Tell me liberals .. Why is it racist to ask for an ID for voting but not for

Change the OP's question to one about old people not getting ID's and then watch these old fuckers come up with excuses.

Another Elderly Woman Gets Caught in GOP s War on Voting

Watch all these old ass posters start defending it when its not about blacks.

"Well, you know since my trifocals got lost at Bingo its hard for me to make it down to the DMV"

Old Dummycraps....we on the right don't condone this sort of thing from anyone. You libs do because you're desperate.

Sure Bubba, sure. WHY the increase in voted ID laws again when Dubya's DOJ looked at 300+ million votes and prosecuted ZERO for using another ID? lol

Assuming you're not full of shit....but what makes you think that was Bush's job?????

My understanding was voter fraud is more a local issue. Bush had enough on his plate.

In 5-Year Effort, Scant Evidence of Voter Fraud

The Real Fraud in “Voter Fraud”
How so-called reform laws aim to disenfranchise voters

Scholars confirm what the Bush Justice Department found—little evidence that voter fraud exists. More than anything else, voter fraud is a myth (see Justin Levitt, “The Truth about Voter Fraud,” Brennan Center for Justice, accessed on July 11, 2012). Lorraine C. Minnite, a public policy professor and a national expert on voter fraud, demonstrates in The Myth of Voter Fraud (Cornell University Press, 2010), that “voter fraud is a politically manufactured myth (p. 6).”

It is difficult to argue that the voter restrictions proposed in swing states like Florida and Pennsylvania are anything other than a ploy to suppress voting by people of color and the poor. First, Republicans have sponsored nearly all of the bills passed that would restrict voter registration

The Real Fraud in Voter Fraud Jesuit Social Research Institute Loyola University New Orleans

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

Not sure why you need an i.d. to vote .

So YOU can't walk in to the polling place and lie about being a registered voter OR say you are me and vote MY legal registration. The ONLY POSSIBLE reason not to require valid ID is so YOU can cheat the system.

But I dont know where you vote tho. So how could I for example, vote in your stead?
Lessee...the teachers are changing wrong answers in the Atlanta schools. People are filing bogus income tax returns right and left. You got to be shittin' me with his dumbass comment.



Democrats......Al Sharpton threw a party for one pollworker that was caught voting 6 times for Obama.
One whole guy? I was under the impression it was an epidemic. Do you have a link to this one guy that was caught?

Watch all these old ass posters start defending it when its not about blacks.

"Well, you know since my trifocals got lost at Bingo its hard for me to make it down to the DMV"

Old Dummycraps....we on the right don't condone this sort of thing from anyone. You libs do because you're desperate.

Sure Bubba, sure. WHY the increase in voted ID laws again when Dubya's DOJ looked at 300+ million votes and prosecuted ZERO for using another ID? lol

Assuming you're not full of shit....but what makes you think that was Bush's job?????

My understanding was voter fraud is more a local issue. Bush had enough on his plate.

In 5-Year Effort, Scant Evidence of Voter Fraud

The Real Fraud in “Voter Fraud”
How so-called reform laws aim to disenfranchise voters

Scholars confirm what the Bush Justice Department found—little evidence that voter fraud exists. More than anything else, voter fraud is a myth (see Justin Levitt, “The Truth about Voter Fraud,” Brennan Center for Justice, accessed on July 11, 2012). Lorraine C. Minnite, a public policy professor and a national expert on voter fraud, demonstrates in The Myth of Voter Fraud (Cornell University Press, 2010), that “voter fraud is a politically manufactured myth (p. 6).”

It is difficult to argue that the voter restrictions proposed in swing states like Florida and Pennsylvania are anything other than a ploy to suppress voting by people of color and the poor. First, Republicans have sponsored nearly all of the bills passed that would restrict voter registration

The Real Fraud in Voter Fraud Jesuit Social Research Institute Loyola University New Orleans

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

The New York Times??????

You're kidding, right????

Might as well be The Rolling Stone......
This is exactly what I was doing after I read the O/P, too.
Yeah....30 million illegals get an I.D......but not poor blacks...

That would be racist....

Change the OP's question to one about old people not getting ID's and then watch these old fuckers come up with excuses.

Another Elderly Woman Gets Caught in GOP s War on Voting

Watch all these old ass posters start defending it when its not about blacks.

"Well, you know since my trifocals got lost at Bingo its hard for me to make it down to the DMV"

Old Dummycraps....we on the right don't condone this sort of thing from anyone. You libs do because you're desperate.

Dont hold back tell me how stupid the old fogeys are Mud
Not sure why you need an i.d. to vote .

