Taxing The Rich

It's a stupid rebuttal because they already review their accounting all the time. In fact, they have accountants do it for them. They already know how much a job costs them and how much it contributes to the bottom line. IOW, nonsense.
You have no sense. Government can move the goal posts merely by fixing new Standards.
Not without real world consequences. That's when your fantasy world falls apart.
The Democrat plans to tax the rich are futile and ignorant. They sound good to the uneducated, but they don't work very well. When you raise tax rates or reduce deductions on the rich, their typical response is to divert more of their money into tax shelters where they pay less tax. They can afford tax lawyers and CPAs who find ways to reduce their taxes dramatically and it's all legal
Which sounds like another problem with capitalism; since those who write the laws are bought and paid for by a small minority of taxpayers who call themselves "owners" and "shareholders," we should expect parasites like Trump to exploit their legal free ride.

The Divine Right of Capital by Marjorie Kelly: A Summary
That's a problem with democracy, not with capitalism.
It's a stupid rebuttal because they already review their accounting all the time. In fact, they have accountants do it for them. They already know how much a job costs them and how much it contributes to the bottom line. IOW, nonsense.
You have no sense. Government can move the goal posts merely by fixing new Standards.
Not without real world consequences. That's when your fantasy world falls apart.
Right wingers don't care. Our Big Government nanny-Statism known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are proof.
Is a cycle of life and economics....We the people have to put laws in place that are fair. No one should or need to amass billions of dollars from a business while most of his workers are making minimum wage for starters.

I know people that own multiple businesses and mansions and they brag that they pay little to no taxes just like trump.

I seem to recall you telling me you do very well financially, so let me ask: When you get your car repaired and they charge you $1,200, do you give them $1,400 because you want their workers paid well? If your plumber replaced your toilet for $350.00, do you give him $500.00 because you want to make sure he can afford healthcare?

Most everybody pays the least for labor they can regardless of how much or how little money you have. Provided you get the same quality of work, you are going to in most cases always go for the cheaper price. Industry does the exact same thing you and I do. Why would you pay somebody $12.00 an hour when their labor is only worth $8.00 an hour? It doesn't matter how much money you have or how much profit your company makes. That's all the job is worth, and that's what you will pay unless you can't find people to accept the job for that pay.

You as an employer cannot make your employees labor anymore valuable than it is. Your employees have to do that themselves. Companies don't determine what your value is, you do. If you believe your company is making too much on your labor, you can find a better job, or buy stock in your company to share in those profits you help create.

Where I live they do charge more than other places....I actually hire people and businesses from out of town and especially from the inner city and I pay a little more. Not to pass as a saint but that's just me.

I had one guy come fix an AC he travelled for an hour, change a small part and he asked for $75 I paid him double and I asked him to charge a little more than he does because is too low.

Your problem, you only know the US, i've travelled and lived in other countries....America needs to learn few things from other countries...we have a SAVAGE capitalism, where the rich get super rich and the poor stay poor and the middle is getting crushed......If Bezos trickles just 5% of his wealth down to his employees they'll do much better and their productivity will be much better also. Stop defending those that are sucking you dry.
It's a stupid rebuttal because they already review their accounting all the time. In fact, they have accountants do it for them. They already know how much a job costs them and how much it contributes to the bottom line. IOW, nonsense.
You have no sense. Government can move the goal posts merely by fixing new Standards.
Not without real world consequences. That's when your fantasy world falls apart.
Right wingers don't care. Our Big Government nanny-Statism known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are proof.
You can't defeat reality just by wishing. That means you can't arbitrarily force companies to pay higher wages and expect nothing else to change. That's not a rightwing thing, it's a reality thing. Rightwingers just acknowledge reality.
It's a stupid rebuttal because they already review their accounting all the time. In fact, they have accountants do it for them. They already know how much a job costs them and how much it contributes to the bottom line. IOW, nonsense.
You have no sense. Government can move the goal posts merely by fixing new Standards.
Not without real world consequences. That's when your fantasy world falls apart.
Right wingers don't care. Our Big Government nanny-Statism known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are proof.
You can't defeat reality just by wishing. That means you can't arbitrarily force companies to pay higher wages and expect nothing else to change. That's not a rightwing thing, it's a reality thing. Rightwingers just acknowledge reality.
Right wingers are worse with their socialism on a national basis they don't even want to pay for.

