Thank you, Donald Trump

but wait.....the other mac said this.....As I always say, this has never been about Donald Trump......have you ever seen the other mac say that?....
This is why I don't bother with you and my other creepy leg humpers. You continually lie.

You're great at humping my leg, but lousy at being honest.

A few examples, of many, with links. Just to rub your face in your bullshit. I won't expect an apology. You are what you are. <flick>

I've only said this about a thousand times, but just for you:

This isn't about Trump. It has never been about Trump.

That is as simple and as clear as I can make it.
Post 74, After The Ball Drops Tonight, It'll Be Back To Reality

And that's the fundamental problem.

It's not about him. It never has been. It's about a country that would give someone like him actual power, let alone this blind adoration.

What it says about us can't be good.
Post 7, The Plot Against the King.

The celebrity and great wealth of the Kardashians isn't about them. It's about a society so shallow that it gives all that to them.

This isn't about Trump. It has never been about Trump. He shouldn't be the primary focus.
Post 3,

The problem is, this isn't about Trump. It has never been about Trump. All he did was open the door to what was already there. Now, it has metastasized far beyond him.

He could disappear tomorrow, and this paranoid, mal-informed, conspiratorial madness would continue, at least for a while.
Post 41, Republicans, get rid of Trump and the white nationalist type people and you will beat democratics.

Yes, like “Bidenflation”.

Personally, I don’t blame Trump for much of anything. I blame the craven politicians and dishonest, opportunistic MAGA media pundits, all of whom have ENABLED this madness.

One guy can’t cause this. It’s never been about him. He was merely shameless enough to take advantage of it.
Post 31, January 6th committee ignorance


In his own grotesque, perverse way, Donald Trump has put a mirror up to America's face and taught us three critical lessons:

1. We need to examine how a society can become so sick that it would put someone like him in its ultimate position of authority -- the true TDS.

2. His taxes have driven home the fact that our tax system has holes so big that you can drive a semitruck through them, and must be fixed immediately.

3. We have to fix a political system in which empty, soulless people in media and politics are incentivized and rewarded for enabling a person like this.

As I always say, this has never been about Donald Trump. It's about us. Will this be an educational experience for us? Doubtful, but we can certainly hope.
What the IRS needs to do is publish effective tax rates of groups by business income, personal income, net worth,....

Make it clear what has been defined...

I know that these types of figures are landed in front of the finance minister every year (usually before the yearly budget) and he/she is asked to explain any anomalies...

There is no push back like that in US... In the US who is the equivalent of the Finance Minster in another country (this is the second most powerful person in the country)...
Budget day is is his big day..


New Zealand


All these guys would have to explain how Rich (not being specific about Trump) were paying so little...
BTW Trump paid foreign taxes..
4 pages in it seems that people just do not care the tax system is fucked up and that people making a billion dollars pay a lower percent of the income than they do
4 pages in it seems that people just do not care the tax system is fucked up and that people making a billion dollars pay a lower percent of the income than they do
Doesnt matter. Most of the people that do care, will just keep voting for it anyway.
What the IRS needs to do is publish effective tax rates of groups by business income, personal income, net worth,....

Make it clear what has been defined...

I know that these types of figures are landed in front of the finance minister every year (usually before the yearly budget) and he/she is asked to explain any anomalies...

There is no push back like that in US... In the US who is the equivalent of the Finance Minster in another country (this is the second most powerful person in the country)...
Budget day is is his big day..
View attachment 744700

View attachment 744701

New Zealand


All these guys would have to explain how Rich (not being specific about Trump) were paying so little...
BTW Trump paid foreign taxes..
We need a minimum effective tax rate. 5%, 10%, whatever. This is ridiculous, but the phonies in DC don't want to upset their biggest contributors.

Their top priorities are fundraising and re-election, not the people.
The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. The rich buy politicians, and own them, to make the laws they want.
"...only little people pay taxes" (so said Leona)

View attachment 744671

Just imagine the 2030 curve with Bezos, Musk, and all the new hi-tech billionaires...

It is much easier to gain more wealth if you have wealth. If you are spending all your income on necessities, you don’t have money to invest or save. This is why the wealthier are getting wealthier. My family pays a LOT in federal income tax, not to mention property taxes, but fortunately, we still have money to invest and save. There are some extremly wealthy people that don’t pay a high percentage of taxes due to loopholes and paying on captiial gains taxes instead of income taxes, but those are the rare exceptions. The Democrats are targeting people who aren’t in that class, but rather the doctor who has a good income but is far from living off their capital gains.
The tax code has benefited the wealthy for decades. It’s ridiculous complexity, numerous loopholes, and special provisions are specifically designed the benefit the ultra wealthy.