So YOU can't walk in to the polling place and lie about being a registered voter OR say you are me and vote MY legal registration. The ONLY POSSIBLE reason not to require valid ID is so YOU can cheat the system.

But I dont know where you vote tho. So how could I for example, vote in your stead?
Lessee...the teachers are changing wrong answers in the Atlanta schools. People are filing bogus income tax returns right and left. You got to be shittin' me with his dumbass comment.



Democrats......Al Sharpton threw a party for one pollworker that was caught voting 6 times for Obama.

NOT stopped by the GOP voter restriction laws. Weird right?

December 07, 2011

Conviction in GOP voter-suppression scheme

Paul E. Schurick, the 2010 campaign manager for former Maryland governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., was convicted Tuesday by a Baltimore jury of four counts stemming from a robocall that prosecutors said was intended to suppress the black vote.

Fortunately, other members of the former Republican governor’s team will also stand trial for their role.

Conviction in GOP voter-suppression scheme Political Animal The Washington Monthly

8 Kentucky Republicans Convicted Of Extortion, Vote Buying & Selling, Tampering With Voting Machines

Some of the most powerful public officials in Clay County corrupted elections in recent years, buying and stealing votes in pursuit of power and money, a federal jury ruled Thursday.

The jury convicted all eight people on trial, including former Circuit Judge R. Cletus Maricle, 66, and former school Superintendent Douglas C. Adams, 58, on a charge that they engaged in organized criminal acts to rig elections.

After a seven-week trial, jurors deliberated about nine hours before convicting the defendants on all the charges they faced, which included vote-buying, mail fraud, extortion and money laundering.

8 Kentucky Republicans Convicted Of Extortion Vote Buying Selling Tampering With Voting Machines - Democratic Underground
Watch all these old ass posters start defending it when its not about blacks.

"Well, you know since my trifocals got lost at Bingo its hard for me to make it down to the DMV"

Old Dummycraps....we on the right don't condone this sort of thing from anyone. You libs do because you're desperate.

Sure Bubba, sure. WHY the increase in voted ID laws again when Dubya's DOJ looked at 300+ million votes and prosecuted ZERO for using another ID? lol

Assuming you're not full of shit....but what makes you think that was Bush's job?????

My understanding was voter fraud is more a local issue. Bush had enough on his plate.

In 5-Year Effort, Scant Evidence of Voter Fraud

The Real Fraud in “Voter Fraud”
How so-called reform laws aim to disenfranchise voters

Scholars confirm what the Bush Justice Department found—little evidence that voter fraud exists. More than anything else, voter fraud is a myth (see Justin Levitt, “The Truth about Voter Fraud,” Brennan Center for Justice, accessed on July 11, 2012). Lorraine C. Minnite, a public policy professor and a national expert on voter fraud, demonstrates in The Myth of Voter Fraud (Cornell University Press, 2010), that “voter fraud is a politically manufactured myth (p. 6).”

It is difficult to argue that the voter restrictions proposed in swing states like Florida and Pennsylvania are anything other than a ploy to suppress voting by people of color and the poor. First, Republicans have sponsored nearly all of the bills passed that would restrict voter registration

The Real Fraud in Voter Fraud Jesuit Social Research Institute Loyola University New Orleans

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

The New York Times??????

You're kidding, right????

Might as well be The Rolling Stone......

Your ad hom is noted Bubba, and dismissed
Not sure why you need an i.d. to vote .

So YOU can't walk in to the polling place and lie about being a registered voter OR say you are me and vote MY legal registration. The ONLY POSSIBLE reason not to require valid ID is so YOU can cheat the system.

But I dont know where you vote tho. So how could I for example, vote in your stead?
Lessee...the teachers are changing wrong answers in the Atlanta schools. People are filing bogus income tax returns right and left. You got to be shittin' me with his dumbass comment.

It wasnt a comment its a question you dont have an answer for.
Not sure why you need an i.d. to vote .

Once your name is crossed off the list as having voted at the polling place, you cant vote again. (Unless the polling place is breaking the law).

So the i.d. thing isnt completely necessary because the registered voters would be able to file a grievance of their vote was taken and it wasnt them doing it.

The real problem is updating the registry to exclude deceased people and things like that.

There have been widespread studies on voter fraud. Not much is abrewing.
Because in the past DEAD people voted that is why. ILLEGALS have voted That is is why
Not sure why you need an i.d. to vote .

Once your name is crossed off the list as having voted at the polling place, you cant vote again. (Unless the polling place is breaking the law).

