgent you seek out a responsible adult who can explain to you the concept of "hypocrisy".
Democrats are the party of PUNISHMENT! If you work hard and are successful you are to be PUNISHED for it. If you dare earn more than others Democrats steal your money and redistribute it. Here's an idea why don't the millions of fat lazy ass mooching deadbeats get up off their big fat lard asses, work a job and pay their own damn bills.

That's the Democrat motto: Punish success and reward failure.
Wrong as usual. The D motto is the same as the R motto, which is enrich the rich at the expense of all other Americans.
Trust me, union workers do not equate to the best workers. I'm from a construction family. My father got me to join the bricklayers union when I was much younger. Couldn't stand construction so I went into the transportation industry. Speaking of which, if I went to a company I knew nothing about for a delivery, didn't talk to anybody about their company, I could tell you within five minutes if they were union or not. In fact the company I worked for had a policy of not going to any of the UAW auto plants for that reason. He just didn't have ability to have a driver in one place for six hours whereas most places can have you unloaded between 20 and 40 minutes.

You misunderstood me ... I said "union scale" ... not "union membership" ... Oregon is a "Right to Work" State, I'm sure from your own experience you know how easy it is to set up a scab operation ... most construction unions were as close to moribund as to make no difference ... we're not getting union scale unless we're working on prevailing wage jobs ( = "Bacon-Davis" (?) ) ... employers can pick and choose who they hire; and for double wages, only the very best get hired ... or those skilled at nagging HR Directors until they just hire you rather than hear about it anymore ...

Big government is better? Sure, they will pay top dollar because it's not their money they are wasting--it's ours, so they don't care. Years ago in my suburb they had new schools built. With financial help from the state, they had it figured out to the penny. Construction started, and the unions copped a bitch because it was non-union companies doing the work. They had to pay prevailing wage which of course broke our budget big time. Guess who had to pay for that? That's right, we taxpayers.

How is it the school district didn't know they had to pay prevailing wages? ... that doesn't make sense, if they HAD to pay prevailing wages, then there was a written law saying so ... yeesh, figured to the penny if and only if no one notices they're breaking the law sense is the school board didn't think the actual cost would pass the voters, and so low-balled the amount to get passage ... then, oops, we made a small mistake ...

When I pay for insurance for my buildings, the insurance company has to set their rates according to what it would cost if I had a total loss and it had to be rebuilt. They use union wages to figure that cost out, and it doesn't matter if you hire a union company or not. Thanks to unions, all of us have to pay higher insurance costs as well.

I've never held a replacement cost policy, only cash value policies ... kept me out of bankruptcy court until I recovered ... couple of total losses, part and parcel of being a landlord ... my advantage was not paying for labor at all to rebuild ... until the county caught me doing the wiring ... [giggle] ...

Labor unions served an important function back in the day ... things that are now covered by government ... OHSA and overtime rules for example ... today these unions have morphed into Guilds ... electricians are a good example, they create an artificially difficult path to get a license, which keeps numbers down, and wages up ... the landlords in the legislature are all for this, they just raise rents to cover the extra expense (plus margins) ... the trade is locked up tight, no way to break it open ... the only way to become an electrician is if your father was an electrician ...
Democrats are the party of PUNISHMENT! If you work hard and are successful you are to be PUNISHED for it. If you dare earn more than others Democrats steal your money and redistribute it. Here's an idea why don't the millions of fat lazy ass mooching deadbeats get up off their big fat lard asses, work a job and pay their own damn bills.

That's the Democrat motto: Punish success and reward failure.

No surprise just look at Biden and congressional Dems lifelong taxpayer moochers.
How is it the school district didn't know they had to pay prevailing wages? ... that doesn't make sense, if they HAD to pay prevailing wages, then there was a written law saying so ... yeesh, figured to the penny if and only if no one notices they're breaking the law sense is the school board didn't think the actual cost would pass the voters, and so low-balled the amount to get passage ... then, oops, we made a small mistake ...

