The Ad That Ran During The Dem Debate That Has Ocasio-Cortez Outraged

Provably it doesn't, and, more to the point the quality goes down, and so does availability.

Government run healthcare is like government run anything. Bad.

Just imagine the DMV running your healthcare.

I am perfectly fine with NJ DMV

Medicare runs just fine, ask anyone over 65 if they want to end it and go back to private coverage

Ask anyone in England or Canada if they want to abandon their universal plans and go to profit based plans like the US uses

Several years ago Newt Gingrich wanted just that, to allow people to have a choice between Medicare and private insurance. Guess what? The Democrats shut him down.

Why? Because the entire goal of the Democrat party is to have as many people depending on them as possible. I don't care if you're talking about Medicare, VA, Medicaid, Social Security, they want total control over the people.
More RW hysteria

Republicans oppose Medicare, Medicaid, SS and VA
Those who use it do not want it going private

Well yeah. The people in Greece didn't want to privatize their system either, and it bankrupted the entire country.

Yeah people collecting the money, don't want the hand-outs to stop. I get that.

But there's a problem. The problem is called "Math".

Unfunded Govt. Liabilities -- Our Ticking Time Bomb | RealClearPolitics

The doom of which I speak is unfunded liabilities — $122 trillion in payments the government owes and has promised its citizens — without the funds to fulfill those obligations.

According to the Treasury Department, total U.S. unfunded liability includes Social Security (along with Medicare Parts A, B, and D), federal debt held by the public, plus federal employee and veteran benefits.

Before you call me an alarmist, I refer you to the U.S. Debt Clock. Here you can watch our time bomb tick in real time with that $122 trillion in unfunded liabilities as one of the major “fuses.”
Now I get it... you people on the left are brainless ignorant fools, screaming at the top of your lungs, shutting your eyes, and covering your ears, yelling "BUT I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT!"

But "MATH" doesn't care that you barely have the intellectual capacity of a farm chicken.

The reason we are on the right-wing care about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.... is because we are adults... not Democrap Children having a temper-tantrum... and we can do "MATH".

You people on the left, will face the music someday. And I would wager soon. But whether you like it or not, those programs will be heavily modified, or privatized, whether you scream and yell, and roll around on the ground, or not.

And by the way, it won't matter if you elect 100% democrats in the future. Because even AOC, at the end of the day, will face the reality of "MATH".

Being "morally right" does not at the end of the day, over ride being factually... or mathematically correct.

The bottom line is, we're better people than you, more adult than you, and we'll save your children from the Venezuelan hell hole you support, with or without you.
Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid have been working for over 50 years. Republicans have opposed them all along

I just checked.....
We are not Greece
You can rest easily

Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are Ponzi scheme that have been gobbling an ever larger percentage of our disposable income.

Is that your idea of "working?"
More RW hysteria

Republicans oppose Medicare, Medicaid, SS and VA
Those who use it do not want it going private

Let me explain this to you RW.

If there was a bank where you could go and deposit a hundred dollar check, and withdraw three hundred dollars, wouldn't everybody love a bank like that?

The minuscule employer/ employee contributions to Medicare doesn't support the system. It's why it's going broke. Much of it is plain old government healthcare that taxpayers pay for through income tax collections.

My father laughs at his first major surgery, because he told me that surgery alone cost more money than he and his employers contributed to the system his entire life. He's had several other procedures since then and for course, continuing care.

Government only pays about 2/3 of the bill for their patients. The doctors and facilities make up those losses by increasing costs on everybody else. If we had Medicare for all, who is going to make up those losses? Nobody. That's why when you see health facilities close down, it's usually in poorer areas where there are few private pay or insurance paid patients. Nobody can stay open on what government gives them alone.
Don’t try to make me feel sorry for hospitals, drug companies, doctors and health insurance companies

They have the medical system by the throat

You're such a blissful fool. Who pays you to post this shit?
Which universe do you live in?

Who do you think is pulling profits off of our healthcare?
Why has insulin tripled in price?

Why? Because the makers of insulin made a dirty deal with Walmart, that's why.

What they did was sell insulin to Walmart for dirt cheap, and drastically increased prices to everybody else to make up the difference.

Walmart sells insulin for the same price as it was over 20 years ago. But like I said, it's two to three times more expensive everywhere else outside a Walmart subsidiary like Sam's Club.
Total baloney, and it's not real insulin. Just another conspiracy and phony Scandal for the Chumps like you...

Where is that health plan Trump promised that is cheaper and better than Obamacare?

I don't know. Where is that affordable insurance DumBama promised us?
75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month, brainwashed functional moron. And 14 million pay nothing for Medicaid except in real scumbag red States. Like Ohio. Answer- stop sabotaging it....

Oh, so what you're saying is that Commie Care was designed for the poor; you know, likely Democrat voters?