So the i.d. thing isnt completely necessary because the registered voters would be able to file a grievance of their vote was taken and it wasnt them doing it.

The real problem is updating the registry to exclude deceased people and things like that.

There have been widespread studies on voter fraud. Not much is abrewing.
Because in the past DEAD people voted that is why. ILLEGALS have voted That is is why
Thats not an i.d. issue. Thats a municipal issue with the registration process

How did illegals vote? If your name and address is not on the list at the polling place as a registered voter, you dont get to vote
Illegal Aliens Non-Citizens Caught Voting In Florida In Vast Numbers
More Than 200 Dead People Shown to Have Voted in NY County Elections Report NBC New York

Convicted Felon Democratic Politician Caught Voting In NC The Daily Caller There are hundreds and hundreds of pages with more examples..

I don't see a problem with asking for an ID when your ballot is cast.

97 Year-Old Woman Denied The Right To Vote Because Of Voter ID

93-Year Old Veteran Denied the Right to Vote Thanks to Texas GOP’s Voter ID Law
93-Year Old Veteran Denied the Right to Vote Thanks to Texas GOP s Voter ID Law Americans Against the Tea Party

96-year-old Chattanooga resident denied voting ID

96-year-old Chattanooga resident denied voting ID Local News Times Free Press

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed

    • In-person voter-impersonation fraud is rare. The database shows 207 cases of other types of fraud for every case of voter impersonation. “The fraud that matters is the fraud that is organized. That's why voter impersonation is practically non-existent because it is difficult to do and it is difficult to pull people into conspiracies to do it,” said Lorraine Minnite, professor of public policy and administration at Rutgers University.
Not sure why you need an i.d. to vote .

Once your name is crossed off the list as having voted at the polling place, you cant vote again. (Unless the polling place is breaking the law).

So the i.d. thing isnt completely necessary because the registered voters would be able to file a grievance of their vote was taken and it wasnt them doing it.

The real problem is updating the registry to exclude deceased people and things like that.

There have been widespread studies on voter fraud. Not much is abrewing.
Because in the past DEAD people voted that is why. ILLEGALS have voted That is is why
So what happened when this occurred?
I don't see a problem with asking for an ID when your ballot is cast.

97 Year-Old Woman Denied The Right To Vote Because Of Voter ID

93-Year Old Veteran Denied the Right to Vote Thanks to Texas GOP’s Voter ID Law
93-Year Old Veteran Denied the Right to Vote Thanks to Texas GOP s Voter ID Law Americans Against the Tea Party

96-year-old Chattanooga resident denied voting ID

96-year-old Chattanooga resident denied voting ID Local News Times Free Press

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed

    • In-person voter-impersonation fraud is rare. The database shows 207 cases of other types of fraud for every case of voter impersonation. “The fraud that matters is the fraud that is organized. That's why voter impersonation is practically non-existent because it is difficult to do and it is difficult to pull people into conspiracies to do it,” said Lorraine Minnite, professor of public policy and administration at Rutgers University.

I'm sorry that happened. Let me say this about that:

I don't think there will ever be a federal or state wide election that swings based on voter fraud. I doubt there would be a municipal election in a major city that swings. Big deal. The electoral process should be as sterile as possible and that means ID'ing who votes.

I keep going back to the Democratic chair of West Palm Beach County, FL back in the late 1990's. She was likely elected by a couple of hundred votes. She (her name escapes me) agreed to a butterfly ballot to be used in the 2000 election. That decision changed the course of history and lead us to the Iraq/Afghanistan war and the $700B bailout.

I'm not saying voter fraud installed her. I am saying it could have.

People have this strange view of government. That somehow, if it doesn't sway the President and Congress, it's not important. Most government policy that affects your daily life is local where a frighteningly small % off your neighbors decide who is making these ordinances.

As for the examples, you gave...again, I'm sorry about that. They knew the rules...
Not sure why you need an i.d. to vote .

Once your name is crossed off the list as having voted at the polling place, you cant vote again. (Unless the polling place is breaking the law).

So the i.d. thing isnt completely necessary because the registered voters would be able to file a grievance of their vote was taken and it wasnt them doing it.

The real problem is updating the registry to exclude deceased people and things like that.

There have been widespread studies on voter fraud. Not much is abrewing.
Because in the past DEAD people voted that is why. ILLEGALS have voted That is is why

ANYTHING in the past 30 years??? lol
Illegal Aliens Non-Citizens Caught Voting In Florida In Vast Numbers
More Than 200 Dead People Shown to Have Voted in NY County Elections Report NBC New York

Convicted Felon Democratic Politician Caught Voting In NC The Daily Caller There are hundreds and hundreds of pages with more examples..