No one is is claiming nothing will change. Higher paid labor creates more in demand and generate more in tax revenue. Wages should outpace inflation on an Institutional basis since capitalism is not that efficient.
That's a problem with democracy, not with capitalism.
Capitalism inverts democracy:

The Divine Right of Capital by Marjorie Kelly: A Summary

"Only the Propertied Class Votes..."

Corporations did not start with shareholder primacy as their prime directive.

"It is primarily something that’s evolved out of common law – the law as interpreted by the courts – and common law can be overturned by legislation.

"The 1919 'Dodge v. Ford Motor Co.' Supreme Court case was the precedent setter on shareholder primacy."
That's a problem with democracy, not with capitalism.
Capitalism inverts democracy:

The Divine Right of Capital by Marjorie Kelly: A Summary

"Only the Propertied Class Votes..."

Corporations did not start with shareholder primacy as their prime directive.

"It is primarily something that’s evolved out of common law – the law as interpreted by the courts – and common law can be overturned by legislation.

"The 1919 'Dodge v. Ford Motor Co.' Supreme Court case was the precedent setter on shareholder primacy."

the Michigan Supreme Court held that Henry Ford had to operate the Ford Motor Company in the interests of its shareholders, rather than in a charitable manner for the benefit of his employees or customers.

Corporations are not charities.
You needed a court ruling to realize that? LOL!
That's a problem with democracy, not with capitalism.
Capitalism inverts democracy:

The Divine Right of Capital by Marjorie Kelly: A Summary

"Only the Propertied Class Votes..."

Corporations did not start with shareholder primacy as their prime directive.

"It is primarily something that’s evolved out of common law – the law as interpreted by the courts – and common law can be overturned by legislation.

"The 1919 'Dodge v. Ford Motor Co.' Supreme Court case was the precedent setter on shareholder primacy."
Did you have a point of some kind?
It's a stupid rebuttal because they already review their accounting all the time. In fact, they have accountants do it for them. They already know how much a job costs them and how much it contributes to the bottom line. IOW, nonsense.
You have no sense. Government can move the goal posts merely by fixing new Standards.
Not without real world consequences. That's when your fantasy world falls apart.
Right wingers don't care. Our Big Government nanny-Statism known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are proof.
You can't defeat reality just by wishing. That means you can't arbitrarily force companies to pay higher wages and expect nothing else to change. That's not a rightwing thing, it's a reality thing. Rightwingers just acknowledge reality.
Right wingers are worse with their socialism on a national basis they don't even want to pay for.

No one is is claiming nothing will change. Higher paid labor creates more in demand and generate more in tax revenue. Wages should outpace inflation on an Institutional basis since capitalism is not that efficient.
The point is you cannot do it arbitrarily because the value of goods and services are what the customer agrees to pay, not what a bureaucrat thinks it should be. Here is why. I asked you a few times already and you have failed to answer, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Please answer that honestly, if you can.
Where I live they do charge more than other places....I actually hire people and businesses from out of town and especially from the inner city and I pay a little more. Not to pass as a saint but that's just me.

I had one guy come fix an AC he travelled for an hour, change a small part and he asked for $75 I paid him double and I asked him to charge a little more than he does because is too low.

Your problem, you only know the US, i've travelled and lived in other countries....America needs to learn few things from other countries...we have a SAVAGE capitalism, where the rich get super rich and the poor stay poor and the middle is getting crushed......If Bezos trickles just 5% of his wealth down to his employees they'll do much better and their productivity will be much better also. Stop defending those that are sucking you dry.

They're not sucking me dry. They haven't hurt a hair on my head. What other people make is absolutely none of my business. Them making more doesn't hurt me and them making less doesn't help me.

I've talked to people from other countries. In some places if you're born poor, that's the way you're going to stay no matter how hard you try. Here if you're born middle-class and want to elevate, you can do so. I'm from a middle-class family. Several cousins of mine went from middle-class to upper-middle-class, and a few to wealthy, and that's why people like you from other countries come here in the first place.