Thanks for admitting that to us. Because it's what we've been saying all along.
To be more precise, it's a handout to deadbeats.
We used to call them the unfortunate before Reagan demonized them
That's what lying douche bags called them. Intelligent people called them the irresponsible and deadbeats. A teenage girl who deliberately gets herself pregnant is not "unfortunate." She's a deadbeat.
I am perfectly fine with NJ DMV

Medicare runs just fine, ask anyone over 65 if they want to end it and go back to private coverage

Ask anyone in England or Canada if they want to abandon their universal plans and go to profit based plans like the US uses

Several years ago Newt Gingrich wanted just that, to allow people to have a choice between Medicare and private insurance. Guess what? The Democrats shut him down.

Why? Because the entire goal of the Democrat party is to have as many people depending on them as possible. I don't care if you're talking about Medicare, VA, Medicaid, Social Security, they want total control over the people.
More RW hysteria

Republicans oppose Medicare, Medicaid, SS and VA
Those who use it do not want it going private

Well yeah. The people in Greece didn't want to privatize their system either, and it bankrupted the entire country.

Yeah people collecting the money, don't want the hand-outs to stop. I get that.

But there's a problem. The problem is called "Math".

Unfunded Govt. Liabilities -- Our Ticking Time Bomb | RealClearPolitics

The doom of which I speak is unfunded liabilities — $122 trillion in payments the government owes and has promised its citizens — without the funds to fulfill those obligations.

According to the Treasury Department, total U.S. unfunded liability includes Social Security (along with Medicare Parts A, B, and D), federal debt held by the public, plus federal employee and veteran benefits.

Before you call me an alarmist, I refer you to the U.S. Debt Clock. Here you can watch our time bomb tick in real time with that $122 trillion in unfunded liabilities as one of the major “fuses.”
Now I get it... you people on the left are brainless ignorant fools, screaming at the top of your lungs, shutting your eyes, and covering your ears, yelling "BUT I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT!"

But "MATH" doesn't care that you barely have the intellectual capacity of a farm chicken.

The reason we are on the right-wing care about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.... is because we are adults... not Democrap Children having a temper-tantrum... and we can do "MATH".

You people on the left, will face the music someday. And I would wager soon. But whether you like it or not, those programs will be heavily modified, or privatized, whether you scream and yell, and roll around on the ground, or not.

And by the way, it won't matter if you elect 100% democrats in the future. Because even AOC, at the end of the day, will face the reality of "MATH".

Being "morally right" does not at the end of the day, over ride being factually... or mathematically correct.

The bottom line is, we're better people than you, more adult than you, and we'll save your children from the Venezuelan hell hole you support, with or without you.
Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid have been working for over 50 years. Republicans have opposed them all along

I just checked.....
We are not Greece
You can rest easily

Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are Ponzi scheme that have been gobbling an ever larger percentage of our disposable income.

Is that your idea of "working?"
I call that Republican federal tax cuts causing payroll as well as state and local taxes to go up, which kills the Non rich. Google the only tax graph you need to know, super duper.
Let me explain this to you RW.

If there was a bank where you could go and deposit a hundred dollar check, and withdraw three hundred dollars, wouldn't everybody love a bank like that?

The minuscule employer/ employee contributions to Medicare doesn't support the system. It's why it's going broke. Much of it is plain old government healthcare that taxpayers pay for through income tax collections.

My father laughs at his first major surgery, because he told me that surgery alone cost more money than he and his employers contributed to the system his entire life. He's had several other procedures since then and for course, continuing care.

Government only pays about 2/3 of the bill for their patients. The doctors and facilities make up those losses by increasing costs on everybody else. If we had Medicare for all, who is going to make up those losses? Nobody. That's why when you see health facilities close down, it's usually in poorer areas where there are few private pay or insurance paid patients. Nobody can stay open on what government gives them alone.
Don’t try to make me feel sorry for hospitals, drug companies, doctors and health insurance companies

They have the medical system by the throat

You're such a blissful fool. Who pays you to post this shit?
Which universe do you live in?

Who do you think is pulling profits off of our healthcare?
Why has insulin tripled in price?

Why? Because the makers of insulin made a dirty deal with Walmart, that's why.

What they did was sell insulin to Walmart for dirt cheap, and drastically increased prices to everybody else to make up the difference.

Walmart sells insulin for the same price as it was over 20 years ago. But like I said, it's two to three times more expensive everywhere else outside a Walmart subsidiary like Sam's Club.
Total baloney, and it's not real insulin. Just another conspiracy and phony Scandal for the Chumps like you...
Walmart is selling phony insulin? That's against the law, isn't it?
Several years ago Newt Gingrich wanted just that, to allow people to have a choice between Medicare and private insurance. Guess what? The Democrats shut him down.

Why? Because the entire goal of the Democrat party is to have as many people depending on them as possible. I don't care if you're talking about Medicare, VA, Medicaid, Social Security, they want total control over the people.
More RW hysteria

Republicans oppose Medicare, Medicaid, SS and VA
Those who use it do not want it going private

Well yeah. The people in Greece didn't want to privatize their system either, and it bankrupted the entire country.

