The abortion issue troubles me mightily

Educate yourself, Hollie! Educate yourself!

You, fundie crank, are a hoot.
From Chapter X of her 1920 book Woman and the New Race, Margaret Sanger states the following:

While there are cases where even the law recognizes an abortion as justifiable if recommended by a physician, I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization.
Yeah you evidently have not seen the budget that is attached to the tax plan.....Yet care for the unborn is being compromised by the rightist desire to end affordable healthcare(act), cut medicaid and now Trump wants to end welfare as we know it....Yeah, such compassion for the wee ones....
Budgets? Show me a baby that has been turned away.
Illegal immigrants are denied prenatal care if poor as are many other.
CHIP funds to run out this month, ngo funding since Oct.
Medicaid funding reduced in states that are GOP.
The president’s fiscal year 2018 budget proposal called for massive cuts to the social safety net, including food stamps, Social Security disability insurance benefits and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program.Trump administration weighing executive order on welfare
SENATE REPUBLICANS HAVE given up on trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act for now, but that doesn’t mean they’re done messing with health care. Their 2018 budget proposal paves the way for a $1.5 trillion tax cut to be offset by massive cuts to Medicaid and Medicare, according to Senate Democrats who are sounding the alarm.Senate Republicans Are Coming for Medicare and Medicaid, This Time Through Tax Reform
You people going to live in yer cage and play ignorant to what the GOP is wanting and will do?
Sorry dude, show me the baby that was denied care. You can't do it.

Bring me another one, this one is too small, eh.
Right, live with your myopic bull fucking shit storm you think is justifiable...
Please don't cry. I hate it when women cry.
You may GFY on the female issue, for your kind it never works...
The plight of these women exemplifies how broader social and economic disparities in the United States limit access to health care and reveals a system that makes it difficult for some people to receive care

Behind from the start: Why some women aren't receiving early prenatal care — Part 2

You have proven one thing, your God and your party has made an ignorant twit out of you, pat yourself on the back....
Budgets? Show me a baby that has been turned away.
Illegal immigrants are denied prenatal care if poor as are many other.
CHIP funds to run out this month, ngo funding since Oct.
Medicaid funding reduced in states that are GOP.
The president’s fiscal year 2018 budget proposal called for massive cuts to the social safety net, including food stamps, Social Security disability insurance benefits and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program.Trump administration weighing executive order on welfare
SENATE REPUBLICANS HAVE given up on trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act for now, but that doesn’t mean they’re done messing with health care. Their 2018 budget proposal paves the way for a $1.5 trillion tax cut to be offset by massive cuts to Medicaid and Medicare, according to Senate Democrats who are sounding the alarm.Senate Republicans Are Coming for Medicare and Medicaid, This Time Through Tax Reform
You people going to live in yer cage and play ignorant to what the GOP is wanting and will do?
Sorry dude, show me the baby that was denied care. You can't do it.

Bring me another one, this one is too small, eh.
Right, live with your myopic bull fucking shit storm you think is justifiable...
Please don't cry. I hate it when women cry.
You may GFY on the female issue, for your kind it never works...
The plight of these women exemplifies how broader social and economic disparities in the United States limit access to health care and reveals a system that makes it difficult for some people to receive care

Behind from the start: Why some women aren't receiving early prenatal care — Part 2

You have proven one thing, your God and your party has made an ignorant twit out of you, pat yourself on the back....
I see. What have you done about it, Sally?
Illegal immigrants are denied prenatal care if poor as are many other.
CHIP funds to run out this month, ngo funding since Oct.
Medicaid funding reduced in states that are GOP.
The president’s fiscal year 2018 budget proposal called for massive cuts to the social safety net, including food stamps, Social Security disability insurance benefits and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program.Trump administration weighing executive order on welfare
SENATE REPUBLICANS HAVE given up on trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act for now, but that doesn’t mean they’re done messing with health care. Their 2018 budget proposal paves the way for a $1.5 trillion tax cut to be offset by massive cuts to Medicaid and Medicare, according to Senate Democrats who are sounding the alarm.Senate Republicans Are Coming for Medicare and Medicaid, This Time Through Tax Reform
You people going to live in yer cage and play ignorant to what the GOP is wanting and will do?
Sorry dude, show me the baby that was denied care. You can't do it.

