The Anti-White Party

I remember the Starbucks murders because I am a local. It had nothing to do with politics.

You should be ashamed to link that has the profile of a naked woman superimposed on a traitor flag as some sort of "support" for an ignorant conspiracy theory. But it takes a person with no shame to do this.
Why is it a bad thing?
Why is it a bad thing?
I elucidated that in the post you quoted. Read slower ?

I read what you posted, and you "elucidated" that you felt for a six figure salary that "you could be doing something that is morally wrong".....or did you forget?
No reason to ask if I forgot. I was informing you that I had already answered your question (of why it was a bad thing), and you already had your answer.

So if you knew why I said that I had a feeling about it being a bad thing, because of being morally wrong, why ask ?

The only reason I asked, is that "six figure" incomes are not uncommon in todays environment. And considering where one lives it may not even go a long way. From 1989 until I retired, I earned well over six figures, and never did anything wrong except maybe spent too much time away from my family while working.

As another example, I have a brother in law who is just a journeyman pipefitter.

He routinely earns over 100k annually, and does nothing that is "morally" wrong.

And he certainly is not rolling in a bed of money.

Your statement seemed to be rather odd, at best.

Anyway, you obviously live in your own world.....maybe even your own "universe".
Wrong things often lie bit below the surface, not always apparent. They most often arise not much to employees, but more so to business owners, and especially when business is dropping off a bit, when the owner may be forced to break some of his own rules, just to keep things going.

So you may not have been in the type of scenario that I refer to, but it doesn't surprise me that a guy who doesn't see anything wrong with Affirmative Action, would not see other wrong things so readily, either.

It hardly matters to me if what I say seems "odd" to folks who, themselves, seem odd to me.

As usual, you are a dime short and a quarter late.


I was referring to jobs in corporations.

You are apparantly referring to small business owners.

And as far as "affirmative action", that is not even relative to this topic.
The Anti-White Party
William S. Lind
Dec 02,2019

An outtake in an article in the November 14 New York Times about the Iowa caucuses caused me to do a double take: “Democrats question the status of a state that’s 90% white.”

Imagine that the Times had instead said, “Republicans question the status of a state that’s heavily black,” or “GOP questions the status of a state that’s largely Hispanic.” The crises of outrage would reach to the heavens. Every Establishment organ would demand the Republicans pee all over themselves, grovel in the dust, and kiss the feet of so-called black and Hispanic “leaders”, most of whom are con artists. But when the Democrats dismiss a state because it’s largely white? Not a murmur of protest arose from any quarter.

Along with a growing number of other white Americans, I find myself saying, “Wait a minute, whites built this country. We took a vast wilderness inhabited by a few million howling savages (who unlike their cousins in Mexico and Central America had built no civilizations) and turned it into what was, as recently as the 1950s, the best country on earth of all time. The contribution of other races was mostly muscle, not brains. In that respect, they stand well back from the ox, mule, and horse. And now we are to stand mute as Democrats make us a despised minority in our own country? I don’t think so.”

The Democratic Party’s hostility toward whites is a product of the broader ideology that party has embraced, the ideology of cultural Marxism, which is commonly known as “political correctness” or “multiculturalism”. Like Moscow’s old Marxism-Leninism, cultural Marxism says certain kinds of people are a priori good and others evil, regardless of what individuals do. In Marxism-Leninism, workers and peasants are good while landlords, capitalists and members of the middle class, the bourgeoisie, are evil. The latter are fit only to be “liquidated”, which Soviet Communism did on a scale that put Hitler to shame: not six million dead, but sixty million. (Ever notice how people on the Left swoon at the sight of a swastika but find the hammer and sickle gently amusing?)

Cultural Marxism says whites are inherently evil “oppressors” who must constantly beg blacks, Indians, immigrants, etc. to forgive their “white privilege”. The average white family living paycheck-to-paycheck doesn’t see a lot of privilege ......

Read the rest whitey @
The Anti-White Party – traditionalRIGHT

View attachment 293752

only white supremacist trash think protecting everyone, as the constitution requires, somehow hurts you.


Only an anti-white racist would pretend that what is going on now, is about "protecting everyone".
My Feminism is Intersectional – It’s Both White and Upper Class

I’m a feminist (obviously!). I believe that women should be treated equally and have the same rights in society as men do. I also know that feminism has to be intersectional for it to be worth it. And that’s why my feminism is intersectional: it’s both upper class and white.


There are plenty of activists, celebrities, and academics whose feminism already focuses on the intersections of feminism and race and class, but I take it to the next level by making sure mine is both racist and classist. And by focusing on preserving both my wealth and my whiteness, it means I am doing more work to address the complexities of feminism and specifically how it affects me.