Instead of appreciating the system we have that made you somewhat successful, you criticize it. If you don't like this system, you should go back to your own country and enjoy a system you like. This system made us the wealthiest country in the world. You remind me of people who move by the airport for cheaper housing, and then bitch about the noise from the airplanes.

You can't help the way you were born, but for most of us, you don't have to stay there if you don't want. You may have to work 60 hours a week, avoid the newest video game systems and buying the newest iPhone. You may not have a family until later in life, or may not have children at all. You may want to live with your parents as long as possible and use the money you make for investments or obtaining an advanced education. But you can do it in this great country if you want.

Poverty is your choice, not your employers. If you don't like what your employers pay, then start your own business. Learn how to do HVAC, plumbing, carpentry or remodeling and start your own company. You can buy lawn equipment and do lawns, learn how to drive a truck, buy your own, and run your own and work for yourself.
It's a stupid rebuttal because they already review their accounting all the time. In fact, they have accountants do it for them. They already know how much a job costs them and how much it contributes to the bottom line. IOW, nonsense.
You have no sense. Government can move the goal posts merely by fixing new Standards.
Not without real world consequences. That's when your fantasy world falls apart.
Right wingers don't care. Our Big Government nanny-Statism known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are proof.
You can't defeat reality just by wishing. That means you can't arbitrarily force companies to pay higher wages and expect nothing else to change. That's not a rightwing thing, it's a reality thing. Rightwingers just acknowledge reality.
Right wingers are worse with their socialism on a national basis they don't even want to pay for.

No one is is claiming nothing will change. Higher paid labor creates more in demand and generate more in tax revenue. Wages should outpace inflation on an Institutional basis since capitalism is not that efficient.
The point is you cannot do it arbitrarily because the value of goods and services are what the customer agrees to pay, not what a bureaucrat thinks it should be. Here is why. I asked you a few times already and you have failed to answer, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Please answer that honestly, if you can.
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful. We use arbitrary fiat money.
It's a stupid rebuttal because they already review their accounting all the time. In fact, they have accountants do it for them. They already know how much a job costs them and how much it contributes to the bottom line. IOW, nonsense.
You have no sense. Government can move the goal posts merely by fixing new Standards.
Not without real world consequences. That's when your fantasy world falls apart.
Right wingers don't care. Our Big Government nanny-Statism known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are proof.
You can't defeat reality just by wishing. That means you can't arbitrarily force companies to pay higher wages and expect nothing else to change. That's not a rightwing thing, it's a reality thing. Rightwingers just acknowledge reality.
Right wingers are worse with their socialism on a national basis they don't even want to pay for.

No one is is claiming nothing will change. Higher paid labor creates more in demand and generate more in tax revenue. Wages should outpace inflation on an Institutional basis since capitalism is not that efficient.
The point is you cannot do it arbitrarily because the value of goods and services are what the customer agrees to pay, not what a bureaucrat thinks it should be. Here is why. I asked you a few times already and you have failed to answer, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Please answer that honestly, if you can.
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful. We use arbitrary fiat money.
Which doesn't change the reality that everything is linked. If you dictate that a job costs the employer twice what it did, he has to adjust something somewhere because paying his employees more doesn't earn him any more sales or any more income. The money has to come from somewhere, so from where will it come?

Now, since you seem determined to ignore it, I'll ask again, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Answer that question honestly.
It's a stupid rebuttal because they already review their accounting all the time. In fact, they have accountants do it for them. They already know how much a job costs them and how much it contributes to the bottom line. IOW, nonsense.
You have no sense. Government can move the goal posts merely by fixing new Standards.
Not without real world consequences. That's when your fantasy world falls apart.
Right wingers don't care. Our Big Government nanny-Statism known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are proof.
Most of this is Prog derived solutions. What stupid nation has a war on poverty since 1965 and still has the same amount of poverty with the added caviat of having to keep a social welfare payment schedule or real riots a hundred times worse then what we seen recently will ensue. We taught poor people how to steal and play a game while the real answer is unwed babies....finish school.....get married and stay married with children.
It's a stupid rebuttal because they already review their accounting all the time. In fact, they have accountants do it for them. They already know how much a job costs them and how much it contributes to the bottom line. IOW, nonsense.
You have no sense. Government can move the goal posts merely by fixing new Standards.
Not without real world consequences. That's when your fantasy world falls apart.
Right wingers don't care. Our Big Government nanny-Statism known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are proof.
You can't defeat reality just by wishing. That means you can't arbitrarily force companies to pay higher wages and expect nothing else to change. That's not a rightwing thing, it's a reality thing. Rightwingers just acknowledge reality.
Right wingers are worse with their socialism on a national basis they don't even want to pay for.

