The Democrat Party Should Be Dissolved

The Democrat Party has racist roots. They supported slavery, they created Jim Crow laws, they ran the KKK.....thier statues are being torn down all over the South, so why not tear apart the primary cause of racism in America?
Can't distinguish between party politics and political ideology, huh?

Then stop commenting! I takes you look silly!
Some on this board are afraid to point out the problems with black culture and find blaming "Democrats" a little easier.

The biggest problem with black culture IS the democrats. Destruction of family, dependency, refusal to assimilate, all are driven by the democrat party.

refusal to assimilate?

what the fuck does THAT mean?

do atheists HAVE to become christians?

do liberals HAVE to become conservatives?

do gays HAVE to become hetero?

do democrats HAVE to become republicans? (they did THAT in the 1950's and 60's)

do blacks HAVE to become white?

do we ALL have to wave the confederate flag?

You're really fucking stupid. Blacks need to just be Americans. Some are, but not NEARLY enough. Get the chip off the shoulder and just BE.

I don't give a shit if you're black, you'll get no special treatment from me.

Prove yourself, or don't. I don't give a fuck about your petty issues.
Go ahead. Find words of mine to use against me. You’re a biased troll who doesn’t understand basic economics.
Which is funny, since I'm a 20-year financial advisor and CFP.

And I've already told you - your posts are not important enough for me to put out that effort.
Important enough to give me your resume it seems. So before COVID hit, were your clients happy or unhappy with Trumps performance as it pertains to the economy?
You brought economics (?) up in your personal attack, not me.

Those with whom I discussed it were educated on what was going on. So they saw the mixed bag.
You must be a terrible CFP if it was a mixed bag
Sure, whatever makes you happy.
Record stock market and you had a “mixed bag”. People would have been better off with index funds over your stupid advice.

As a Trumpster, you think the stock market is the economy.

Good Trumpster. Good.
As a CFP most of your investments should have been in equities. So you messed up. What is a “Trumpster”? You’re not really a CFP are you? Don’t BS me.
Nice try. You have no idea what I mean by "mixed bag". You're just staying on the attack and making ignorant assumptions.

And yes, we usually stay fully invested, depending on allocations, with hedges.

Since you conflate the economy with the stock market, it's clear that you're just flailing now. Won't work. Sorry.
How can it be a "mixed bag" when the market was at an all time high. Please explain. It is failing now due to the virus and still 7k higher than when the prior administration left. You sound like a terrible CFP to me. Truth hurts, eh Mac.
Gawd, you're still going. Okay, to address your ignorance:

The economy -- the actual economy, not the stock market, do you understand? -- was growing at a 2.1% rate, which was nice, but nothing special. To get to that rate, the economy was buoyed by (1) profligate government spending increases signed and bragged about by Trump himself, (2) the NY Fed pouring about $1.4 TRILLION into short term lending markets to grease the system, and (3) bond yields crashing by over 50% when they saw what was coming.

Talk radio doesn't cover any of that, but it's all true.

Your insults are boring. Play with someone else, Trumpster.
Doesn't matter, you're a CFP. How did your clients fare in their portfolios? Gov't spend may impact future generations but not now. So how did they do in their portfolios from Jan 2016 to February 2020? Give an honest answer. Let's see if you can.
Well, we have 14 portfolios to match the clients' time frames, goals and risk tolerance. They did just fine, thank you.

You sure are desperate. Do you always melt down like this?

You'll notice I'm not peppering you with questions. Because you're just not important enough. Sorry.
Not what you said initially. They did great. Not just fine. Admit that. You're a very dishonest person. My business clients were having record years...year after year after year.


You're a liar Mac. Where did you go to school? You should demand your money back.

How were your business clients doing between 2012 and 2017?

Answer honestly.

Depends. The M&A clients did well because of the very low interest rates but many lenders instituted LIBOR floors to offset that. Expansion in terms of CAPEX and such did not take place until after Trump was elected as he was seen as the more friendly to business president. They were much better under Obama than under Bush, that is the honest truth but a lot of it has to do with the low interest rates. They did concentrate on expenses heavily, hence employees got minimal raises if any.


They did great. Just say it.
B not A. It wasn’t great. But it was good. They did great from 2016 to March 2020. Just being honest.

No. As Mac1958 explained, Trump’s economy was fair before 2020 and it is shitty now.

Your business clients did as well or better between 2012 and 2017 ( Trump started in 2017 ) than they did between 2017 and 2020.