Yeah people collecting the money, don't want the hand-outs to stop. I get that.

But there's a problem. The problem is called "Math".

Unfunded Govt. Liabilities -- Our Ticking Time Bomb | RealClearPolitics

The doom of which I speak is unfunded liabilities — $122 trillion in payments the government owes and has promised its citizens — without the funds to fulfill those obligations.

According to the Treasury Department, total U.S. unfunded liability includes Social Security (along with Medicare Parts A, B, and D), federal debt held by the public, plus federal employee and veteran benefits.

Before you call me an alarmist, I refer you to the U.S. Debt Clock. Here you can watch our time bomb tick in real time with that $122 trillion in unfunded liabilities as one of the major “fuses.”
Now I get it... you people on the left are brainless ignorant fools, screaming at the top of your lungs, shutting your eyes, and covering your ears, yelling "BUT I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT!"

But "MATH" doesn't care that you barely have the intellectual capacity of a farm chicken.

The reason we are on the right-wing care about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.... is because we are adults... not Democrap Children having a temper-tantrum... and we can do "MATH".

You people on the left, will face the music someday. And I would wager soon. But whether you like it or not, those programs will be heavily modified, or privatized, whether you scream and yell, and roll around on the ground, or not.

And by the way, it won't matter if you elect 100% democrats in the future. Because even AOC, at the end of the day, will face the reality of "MATH".

Being "morally right" does not at the end of the day, over ride being factually... or mathematically correct.

The bottom line is, we're better people than you, more adult than you, and we'll save your children from the Venezuelan hell hole you support, with or without you.
Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid have been working for over 50 years. Republicans have opposed them all along

I just checked.....
We are not Greece
You can rest easily

Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are Ponzi scheme that have been gobbling an ever larger percentage of our disposable income.

Is that your idea of "working?"
I call that Republican federal tax cuts causing payroll as well as state and local taxes to go up, which kills the Non rich. Google the only tax graph you need to know, super duper.
Federal tax cuts don't cause state and local taxes to go up. State and local governments are the cause.
I don't know. Where is that affordable insurance DumBama promised us?
75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month, brainwashed functional moron. And 14 million pay nothing for Medicaid except in real scumbag red States. Like Ohio. Answer- stop sabotaging it....

Oh, so what you're saying is that Commie Care was designed for the poor; you know, likely Democrat voters?

Thanks for admitting that to us. Because it's what we've been saying all along.
To be more precise, it's a handout to deadbeats.
We used to call them the unfortunate before Reagan demonized them
That's what lying douche bags called them. Intelligent people called them the irresponsible and deadbeats. A teenage girl who deliberately gets herself pregnant is not "unfortunate." She's a deadbeat.
Amazing how many people you hate, hater Dupe.we didn't get the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world because people just got lazy all of a sudden, brainwashed functional moron. Bring back cheap college and training and a living wage to start with....
75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month, brainwashed functional moron. And 14 million pay nothing for Medicaid except in real scumbag red States. Like Ohio. Answer- stop sabotaging it....

Oh, so what you're saying is that Commie Care was designed for the poor; you know, likely Democrat voters?

Thanks for admitting that to us. Because it's what we've been saying all along.
To be more precise, it's a handout to deadbeats.
We used to call them the unfortunate before Reagan demonized them
That's what lying douche bags called them. Intelligent people called them the irresponsible and deadbeats. A teenage girl who deliberately gets herself pregnant is not "unfortunate." She's a deadbeat.
Amazing how many people you hate, hater Dupe.we didn't get the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world because people just got lazy all of a sudden, brainwashed functional moron. Bring back cheap college and training and a living wage to start with....
How does that prove that a teenage girl who deliberately gets pregnant is "unfortunate?"
More RW hysteria

Republicans oppose Medicare, Medicaid, SS and VA
Those who use it do not want it going private

Let me explain this to you RW.

If there was a bank where you could go and deposit a hundred dollar check, and withdraw three hundred dollars, wouldn't everybody love a bank like that?

The minuscule employer/ employee contributions to Medicare doesn't support the system. It's why it's going broke. Much of it is plain old government healthcare that taxpayers pay for through income tax collections.

My father laughs at his first major surgery, because he told me that surgery alone cost more money than he and his employers contributed to the system his entire life. He's had several other procedures since then and for course, continuing care.

Government only pays about 2/3 of the bill for their patients. The doctors and facilities make up those losses by increasing costs on everybody else. If we had Medicare for all, who is going to make up those losses? Nobody. That's why when you see health facilities close down, it's usually in poorer areas where there are few private pay or insurance paid patients. Nobody can stay open on what government gives them alone.
Don’t try to make me feel sorry for hospitals, drug companies, doctors and health insurance companies

They have the medical system by the throat

You're such a blissful fool. Who pays you to post this shit?
Which universe do you live in?

