Texas Democrats leave state to try to stop GOP voting bill

I saw Greg Abbott on TV tonight saying that when they return to Texas, they will be arrested. :laughing0301:

Nothing like jailing fellow elected politicians from the other party. LOL
Laws apply to everybody. No one is above the law.
Which law are they breaking? Is the penalty for the law is to be confined to the State Capitol?
That's what liberals cry when they accuse conservatives of breaking the law. You freaks gloated when Roger Stone was arrested. (That's just one example.)
Seems to me every time I celebrate the blob supporting capitol rioters being hunted down like dogs, you guys whine like a little bitch.
Break out the Dungeons. Again, who makes this determination and what serverity? Sounds like the Governor is making the threats when he shouldn't even be in the conversation. And in Texas, a Governor is just above a Beauty Contest Winner in Importance.....wait a minute, it all depends on how well the Governor looks in a Bikini.
Is this post in competition for best laughingstock ?

1. If you start a sentence with "Sounds like" it means you don't have a clue of what you're talking about.

2. In Texas, a governor has as much importance as any governor, in any state, and maybe even more so since, like here in Florida, he has a legislature that is on his side.

3. Maybe you could/should be posting in a thread about bikinis.

Strike 1..........Strike 2..........Strike 3.
News reports showed happy Democrat members of the Texas legislature laughing and joking, on a private charted jet, designed to take them out of the state, to thwart a vote on election integrity, by stopping a quorum. When they come back they're going to be arrested, and will be doing jail time. Maybe the news media will show us the before and after pictures. Should be an interesting contrast.

Amazing how these legislators turned criminals, can so lightly and flippantly think they can use election fraud to get themselves re-elected, as if the fraud-riddled 2020 election outrages, should now be thought of as normal. Nothing could be farther from the truth. This important vote on election integrity is going to happen, and the laws that need to be passed are going to be.

One of the Democrat legislators flying out of the state, state Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer said “We’ve left our jobs, we’ve left our families, we’ve left our homes. Because there is nothing more important than voting rights in America.” What he really means is >> there is nothing more important TO DEMOCRATS, than ILLEGAL voting rights FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS, In America.”

Here is a quote from Texas governor Greg Abbot, from KVUE, 2 hours ago>>

"There is something the governor can do. First of all, I’ll tell you what the House of Representatives can do. What the speaker can do is issue a call to have these members arrested. In addition to that, however, I can and I will continue to call a special session after special session after special session all the way up until election next year. And so if these people want to be hanging out wherever they’re hanging out on this taxpayer-paid junket, they’re going to have to be prepared to do it for well over a year. As soon as they come back in the state of Texas, they will be arrested, they will be cabined inside the Texas Capitol until they get their job done. "

Even your article, quoting the Governor listed no statute that would allow for arrest and no penalties. I would be interested in seeing it, if it exists. I have never heard of a law anywhere in the country that says people walking of the job, can be arrested or imprisoned. Has Texas fallen to a communist takeover by it's own Governor?
Legislators have a fiduciary duty, they must perform for The People when they refuse to do so there must be recourse for The People.
Imagine if a police officer stood there watching criminal acts take place and refused to do anything to stop said crimes from happening.
Whether they are or not, those legislators think they are exorcising that fiduciary responsibility by walking out or that, at least is the show they are performing. This is just another food fight as one side wants to restrict voting, thinking it is the only way they can keep getting elected, and the other side wants to prevent them from passing laws, they feel unjust, even though there are more republicans in the legislature than democrats. So legislation grinds to a short halt. Big deal. In Washington, somebody just has to say he will filibuster. Neither side is really acting in good faith, much of the time, nor serving the needs of the majority of the citizens in keeping with what the founding fathers intended. With the level legislation for partisan benefit without regard to the will of the people and state and Federal level, legislation of the people, by the people and for the people has gotten to be a joke. It is now legislation of the party, by the party and for the party, the legislators often do not give a damn about the people or what the founders intended, caring more about power as its own end rather than the will of the majority of the people they represent (or fail to represent), in this case.
News reports showed happy Democrat members of the Texas legislature laughing and joking, on a private charted jet, designed to take them out of the state, to thwart a vote on election integrity, by stopping a quorum. When they come back they're going to be arrested, and will be doing jail time. Maybe the news media will show us the before and after pictures. Should be an interesting contrast.