You won’t be honest. But at least you are not claiming that Obama was a disaster for your cliebts.
You’re wrong. Several of them are public companies. Don’t tell me what I saw. You’re machinist. LOL. I wont tell you how to make tools and you don’t tell me how my clients did.
Go ahead. Find words of mine to use against me. You’re a biased troll who doesn’t understand basic economics.
Which is funny, since I'm a 20-year financial advisor and CFP.

And I've already told you - your posts are not important enough for me to put out that effort.
Important enough to give me your resume it seems. So before COVID hit, were your clients happy or unhappy with Trumps performance as it pertains to the economy?
You brought economics (?) up in your personal attack, not me.

Those with whom I discussed it were educated on what was going on. So they saw the mixed bag.
You must be a terrible CFP if it was a mixed bag
Sure, whatever makes you happy.
Record stock market and you had a “mixed bag”. People would have been better off with index funds over your stupid advice.

As a Trumpster, you think the stock market is the economy.

Good Trumpster. Good.
As a CFP most of your investments should have been in equities. So you messed up. What is a “Trumpster”? You’re not really a CFP are you? Don’t BS me.
Nice try. You have no idea what I mean by "mixed bag". You're just staying on the attack and making ignorant assumptions.

And yes, we usually stay fully invested, depending on allocations, with hedges.

Since you conflate the economy with the stock market, it's clear that you're just flailing now. Won't work. Sorry.
How can it be a "mixed bag" when the market was at an all time high. Please explain. It is failing now due to the virus and still 7k higher than when the prior administration left. You sound like a terrible CFP to me. Truth hurts, eh Mac.

It takes a genius to believe that Trump has a fucking clue about how to handle the US economy.
How would you know? You're a fat, failed small business owner.

Give me another laugh rating. I enjoy those.

You choose the things which you envy as lines of attack.

If a business is 11 years old, has supported a family of 5 and bought two two homes is it failed?

Is 6’2” and 222 lbs at the age of 55 “fat”?

If I rip off a few suppliers, cheat on my taxes, sit on my ass and eat fast food all day maybe I can be more like your hero.
#1) You're jealous of your brother. Supporter how?
#2) Yes
#3) Are you projecting?

You support Trump. He cheats at business and golf. He evaded taxes. He is obese.

You are short. And you weigh 220. Are you fat?
I support Trump. He does? And you have proof of this? I am 6’2. I am far from fat. Very far from it. Muscle weighs more than fat.

You are 5’ 10 max. And you are pudgy.

And everyone knows Trump cheats. He’s got zero integrity. Zero.
Wrong. I have been in martial arts since the age of 9. My BMI was 21.3. It doesn’t matter since it’s the Internet.
Dang Democrats!

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day” Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
Hasn't it been proven, in the last few days, that blacks are incapable of living in the environment of civilization? Send them back to Africa.
..just like Africa is the shithole of the world, the black US communities mirror that
You can take a negro out of the ghetto. But you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.
No quotes from me? Whats the matter Mac? You Leftist Loon.
Kind of a weird thing to feel jealous about?
Where do you get the feeling that I am "jealous"? You missed the meaning behind my post entirely.
Could be. I personally feel that using other people's posts in order to make a point is a good debating tactic, and providing you don't completely take it out of context an honest tactic.
His premise is that all who disagree with him are racist. So I asked him to point to one of my posts that is racist. I vehemently disagree with Macs views. Doesn’t make me a racist. It just makes me logical. This is why he dodges me. I do not fit his narrative.
His premise, how I see it at least, is that there are plenty of people who are racist on this board. And that all of them are supporting Trump. If he didn't include you that's a good thing. He didn't make the argument as far as I can see that being a Trump supporter means you're racist. Feel free to go through this OP and use Mac's words against him and prove me wrong?
Plenty of racists and antisemites here on the other side too.
Define those terms please and then back that up? Speaking for myself, for instance, I don't like what the State of Israel is doing. They are grabbing land in my opinion that they don't have a right to. I don't hate Jews at all, I have no prejudice against them whatsoever. I do have a strong opinion though on the legitimacy of some of the actions they take. Do you consider that being an anti-Semite and if so do you feel one can have an opinion on anyone else without being bigoted?
State of Israel? You mean the people as Israel is a Democracy. Your post is idiotic. 53+ mostly Islamic countries and the safest place for a Muslim woman is in Israel. Only reason Israel is vilified is because it is a Jewish State. No one gives a shit about Islamists exterminating the Kurds. Or those in Lebanon treating Palestinians worse than dirt. Israel is an easy target. Your opinion is based on ignorance so yes you’re an antisemite. Your statement is like me saying, I dont dislike blacks at all except for those inner city blacks. You’re either uneducated or you’re an antisemite. Pick one.
No, I mean the state of Israel as in the nation and it's leader who at this moment although only supported by a minority of the populace is moving to not just occupy but full annex the West Bank. By the way, Democratically elected governments are fully capable of doing immoral stuff if you want I'll give you a history lesson. You inferring from my statements that I don't like stuff what Israel is doing based on me having a problem with Jews is a leap, to say the least. I don't need to dislike the Jewish people in order to condemn the country they inhabit for annexing territory belonging to someone else. As a matter of fact, My mother-in-law was Jewish.

