Taxing The Rich

It's a stupid rebuttal because they already review their accounting all the time. In fact, they have accountants do it for them. They already know how much a job costs them and how much it contributes to the bottom line. IOW, nonsense.
You have no sense. Government can move the goal posts merely by fixing new Standards.
Not without real world consequences. That's when your fantasy world falls apart.
Right wingers don't care. Our Big Government nanny-Statism known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are proof.
You can't defeat reality just by wishing. That means you can't arbitrarily force companies to pay higher wages and expect nothing else to change. That's not a rightwing thing, it's a reality thing. Rightwingers just acknowledge reality.
Right wingers are worse with their socialism on a national basis they don't even want to pay for.

No one is is claiming nothing will change. Higher paid labor creates more in demand and generate more in tax revenue. Wages should outpace inflation on an Institutional basis since capitalism is not that efficient.
The point is you cannot do it arbitrarily because the value of goods and services are what the customer agrees to pay, not what a bureaucrat thinks it should be. Here is why. I asked you a few times already and you have failed to answer, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Please answer that honestly, if you can.
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful. We use arbitrary fiat money.
Which doesn't change the reality that everything is linked. If you dictate that a job costs the employer twice what it did, he has to adjust something somewhere because paying his employees more doesn't earn him any more sales or any more income. The money has to come from somewhere, so from where will it come?

Now, since you seem determined to ignore it, I'll ask again, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Answer that question honestly.
You are special pleading. MInimum wage labor is only a small percent of the total work force. And, inflation happens regardless, it is not only more people spending more money that causes inflation.
Stop being ignorant. Most American workers earn less than $20/hr. Raise the MW overnight to $15/hr and the majority of the workforce, tens of millions of people, would be demanding big raises or quitting because it just wouldn't be worth putting in the time and effort to qualify for double or triple the MW, only to see it become MW overnight. The entire labor market would be effected.

Now, answer the question that you keep dodging, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Be specific. If you won't answer this time, I will answer for you, and I will demolish your argument.
An Institutional upward pressure on wages, what a concept under our form of Capitalism.
Okay, since you won't answer the question, I'll tell you why we don't set the MW to $100/hr and eliminate poverty. We don't because it would not work. All it would do is destroy most jobs because they simply are not worth that much and it would raise the prices of goods and services completely out of reach of all but the most wealthy. It stands to reason, therefore, that raising the MW does have a negative impact on jobs and prices, it's only a matter of degree. You don't want to answer the question honestly because you want to maintain your hold on the fiction that government can set arbitrary wages with impunity and there would be no impact as a result of them doing so. That is false, and like I said, it's only a matter of degree. Keep MW small enough and raise it slowly enough and the market can adjust while new jobs come online to replace the ones lost. Do it too far too fast like you want to, and you overload the system. Bad news.
Your point? Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror don't work and only increase the cost of Big Government nanny-State. Your special pleading means nothing. Economics already has technical terms for metrics, unlike right wingers who merely "make up their gospel Truth" on Parler. Purchasing power parity. The minimum wage being raised so drastically includes a cost of living adjustment. If the minimum wage had been keeping up with inflation under our form of Capitalism it would not be necessary now. It seems to me capitalists have a good excuse to ask for a tax break to help with that cost adjustment.
My point is that I just clearly explained to you why you can't drastically raise the MW and expect to have no consequences. And I apparently broke you, because you reverted back to blargle.
Taxing the job producers and investors is a dumbass thing to do.

You take the money that would have been spent in the productive economy and put it in the hands of stupid non caring bureaucrats, whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.

Liberals are dumb as door knobs. Of course that is the greedy Marxist asshole's mantra to punish those that have more money than they have.
Where is all the prosperity from all these tax cuts?

We did damn good until Biden's Chicom buddies fucked us with their virus. The best economy this country ever had thanks to Trump's tax cuts, renegotiating trade deals and cutting regulations

Of course Hunter Biden's cocaine dealer made out pretty well, didn't he?

If his Daddy becomes President Hunter's cocaine dealer, the Chicoms and Obama's Mullah buddies will be living grand, won't they?

The American people are fucked but the Biden crime family will be set up as good as the Clinton crime family, won't they?
You have some imagination. It was an economy fueled by debt, and it never even hit 3%.
It's a stupid rebuttal because they already review their accounting all the time. In fact, they have accountants do it for them. They already know how much a job costs them and how much it contributes to the bottom line. IOW, nonsense.
You have no sense. Government can move the goal posts merely by fixing new Standards.
Not without real world consequences. That's when your fantasy world falls apart.
Right wingers don't care. Our Big Government nanny-Statism known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are proof.
You can't defeat reality just by wishing. That means you can't arbitrarily force companies to pay higher wages and expect nothing else to change. That's not a rightwing thing, it's a reality thing. Rightwingers just acknowledge reality.
Right wingers are worse with their socialism on a national basis they don't even want to pay for.