Bring me another one, this one is too small, eh.
Right, live with your myopic bull fucking shit storm you think is justifiable...
Please don't cry. I hate it when women cry.
You may GFY on the female issue, for your kind it never works...
The plight of these women exemplifies how broader social and economic disparities in the United States limit access to health care and reveals a system that makes it difficult for some people to receive care

Behind from the start: Why some women aren't receiving early prenatal care — Part 2

You have proven one thing, your God and your party has made an ignorant twit out of you, pat yourself on the back....
I see. What have you done about it, Sally?
Promote the funding for medical care of pregnant women and children...Yet though I am not a women and would never allow my wife or gal pal to have an abortion I do not believe in demanding others live as such..It's called free will, something you theocratic tyrants can't exercise...
Yes deny that you by your religious doctrine want to force people to live in a certain manner based on a religious foundation with an established policy..Which makes no sense, your God has a most impressive history of murdering children and aborting babies....
Yes deny that you by your religious doctrine want to force people to live in a certain manner based on a religious foundation with an established policy..Which makes no sense, your God has a most impressive history of murdering children and aborting babies....
No. I don't disagree on the problem. I disagree on the solution.
Yes deny that you by your religious doctrine want to force people to live in a certain manner based on a religious foundation with an established policy..Which makes no sense, your God has a most impressive history of murdering children and aborting babies....
No. I don't disagree on the problem. I disagree on the solution.
God has by his own hand killed that which offends him or whenever he needs to convey a message...Your God destroyed the humans on the planet, so he killed innocent children and unborn babies..Such an empathetic loving God.Yet you have the apathetic gaul to claim you and your God love children and they should not be killed by abortion, yet it is hypocrisy at it's fines coming from a cult of murderers.....
Yes deny that you by your religious doctrine want to force people to live in a certain manner based on a religious foundation with an established policy..Which makes no sense, your God has a most impressive history of murdering children and aborting babies....
No. I don't disagree on the problem. I disagree on the solution.
God has by his own hand killed that which offends him or whenever he needs to convey a message...Your God destroyed the humans on the planet, so he killed innocent children and unborn babies..Such an empathetic loving God.Yet you have the apathetic gaul to claim you and your God love children and they should not be killed by abortion, yet it is hypocrisy at it's fines coming from a cult of murderers.....
You don't believe in God, so you don't believe that.

Would it be asking too much for you to elevate your game? I can only make fun of you for so long.
Yes deny that you by your religious doctrine want to force people to live in a certain manner based on a religious foundation with an established policy..Which makes no sense, your God has a most impressive history of murdering children and aborting babies....
No. I don't disagree on the problem. I disagree on the solution.
God has by his own hand killed that which offends him or whenever he needs to convey a message...Your God destroyed the humans on the planet, so he killed innocent children and unborn babies..Such an empathetic loving God.Yet you have the apathetic gaul to claim you and your God love children and they should not be killed by abortion, yet it is hypocrisy at it's fines coming from a cult of murderers.....
You don't believe in God, so you don't believe that.

Would it be asking too much for you to elevate your game? I can only make fun of you for so long.
I don't believe it because I was indoctrinated and I saw the lies and deceit perpetrated by the religion...You elevate your game so as to not seem ignorant...I need no church or religion to seek and find God...Nor do I need to believe in the fairly tales God told me were from false prophets...See how that works, God gave free will and yet God doesn't interfere when you do something that maybe wrong...You should try it also...
If men could get pregnant, abortion would never have been illegal in the first place.

How do you explain pro-life/ anti abortion women and the fact that many of them are women who have already had an abortion and now regret it?

I explain it the same way that I explain Trump voters. Never overestimate the intelligence of the average American voter.

You are dodging the question.

Chuz, you have been pushing the anti choice agenda for so long that you have totally lost sight of the fact that if people want an abortion, they will have one, and if they don't, they won't. The only change that would occur if you succeeded in outlawing it would be that some doctors might go to prison or lose their licenses. There has never even been a penalty to the woman involved. You are blind to the fact that before Roe VS. Wade, gynecologist's most frequent procedure was D & C's. If they couldn't do that, there was always the vacation trip to a foreign country. For the poor, there was the friendly neighborhood abortionist. Frank Sinatra's mother used to do them, back in Hoboken. Your time would be better spent preaching hell and damnation to women directly. That would overcome my objections, anyway.

It is intellectually indefensible that a person's rights should begin at any point after their life does.

If you (or anyone else) holds the view that a persons rights should begin when their life does, then you have no choice but to oppose any and all laws or regulations that run contrary to that belief.

It is as simple as that.

So far, I have read scientific arguments as to why a fetus who could not live outside the mother's body, is the same as a child. Now, I am reading that a fetus has the same right as a child under the law, despite the fact that a fetus is NOT a child, and the law of the land is in direct conflict with this point of view. I can't help but suggest that you switch to the moral issue, which is strictly a matter of opinion, because the logic that you are using in science and law are strictly failures.
And THAT is how you shut Hollie the hell up.

Actually, I prefer to let the law deal with you fundie zealots.

The fact that there cannot be consensus does not dictate that we mindlessly leap to an absolutist proscription. As with most contested matters of adjudication, we are dealing with conflicting recognized rights: a woman to control her womb, a fetus to develop into an individual. Rowe vs Wade has delineated the specifics of such a compromise, recognizing as a superior matter of privacy the right of a woman to control a pregnancy before that zygote/embryo/fetus has become a viable entity, and granting that fetus a protected status once its development has reached a definitive stage. There is always a nebulous area in between that can be contested, but to legislate an extremist position posed by thumpers is not an equitable approach.