This brings me to this. It's fascinating to me to see the cognitive dissonance displayed here. You reply to a post in an effort to call someone on a perceived inability to distinguish between the actions of individuals and the group as a whole and at the same time are perfectly willing to condemn me as anti-Semitic because I distinguish between the actions of individuals and the group as whole.
Israel is a democracy. The people there have been under attack for decades. The land is theirs. Read about it. The fact that you side with terror regimes speaks volumes
Go ahead. Find words of mine to use against me. You’re a biased troll who doesn’t understand basic economics.
Which is funny, since I'm a 20-year financial advisor and CFP.

And I've already told you - your posts are not important enough for me to put out that effort.
Important enough to give me your resume it seems. So before COVID hit, were your clients happy or unhappy with Trumps performance as it pertains to the economy?
You brought economics (?) up in your personal attack, not me.

Those with whom I discussed it were educated on what was going on. So they saw the mixed bag.
You must be a terrible CFP if it was a mixed bag
Sure, whatever makes you happy.
Record stock market and you had a “mixed bag”. People would have been better off with index funds over your stupid advice.

As a Trumpster, you think the stock market is the economy.

Good Trumpster. Good.
As a CFP most of your investments should have been in equities. So you messed up. What is a “Trumpster”? You’re not really a CFP are you? Don’t BS me.
Nice try. You have no idea what I mean by "mixed bag". You're just staying on the attack and making ignorant assumptions.

And yes, we usually stay fully invested, depending on allocations, with hedges.

Since you conflate the economy with the stock market, it's clear that you're just flailing now. Won't work. Sorry.
How can it be a "mixed bag" when the market was at an all time high. Please explain. It is failing now due to the virus and still 7k higher than when the prior administration left. You sound like a terrible CFP to me. Truth hurts, eh Mac.

It takes a genius to believe that Trump has a fucking clue about how to handle the US economy.
How would you know? You're a fat, failed small business owner.

Give me another laugh rating. I enjoy those.

You choose the things which you envy as lines of attack.

If a business is 11 years old, has supported a family of 5 and bought two two homes is it failed?

Is 6’2” and 222 lbs at the age of 55 “fat”?

If I rip off a few suppliers, cheat on my taxes, sit on my ass and eat fast food all day maybe I can be more like your hero.
#1) You're jealous of your brother. Supporter how?
#2) Yes
#3) Are you projecting?

You support Trump. He cheats at business and golf. He evaded taxes. He is obese.

You are short. And you weigh 220. Are you fat?
I support Trump. He does? And you have proof of this? I am 6’2. I am far from fat. Very far from it. Muscle weighs more than fat.

You are 5’ 10 max. And you are pudgy.

And everyone knows Trump cheats. He’s got zero integrity. Zero.
Wrong. I have been in martial arts since the age of 9. My BMI was 21.3. It doesn’t matter since it’s the Internet.

Dang Democrats!

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day” Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
Hasn't it been proven, in the last few days, that blacks are incapable of living in the environment of civilization? Send them back to Africa.
..just like Africa is the shithole of the world, the black US communities mirror that
You can take a negro out of the ghetto. But you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.

I could give you about a dozen more.

It sure seems that if you scratch a blobber, you find a racist.

Excellent curation.
Go ahead. Find words of mine to use against me. You’re a biased troll who doesn’t understand basic economics.
Which is funny, since I'm a 20-year financial advisor and CFP.

And I've already told you - your posts are not important enough for me to put out that effort.
Important enough to give me your resume it seems. So before COVID hit, were your clients happy or unhappy with Trumps performance as it pertains to the economy?
You brought economics (?) up in your personal attack, not me.