I don't see a problem with asking for an ID when your ballot is cast.

97 Year-Old Woman Denied The Right To Vote Because Of Voter ID

93-Year Old Veteran Denied the Right to Vote Thanks to Texas GOP’s Voter ID Law
93-Year Old Veteran Denied the Right to Vote Thanks to Texas GOP s Voter ID Law Americans Against the Tea Party

96-year-old Chattanooga resident denied voting ID

96-year-old Chattanooga resident denied voting ID Local News Times Free Press

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed

    • In-person voter-impersonation fraud is rare. The database shows 207 cases of other types of fraud for every case of voter impersonation. “The fraud that matters is the fraud that is organized. That's why voter impersonation is practically non-existent because it is difficult to do and it is difficult to pull people into conspiracies to do it,” said Lorraine Minnite, professor of public policy and administration at Rutgers University.

MORE right wing nonsense NOT based in reality. Shocking

A new nationwide analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent.

In an exhaustive public records search, reporters from the investigative reporting projecdt News21 sent thousands of requests to elections officers in all 50 states, asking for every case of fraudulent activity including registration fraud, absentee ballot fraud, vote buying, false election counts, campaign fraud, casting an ineligible vote, voting twice, voter impersonation fraud and intimidation.

Analysis of the resulting comprehensive News21 election fraud database turned up 10 cases of voter impersonation. With 146 million registered voters in the United States during that time, those 10 cases represent one out of about every 15 million prospective voters.

“Voter fraud at the polls is an insignificant aspect of American elections,” said elections expert David Schultz, professor of public policy at Hamline University School of Business in St. Paul, Minn.

“There is absolutely no evidence," Schultz said, that voter impersonation fraud "has affected the outcome of any election in the United States, at least any recent election in the United States."

The News21 analysis of its election fraud database shows:

  • In-person voter-impersonation fraud is rare. The database shows 207 cases of other types of fraud for every case of voter impersonation. “The fraud that matters is the fraud that is organized. That's why voter impersonation is practically non-existent because it is difficult to do and it is difficult to pull people into conspiracies to do it,” said Lorraine Minnite, professor of public policy and administration at Rutgers University.

  • There is more fraud in absentee ballots and voter registration than any other categories. The analysis shows 491 cases of absentee ballot fraud and 400 cases of registration fraud. A required photo ID at the polls would not have prevented these cases. “The one issue I think is potentially important, though more or less ignored, is the overuse of absentee balloting, which provides far more opportunity for fraud and intimidation than on-site voter fraud,” said Daniel Lowenstein, a UCLA School of Law professor.

  • Of reported election-fraud allegations in the database whose resolution could be determined, 46 percent resulted in acquittals, dropped charges or decisions not to bring charges. Minnite says prosecutions are rare.
New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations
I don't see a problem with asking for an ID when your ballot is cast.

97 Year-Old Woman Denied The Right To Vote Because Of Voter ID

93-Year Old Veteran Denied the Right to Vote Thanks to Texas GOP’s Voter ID Law
93-Year Old Veteran Denied the Right to Vote Thanks to Texas GOP s Voter ID Law Americans Against the Tea Party

96-year-old Chattanooga resident denied voting ID

96-year-old Chattanooga resident denied voting ID Local News Times Free Press

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed

    • In-person voter-impersonation fraud is rare. The database shows 207 cases of other types of fraud for every case of voter impersonation. “The fraud that matters is the fraud that is organized. That's why voter impersonation is practically non-existent because it is difficult to do and it is difficult to pull people into conspiracies to do it,” said Lorraine Minnite, professor of public policy and administration at Rutgers University.

I'm sorry that happened. Let me say this about that:

I don't think there will ever be a federal or state wide election that swings based on voter fraud. I doubt there would be a municipal election in a major city that swings. Big deal. The electoral process should be as sterile as possible and that means ID'ing who votes.

I keep going back to the Democratic chair of West Palm Beach County, FL back in the late 1990's. She was likely elected by a couple of hundred votes. She (her name escapes me) agreed to a butterfly ballot to be used in the 2000 election. That decision changed the course of history and lead us to the Iraq/Afghanistan war and the $700B bailout.

I'm not saying voter fraud installed her. I am saying it could have.

People have this strange view of government. That somehow, if it doesn't sway the President and Congress, it's not important. Most government policy that affects your daily life is local where a frighteningly small % off your neighbors decide who is making these ordinances.

