The debt limit!

Where were you when Trump blew up the debt and gave $2 trillion dollars to folks who didn't need it?
I was bitching about it, I have been consistent in that regard, unless we control spending we are hurting our grandchildren.

I posted this in March 2018:
We need to cut the budget across the board 25% and raise taxes we are so deep in debt that it will be the only way to pay down the deficit.
So you’re saying that there should be no taxes..


HTF did you get that out of what I wrote. I'm just pointing out your lie is all. Giving tax cuts to people is not giving them anything, it's only taking less of what they created away.
All well and good but this is not about stopping new spending dumbass. It’s about paying existing debt.

You want to lower spending? Have that discussion when the budgets are introduced
No one discusses that when budgets come out, the time to get deals done is now, cut spending, now while you have everyone’s attention, it’s called politics, dumbass.
No one discusses that when budgets come out, the time to get deals done is now, cut spending, now while you have everyone’s attention, it’s called politics, dumbass.
So the only way to get your unpopular way is to resort to dangerous brinkmanship?.
HTF did you get that out of what I wrote. I'm just pointing out your lie is all. Giving tax cuts to people is not giving them anything, it's only taking less of what they created away.
Hey dick face, I never said anything of the kind so don’t be calling me a liar
Even threatening it can hurt our credit rating and cost millions.

Why the fuck do that?

If you want to cut spending then do THAT
Our credit rating has only been lowered once, on Barry Hussein’s watch and not due to any shutdown, or threat of a shutdown.

It was due to his profligate spending.
Even threatening it can hurt our credit rating and cost millions.

Why the fuck do that?

If you want to cut spending then do THAT

Not always possible if the Communists stick together and us with such a slim majority. We have our RINO's to worry about as well.

So what they are asking for is to stop the pork in exchange for the ceiling increase so we don't have to keep doing this putting us further and further in debt. Why is that such a problem with the left?
If the US defaulted, financial markets would lose faith in the United States, the dollar would weaken, and stocks would fall. The U.S. credit rating would almost certainly be downgraded, and interest rates would rise broadly on US debt offerings, every holder of the trillions of dollars in US debt would see there investment go down in value. This would result in interest increases on consumer loans, making products like auto loans and mortgages more expensive for families who are subject to interest rate changes or taking out new loans. These and other consequences could trigger a recession and a credit market freeze that could hurt the ability of American companies to operate. The ramification would effect businesses and governments around the world.

Everyone seems to assume this can not happen but in fact, it certain can happen as politicians play a deadly game of chicken betting that the treasury has more funds than they claim or democrats will give in. And more far right republican who are willing to blowup the economy rather than back down makes it even more likely. It probably won't happen this time but I think it will eventually as the right and left move further and further apart.
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