Those with whom I discussed it were educated on what was going on. So they saw the mixed bag.
You must be a terrible CFP if it was a mixed bag
Sure, whatever makes you happy.
Record stock market and you had a “mixed bag”. People would have been better off with index funds over your stupid advice.

As a Trumpster, you think the stock market is the economy.

Good Trumpster. Good.
As a CFP most of your investments should have been in equities. So you messed up. What is a “Trumpster”? You’re not really a CFP are you? Don’t BS me.
Nice try. You have no idea what I mean by "mixed bag". You're just staying on the attack and making ignorant assumptions.

And yes, we usually stay fully invested, depending on allocations, with hedges.

Since you conflate the economy with the stock market, it's clear that you're just flailing now. Won't work. Sorry.
How can it be a "mixed bag" when the market was at an all time high. Please explain. It is failing now due to the virus and still 7k higher than when the prior administration left. You sound like a terrible CFP to me. Truth hurts, eh Mac.

It takes a genius to believe that Trump has a fucking clue about how to handle the US economy.
How would you know? You're a fat, failed small business owner.

Give me another laugh rating. I enjoy those.

You choose the things which you envy as lines of attack.

If a business is 11 years old, has supported a family of 5 and bought two two homes is it failed?

Is 6’2” and 222 lbs at the age of 55 “fat”?

If I rip off a few suppliers, cheat on my taxes, sit on my ass and eat fast food all day maybe I can be more like your hero.
#1) You're jealous of your brother. Supporter how?
#2) Yes
#3) Are you projecting?

You support Trump. He cheats at business and golf. He evaded taxes. He is obese.

You are short. And you weigh 220. Are you fat?
I support Trump. He does? And you have proof of this? I am 6’2. I am far from fat. Very far from it. Muscle weighs more than fat.

You are 5’ 10 max. And you are pudgy.

And everyone knows Trump cheats. He’s got zero integrity. Zero.
Wrong. I have been in martial arts since the age of 9. My BMI was 21.3. It doesn’t matter since it’s the Internet.

View attachment 349514
Self portrait?
Dang Democrats!

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day” Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
Hasn't it been proven, in the last few days, that blacks are incapable of living in the environment of civilization? Send them back to Africa.
..just like Africa is the shithole of the world, the black US communities mirror that
You can take a negro out of the ghetto. But you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.
No quotes from me? Whats the matter Mac? You Leftist Loon.
Kind of a weird thing to feel jealous about?
Where do you get the feeling that I am "jealous"? You missed the meaning behind my post entirely.
Could be. I personally feel that using other people's posts in order to make a point is a good debating tactic, and providing you don't completely take it out of context an honest tactic.
His premise is that all who disagree with him are racist. So I asked him to point to one of my posts that is racist. I vehemently disagree with Macs views. Doesn’t make me a racist. It just makes me logical. This is why he dodges me. I do not fit his narrative.
His premise, how I see it at least, is that there are plenty of people who are racist on this board. And that all of them are supporting Trump. If he didn't include you that's a good thing. He didn't make the argument as far as I can see that being a Trump supporter means you're racist. Feel free to go through this OP and use Mac's words against him and prove me wrong?
Plenty of racists and antisemites here on the other side too.
Define those terms please and then back that up? Speaking for myself, for instance, I don't like what the State of Israel is doing. They are grabbing land in my opinion that they don't have a right to. I don't hate Jews at all, I have no prejudice against them whatsoever. I do have a strong opinion though on the legitimacy of some of the actions they take. Do you consider that being an anti-Semite and if so do you feel one can have an opinion on anyone else without being bigoted?
State of Israel? You mean the people as Israel is a Democracy. Your post is idiotic. 53+ mostly Islamic countries and the safest place for a Muslim woman is in Israel. Only reason Israel is vilified is because it is a Jewish State. No one gives a shit about Islamists exterminating the Kurds. Or those in Lebanon treating Palestinians worse than dirt. Israel is an easy target. Your opinion is based on ignorance so yes you’re an antisemite. Your statement is like me saying, I dont dislike blacks at all except for those inner city blacks. You’re either uneducated or you’re an antisemite. Pick one.
No, I mean the state of Israel as in the nation and it's leader who at this moment although only supported by a minority of the populace is moving to not just occupy but full annex the West Bank. By the way, Democratically elected governments are fully capable of doing immoral stuff if you want I'll give you a history lesson. You inferring from my statements that I don't like stuff what Israel is doing based on me having a problem with Jews is a leap, to say the least. I don't need to dislike Jews in order to condemn the country they inhabit for annexing territory belonging to someone else.