No one is is claiming nothing will change. Higher paid labor creates more in demand and generate more in tax revenue. Wages should outpace inflation on an Institutional basis since capitalism is not that efficient.
The point is you cannot do it arbitrarily because the value of goods and services are what the customer agrees to pay, not what a bureaucrat thinks it should be. Here is why. I asked you a few times already and you have failed to answer, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Please answer that honestly, if you can.
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful. We use arbitrary fiat money.
Which doesn't change the reality that everything is linked. If you dictate that a job costs the employer twice what it did, he has to adjust something somewhere because paying his employees more doesn't earn him any more sales or any more income. The money has to come from somewhere, so from where will it come?

Now, since you seem determined to ignore it, I'll ask again, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Answer that question honestly.
You are special pleading. MInimum wage labor is only a small percent of the total work force. And, inflation happens regardless, it is not only more people spending more money that causes inflation.
Stop being ignorant. Most American workers earn less than $20/hr. Raise the MW overnight to $15/hr and the majority of the workforce, tens of millions of people, would be demanding big raises or quitting because it just wouldn't be worth putting in the time and effort to qualify for double or triple the MW, only to see it become MW overnight. The entire labor market would be effected.

Now, answer the question that you keep dodging, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Be specific. If you won't answer this time, I will answer for you, and I will demolish your argument.
We wouldn’t need min wage increases if our markets were not broken. Too many near monopolies...
It's a stupid rebuttal because they already review their accounting all the time. In fact, they have accountants do it for them. They already know how much a job costs them and how much it contributes to the bottom line. IOW, nonsense.
You have no sense. Government can move the goal posts merely by fixing new Standards.
Not without real world consequences. That's when your fantasy world falls apart.
Right wingers don't care. Our Big Government nanny-Statism known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are proof.
You can't defeat reality just by wishing. That means you can't arbitrarily force companies to pay higher wages and expect nothing else to change. That's not a rightwing thing, it's a reality thing. Rightwingers just acknowledge reality.
Right wingers are worse with their socialism on a national basis they don't even want to pay for.

No one is is claiming nothing will change. Higher paid labor creates more in demand and generate more in tax revenue. Wages should outpace inflation on an Institutional basis since capitalism is not that efficient.
The point is you cannot do it arbitrarily because the value of goods and services are what the customer agrees to pay, not what a bureaucrat thinks it should be. Here is why. I asked you a few times already and you have failed to answer, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Please answer that honestly, if you can.
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful. We use arbitrary fiat money.
Which doesn't change the reality that everything is linked. If you dictate that a job costs the employer twice what it did, he has to adjust something somewhere because paying his employees more doesn't earn him any more sales or any more income. The money has to come from somewhere, so from where will it come?

Now, since you seem determined to ignore it, I'll ask again, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Answer that question honestly.
You are special pleading. MInimum wage labor is only a small percent of the total work force. And, inflation happens regardless, it is not only more people spending more money that causes inflation.
Stop being ignorant. Most American workers earn less than $20/hr. Raise the MW overnight to $15/hr and the majority of the workforce, tens of millions of people, would be demanding big raises or quitting because it just wouldn't be worth putting in the time and effort to qualify for double or triple the MW, only to see it become MW overnight. The entire labor market would be effected.

Now, answer the question that you keep dodging, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Be specific. If you won't answer this time, I will answer for you, and I will demolish your argument.
We wouldn’t need min wage increases if our markets were not broken. Too many near monopolies...
Regardless of why we have a MW, the point remains that you simply can't raise it too far too fast and expect no consequences.
It's a stupid rebuttal because they already review their accounting all the time. In fact, they have accountants do it for them. They already know how much a job costs them and how much it contributes to the bottom line. IOW, nonsense.
You have no sense. Government can move the goal posts merely by fixing new Standards.
Not without real world consequences. That's when your fantasy world falls apart.
Right wingers don't care. Our Big Government nanny-Statism known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are proof.
You can't defeat reality just by wishing. That means you can't arbitrarily force companies to pay higher wages and expect nothing else to change. That's not a rightwing thing, it's a reality thing. Rightwingers just acknowledge reality.
Right wingers are worse with their socialism on a national basis they don't even want to pay for.

No one is is claiming nothing will change. Higher paid labor creates more in demand and generate more in tax revenue. Wages should outpace inflation on an Institutional basis since capitalism is not that efficient.
The point is you cannot do it arbitrarily because the value of goods and services are what the customer agrees to pay, not what a bureaucrat thinks it should be. Here is why. I asked you a few times already and you have failed to answer, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Please answer that honestly, if you can.
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful. We use arbitrary fiat money.
Which doesn't change the reality that everything is linked. If you dictate that a job costs the employer twice what it did, he has to adjust something somewhere because paying his employees more doesn't earn him any more sales or any more income. The money has to come from somewhere, so from where will it come?