You extremist nutters on the far right of the thumper crowd mewl that a single fertilized cell is a person and advocate that the State seize control of the womb at that point. The vast majority of rational Americans recognize that personhood evolves during gestation as brain waves are first evidenced and independent viability achieved. Thus, Rowe vs Wade is a reasonable compromise.

Thank the gawds that they are on my side of the law, protecting me from you lovely Taliban wannabes.
How do you explain pro-life/ anti abortion women and the fact that many of them are women who have already had an abortion and now regret it?

I explain it the same way that I explain Trump voters. Never overestimate the intelligence of the average American voter.

You are dodging the question.

Chuz, you have been pushing the anti choice agenda for so long that you have totally lost sight of the fact that if people want an abortion, they will have one, and if they don't, they won't. The only change that would occur if you succeeded in outlawing it would be that some doctors might go to prison or lose their licenses. There has never even been a penalty to the woman involved. You are blind to the fact that before Roe VS. Wade, gynecologist's most frequent procedure was D & C's. If they couldn't do that, there was always the vacation trip to a foreign country. For the poor, there was the friendly neighborhood abortionist. Frank Sinatra's mother used to do them, back in Hoboken. Your time would be better spent preaching hell and damnation to women directly. That would overcome my objections, anyway.

It is intellectually indefensible that a person's rights should begin at any point after their life does.

If you (or anyone else) holds the view that a persons rights should begin when their life does, then you have no choice but to oppose any and all laws or regulations that run contrary to that belief.

It is as simple as that.

So far, I have read scientific arguments as to why a fetus who could not live outside the mother's body, is the same as a child. Now, I am reading that a fetus has the same right as a child under the law, despite the fact that a fetus is NOT a child, and the law of the land is in direct conflict with this point of view. I can't help but suggest that you switch to the moral issue, which is strictly a matter of opinion, because the logic that you are using in science and law are strictly failures.
It's not that complicated. At conception a new genetically distinct human being comes into existence. One that has never existed before and will never exist again. It is fully human and has all the attributes a human being should have for that part of it's human life cycle which begins at conception and ends at death.

What is complicated is why people like you deny its humanity?

Does that make it easier to snuff out their life?
extremist nutters on the far right of the thumper crowd mewl

Extreme nutter? Moi?

Just because I acknowledge the humanity of a new genetically distinct human being and wish to afford it its inalienable rights of the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness?

Are you sure you aren't the nutter?
Yes deny that you by your religious doctrine want to force people to live in a certain manner based on a religious foundation with an established policy..Which makes no sense, your God has a most impressive history of murdering children and aborting babies....
No. I don't disagree on the problem. I disagree on the solution.
God has by his own hand killed that which offends him or whenever he needs to convey a message...Your God destroyed the humans on the planet, so he killed innocent children and unborn babies..Such an empathetic loving God.Yet you have the apathetic gaul to claim you and your God love children and they should not be killed by abortion, yet it is hypocrisy at it's fines coming from a cult of murderers.....
You don't believe in God, so you don't believe that.

Would it be asking too much for you to elevate your game? I can only make fun of you for so long.
I don't believe it because I was indoctrinated and I saw the lies and deceit perpetrated by the religion...You elevate your game so as to not seem ignorant...I need no church or religion to seek and find God...Nor do I need to believe in the fairly tales God told me were from false prophets...See how that works, God gave free will and yet God doesn't interfere when you do something that maybe wrong...You should try it also...
Good for you. Thank you for proving my point that you made an argument that even you didn't believe. This is progress.
Yes deny that you by your religious doctrine want to force people to live in a certain manner based on a religious foundation with an established policy..Which makes no sense, your God has a most impressive history of murdering children and aborting babies....
No. I don't disagree on the problem. I disagree on the solution.
God has by his own hand killed that which offends him or whenever he needs to convey a message...Your God destroyed the humans on the planet, so he killed innocent children and unborn babies..Such an empathetic loving God.Yet you have the apathetic gaul to claim you and your God love children and they should not be killed by abortion, yet it is hypocrisy at it's fines coming from a cult of murderers.....
You don't believe in God, so you don't believe that.

Would it be asking too much for you to elevate your game? I can only make fun of you for so long.
I don't believe it because I was indoctrinated and I saw the lies and deceit perpetrated by the religion...You elevate your game so as to not seem ignorant...I need no church or religion to seek and find God...Nor do I need to believe in the fairly tales God told me were from false prophets...See how that works, God gave free will and yet God doesn't interfere when you do something that maybe wrong...You should try it also...
Good for you. Thank you for proving my point that you made an argument that even you didn't believe. This is progress.
Yoar reverse psychology is showing...

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