Who do you think is pulling profits off of our healthcare?
Why has insulin tripled in price?

Why? Because the makers of insulin made a dirty deal with Walmart, that's why.

What they did was sell insulin to Walmart for dirt cheap, and drastically increased prices to everybody else to make up the difference.

Walmart sells insulin for the same price as it was over 20 years ago. But like I said, it's two to three times more expensive everywhere else outside a Walmart subsidiary like Sam's Club.
After a hundred years on the market, I’m surprised insulin only has a few manufacturers and Walmart is their main customer

The price of a common lifesaving drug has been jacked up to where diabetics are rationing it
More RW hysteria

Republicans oppose Medicare, Medicaid, SS and VA
Those who use it do not want it going private

Well yeah. The people in Greece didn't want to privatize their system either, and it bankrupted the entire country.

Yeah people collecting the money, don't want the hand-outs to stop. I get that.

But there's a problem. The problem is called "Math".

Unfunded Govt. Liabilities -- Our Ticking Time Bomb | RealClearPolitics

The doom of which I speak is unfunded liabilities — $122 trillion in payments the government owes and has promised its citizens — without the funds to fulfill those obligations.

According to the Treasury Department, total U.S. unfunded liability includes Social Security (along with Medicare Parts A, B, and D), federal debt held by the public, plus federal employee and veteran benefits.

Before you call me an alarmist, I refer you to the U.S. Debt Clock. Here you can watch our time bomb tick in real time with that $122 trillion in unfunded liabilities as one of the major “fuses.”
Now I get it... you people on the left are brainless ignorant fools, screaming at the top of your lungs, shutting your eyes, and covering your ears, yelling "BUT I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT!"

But "MATH" doesn't care that you barely have the intellectual capacity of a farm chicken.

The reason we are on the right-wing care about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.... is because we are adults... not Democrap Children having a temper-tantrum... and we can do "MATH".

You people on the left, will face the music someday. And I would wager soon. But whether you like it or not, those programs will be heavily modified, or privatized, whether you scream and yell, and roll around on the ground, or not.

And by the way, it won't matter if you elect 100% democrats in the future. Because even AOC, at the end of the day, will face the reality of "MATH".

Being "morally right" does not at the end of the day, over ride being factually... or mathematically correct.

The bottom line is, we're better people than you, more adult than you, and we'll save your children from the Venezuelan hell hole you support, with or without you.
Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid have been working for over 50 years. Republicans have opposed them all along

I just checked.....
We are not Greece
You can rest easily

Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are Ponzi scheme that have been gobbling an ever larger percentage of our disposable income.

Is that your idea of "working?"
I call that Republican federal tax cuts causing payroll as well as state and local taxes to go up, which kills the Non rich. Google the only tax graph you need to know, super duper.
Federal tax cuts don't cause state and local taxes to go up. State and local governments are the cause.
They do it to make up for Less Federal Aid. Great job! No sacrifice for regular people is too great to keep the rich from paying their fair share super duper....
Don’t try to make me feel sorry for hospitals, drug companies, doctors and health insurance companies

They have the medical system by the throat

You're such a blissful fool. Who pays you to post this shit?
Which universe do you live in?

Who do you think is pulling profits off of our healthcare?
Why has insulin tripled in price?

Why? Because the makers of insulin made a dirty deal with Walmart, that's why.

What they did was sell insulin to Walmart for dirt cheap, and drastically increased prices to everybody else to make up the difference.

Walmart sells insulin for the same price as it was over 20 years ago. But like I said, it's two to three times more expensive everywhere else outside a Walmart subsidiary like Sam's Club.
Total baloney, and it's not real insulin. Just another conspiracy and phony Scandal for the Chumps like you...
Walmart is selling phony insulin? That's against the law, isn't it?

He's a meathead that doesn't know a thing about what he's talking about.

The insulin Walmart sells is made by the same companies that sells the insulin to every other pharmacy. The only difference is they put a little ® on the package which stands for Reliance, Walmart's generic brand name.

It's in the exact same packaging, the exact same vials as the insulin they sell to every pharmacy. Inside each package, there is an ingredients list for those who are uninformed like Franko. I made sure I contacted my endocrinologist before I made the switch. He approved of it and congratulated me on my discovery since he has a lot of patients that also found the price of insulin to be ridiculous.
Let me explain this to you RW.

If there was a bank where you could go and deposit a hundred dollar check, and withdraw three hundred dollars, wouldn't everybody love a bank like that?

The minuscule employer/ employee contributions to Medicare doesn't support the system. It's why it's going broke. Much of it is plain old government healthcare that taxpayers pay for through income tax collections.

My father laughs at his first major surgery, because he told me that surgery alone cost more money than he and his employers contributed to the system his entire life. He's had several other procedures since then and for course, continuing care.

