Texas repubs go full MAGA at it's convention

Having a clear mind and common sense is a mental condition to you deluded deranged, morally and spiritually diseased DemNazi Loon Tards.
Yes we are well aware of your plants. The KKK is an Exclusively Democrat institution, and it is a known fact, just like BLM and AntiFa that they infiltrate and try to associate themselves with their enemies for precisely the purpose you use such photos for.
They instigate violence as infiltrators for propaganda purposes just so idiots like you can do their dirty work like you are doing here.

Planned Parenthood btw is a direct result of Nazi Germany's Eugenics Programs, as are most DemNazi political philosophies, and agendas.

But I'll take it one step further, Hitler and his policies were inspired by The Democrat Party more than The Democrat Party was inspired by Hitler. You were Evil 150 years before Hitler was even born.

We know your Saul Alinsky Tactics, you lying race hustling whore for Satan.
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Having a clear mind and common sense is a mental condition to you deluded deranged, morally and spiritually diseased DemNazi Loon Tards.
And St. Peter sayeth..."Excuse my French, Original Tree, but you are batshit crazy, and I'm afraid you will have to join your fellow Trumpers headed South. You may NOT enter these gates!"

Sucks to be you.
Yes we are well aware of your plants. The KKK is an Exclusively Democrat institution, and it is a known fact, just like BLM and AntiFa that they infiltrate and try to associate themselves with their enemies for precisely the purpose you use such photos for.

We know your Saul Alinsky Tactics, you lying race hustling whore for Satan.
The KKK WAS a Democrat institution. No longer. The Republican white-wingers picked up the gauntlet in the 1970s. Are you a good member in standing, Comrade? Do they have chapters in Russia?
And St. Peter sayeth..."Excuse my French, Original Tree, but you are batshit crazy, and I'm afraid you will have to join your fellow Trumpers headed South. You may NOT enter these gates!"

Sucks to be you.
Sucks to be you when you find out you wasted your entire life serving Satan and in Rebellion against God, and you don't make the cut for entering The Kingdom of God. Instead you will join your fellow God Haters in Hell, and not have a single second of peace, be forever tormented by your poor decisions in life, suffer in anguish and eternal separation from God, forgotten and never to be remembered again.
At least once a month we have one of these idiotic topics about the KKK and the Democrats.

One can only chuckle at the retardation of these idiots.

As for the KKK, it is, was, and always will be a far right Christian terrorist organization. Something which every tard who starts these topics neglects to mention.

They also fail to mention the KKK infiltrated the Republican Party to the extent that GOP members gave serious consideration to forming a new party because the Republican Party was so infected by the Klan.

Sure boss...

The KKK WAS a Democrat institution. No longer. The Republican white-wingers picked up the gauntlet in the 1970s. Are you a good member in standing, Comrade? Do they have chapters in Russia?
The KKK has supported every Democrat Candidate in every presidential election since their formation. The KKK only in the last few decades had tried to infiltrate conservative groups and attempt to associate themselves with them to help smear Conservatives like you are doing right now in order to help The Lying DemNazi Party with their Lying Nazi Narratives.

You know this or you would not be engaging in Saul Alinsky Tactics right now doing that very thing. No doubt you and everyone you know are life long members and fans of The KKK. Probably go to Byrd's grave every year and put flowers on it, and snap at attention if The Clintons or Biden is around and give them a Heil Shitler salute!
The KKK has supported every Democrat Candidate in every presidential election since their formation. The KKK only in the last few decades had tried to infiltrate conservative groups and attempt to associate themselves with them to help smear Conservatives like you are doing right now in order to help The Lying DemNazi Party with their Lying Nazi Narratives.

You know this or you would not be engaging in Saul Alinsky Tactics right now doing that very thing. No doubt you and everyone you know are life long members and fans of The KKK. Probably go to Byrd's grave ever year and put flowers on it, and snap at attention if The Clintons or Biden is around and give them a Heil Shitler salute!
"tried to infiltrate con-servative groups"............. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:

The KKK has always been with con-servative groups....which since the 1970s has been...........................the Republicans. You should study up on U.S. political history more, Comrade. Your Russian troll farm training is lacking.
That is why 90% of African Americans vote Democratic. You are so stupid....you could be trump.

My God have you ever read a history book? I wasn't being figurative, racism is LITERALLY the history of your party. Slavery, lynching, Jim Crow, the KKK, cross burning, segregation, it's all LITERALLY the history of your party and the country. Here's a dollar, buy a clue, racist

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