I’m tired of the old, flawed feminism that relied on an essentialist view of men and women, talking only about women getting in the workforce and out of the kitchen. To me, feminism is so much more than that: It’s about earning a six-figure salary and never, ever entering my chef’s kitchen in my rapidly gentrifying neighborhood. That’s just the kind of feminist I am.

Hillary Clinton, Taylor Swift, Lena Dunham – all of these wealthy white women have done amazing things to uplift other wealthy white women. They also share my commitment to intersectional feminism that lifts up both whiteness and wealth without sacrificing one for the other. That’s the kind of complexity intersectional feminism needs – one that lifts up the issues that only I am capable of seeing.

Look, I care deeply about feminism, and it’s so important for women to know that it doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Everyone’s personal idea of feminism needs consider the intricacies that can influence a woman’s existence in this world. And although whiteness and wealth tend to only influence my existence in a markedly positive way, that doesn’t make me any less intersectional.
I'm rather comfortable saying that I'm in my 70s, and I almost never had a six-figure salary. I just have the feeling that I would have had to be doing something morally wrong to attain that.

A six figure salary is attainable and is standard in any middle or upper middle management position that is worth showing up for. In fact, earning that much only places one in the middle class.
Yup. Trump Boom lifted those folks right up over the $100k/yr line.


Nothing to do with Trump. I know a plethora of people who were earning well over six figures when he was still promoting boxing matches with that other crook, Don King.
Has everything to do with Trump. The median wage, under Trump, has reached it's highest level in US history.

You deny all you want, as liberals do, but you can't change the facts, and they're not with you.

Not a liberal or conservative issue.

#45 is a textbook example of how cultish, non thinking followers are so willing to defend a demagogue who is the beneficiary of timing and opportunity that they had little to do with.

Some people apparently just need someone to worship.

US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
Last edited:
There is no anti white party. And what you racists don't get is that loving your race is not the problem. It is when you exclude other races that it becomes a problem. And that what you racists want to do.
You just KNEW THE most racist, anti-white member on this site would chime in!
I am not anti white. Anti racist is not anti white. Unless you believe that whites are inherently racist.
The Anti-White Party
William S. Lind
Dec 02,2019

An outtake in an article in the November 14 New York Times about the Iowa caucuses caused me to do a double take: “Democrats question the status of a state that’s 90% white.”

Imagine that the Times had instead said, “Republicans question the status of a state that’s heavily black,” or “GOP questions the status of a state that’s largely Hispanic.” The crises of outrage would reach to the heavens. Every Establishment organ would demand the Republicans pee all over themselves, grovel in the dust, and kiss the feet of so-called black and Hispanic “leaders”, most of whom are con artists. But when the Democrats dismiss a state because it’s largely white? Not a murmur of protest arose from any quarter.

Along with a growing number of other white Americans, I find myself saying, “Wait a minute, whites built this country. We took a vast wilderness inhabited by a few million howling savages (who unlike their cousins in Mexico and Central America had built no civilizations) and turned it into what was, as recently as the 1950s, the best country on earth of all time. The contribution of other races was mostly muscle, not brains. In that respect, they stand well back from the ox, mule, and horse. And now we are to stand mute as Democrats make us a despised minority in our own country? I don’t think so.”

The Democratic Party’s hostility toward whites is a product of the broader ideology that party has embraced, the ideology of cultural Marxism, which is commonly known as “political correctness” or “multiculturalism”. Like Moscow’s old Marxism-Leninism, cultural Marxism says certain kinds of people are a priori good and others evil, regardless of what individuals do. In Marxism-Leninism, workers and peasants are good while landlords, capitalists and members of the middle class, the bourgeoisie, are evil. The latter are fit only to be “liquidated”, which Soviet Communism did on a scale that put Hitler to shame: not six million dead, but sixty million. (Ever notice how people on the Left swoon at the sight of a swastika but find the hammer and sickle gently amusing?)

Cultural Marxism says whites are inherently evil “oppressors” who must constantly beg blacks, Indians, immigrants, etc. to forgive their “white privilege”. The average white family living paycheck-to-paycheck doesn’t see a lot of privilege ......

Read the rest whitey @
The Anti-White Party – traditionalRIGHT

View attachment 293752

only white supremacist trash think protecting everyone, as the constitution requires, somehow hurts you.


Only an anti-white racist would pretend that what is going on now, is about "protecting everyone".

There is no such thing as anti white racism.
The Anti-White Party
William S. Lind
Dec 02,2019

An outtake in an article in the November 14 New York Times about the Iowa caucuses caused me to do a double take: “Democrats question the status of a state that’s 90% white.”