Now, since you seem determined to ignore it, I'll ask again, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Answer that question honestly.
You are special pleading. MInimum wage labor is only a small percent of the total work force. And, inflation happens regardless, it is not only more people spending more money that causes inflation.
Stop being ignorant. Most American workers earn less than $20/hr. Raise the MW overnight to $15/hr and the majority of the workforce, tens of millions of people, would be demanding big raises or quitting because it just wouldn't be worth putting in the time and effort to qualify for double or triple the MW, only to see it become MW overnight. The entire labor market would be effected.

Now, answer the question that you keep dodging, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Be specific. If you won't answer this time, I will answer for you, and I will demolish your argument.
We wouldn’t need min wage increases if our markets were not broken. Too many near monopolies...
Regardless of why we have a MW, the point remains that you simply can't raise it too far too fast and expect no consequences.
Yes. But it seems important that the market is broken. We had really low unemployment and wages barely moved. Too much collusion and near monopolies. If we don’t fix our markets MW will keep increasing.
We wouldn’t need min wage increases if our markets were not broken. Too many near monopolies...

We always had a minimum wage as long as I've been alive. We didn't have this broken market you speak of 50 years ago. What we have today is a lot of kids on dope, and better paying jobs drug test. So they work for minimum wage instead of putting down the bowl. They don't need a MW increase, they need to start taking responsibility for their lives, quit dope, learn a skill or trade, and make themselves worth better money.
We wouldn’t need min wage increases if our markets were not broken. Too many near monopolies...

We always had a minimum wage as long as I've been alive. We didn't have this broken market you speak of 50 years ago. What we have today is a lot of kids on dope, and better paying jobs drug test. So they work for minimum wage instead of putting down the bowl. They don't need a MW increase, they need to start taking responsibility for their lives, quit dope, learn a skill or trade, and make themselves worth better money.
Why so many Poor CEOs?

From 1978 to 2018, CEO compensation grew by 1,007.5% (940.3% under the options-realized measure), far outstripping S&P stock market growth (706.7%) and the wage growth of very high earners (339.2%). In contrast, wages for the typical worker grew by just 11.9%.--
We wouldn’t need min wage increases if our markets were not broken. Too many near monopolies...

We always had a minimum wage as long as I've been alive. We didn't have this broken market you speak of 50 years ago. What we have today is a lot of kids on dope, and better paying jobs drug test. So they work for minimum wage instead of putting down the bowl. They don't need a MW increase, they need to start taking responsibility for their lives, quit dope, learn a skill or trade, and make themselves worth better money.
So you choose to ignore we had really low unemployment and wages barely moved? The wage gains we got were mostly from MW hikes... real wage gains may get people to take better jobs.
o you choose to ignore we had really low unemployment and wages barely moved? The wage gains we got were mostly from MW hikes... real wage gains may get people to take better jobs.

You have no evidence of that. Wage increases for many companies happened after the Trump tax cut. We hit a new high under Trump for median household income. We had over 1.5 million more jobs than Americans to do them. The only way to attract workers was to offer more money. It had nothing to do with MW increases because most businesses were paying well above that.
o you choose to ignore we had really low unemployment and wages barely moved? The wage gains we got were mostly from MW hikes... real wage gains may get people to take better jobs.

You have no evidence of that. Wage increases for many companies happened after the Trump tax cut. We hit a new high under Trump for median household income. We had over 1.5 million more jobs than Americans to do them. The only way to attract workers was to offer more money. It had nothing to do with MW increases because most businesses were paying well above that.
You have no evidence of your claims. Gdp growth went down last year. The tax cuts went right into the pockets of the wealthy.
But it seems important that the market is broken.

The market isn't broken.
We had super low unemployment and weak wage gains. The strongest gains were from MW hikes. I’d call that broken.

Post the numbers.
Prove me wrong.

You made the claim. Prove it.
It’s common knowledge. If you aren’t aware you don’t belong in this discussion.
But it seems important that the market is broken.

The market isn't broken.
We had super low unemployment and weak wage gains. The strongest gains were from MW hikes. I’d call that broken.

Post the numbers.
From 1978 to 2018, CEO compensation grew by 1,007.5% (940.3% under the options-realized measure), far outstripping S&P stock market growth (706.7%) and the wage growth of very high earners (339.2%). In contrast, wages for the typical worker grew by just 11.9%.--
But it seems important that the market is broken.

The market isn't broken.
We had super low unemployment and weak wage gains. The strongest gains were from MW hikes. I’d call that broken.

Post the numbers.
Prove me wrong.

You made the claim. Prove it.
It’s common knowledge. If you aren’t aware you don’t belong in this discussion.

Common knowledge?
Then you should have an easy time finding your proof.

Maybe start with CNN?


You have no evidence of your claims. Gdp growth went down last year. The tax cuts went right into the pockets of the wealthy.

I can't wait until Thanksgiving to tell my family I found out on USMB that I'm wealthy, because I got a tax break like most other middle-class working folks.

Minimum wage workers represent less than 3% of our workforce. There is no way that "some" state MW increases could have an effect on our overall wage growth.

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