No one is is claiming nothing will change. Higher paid labor creates more in demand and generate more in tax revenue. Wages should outpace inflation on an Institutional basis since capitalism is not that efficient.
The point is you cannot do it arbitrarily because the value of goods and services are what the customer agrees to pay, not what a bureaucrat thinks it should be. Here is why. I asked you a few times already and you have failed to answer, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Please answer that honestly, if you can.
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful. We use arbitrary fiat money.
Which doesn't change the reality that everything is linked. If you dictate that a job costs the employer twice what it did, he has to adjust something somewhere because paying his employees more doesn't earn him any more sales or any more income. The money has to come from somewhere, so from where will it come?

Now, since you seem determined to ignore it, I'll ask again, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Answer that question honestly.
You are special pleading. MInimum wage labor is only a small percent of the total work force. And, inflation happens regardless, it is not only more people spending more money that causes inflation.
It's a stupid rebuttal because they already review their accounting all the time. In fact, they have accountants do it for them. They already know how much a job costs them and how much it contributes to the bottom line. IOW, nonsense.
You have no sense. Government can move the goal posts merely by fixing new Standards.
Not without real world consequences. That's when your fantasy world falls apart.
Right wingers don't care. Our Big Government nanny-Statism known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are proof.
Most of this is Prog derived solutions. What stupid nation has a war on poverty since 1965 and still has the same amount of poverty with the added caviat of having to keep a social welfare payment schedule or real riots a hundred times worse then what we seen recently will ensue. We taught poor people how to steal and play a game while the real answer is unwed babies....finish school.....get married and stay married with children.
Jesus the Christ already tried the morality route.

Only right wing bigotry insists on unequal protection of the laws that affect the less fortunate the most under our form of Capitalism.
It's a stupid rebuttal because they already review their accounting all the time. In fact, they have accountants do it for them. They already know how much a job costs them and how much it contributes to the bottom line. IOW, nonsense.
You have no sense. Government can move the goal posts merely by fixing new Standards.
Not without real world consequences. That's when your fantasy world falls apart.
Right wingers don't care. Our Big Government nanny-Statism known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are proof.
You can't defeat reality just by wishing. That means you can't arbitrarily force companies to pay higher wages and expect nothing else to change. That's not a rightwing thing, it's a reality thing. Rightwingers just acknowledge reality.
Right wingers are worse with their socialism on a national basis they don't even want to pay for.

No one is is claiming nothing will change. Higher paid labor creates more in demand and generate more in tax revenue. Wages should outpace inflation on an Institutional basis since capitalism is not that efficient.
The point is you cannot do it arbitrarily because the value of goods and services are what the customer agrees to pay, not what a bureaucrat thinks it should be. Here is why. I asked you a few times already and you have failed to answer, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Please answer that honestly, if you can.
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful. We use arbitrary fiat money.
Which doesn't change the reality that everything is linked. If you dictate that a job costs the employer twice what it did, he has to adjust something somewhere because paying his employees more doesn't earn him any more sales or any more income. The money has to come from somewhere, so from where will it come?

Now, since you seem determined to ignore it, I'll ask again, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Answer that question honestly.
You are special pleading. MInimum wage labor is only a small percent of the total work force. And, inflation happens regardless, it is not only more people spending more money that causes inflation.
Stop being ignorant. Most American workers earn less than $20/hr. Raise the MW overnight to $15/hr and the majority of the workforce, tens of millions of people, would be demanding big raises or quitting because it just wouldn't be worth putting in the time and effort to qualify for double or triple the MW, only to see it become MW overnight. The entire labor market would be effected.