Imagine that the Times had instead said, “Republicans question the status of a state that’s heavily black,” or “GOP questions the status of a state that’s largely Hispanic.” The crises of outrage would reach to the heavens. Every Establishment organ would demand the Republicans pee all over themselves, grovel in the dust, and kiss the feet of so-called black and Hispanic “leaders”, most of whom are con artists. But when the Democrats dismiss a state because it’s largely white? Not a murmur of protest arose from any quarter.

Along with a growing number of other white Americans, I find myself saying, “Wait a minute, whites built this country. We took a vast wilderness inhabited by a few million howling savages (who unlike their cousins in Mexico and Central America had built no civilizations) and turned it into what was, as recently as the 1950s, the best country on earth of all time. The contribution of other races was mostly muscle, not brains. In that respect, they stand well back from the ox, mule, and horse. And now we are to stand mute as Democrats make us a despised minority in our own country? I don’t think so.”

The Democratic Party’s hostility toward whites is a product of the broader ideology that party has embraced, the ideology of cultural Marxism, which is commonly known as “political correctness” or “multiculturalism”. Like Moscow’s old Marxism-Leninism, cultural Marxism says certain kinds of people are a priori good and others evil, regardless of what individuals do. In Marxism-Leninism, workers and peasants are good while landlords, capitalists and members of the middle class, the bourgeoisie, are evil. The latter are fit only to be “liquidated”, which Soviet Communism did on a scale that put Hitler to shame: not six million dead, but sixty million. (Ever notice how people on the Left swoon at the sight of a swastika but find the hammer and sickle gently amusing?)

Cultural Marxism says whites are inherently evil “oppressors” who must constantly beg blacks, Indians, immigrants, etc. to forgive their “white privilege”. The average white family living paycheck-to-paycheck doesn’t see a lot of privilege ......

Read the rest whitey @
The Anti-White Party – traditionalRIGHT

View attachment 293752

Show us the supreme court decision that says a white man has no right a person of color is bound to respect.

White lives have always mattered. The psychosis is strong in this one.
The Anti-White Party
William S. Lind
Dec 02,2019

An outtake in an article in the November 14 New York Times about the Iowa caucuses caused me to do a double take: “Democrats question the status of a state that’s 90% white.”

Imagine that the Times had instead said, “Republicans question the status of a state that’s heavily black,” or “GOP questions the status of a state that’s largely Hispanic.” The crises of outrage would reach to the heavens. Every Establishment organ would demand the Republicans pee all over themselves, grovel in the dust, and kiss the feet of so-called black and Hispanic “leaders”, most of whom are con artists. But when the Democrats dismiss a state because it’s largely white? Not a murmur of protest arose from any quarter.

Along with a growing number of other white Americans, I find myself saying, “Wait a minute, whites built this country. We took a vast wilderness inhabited by a few million howling savages (who unlike their cousins in Mexico and Central America had built no civilizations) and turned it into what was, as recently as the 1950s, the best country on earth of all time. The contribution of other races was mostly muscle, not brains. In that respect, they stand well back from the ox, mule, and horse. And now we are to stand mute as Democrats make us a despised minority in our own country? I don’t think so.”

The Democratic Party’s hostility toward whites is a product of the broader ideology that party has embraced, the ideology of cultural Marxism, which is commonly known as “political correctness” or “multiculturalism”. Like Moscow’s old Marxism-Leninism, cultural Marxism says certain kinds of people are a priori good and others evil, regardless of what individuals do. In Marxism-Leninism, workers and peasants are good while landlords, capitalists and members of the middle class, the bourgeoisie, are evil. The latter are fit only to be “liquidated”, which Soviet Communism did on a scale that put Hitler to shame: not six million dead, but sixty million. (Ever notice how people on the Left swoon at the sight of a swastika but find the hammer and sickle gently amusing?)

Cultural Marxism says whites are inherently evil “oppressors” who must constantly beg blacks, Indians, immigrants, etc. to forgive their “white privilege”. The average white family living paycheck-to-paycheck doesn’t see a lot of privilege ......

Read the rest whitey @
The Anti-White Party – traditionalRIGHT

View attachment 293752

only white supremacist trash think protecting everyone, as the constitution requires, somehow hurts you.


Only an anti-white racist would pretend that what is going on now, is about "protecting everyone".

There is no such thing as anti white racism.