Government only pays about 2/3 of the bill for their patients. The doctors and facilities make up those losses by increasing costs on everybody else. If we had Medicare for all, who is going to make up those losses? Nobody. That's why when you see health facilities close down, it's usually in poorer areas where there are few private pay or insurance paid patients. Nobody can stay open on what government gives them alone.
Don’t try to make me feel sorry for hospitals, drug companies, doctors and health insurance companies

They have the medical system by the throat

You're such a blissful fool. Who pays you to post this shit?
Which universe do you live in?

Who do you think is pulling profits off of our healthcare?
Why has insulin tripled in price?

Why? Because the makers of insulin made a dirty deal with Walmart, that's why.

What they did was sell insulin to Walmart for dirt cheap, and drastically increased prices to everybody else to make up the difference.

Walmart sells insulin for the same price as it was over 20 years ago. But like I said, it's two to three times more expensive everywhere else outside a Walmart subsidiary like Sam's Club.
After a hundred years on the market, I’m surprised insulin only has a few manufacturers and Walmart is their main customer

The price of a common lifesaving drug has been jacked up to where diabetics are rationing it
Insulin isn't a drug. It's a protein your body produces. It can't be created simply by whipping a few chemicals together. Previously it was purified from the pancreases of horses, and that process was even more expensive than the current process. The current method uses genetic engineering to alter yeast so it produces the protein. It is then purified from the yeast.

If the patent for the genetically engineered yeast is still in effect, then it's easy to understand why it's so expensive, but I believe that patent has expired. I use insulin, so I'm curious about the reason for the high price. At times it my insurance company has paid up to $600/mo for my insulin prescription.
Let me explain this to you RW.

If there was a bank where you could go and deposit a hundred dollar check, and withdraw three hundred dollars, wouldn't everybody love a bank like that?

The minuscule employer/ employee contributions to Medicare doesn't support the system. It's why it's going broke. Much of it is plain old government healthcare that taxpayers pay for through income tax collections.

My father laughs at his first major surgery, because he told me that surgery alone cost more money than he and his employers contributed to the system his entire life. He's had several other procedures since then and for course, continuing care.

Government only pays about 2/3 of the bill for their patients. The doctors and facilities make up those losses by increasing costs on everybody else. If we had Medicare for all, who is going to make up those losses? Nobody. That's why when you see health facilities close down, it's usually in poorer areas where there are few private pay or insurance paid patients. Nobody can stay open on what government gives them alone.
Don’t try to make me feel sorry for hospitals, drug companies, doctors and health insurance companies

They have the medical system by the throat

You're such a blissful fool. Who pays you to post this shit?
Which universe do you live in?

Who do you think is pulling profits off of our healthcare?
Why has insulin tripled in price?

Why? Because the makers of insulin made a dirty deal with Walmart, that's why.

What they did was sell insulin to Walmart for dirt cheap, and drastically increased prices to everybody else to make up the difference.

Walmart sells insulin for the same price as it was over 20 years ago. But like I said, it's two to three times more expensive everywhere else outside a Walmart subsidiary like Sam's Club.
After a hundred years on the market, I’m surprised insulin only has a few manufacturers and Walmart is their main customer

The price of a common lifesaving drug has been jacked up to where diabetics are rationing it

This is true and I'm against it. But Walmart has a lot of pull with manufacturers.

One of our customers manufactures for Walmart. They are constantly looking for places to process their parts because Walmart is always on their asses for lower prices.

We used to just drop a trailer in their dock, and pickup our empty, and head out of the place. Because of Walmart, they now make us check in, sign in, provide all kinds of useless information such as the trailer number we dropped. They also regulate that our customer cannot unload us if we don't drop the trailer and instead, wait to be unloaded. They demand that we either detach the trailer, or walk all the way back to the shipping office to wait inside.

I think it's ridiculous that a customer tell their vendors how they will operate their shipping department, but that's what happens when it comes to Walmart.
I am perfectly fine with NJ DMV

Medicare runs just fine, ask anyone over 65 if they want to end it and go back to private coverage

Ask anyone in England or Canada if they want to abandon their universal plans and go to profit based plans like the US uses

Several years ago Newt Gingrich wanted just that, to allow people to have a choice between Medicare and private insurance. Guess what? The Democrats shut him down.

Why? Because the entire goal of the Democrat party is to have as many people depending on them as possible. I don't care if you're talking about Medicare, VA, Medicaid, Social Security, they want total control over the people.
More RW hysteria

Republicans oppose Medicare, Medicaid, SS and VA
Those who use it do not want it going private

Well yeah. The people in Greece didn't want to privatize their system either, and it bankrupted the entire country.

Yeah people collecting the money, don't want the hand-outs to stop. I get that.

But there's a problem. The problem is called "Math".

Unfunded Govt. Liabilities -- Our Ticking Time Bomb | RealClearPolitics

The doom of which I speak is unfunded liabilities — $122 trillion in payments the government owes and has promised its citizens — without the funds to fulfill those obligations.