Trump is hardly the first wealthy asshole to take advantage of our unjust tax code. Nearly all the billionaires pay little in taxation, as a percentage of their enormous income. For example, Bezos paid little to no income tax for many years, yet is a billionaire.

It is not just the complexity it was written by lobbyists paid off by wealthy influences...

Trump doesn't have to cheat but used the rules which gave him an unfair advantage in the first place..

Even if Trump cheated there isn't enough skilled IRS agents to follow them up...

And what do the GOP congress want to do, get rid of more IRS staff... Make it easier for the rich to cheat if they want..

It is the equivalent of the rich defunding the police for there crimes...Wealthy people can cheat on there taxes and make more money than robbing 10 banks or selling drugs for a year..
We need a minimum effective tax rate. 5%, 10%, whatever. This is ridiculous, but the phonies in DC don't want to upset their biggest contributors.

Their top priorities are fundraising and re-election, not the people.
Need to at least publish them first...

Make them transparent to people...

Warren Buffet probably did more tax equality when he said this:
"I'll be a fair amount higher, 8 or 9 points higher," Buffett said of his own tax rate in an appearance on CNBC Monday. "But the differential between me and the rest of the office, not just my secretary but the rest of the office, was greater than that. It'll be closer, but I'll probably be the lowest paying taxpayer in the office."

In a 2007 interview, Buffett explained that he took a survey of his employees and compared their tax rates to his. All told, he found that while he paid a total tax rate of 17.7%, the average tax rate for people in his office was 32.9%.
The tax code is an easy fix compared to numbers 1 and 3. Biden has tried to address the corporate side of the unfairness by including a 15% minimum tax in the IRA bill. The tax code can be simplified if we are willing to take on the special interests.

How to fix us, when we are the problem, is enormously challenging. Maybe impossible. Trump's election exposed a vulnerability I didn't think existed in America. The susceptibility of millions to be attracted to a demagogue. To be willfully ignorant on the issues. To believe in baseless conspiracy theories when the truth and the facts are readily available. I don't how to put that genie back in the bottle given the proliferation of right wing media outlets that have a biz model based on disinformation.
Things are happening. Unions are growing again. Workers are getting righteously fed up with being fucked over akin to back in the 1930s, including by their own union leadership. We shouldn't identify ourselves so much by what we do, but that's our cultural mold. Now there's plenty of work, but precious little promising a rewarding career. We just need to build a solidarity movement against the ownership class and grab control.. only permanently this time and democratically. Never let profit trump public interest again. China now has like twelve high speed rail lines crisscrossing their nation. We have none. It's gotten downright embarrassing to say the least.
Need to at least publish them first...

Make them transparent to people...

Warren Buffet probably did more tax equality when he said this:

In a 2007 interview, Buffett explained that he took a survey of his employees and compared their tax rates to his. All told, he found that while he paid a total tax rate of 17.7%, the average tax rate for people in his office was 32.9%.

Where do you think most of Buffets income originates? Do you think he is the exception or the rule? What income level do you define as “rich”. I imagine it is much, much lower than Buffet.
hey berg maybe so many voted for trump back then because of the piece of shit you asswipes ran against come you left that out?...
I recall having a conversation with a friend about a month before the 2016 election. He's a Repub. He was telling me how despicable Hillary was as an explanation for why he was supporting Trump. Admittedly, we didn't know back then how catastrophically bad Trump would be for the country. The damage he would cause. How despicable he is in every way.
But we knew enough to see he was unqualified for the job. And nitwits like you voted for him anyway. A colossally bad error of judgement for which we have paid a terrible price.
I recall having a conversation with a friend about a month before the 2016 election. He's a Repub. He was telling me how despicable Hillary was as an explanation for why he was supporting Trump. Admittedly, we didn't know back then how catastrophically bad Trump would be for the country. The damage he would cause. How despicable he is in every way.
But we knew enough to see he was unqualified for the job. And nitwits like you voted for him anyway. A colossally bad error of judgement for which we have paid a terrible price.

Do tell us how “catastrophic“ things were under Trump pre-COVID. By almost every meaningful metric, our country was better off under Trump. He hurt Democrats feelings, so they choose to ignore the facts. Now, Biden is doing some serious long-term damage, but my guess is you don’t see this.
The tax code has benefited the wealthy for decades. It’s ridiculous complexity, numerous loopholes, and special provisions are specifically designed the benefit the ultra wealthy.

Trump is hardly the first wealthy asshole to take advantage of our unjust tax code. Nearly all the billionaires pay little in taxation, as a percentage of their enormous income. For example, Bezos paid little to no income tax for many years, yet is a billionaire.
Don't blame wealthy folks for our weak tax code. Blame our government.
Trump has revealed the country behind the curtain, one that has not changed a whole lot since 1865.

Let me guess. Racism again. You guys are like a broken record.

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