As for the examples, you gave...again, I'm sorry about that. They knew the rules...

GOP Official Resigns After Saying Purpose Of Voter ID Is To Suppress Votes Of Democrats, ‘Lazy Blacks’

6 Other Times Republicans Admitted Voting Restrictions Are Just About Disenfranchising Democrats

6 Other Times Republicans Admitted Voting Restrictions Are Just About Disenfranchising Democrats - The National Memo

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation

Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo)

I don't see a problem with asking for an ID when your ballot is cast.

97 Year-Old Woman Denied The Right To Vote Because Of Voter ID

93-Year Old Veteran Denied the Right to Vote Thanks to Texas GOP’s Voter ID Law
93-Year Old Veteran Denied the Right to Vote Thanks to Texas GOP s Voter ID Law Americans Against the Tea Party

96-year-old Chattanooga resident denied voting ID

96-year-old Chattanooga resident denied voting ID Local News Times Free Press

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed

    • In-person voter-impersonation fraud is rare. The database shows 207 cases of other types of fraud for every case of voter impersonation. “The fraud that matters is the fraud that is organized. That's why voter impersonation is practically non-existent because it is difficult to do and it is difficult to pull people into conspiracies to do it,” said Lorraine Minnite, professor of public policy and administration at Rutgers University.

I'm sorry that happened. Let me say this about that:

I don't think there will ever be a federal or state wide election that swings based on voter fraud. I doubt there would be a municipal election in a major city that swings. Big deal. The electoral process should be as sterile as possible and that means ID'ing who votes.

I keep going back to the Democratic chair of West Palm Beach County, FL back in the late 1990's. She was likely elected by a couple of hundred votes. She (her name escapes me) agreed to a butterfly ballot to be used in the 2000 election. That decision changed the course of history and lead us to the Iraq/Afghanistan war and the $700B bailout.

I'm not saying voter fraud installed her. I am saying it could have.

People have this strange view of government. That somehow, if it doesn't sway the President and Congress, it's not important. Most government policy that affects your daily life is local where a frighteningly small % off your neighbors decide who is making these ordinances.

As for the examples, you gave...again, I'm sorry about that. They knew the rules...

GAO report: Voter ID laws stunted turnout

Congress’s research arm blamed the two states’ laws requiring that voters show identification on a dip in turnout in 2012 — about 2 percentage points in Kansas and between 2.2 and 3.2 percentage points in Tennessee. Those declines were greater among younger and African-American voters, when compared to turnout in other states.

GAO report Voter ID laws stunted turnout TheHill
getting welfare, hospital care, ride on a plane, write a check, go to the doctors, buy a beer , buy a car, buy or rent a house, If the so called poor people cant afford an ID or a car to get the voting booths do they have those problems to go to the grocery store? Go to the doctors office or hospital?

Its not racist to ask for ID, but what is oppressive is the gerrymandered districts the GOP create in order to win elections. The shortenings of poll hours and places in order to suppress voter turn out and the robo calls used to tell voters to go to different places in order to vote. I mean you people reeeeeeekkkkkkk of deceptive practices in order to win elections.
getting welfare, hospital care, ride on a plane, write a check, go to the doctors, buy a beer , buy a car, buy or rent a house, If the so called poor people cant afford an ID or a car to get the voting booths do they have those problems to go to the grocery store? Go to the doctors office or hospital?

it's one of those things, if you have to ask, no explanation will ever penetrate that pin head of yours enough to help you understand.
Not sure why you need an i.d. to vote .

Once your name is crossed off the list as having voted at the polling place, you cant vote again. (Unless the polling place is breaking the law).

So the i.d. thing isnt completely necessary because the registered voters would be able to file a grievance of their vote was taken and it wasnt them doing it.

The real problem is updating the registry to exclude deceased people and things like that.

There have been widespread studies on voter fraud. Not much is abrewing.
Because in the past DEAD people voted that is why. ILLEGALS have voted That is is why
Thats not an i.d. issue. Thats a municipal issue with the registration process
The registration process is meaningless unless you can positively ID the person claiming to be someone on the voter roll.
getting welfare, hospital care, ride on a plane, write a check, go to the doctors, buy a beer , buy a car, buy or rent a house, If the so called poor people cant afford an ID or a car to get the voting booths do they have those problems to go to the grocery store? Go to the doctors office or hospital?
it's one of those things, if you have to ask, no explanation will ever penetrate that pin head of yours enough to help you understand.
Translation: You know you do not have a meaningful response to his question.

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