Now, answer the question that you keep dodging, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Be specific. If you won't answer this time, I will answer for you, and I will demolish your argument.
It's a stupid rebuttal because they already review their accounting all the time. In fact, they have accountants do it for them. They already know how much a job costs them and how much it contributes to the bottom line. IOW, nonsense.
You have no sense. Government can move the goal posts merely by fixing new Standards.
Not without real world consequences. That's when your fantasy world falls apart.
Right wingers don't care. Our Big Government nanny-Statism known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are proof.
You can't defeat reality just by wishing. That means you can't arbitrarily force companies to pay higher wages and expect nothing else to change. That's not a rightwing thing, it's a reality thing. Rightwingers just acknowledge reality.
Right wingers are worse with their socialism on a national basis they don't even want to pay for.

No one is is claiming nothing will change. Higher paid labor creates more in demand and generate more in tax revenue. Wages should outpace inflation on an Institutional basis since capitalism is not that efficient.
The point is you cannot do it arbitrarily because the value of goods and services are what the customer agrees to pay, not what a bureaucrat thinks it should be. Here is why. I asked you a few times already and you have failed to answer, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Please answer that honestly, if you can.
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful. We use arbitrary fiat money.
Which doesn't change the reality that everything is linked. If you dictate that a job costs the employer twice what it did, he has to adjust something somewhere because paying his employees more doesn't earn him any more sales or any more income. The money has to come from somewhere, so from where will it come?

Now, since you seem determined to ignore it, I'll ask again, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Answer that question honestly.
You are special pleading. MInimum wage labor is only a small percent of the total work force. And, inflation happens regardless, it is not only more people spending more money that causes inflation.
Stop being ignorant. Most American workers earn less than $20/hr. Raise the MW overnight to $15/hr and the majority of the workforce, tens of millions of people, would be demanding big raises or quitting because it just wouldn't be worth putting in the time and effort to qualify for double or triple the MW, only to see it become MW overnight. The entire labor market would be effected.

Now, answer the question that you keep dodging, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Be specific. If you won't answer this time, I will answer for you, and I will demolish your argument.
An Institutional upward pressure on wages, what a concept under our form of Capitalism.
It's a stupid rebuttal because they already review their accounting all the time. In fact, they have accountants do it for them. They already know how much a job costs them and how much it contributes to the bottom line. IOW, nonsense.
You have no sense. Government can move the goal posts merely by fixing new Standards.
Not without real world consequences. That's when your fantasy world falls apart.
Right wingers don't care. Our Big Government nanny-Statism known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are proof.
You can't defeat reality just by wishing. That means you can't arbitrarily force companies to pay higher wages and expect nothing else to change. That's not a rightwing thing, it's a reality thing. Rightwingers just acknowledge reality.
Right wingers are worse with their socialism on a national basis they don't even want to pay for.

No one is is claiming nothing will change. Higher paid labor creates more in demand and generate more in tax revenue. Wages should outpace inflation on an Institutional basis since capitalism is not that efficient.
The point is you cannot do it arbitrarily because the value of goods and services are what the customer agrees to pay, not what a bureaucrat thinks it should be. Here is why. I asked you a few times already and you have failed to answer, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Please answer that honestly, if you can.
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful. We use arbitrary fiat money.
Which doesn't change the reality that everything is linked. If you dictate that a job costs the employer twice what it did, he has to adjust something somewhere because paying his employees more doesn't earn him any more sales or any more income. The money has to come from somewhere, so from where will it come?

Now, since you seem determined to ignore it, I'll ask again, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Answer that question honestly.
You are special pleading. MInimum wage labor is only a small percent of the total work force. And, inflation happens regardless, it is not only more people spending more money that causes inflation.
Stop being ignorant. Most American workers earn less than $20/hr. Raise the MW overnight to $15/hr and the majority of the workforce, tens of millions of people, would be demanding big raises or quitting because it just wouldn't be worth putting in the time and effort to qualify for double or triple the MW, only to see it become MW overnight. The entire labor market would be effected.