Nor is there any "black privilege".
There is no anti white party. And what you racists don't get is that loving your race is not the problem. It is when you exclude other races that it becomes a problem. And that what you racists want to do.
You just KNEW THE most racist, anti-white member on this site would chime in!
I am not anti white. Anti racist is not anti white. Unless you believe that whites are inherently racist.
You ARE very racist AND an idiot. NOT a good combination, ya knucklehead.
There is no anti white party. And what you racists don't get is that loving your race is not the problem. It is when you exclude other races that it becomes a problem. And that what you racists want to do.
You just KNEW THE most racist, anti-white member on this site would chime in!
I am not anti white. Anti racist is not anti white. Unless you believe that whites are inherently racist.

Maybe some(not all) believe that. Remember when this slogan was making its rounds some years back?

Anti-Racist Is a Code for Anti-White
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
There is no anti white party. And what you racists don't get is that loving your race is not the problem. It is when you exclude other races that it becomes a problem. And that what you racists want to do.
You just KNEW THE most racist, anti-white member on this site would chime in!
I am not anti white. Anti racist is not anti white. Unless you believe that whites are inherently racist.
You ARE very racist AND an idiot. NOT a good combination, ya knucklehead.

So you cannot offer a rebuttal to my comment. Apparently you believe that racism is an inherent right whites have.
There is no anti white party. And what you racists don't get is that loving your race is not the problem. It is when you exclude other races that it becomes a problem. And that what you racists want to do.
You just KNEW THE most racist, anti-white member on this site would chime in!
I am not anti white. Anti racist is not anti white. Unless you believe that whites are inherently racist.

Maybe some(not all) believe that. Remember when this slogan was making its rounds some years back?

Anti-Racist Is a Code for Anti-White

Yes I do. That's why I said say this to whites here who whine about anti white racism. Whites who are against racism are as pro white as it gets if you ask me and that's not a negative. If you are anti white then you argue against whites who are anti racist. So the only way I can see whites opposing people against white racism is that they must believe they have the inherent right to be racist.
I'm rather comfortable saying that I'm in my 70s, and I almost never had a six-figure salary. I just have the feeling that I would have had to be doing something morally wrong to attain that.

A six figure salary is attainable and is standard in any middle or upper middle management position that is worth showing up for. In fact, earning that much only places one in the middle class.
Yup. Trump Boom lifted those folks right up over the $100k/yr line.


Nothing to do with Trump. I know a plethora of people who were earning well over six figures when he was still promoting boxing matches with that other crook, Don King.
Has everything to do with Trump. The median wage, under Trump, has reached it's highest level in US history.

You deny all you want, as liberals do, but you can't change the facts, and they're not with you.

Not a liberal or conservative issue.

#45 is a textbook example of how cultish, non thinking followers are so willing to defend a demagogue who is the beneficiary of timing and opportunity that they had little to do with.

Some people apparently just need someone to worship.

US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
Oh, so you can give me a link to where Obama's economic forecasts predict the amazing Trump expansion, the lowest minority employment ever measured and this massive increase in the wage growth by the working class. You folks want plague and misery, and Cuban style death squads. Very sad!

A six figure salary is attainable and is standard in any middle or upper middle management position that is worth showing up for. In fact, earning that much only places one in the middle class.
Yup. Trump Boom lifted those folks right up over the $100k/yr line.


Nothing to do with Trump. I know a plethora of people who were earning well over six figures when he was still promoting boxing matches with that other crook, Don King.
Has everything to do with Trump. The median wage, under Trump, has reached it's highest level in US history.

You deny all you want, as liberals do, but you can't change the facts, and they're not with you.

Not a liberal or conservative issue.

#45 is a textbook example of how cultish, non thinking followers are so willing to defend a demagogue who is the beneficiary of timing and opportunity that they had little to do with.

Some people apparently just need someone to worship.

US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
Oh, so you can give me a link to where Obama's economic forecasts predict the amazing Trump expansion, the lowest minority employment ever measured and this massive increase in the wage growth by the working class. You folks want plague and misery, and Cuban style death squads. Very sad!


There was no trump expansion. trump was handed an expansion that started during Obama. The minority unemployment rate was sinking before trump took office and was a trend going on he had nothing to do with. There has been no massive wage growth.
There is no anti white party. And what you racists don't get is that loving your race is not the problem. It is when you exclude other races that it becomes a problem. And that what you racists want to do.
You just KNEW THE most racist, anti-white member on this site would chime in!
I am not anti white. Anti racist is not anti white. Unless you believe that whites are inherently racist.

Maybe some(not all) believe that. Remember when this slogan was making its rounds some years back?

Anti-Racist Is a Code for Anti-White
White people give themselves away at every opportunity. If you think anti racist is anti white then youre basically admitting all white people are racist.
I've offered this up before and, to my knowledge, IM2 nor anyone else has dared take the test for racism. I do not wish for anyone to post their results if, indeed, they take the test. In my opinion, anyone could edit the results to show them in a better light than the test actually reveals.