Amazing how these legislators turned criminals, can so lightly and flippantly think they can use election fraud to get themselves re-elected, as if the fraud-riddled 2020 election outrages, should now be thought of as normal. Nothing could be farther from the truth. This important vote on election integrity is going to happen, and the laws that need to be passed are going to be.

One of the Democrat legislators flying out of the state, state Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer said “We’ve left our jobs, we’ve left our families, we’ve left our homes. Because there is nothing more important than voting rights in America.” What he really means is >> there is nothing more important TO DEMOCRATS, than ILLEGAL voting rights FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS, In America.”

Here is a quote from Texas governor Greg Abbot, from KVUE, 2 hours ago>>

"There is something the governor can do. First of all, I’ll tell you what the House of Representatives can do. What the speaker can do is issue a call to have these members arrested. In addition to that, however, I can and I will continue to call a special session after special session after special session all the way up until election next year. And so if these people want to be hanging out wherever they’re hanging out on this taxpayer-paid junket, they’re going to have to be prepared to do it for well over a year. As soon as they come back in the state of Texas, they will be arrested, they will be cabined inside the Texas Capitol until they get their job done. "

Even your article, quoting the Governor listed no statute that would allow for arrest and no penalties. I would be interested in seeing it, if it exists. I have never heard of a law anywhere in the country that says people walking of the job, can be arrested or imprisoned. Has Texas fallen to a communist takeover by it's own Governor?
Every state in the Union has code of conduct laws for their elected legislators....it's on a contract of sorts that they all sign before being seated. So...
Not only are you not right......you're not even wrong.....Wrong would be a step up from where you are.
Somehow, I doubt the Representatives are getting ready to be handcuffed, thrown in the back of a squad car and perp-walked, as is the case with standard arrests. It sounds hard core for the Governor and his supporters but, but I doubt it works that way. We shall see. I personally do not care, as I am not from Texas. Ought to be fun to watch, no matter how it turns out.
Oh no pal. I live here. I know how this process works.

It is literally handcuffed and hauled to the capitol building.

It is no different than a witness who has been subpoenaed to trial but refuses to appear. The judge will issue a bench warrant and the cops or sheriffs deputies will go down there arrest that motherfucker and haul them in there. In cuffs.
That will be cool to watch! :auiqs.jpg:
The Democrats did this same thing 18 years ago.

There was no "big trouble" waiting for them when they came home.

As always, the OP is full of shit.
18 years ago was 18 years ago. That was that. This is this and now. Simple things elude you. Ho hum.
Even your article, quoting the Governor listed no statute that would allow for arrest and no penalties. I would be interested in seeing it, if it exists. I have never heard of a law anywhere in the country that says people walking of the job, can be arrested or imprisoned. Has Texas fallen to a communist takeover by it's own Governor?
Try reading this thread.
News reports showed happy Democrat members of the Texas legislature laughing and joking, on a private charted jet, designed to take them out of the state, to thwart a vote on election integrity, by stopping a quorum. When they come back they're going to be arrested, and will be doing jail time. Maybe the news media will show us the before and after pictures. Should be an interesting contrast.

Amazing how these legislators turned criminals, can so lightly and flippantly think they can use election fraud to get themselves re-elected, as if the fraud-riddled 2020 election outrages, should now be thought of as normal. Nothing could be farther from the truth. This important vote on election integrity is going to happen, and the laws that need to be passed are going to be.

One of the Democrat legislators flying out of the state, state Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer said “We’ve left our jobs, we’ve left our families, we’ve left our homes. Because there is nothing more important than voting rights in America.” What he really means is >> there is nothing more important TO DEMOCRATS, than ILLEGAL voting rights FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS, In America.”