Now, answer the question that you keep dodging, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Be specific. If you won't answer this time, I will answer for you, and I will demolish your argument.
An Institutional upward pressure on wages, what a concept under our form of Capitalism.
Okay, since you won't answer the question, I'll tell you why we don't set the MW to $100/hr and eliminate poverty. We don't because it would not work. All it would do is destroy most jobs because they simply are not worth that much and it would raise the prices of goods and services completely out of reach of all but the most wealthy. It stands to reason, therefore, that raising the MW does have a negative impact on jobs and prices, it's only a matter of degree. You don't want to answer the question honestly because you want to maintain your hold on the fiction that government can set arbitrary wages with impunity and there would be no impact as a result of them doing so. That is false, and like I said, it's only a matter of degree. Keep MW small enough and raise it slowly enough and the market can adjust while new jobs come online to replace the ones lost. Do it too far too fast like you want to, and you overload the system. Bad news.
It's a stupid rebuttal because they already review their accounting all the time. In fact, they have accountants do it for them. They already know how much a job costs them and how much it contributes to the bottom line. IOW, nonsense.
You have no sense. Government can move the goal posts merely by fixing new Standards.
Not without real world consequences. That's when your fantasy world falls apart.
Right wingers don't care. Our Big Government nanny-Statism known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are proof.
You can't defeat reality just by wishing. That means you can't arbitrarily force companies to pay higher wages and expect nothing else to change. That's not a rightwing thing, it's a reality thing. Rightwingers just acknowledge reality.
Right wingers are worse with their socialism on a national basis they don't even want to pay for.

No one is is claiming nothing will change. Higher paid labor creates more in demand and generate more in tax revenue. Wages should outpace inflation on an Institutional basis since capitalism is not that efficient.
The point is you cannot do it arbitrarily because the value of goods and services are what the customer agrees to pay, not what a bureaucrat thinks it should be. Here is why. I asked you a few times already and you have failed to answer, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Please answer that honestly, if you can.
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful. We use arbitrary fiat money.
Which doesn't change the reality that everything is linked. If you dictate that a job costs the employer twice what it did, he has to adjust something somewhere because paying his employees more doesn't earn him any more sales or any more income. The money has to come from somewhere, so from where will it come?

Now, since you seem determined to ignore it, I'll ask again, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Answer that question honestly.
You are special pleading. MInimum wage labor is only a small percent of the total work force. And, inflation happens regardless, it is not only more people spending more money that causes inflation.
Stop being ignorant. Most American workers earn less than $20/hr. Raise the MW overnight to $15/hr and the majority of the workforce, tens of millions of people, would be demanding big raises or quitting because it just wouldn't be worth putting in the time and effort to qualify for double or triple the MW, only to see it become MW overnight. The entire labor market would be effected.

Now, answer the question that you keep dodging, why not set the MW to $100/hr and just eliminate poverty altogether? Be specific. If you won't answer this time, I will answer for you, and I will demolish your argument.
An Institutional upward pressure on wages, what a concept under our form of Capitalism.
Okay, since you won't answer the question, I'll tell you why we don't set the MW to $100/hr and eliminate poverty. We don't because it would not work. All it would do is destroy most jobs because they simply are not worth that much and it would raise the prices of goods and services completely out of reach of all but the most wealthy. It stands to reason, therefore, that raising the MW does have a negative impact on jobs and prices, it's only a matter of degree. You don't want to answer the question honestly because you want to maintain your hold on the fiction that government can set arbitrary wages with impunity and there would be no impact as a result of them doing so. That is false, and like I said, it's only a matter of degree. Keep MW small enough and raise it slowly enough and the market can adjust while new jobs come online to replace the ones lost. Do it too far too fast like you want to, and you overload the system. Bad news.
Your point? Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror don't work and only increase the cost of Big Government nanny-State. Your special pleading means nothing. Economics already has technical terms for metrics, unlike right wingers who merely "make up their gospel Truth" on Parler. Purchasing power parity. The minimum wage being raised so drastically includes a cost of living adjustment. If the minimum wage had been keeping up with inflation under our form of Capitalism it would not be necessary now. It seems to me capitalists have a good excuse to ask for a tax break to help with that cost adjustment.

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