The case for Trump's obstruction of justice


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
The New Yorker has a poignant, short article on how that moronic Trump just keeps on shooting himself in the foot "thinking" that he could run our country as if he was running his businesses.

The article does not point to anything new, but offers a good recap of what Mueller's investigations must be building as a criminal case against the orange charlatan.

The bottom line boils down to Trump pressuring Comey to lay off Flynn, and his ill-advised admission to the Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, when Trump stated after his firing Comey, “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

With the above short sentence, Trump openly admits that the firing of Comey was prompted by the FBI Director's unwillingness to be his Trump probably berated underlings to do his bidding while running his businesses.

I sure hope that Mueller can help our country be rid of this stain in the WH.

President Trump Appears to Be Guilty of Obstruction of Justice
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It may be time for you right wing Trump ass kissers to abandon your hatred and constant responsibility-shirking on Obama and Clinton.....and face the fucking catastrophe you helped create with the orange moron in the WH.
It may be time for you right wing Trump ass kissers to abandon your hatred and constant responsibility-shirking on Obama and Clinton.....and face the fucking catastrophe you helped create with the orange moron in the WH.

It may be time for you left wing Hillary and the Hussein ass kissers to abandon your hatred and constant deranged-shrieking on Trump....and face the fucking catastrophe you helped create with the Muslim-loving mulatto in the White House.
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It may be time for you left wing Hillary and the Hussein ass kissers to abandon your hatred and constant deranged-shrieking on Trump....and face the fucking catastrophe you helped create with the Muslim-loving mulatto in the White House.

You forgot to include Kenyan in your racist banter........tsk, tsk, fuck head.....LOL
The only obstruction Trump is guilty of is keeping Hillaryous out of the White House.

It's quite a bit more serious than that. Trump and his advisor's at first stated they fired Comey over Rod Rosenstien's, (deputy Attorney General) report on James Comey--which blasted Comey over what he did to Hillary Clinton. Well, no one really believed that Trump fired Comey because he was mean to Hillary Clinton.

Even Rod Roseinstein testified that Trump was planning on firing Comey long before his report, and was really irritated that Trump and his advisors used him as the excuse.
Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein knew Trump wanted Comey fired before he penned memo

A couple of days later, as Trump always does--(and I am certain "against" the advice of his lawyers) went on an NBC interview with Lestor Holt--and stated he fired Comey over the Russian investigation, and that Rod Rosenstien's report had nothing to do with his decision.

"Comey had been leading an investigation into possible collusion between Trump advisers and Russian officials when he was dismissed by the president. Defending that decision in an interview on NBC News on Thursday, Trump said: “And, in fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said: ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should’ve won.’”
Donald Trump admits 'this Russia thing' part of reasoning for firing Comey

So that's an admittance of Obstruction of Justice that is on video tape. I am certain that Mueller is interviewing others that Comey mentioned the incident of dropping the Flynn investigation.

What the Trump inter circle still hasn't figured out is they were being watched since 2015, and not by U.S. Intelligence sources, which is why they can't even pull off a secret meeting with a Russian lawyer in the Trump tower without getting busted.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
Hard to believe the sick, butthurt morons still buy the idiotic, fake news conspiracy theory of "Russian meddling/interference." Stupid is as stupid does. :p
It may be time for you left wing Hillary and the Hussein ass kissers to abandon your hatred and constant deranged-shrieking on Trump....and face the fucking catastrophe you helped create with the Muslim-loving mulatto in the White House.

You forgot to include Kenyan in your racist banter........tsk, tsk, fuck head.....LOL

What is racist about it? You can call Trump "orange", but I can't use the term mulatto, which isn't a racist term? It's actually what Obama is, he isn't African-American, he is bi-racial. Also see my sig for Obama quote on Muslims. Stating facts doesn't make someone a racist.
Hard to believe the sick, butthurt morons still buy the idiotic, fake news conspiracy theory of "Russian meddling/interference." Stupid is as stupid does. :p

Yeah they're all just SICK

Here is another SICK--FAKE NEWS STORY--and it's 8 minutes long.

It may be time for you left wing Hillary and the Hussein ass kissers to abandon your hatred and constant deranged-shrieking on Trump....and face the fucking catastrophe you helped create with the Muslim-loving mulatto in the White House.

You forgot to include Kenyan in your racist banter........tsk, tsk, fuck head.....LOL

What is racist about it? You can call Trump "orange", but I can't use the term mulatto, which isn't a racist term? It's actually what Obama is, he isn't African-American, he is bi-racial. Also see my sig for Obama quote on Muslims. Stating facts doesn't make someone a racist.
Trump isn't orange. Liberals use filters for that. obama is really a purple lipped mulatto.
It may be time for you right wing Trump ass kissers to abandon your hatred and constant responsibility-shirking on Obama and Clinton.....and face the fucking catastrophe you helped create with the orange moron in the WH.
Didn't vote for Trump. Don't support Trump.

Still have to acknowledge that Trump can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason he wants. That is what serving at the pleasure of the president entails. Removing Comey from his position is a massive noting burger to complain about.
oreo fucking did it. He felt compelled to trigger me with that homosexual Shep Smith video! Jesus.

Now I am listening to Styx's song Lady to try to clear my mind. Thanks a lot oreo. It is a cool song though. Fucking vocal harmonies are off the charts.
The New Yorker has a poignant, short article on how that moronic Trump just keeps on shooting himself in the foot "thinking" that he could run our country as if he was running his businesses.

The article does not point to anything new, but offers a good recap of what Mueller's investigations must be building as a criminal case against the orange charlatan.

The bottom line boils down to Trump pressuring Comey to lay off Flynn, and his ill-advised admission to the Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, when Trump stated after his firing Comey, “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

With the above short sentence, Trump openly admits that the firing of Comey was prompted by the FBI Director's unwillingness to be his Trump probably berated underlings to do his bidding while running his businesses.

I sure hope that Mueller can help our country be rid of this stain in the WH.

President Trump Appears to Be Guilty of Obstruction of Justice

Poor pathetic little snowflake, Trump could have instructed Comey to stop all investigations into Flynn and it wouldn't be a crime. You folks seem to be so forgetful, Comey had already told Trump he was not a target in the investigation so he could, as the chief executive of the Executive Branch, legally instruct anyone on what investigations they were to do. If you don't like they way our government is set up, see Article 5 of the US Constitution.

It may be time for you right wing Trump ass kissers to abandon your hatred and constant responsibility-shirking on Obama and Clinton.....and face the fucking catastrophe you helped create with the orange moron in the WH.
There's going to be someobe named Trump in the White House for the next 30 years
Hard to believe the sick, butthurt morons still buy the idiotic, fake news conspiracy theory of "Russian meddling/interference." Stupid is as stupid does the Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, when Trump stated after his firing Comey, “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

In your half brain, did you ever wonder WHY Trump told the above to his Russians buddies and not.....oh, lets say the Brazilian ambassador or foreign minister???
Didn't vote for Trump. Don't support Trump.

Still have to acknowledge that Trump can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason he wants. That is what serving at the pleasure of the president entails. Removing Comey from his position is a massive noting burger to complain about.

There will be a lots of right wing morons (like you) who will DENY ever voting for Trump.....

....and NO, a president is NOT above the law and the orange moron DID fire Comey for not being "loyal" enough to him and ending the Flynn investigation, and THAT IS obstruction of justice......

You right wingers will find out soon enough.......patience.
Comey had already told Trump he was not a target in the investigation

Sure, but Trump DID become a target AFTER he tried to obstruct the investigation....Follow the "drip, drip, drip", Tigger; you're going to "love" it.LOL

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