Here is a quote from Texas governor Greg Abbot, from KVUE, 2 hours ago>>

"There is something the governor can do. First of all, I’ll tell you what the House of Representatives can do. What the speaker can do is issue a call to have these members arrested. In addition to that, however, I can and I will continue to call a special session after special session after special session all the way up until election next year. And so if these people want to be hanging out wherever they’re hanging out on this taxpayer-paid junket, they’re going to have to be prepared to do it for well over a year. As soon as they come back in the state of Texas, they will be arrested, they will be cabined inside the Texas Capitol until they get their job done. "

Even your article, quoting the Governor listed no statute that would allow for arrest and no penalties. I would be interested in seeing it, if it exists. I have never heard of a law anywhere in the country that says people walking of the job, can be arrested or imprisoned. Has Texas fallen to a communist takeover by it's own Governor?
Every state in the Union has code of conduct laws for their elected legislators....it's on a contract of sorts that they all sign before being seated. So...
Not only are you not right......you're not even wrong.....Wrong would be a step up from where you are.
Somehow, I doubt the Representatives are getting ready to be handcuffed, thrown in the back of a squad car and perp-walked, as is the case with standard arrests. It sounds hard core for the Governor and his supporters but, but I doubt it works that way. We shall see. I personally do not care, as I am not from Texas. Ought to be fun to watch, no matter how it turns out.
Oh no pal. I live here. I know how this process works.

It is literally handcuffed and hauled to the capitol building.

It is no different than a witness who has been subpoenaed to trial but refuses to appear. The judge will issue a bench warrant and the cops or sheriffs deputies will go down there arrest that motherfucker and haul them in there. In cuffs.
That will be cool to watch! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh shit yeah.....it will be a major news item and they will play it right up....it's Alinksy 101 stuff all the way.
News reports showed happy Democrat members of the Texas legislature laughing and joking, on a private charted jet, designed to take them out of the state, to thwart a vote on election integrity, by stopping a quorum. When they come back they're going to be arrested, and will be doing jail time. Maybe the news media will show us the before and after pictures. Should be an interesting contrast.

Amazing how these legislators turned criminals, can so lightly and flippantly think they can use election fraud to get themselves re-elected, as if the fraud-riddled 2020 election outrages, should now be thought of as normal. Nothing could be farther from the truth. This important vote on election integrity is going to happen, and the laws that need to be passed are going to be.

One of the Democrat legislators flying out of the state, state Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer said “We’ve left our jobs, we’ve left our families, we’ve left our homes. Because there is nothing more important than voting rights in America.” What he really means is >> there is nothing more important TO DEMOCRATS, than ILLEGAL voting rights FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS, In America.”

Here is a quote from Texas governor Greg Abbot, from KVUE, 2 hours ago>>

"There is something the governor can do. First of all, I’ll tell you what the House of Representatives can do. What the speaker can do is issue a call to have these members arrested. In addition to that, however, I can and I will continue to call a special session after special session after special session all the way up until election next year. And so if these people want to be hanging out wherever they’re hanging out on this taxpayer-paid junket, they’re going to have to be prepared to do it for well over a year. As soon as they come back in the state of Texas, they will be arrested, they will be cabined inside the Texas Capitol until they get their job done. "

Even your article, quoting the Governor listed no statute that would allow for arrest and no penalties. I would be interested in seeing it, if it exists. I have never heard of a law anywhere in the country that says people walking of the job, can be arrested or imprisoned. Has Texas fallen to a communist takeover by it's own Governor?

All Democrats should be arrested for treason.
If only there was a way to make sure that the party you don't like never got elected/re-elected.....if only...if only....
This is the Democrat mantra, lived out in November 2020.

Actually, there is a way to have that happen - politically divide the county into 2 separate countries - blue and red, as should have been done years ago.
Democrats have done this before. They often run instead of vote. Of course they should be arrested and jailed.

The best way to handle this is to vote every democrat out of office. Completely obliterate the party.
If only there was a way to make sure that the party you don't like never got elected/re-elected.....if only...if only....
This is the Democrat mantra, lived out in November 2020.

Actually, there is a way to have that happen - politically divide the county into 2 separate countries - blue and red, as should have been done years ago.
The thing about socialism is that they don't allow competition. One nation, one world, one universe dedicated to sociailsm.

It is a fight to the death.
The Governor of Texas is talking about arresting legislators coming back into the state of Texas and you call me a Fascist? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Just because you don't like a law, that doesn't make a fascist out of those who enforce it.

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