It was quite a few years ago so I don't know that they even had to by law. But for whatever reason, they caved to the unions. Of course it's all Democrats over here.

I've never held a replacement cost policy, only cash value policies ... kept me out of bankruptcy court until I recovered ... couple of total losses, part and parcel of being a landlord ... my advantage was not paying for labor at all to rebuild ... until the county caught me doing the wiring ... [giggle] ...

Labor unions served an important function back in the day ... things that are now covered by government ... OHSA and overtime rules for example ... today these unions have morphed into Guilds ... electricians are a good example, they create an artificially difficult path to get a license, which keeps numbers down, and wages up ... the landlords in the legislature are all for this, they just raise rents to cover the extra expense (plus margins) ... the trade is locked up tight, no way to break it open ... the only way to become an electrician is if your father was an electrician

It's law here that you have to have total replacement coverage, plus it's also the bank policy if you have a mortgage out on the properties. I do everything possible to avoid rent increases. It's my experience that the more reasonable the rent, the longer good tenants stay. It's empty units that kill me. Plus in our suburb, it's law that each unit has to be inspected and approved by the city before any new tenant can move in, and no matter how many times a unit was inspected, the next inspector always finds something wrong, or the city or state creates new requirements. It's just a huge pain in the ass. The inspection fee is $250.00.

On average my tenants stay with me anywhere from 5 to 10 years. My longest residing tenant has been here 10 years now, and he isn't moving anytime soon. He may outlive me, who knows? I only increase my rents with new tenants, and if they too are good tenants, I freeze their rent as well if at all possible.

I don't know about where you live, but to be an electrician here, all you have to do is pass the state test. According to my cousin who is a remodeler, the test is nothing more than knowing all the state codes.
Wrong as usual. The D motto is the same as the R motto, which is enrich the rich at the expense of all other Americans.

The rich don't become rich by the government, they become rich by their hard work unless they inherited their wealth or hit a lottery.
You are all over the place. What is the number one destination country for immigrants?
Ten million migrants fleeing Iraq and Syria; which country is responsible for their plight? In 2015 the US was the number one destination for all global immigrants which is only fair since the US military is responsible for the conditions leading to mass migration and death.

Total Immigrant and Emigrant Populations by Country

Bullshit. Another “blame America first” theory on Middle East immigrants from already war-torn, oppressed countries. How about all of the non whites choosing to come to US from Central and South America, Asia, and Africa? You going to blame all of that on US too?
Wrong as usual. The D motto is the same as the R motto, which is enrich the rich at the expense of all other Americans.

The rich don't become rich by the government, they become rich by their hard work unless they inherited their wealth or hit a lottery.
Then after becoming rich, they use government to gain more wealth and protection. It’s a racket, but you’re blind to it.
Bullshit. Another “blame America first” theory on Middle East immigrants from already war-torn, oppressed countries. How about all of the non whites choosing to come to US from Central and South America, Asia, and Africa? You going to blame all of that on US too?
What part of this are you confused about?

It was US troops that produced war-torn countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Central American asylum seekers are fleeing violence stemming from US meddling in countries like Honduras.

How Pentagon Officials May Have Encouraged a 2009 Coup in Honduras
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Bullshit. Another “blame America first” theory on Middle East immigrants from already war-torn, oppressed countries. How about all of the non whites choosing to come to US from Central and South America, Asia, and Africa? You going to blame all of that on US too?
What part of this are you confused about?

It was US troops that produced war-torn countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Central American asylum seekers are fleeing violence stemming from US meddling in countries like Honduras.

How Pentagon Officials May Have Encouraged a 2009 Coup in Honduras

Correct. Every single problem in the world today is our fault. Maybe Biden will go on an apology tour?
Then after becoming rich, they use government to gain more wealth and protection. It’s a racket, but you’re blind to it.

Protection from what? They don't need protection unless you're talking about being protected from the Democrat party.

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