According to the Treasury Department, total U.S. unfunded liability includes Social Security (along with Medicare Parts A, B, and D), federal debt held by the public, plus federal employee and veteran benefits.

Before you call me an alarmist, I refer you to the U.S. Debt Clock. Here you can watch our time bomb tick in real time with that $122 trillion in unfunded liabilities as one of the major “fuses.”
Now I get it... you people on the left are brainless ignorant fools, screaming at the top of your lungs, shutting your eyes, and covering your ears, yelling "BUT I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT!"

But "MATH" doesn't care that you barely have the intellectual capacity of a farm chicken.

The reason we are on the right-wing care about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.... is because we are adults... not Democrap Children having a temper-tantrum... and we can do "MATH".

You people on the left, will face the music someday. And I would wager soon. But whether you like it or not, those programs will be heavily modified, or privatized, whether you scream and yell, and roll around on the ground, or not.

And by the way, it won't matter if you elect 100% democrats in the future. Because even AOC, at the end of the day, will face the reality of "MATH".

Being "morally right" does not at the end of the day, over ride being factually... or mathematically correct.

The bottom line is, we're better people than you, more adult than you, and we'll save your children from the Venezuelan hell hole you support, with or without you.
Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid have been working for over 50 years. Republicans have opposed them all along

I just checked.....
We are not Greece
You can rest easily

And you just proved again, that you are not an adult.

It's ironic really, because the the left-wing says they the USA is not a special country, and that we are no better than the rest of the world.

But with this, you are basically saying that the USA is a unique country, that is somehow exempt from math, and economics.

That we, just because we are the USA, and Greece is not the USA, that we can do exactly the same thing Greece did, and yeah it might screw up Greece, but we are somehow "Above the laws of math".

That a childish thinking. You are acting and responding exactly like a toddler, which is why I gave that example.

The Soviet Union worked for 50 years too, and they were engaging in cannibalism and mass starvation by the end.

The fact a failing system has worked for 50 years, doesn't mean anything. Nothing. If we had zero debt, and zero unfunded liabilities, and the government had trillions in assets to pay future retirees......

We wouldn't be having this conversation.

Fact is, we have trillions in unfunded liabilities, more debt than our total annual GDP, and no assets to pay future retirees.

If you want to be a toddler, that's your choice. The rest of us are going to be adults.
Greek bankers and financiers listened to GOP American bankers and financiers and got totally screwed just like the Spanish bankers and financiers. Great job another corrupt GOP world depression. If you wonder why all those black people are trying to get into Europe, look in the mirror.
Well yeah. The people in Greece didn't want to privatize their system either, and it bankrupted the entire country.

Yeah people collecting the money, don't want the hand-outs to stop. I get that.

But there's a problem. The problem is called "Math".

Unfunded Govt. Liabilities -- Our Ticking Time Bomb | RealClearPolitics

The doom of which I speak is unfunded liabilities — $122 trillion in payments the government owes and has promised its citizens — without the funds to fulfill those obligations.

According to the Treasury Department, total U.S. unfunded liability includes Social Security (along with Medicare Parts A, B, and D), federal debt held by the public, plus federal employee and veteran benefits.

Before you call me an alarmist, I refer you to the U.S. Debt Clock. Here you can watch our time bomb tick in real time with that $122 trillion in unfunded liabilities as one of the major “fuses.”
Now I get it... you people on the left are brainless ignorant fools, screaming at the top of your lungs, shutting your eyes, and covering your ears, yelling "BUT I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT!"

But "MATH" doesn't care that you barely have the intellectual capacity of a farm chicken.

The reason we are on the right-wing care about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.... is because we are adults... not Democrap Children having a temper-tantrum... and we can do "MATH".

You people on the left, will face the music someday. And I would wager soon. But whether you like it or not, those programs will be heavily modified, or privatized, whether you scream and yell, and roll around on the ground, or not.

And by the way, it won't matter if you elect 100% democrats in the future. Because even AOC, at the end of the day, will face the reality of "MATH".

Being "morally right" does not at the end of the day, over ride being factually... or mathematically correct.

The bottom line is, we're better people than you, more adult than you, and we'll save your children from the Venezuelan hell hole you support, with or without you.
Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid have been working for over 50 years. Republicans have opposed them all along

I just checked.....
We are not Greece
You can rest easily

Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are Ponzi scheme that have been gobbling an ever larger percentage of our disposable income.

Is that your idea of "working?"
I call that Republican federal tax cuts causing payroll as well as state and local taxes to go up, which kills the Non rich. Google the only tax graph you need to know, super duper.
Federal tax cuts don't cause state and local taxes to go up. State and local governments are the cause.
They do it to make up for Less Federal Aid. Great job! No sacrifice for regular people is too great to keep the rich from paying their fair share super duper....
Thanks for admitting that they do it, and they don't get less federal aid.
Don’t try to make me feel sorry for hospitals, drug companies, doctors and health insurance companies

They have the medical system by the throat

You're such a blissful fool. Who pays you to post this shit?
Which universe do you live in?