It’s NATURAL to discriminate and be prejudiced; almost exclusively we all grew up with people like very much like ourselves. It is natural to trust those people more than people who are not like us. Obviously, we also pick up racist attitudes and beliefs from our parents too. We discriminate and use prejudice every day. There is nothing wrong with those feelings. It is what we learn and what is in someone’s heart, and what we DO with those feelings that matters.

If you are curious about yourself, take this test. The test does NOT use questions, which you could answer the way you THINK you should. Actually, it is fun. You can chose from a number of different tests but they only take about 15 minutes.

This web site presents a method that demonstrates the conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. This new method is called the Implicit Association Test or IAT for short.


It does carry this disclaimer:

I am aware of the possibility of encountering interpretations of my IAT test performance with which I may not agree. Knowing this, I wish to proceed.

Project Implicit
I've offered this up before and, to my knowledge, IM2 nor anyone else has dared take the test for racism. I do not wish for anyone to post their results if, indeed, they take the test. In my opinion, anyone could edit the results to show them in a better light than the test actually reveals.

It’s NATURAL to discriminate and be prejudiced; almost exclusively we all grew up with people like very much like ourselves. It is natural to trust those people more than people who are not like us. Obviously, we also pick up racist attitudes and beliefs from our parents too. We discriminate and use prejudice every day. There is nothing wrong with those feelings. It is what we learn and what is in someone’s heart, and what we DO with those feelings that matters.

If you are curious about yourself, take this test. The test does NOT use questions, which you could answer the way you THINK you should. Actually, it is fun. You can chose from a number of different tests but they only take about 15 minutes.

This web site presents a method that demonstrates the conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. This new method is called the Implicit Association Test or IAT for short.


It does carry this disclaimer:

I am aware of the possibility of encountering interpretations of my IAT test performance with which I may not agree. Knowing this, I wish to proceed.

Project Implicit
Thats because your test is meaningless to anyone that isnt white. You cant enforce racism if youre not in the group thats in control of the racist system. No other group but whites have the power to legislate their prejudice and impose racism.
Thats because your test is meaningless to anyone that isnt white. You cant enforce racism if youre not in the group thats in control of the racist system. No other group but whites have the power to legislate their prejudice and impose racism.

Obviously you are ignorant about the test and racism. I understand, denial is not just a river.
Last edited:
I remember the Starbucks murders because I am a local. It had nothing to do with politics.

You should be ashamed to link that has the profile of a naked woman superimposed on a traitor flag as some sort of "support" for an ignorant conspiracy theory. But it takes a person with no shame to do this.
It had everything to do with politics. It was a pure hit, that killed 3 innocent people, set up by the serial killer Clintons. Just one among their many hit jobs designed to cover up bad boy Billy's numerous sex crimes.

Along with other hits (Ron Brown, Don Ashe, Vince Foster, etc). You don't get away with washing away something as horrible as this just by throwing your convenient catch-phrase "conspiracy theory" around.

If you really are ignorant of all the killings done by the Clintons, that would be bad enough, but if you are knowledgeable, and you cover for them just for political reasons, the word "shame" would not be enough to describe that.
I've offered this up before and, to my knowledge, IM2 nor anyone else has dared take the test for racism. I do not wish for anyone to post their results if, indeed, they take the test. In my opinion, anyone could edit the results to show them in a better light than the test actually reveals.

It’s NATURAL to discriminate and be prejudiced; almost exclusively we all grew up with people like very much like ourselves. It is natural to trust those people more than people who are not like us. Obviously, we also pick up racist attitudes and beliefs from our parents too. We discriminate and use prejudice every day. There is nothing wrong with those feelings. It is what we learn and what is in someone’s heart, and what we DO with those feelings that matters.

If you are curious about yourself, take this test. The test does NOT use questions, which you could answer the way you THINK you should. Actually, it is fun. You can chose from a number of different tests but they only take about 15 minutes.

This web site presents a method that demonstrates the conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. This new method is called the Implicit Association Test or IAT for short.


It does carry this disclaimer:

I am aware of the possibility of encountering interpretations of my IAT test performance with which I may not agree. Knowing this, I wish to proceed.

Project Implicit
Thats because your test is meaningless to anyone that isnt white. You cant enforce racism if youre not in the group thats in control of the racist system. No other group but whites have the power to legislate their prejudice and impose racism.
Blacks have been imposing America's worst and largest racism (Affirmative Action) for 59 years, together with anti-white, liberal whites.

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