The 'Dangerous' Faith of President Bush

He's just realizing that the value of god's teachings can be logically proven. He wasn't ready for that.
The danger from President Bush's "faith" is that he appears to be a Dominionist.

If this is true, it means he believes the world is going to end soon, so why not use it up now? There's no point in worrying about a future that isn't going to be in our hands anyway.
wade said:
The danger from President Bush's "faith" is that he appears to be a Dominionist.

If this is true, it means he believes the world is going to end soon, so why not use it up now? There's no point in worrying about a future that isn't going to be in our hands anyway.

"Hi I'm wade. I make up words like "Dominionist". Doesn't it sound REAL?!"
theim said:
Whatever. These are probly some of the same people who thought Reagan's faith would result in nuclear war.

Doesn't it concern you that we might have a man in the white house who believes that the time of revelation is at hand, and that Christ will return within our lifetimes?

It's not a matter of "nuclear war", it simply a matter of that if you believe the world as we know it is going to end in your lifetime, there is no reason to concern yourself with anything beyond the next generation. There is no reason to be concerned with the ecology. There is no reason to be concerned about the economy or the debt. There is no reason to be concerned about over population. It will all be taken care of by Christ when he returns in the near future!

Do a little research into the Dominionist and Reconstructionist movements in the Christian church right now... it's really kinda scary that our President might actually be a believer in such crap.
rtwngAvngr said:
"Hi I'm wade. I make up words like "Dominionist". Doesn't it sound REAL?!"

"(d) A theological anti-Semitism exists in the Dominionist plan to replace of Old Testament Israel with the Church, often called the "New Israel" (i.e., "replacement theology" -- the church replaces the Jews as the new or true Israel, and Israel has no future as a distinct nation within God's plan)."

I didn't make up the word. Do some searching, this term refers to the believers of Dominion Theology.
wade said:
Doesn't it concern you that we might have a man in the white house who believes that the time of revelation is at hand, and that Christ will return within our lifetimes?

It's not a matter of "nuclear war", it simply a matter of that if you believe the world as we know it is going to end in your lifetime, there is no reason to concern yourself with anything beyond the next generation. There is no reason to be concerned with the ecology. There is no reason to be concerned about the economy or the debt. There is no reason to be concerned about over population.

I heard an interesting point made on this very subject on the radio the other day.

With respect to the inevitability of whatever catastrophe end-timers think is going to occur, he used the following comparison:

"Just because Jesus' crucifixion was inevitable, that didn't mean it was OK to help pound the nails in."

The point is even were Bush a "Domionionist" he would still have to do the right thing by his office, which does not include neglecting the environment, the economy, and so forth.
wade said:
I didn't make up the word. Do some searching, this term refers to the believers of Dominion Theology.

Touche wade, dominionism's a word. Take some time to learn a number of critical thinking skills, would ya?
Libs would love to crush the hope that Jesus will come. Then people will be fearful and immoral and willing commit genocide on whomever the libs point at as the next "enemy of society".

Also, if any religious group in today's world mandates government and faith should be one, it's Islam.
rtwngAvngr said:
Libs would love to crush the hope that Jesus will come. Then people will be fearful and immoral and willing commit genocide on whomever the libs point at as the next "enemy of society".

Also, if any religious group in today's world mandates government and faith should be one, it's Islam.

It's gonna be hard to make that argument hold up. The world is exactly in the state described in Revelation. Israel has its own state again and we are hearing, "of wars and rumors of wars" as well as "earthquakes, floods, and storms." The only step left is for all people of every nation and tongue to hear the gospel (they don't necessarily have to believe it, just hear it).
rtwngAvngr said:
Libs would love to crush the hope that Jesus will come. Then people will be fearful and immoral and willing commit genocide on whomever the libs point at as the next "enemy of society".

Also, if any religious group in today's world mandates government and faith should be one, it's Islam.

Actually, the only one's I see pointing out the next "enemy of society" are the religious right-wingnuts who give Christianity, and religion in general, a bad name.

As for the hope of Christ's return, you should be careful what you wish for. I don't hink he would be amused with what y'all have done to His Word.
wade said:
The danger from President Bush's "faith" is that he appears to be a Dominionist.

If this is true, it means he believes the world is going to end soon, so why not use it up now? There's no point in worrying about a future that isn't going to be in our hands anyway.

Dubbyuh seems more in line with Manicheanism. But yeah, he is just squirrely enough to by into the Manichean end-time, apocalyptic b.s.
Zhukov said:
I guess you don't give a shit.
I know their names; do you know the name of the person first lady Laura Bush killed? It happened when she was just 17.

Getting back to Mrs. Tucker
'In a tape recording played in court, she bragged to friends that she got sexual thrills out of the attack. '
It seems that she was taking pleasure in sinning; she was high and looking to get more drugs to satisfy her pleasure of the flesh. She also took pleasure in the killings that night, she got a orgasim from it.
Other people have admitted that there is pleasure in killing, a member of a tank crew in the first gulf war stated the reason he had to get out of the army was because he got a high from the killing, and he felt that he had to get away from it before it over took him.
The true point of this argument is to get the holly rollers to admit, the true nature of man. The nature they deny on the one hand, but take part in one the other hand along with the rest of the secular society.
There can be no good without evil, no ying without yang.
Think about this, we will talk more about it later.

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