Who do you think is pulling profits off of our healthcare?
Why has insulin tripled in price?

Why? Because the makers of insulin made a dirty deal with Walmart, that's why.

What they did was sell insulin to Walmart for dirt cheap, and drastically increased prices to everybody else to make up the difference.

Walmart sells insulin for the same price as it was over 20 years ago. But like I said, it's two to three times more expensive everywhere else outside a Walmart subsidiary like Sam's Club.
After a hundred years on the market, I’m surprised insulin only has a few manufacturers and Walmart is their main customer

The price of a common lifesaving drug has been jacked up to where diabetics are rationing it
Insulin isn't a drug. It's a protein your body produces. It can't be created simply by whipping a few chemicals together. Previously it was purified from the pancreases of horses, and that process was even more expensive than the current process. The current method uses genetic engineering to alter yeast so it produces the protein. It is then purified from the yeast.

If the patent for the genetically engineered yeast is still in effect, then it's easy to understand why it's so expensive, but I believe that patent has expired. I use insulin, so I'm curious about the reason for the high price. At times it my insurance company has paid up to $600/mo for my insulin prescription.

If you use insulin, it's only $25.00 a vial at Walmart. That's why I only go there. However unless you have a prescription, they have a limit to four vials a visit to try and prevent black market sales.
Don’t try to make me feel sorry for hospitals, drug companies, doctors and health insurance companies

They have the medical system by the throat

You're such a blissful fool. Who pays you to post this shit?
Which universe do you live in?

Who do you think is pulling profits off of our healthcare?
Why has insulin tripled in price?

Why? Because the makers of insulin made a dirty deal with Walmart, that's why.

What they did was sell insulin to Walmart for dirt cheap, and drastically increased prices to everybody else to make up the difference.

Walmart sells insulin for the same price as it was over 20 years ago. But like I said, it's two to three times more expensive everywhere else outside a Walmart subsidiary like Sam's Club.
After a hundred years on the market, I’m surprised insulin only has a few manufacturers and Walmart is their main customer

The price of a common lifesaving drug has been jacked up to where diabetics are rationing it

This is true and I'm against it. But Walmart has a lot of pull with manufacturers.

One of our customers manufactures for Walmart. They are constantly looking for places to process their parts because Walmart is always on their asses for lower prices.

We used to just drop a trailer in their dock, and pickup our empty, and head out of the place. Because of Walmart, they now make us check in, sign in, provide all kinds of useless information such as the trailer number we dropped. They also regulate that our customer cannot unload us if we don't drop the trailer and instead, wait to be unloaded. They demand that we either detach the trailer, or walk all the way back to the shipping office to wait inside.

I think it's ridiculous that a customer tell their vendors how they will operate their shipping department, but that's what happens when it comes to Walmart.
It is not real insulin there is no conspiracy and it is no cure for the problem. We need a national government that is not afraid of fighting with corrupt drug companies hospitals doctors and insurance companies you name it.
Pretty sick shit

But what can be expected from Republicans

Trump has encouraged the most extreme elements of society to come out of the closet. They are dooming the Republican Party and helping her get re-elected. Isn't it interesting how Republicans viciously go after women. Funny for a party that has a huge woman problem.

Yeah, well that sucks for you huh? Too bad we have freedom of speech, and we can go after whom ever we want. I guess you are SOL. By the way, I don't remember many Democrats complaining about "viciously going after women" when they were attacking Katherine Harris, or when you went after Sarah Palin.

But then again, if you people were not hypocrites, then you wouldn't be Democraps.

Anyway.. we intend to attack and destroy all socialist, male or female, and we really don't give a crap what you putrid trash things about anything.
So.... too bad. Sucks to be you. We won't be silenced by an entire party of hypocritical trash. You are just SOL. We don't care what you think about us anymore.

Either women are equal to men and can do the same jobs - including political office - in which case we can treat them just like men and go after them just as much, or they're delicate flowers who need special treatment, in which case they need to get their whining asses back in the kitchen. And I say that as a woman. I don't live this hypocrisy in my own life, and I resent having these strident viragos making it look like this crap is standard for women everywhere.
Feminists rely on women seeing themselves as victims. It's pathetic.
Feminists stand up for victims
Always have
Unless the victims are women victimized by Islamic culture.

Those women are ignored in favor of complaining how sexist air conditioning is and men taking up too much room when sitting on the subway.

Women in the West aren't victims. Period. End of story. Feminists are victimhood fetishists, selling a product.
Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid have been working for over 50 years. Republicans have opposed them all along

I just checked.....
We are not Greece
You can rest easily

Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are Ponzi scheme that have been gobbling an ever larger percentage of our disposable income.

Is that your idea of "working?"
I call that Republican federal tax cuts causing payroll as well as state and local taxes to go up, which kills the Non rich. Google the only tax graph you need to know, super duper.
Federal tax cuts don't cause state and local taxes to go up. State and local governments are the cause.
They do it to make up for Less Federal Aid. Great job! No sacrifice for regular people is too great to keep the rich from paying their fair share super duper....
Thanks for admitting that they do it, and they don't get less federal aid.
For example, since Reagan we have been spending half as much on infrastructure and maintenance as before. You of course are clueless being a GOP voter...
Except I am 6 foot 4 don't hate anything but lies and I am not a dupe like you are... The GOP is the party that is owned by big Pharma big Health Big oil big insurance you name it. That is how you getthe worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and anywhere in the modern world.
Obamacare Architect: Yeah, We Lied to The "Stupid" American People to Get It Passed
Meet Jonathan Gruber, a professor at MIT and an architect of Obamacare. During a panel event last year about how the legislation passed, turning over a sixth of the U.S. economy to the government, Gruber admitted that the Obama administration went through "tortuous" measures to keep the facts about the legislation from the American people, including covering up the redistribution of wealth from the healthy to the sick in the legislation that Obamacare is in fact a tax. The video of his comments just recently surfaced ahead of the second open enrollment period for Obamacare at

"You can't do it political, you just literally cannot do it. Transparent financing and also transparent spending. I mean, this bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes the bill dies. Okay? So it’s written to do that," Gruber said. "In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in, you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical to get for the thing to pass. Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not."

Obamacare architect leaves White House for pharmaceutical industry job

When the legislation that became known as "Obamacare" was first drafted, the key legislator was the Democratic Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Max Baucus, whose committee took the lead in drafting the legislation. As Baucus himself repeatedly boasted, the architect of that legislation was Elizabeth Folwer, his chief health policy counsel; indeed, as Marcy Wheeler discovered, it was Fowler who actually drafted it. As Politico put it at the time: "If you drew an organizational chart of major players in the Senate health care negotiations, Fowler would be the chief operating officer."

What was most amazing about all of that was that, before joining Baucus' office as the point person for the health care bill, Fowler was the Vice President for Public Policy and External Affairs (i.e. informal lobbying) at WellPoint, the nation's largest health insurance provider (before going to WellPoint, as well as after, Fowler had worked as Baucus' top health care aide). And when that health care bill was drafted, the person whom Fowler replaced as chief health counsel in Baucus' office, Michelle Easton, was lobbying for WellPoint as a principal at Tarplin, Downs, and Young.

Whatever one's views on Obamacare were and are: the bill's mandate that everyone purchase the products of the private health insurance industry, unaccompanied by any public alternative, was a huge gift to that industry; as Wheeler wrote at the time: "to the extent that Liz Fowler is the author of this document, we might as well consider WellPoint its author as well." Watch the five-minute Bill Moyers report from 2009, embedded below, on the key role played in all of this by Liz Fowler and the "revolving door" between the health insurance/lobbying industry and government officials at the time this bill was written and passed.

More amazingly still, when the Obama White House needed someone to oversee implementation of Obamacare after the bill passed, it chose . . . Liz Fowler. That the White House would put a former health insurance industry executive in charge of implementation of its new massive health care law was roundly condemned by good government groups as at least a violation of the "spirit" of governing ethics rules and even "gross", but those objections were, of course, brushed aside by the White House. She then became Special Assistant to the President for Healthcare and Economic Policy at the National Economic Council.

Now, as Politico's "Influence" column briefly noted on Tuesday, Fowler is once again passing through the deeply corrupting revolving door as she leaves the Obama administration to return to the loving and lucrative arms of the private health care industry:

"Elizabeth Fowler is leaving the White House for a senior-level position leading 'global health policy' at Johnson & Johnson's government affairs and policy group."

The pharmaceutical giant that just hired Fowler actively supported the passage of Obamacare through its membership in the Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) lobby. Indeed, PhRMA was one of the most aggressive supporters - and most lavish beneficiaries - of the health care bill drafted by Fowler. Mother Jones' James Ridgeway proclaimed "Big Pharma" the "big winner" in the health care bill. And now, Fowler will receive ample rewards from that same industry as she peddles her influence in government and exploits her experience with its inner workings to work on that industry's behalf, all of which has been made perfectly legal by the same insular, Versailles-like Washington culture that so lavishly benefits from all of this.
There are few pieces of legislation more corporatist than Obamacare. The Democrats are utterly owned by the healthcare industry.
It is the first regulation on the healthcare industry and cut their profits per patient. And is a framework for more and more regulation forever. Stop sabotaging it and fix it. Republicans want to cut healthcare for everyone great job.
The healthcare industry thanks you for your mindless ass-kissing.

I just showed you how they lied to you. And you thank them for it.

But you just keep dancing how the health-industry-owned Democratic Party orders you, you sheep.

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