This brings me to this. It's fascinating to me to see the cognitive dissonance displayed here. You reply to a post in an effort to call someone on a perceived inability to distinguish between the actions of individuals and the group as a whole and at the same time are perfectly willing to condemn me as anti-Semitic because I distinguish between the actions of individuals and the group as whole.
..the Israelis have shown IMMENSE restraint when dealing with the jackass/MURDERING Palestinians/etc
...the Pals should thank their lucky stars the Israelis didn't shove them into the sea
....the Palestinians even MURDERED other Arabs/caused shit with other Arabs/etc
I guess if some other country stole your State & gave it to someone else, you would just say OK?
What state? Who was the president of "Palestine" in 1946? Who was on the "Palestinian" Olympic team?
The Democrat Party has racist roots. They supported slavery, they created Jim Crow laws, they ran the KKK.....thier statues are being torn down all over the South, so why not tear apart the primary cause of racism in America?

Dear mudwhistle
Just hand the whole Party over to Black leaders to use for Reparations.
Democrats who believe in Reparations can pay off all those debts first.
Just let the Black leaders lead the party and call the shots.
The Democrat Party has racist roots. They supported slavery, they created Jim Crow laws, they ran the KKK.....thier statues are being torn down all over the South, so why not tear apart the primary cause of racism in America?
The Dimocratic Party is a crinal syndicate posing as a political party.

If Republicans had the balls to enforce the laws, the Democratic PArty would crumble into dust where it belongs.
The Democrat Party has racist roots. They supported slavery, they created Jim Crow laws, they ran the KKK.....thier statues are being torn down all over the South, so why not tear apart the primary cause of racism in America?
The Dimocratic Party is a crinal syndicate posing as a political party.

If Republicans had the balls to enforce the laws, the Democratic PArty would crumble into dust where it belongs.

Dear JimBowie1958
I think we can argue the Democratic Party is acting as a Religious Organization.
The platform states the BELIEF that health care is a right, which cannot
be taken away by majority. Thus a group of people espousing the same
collective beliefs constitutes a political RELIGION. And Religion cannot
be established nor prohibited by Govt, where it causes discrimination
by CREED against citizens of other beliefs, as with Constitutionalist who believe
in limited govt, and a Convention process before expanding on govt duties.

I found a friend online willing to put out a proposal to BAN political parties.

Are you willing to go that far?
If you and he agree, I don't mind helping you write out a petition,
starting with the State Governors and Senators.

If more people prefer to BAN parties altogether, if that's what you
believe, you have the right not to be under them at all.

I prefer neither to establish nor prohibit.
So my argument would be to treat the parties as Religious Organizations
that have the right to exercise and fund their own programs for their own members.
But not impose any such biased or faith based beliefs through govt on other people
where these policies violate their beliefs or discriminate against them by creed.

Please let me know if you'd like to work out
a summarized proposal. And we can run it past
fellow members of the Libertarian, Constitution,
Republican and possibly the Green Party.
The Democrat Party has racist roots. They supported slavery, they created Jim Crow laws, they ran the KKK.....thier statues are being torn down all over the South, so why not tear apart the primary cause of racism in America?
The Dimocratic Party is a crinal syndicate posing as a political party.

If Republicans had the balls to enforce the laws, the Democratic PArty would crumble into dust where it belongs.

Dear JimBowie1958
I think we can argue the Democratic Party is acting as a Religious Organization.
The platform states the BELIEF that health care is a right, which cannot
be taken away by majority. Thus a group of people espousing the same
collective beliefs constitutes a political RELIGION. And Religion cannot
be established nor prohibited by Govt, where it causes discrimination
by CREED against citizens of other beliefs, as with Constitutionalist who believe
in limited govt, and a Convention process before expanding on govt duties.

I found a friend online willing to put out a proposal to BAN political parties.

Are you willing to go that far?
If you and he agree, I don't mind helping you write out a petition,
starting with the State Governors and Senators.

If more people prefer to BAN parties altogether, if that's what you
believe, you have the right not to be under them at all.

I prefer neither to establish nor prohibit.
So my argument would be to treat the parties as Religious Organizations
that have the right to exercise and fund their own programs for their own members.
But not impose any such biased or faith based beliefs through govt on other people
where these policies violate their beliefs or discriminate against them by creed.

Please let me know if you'd like to work out
a summarized proposal. And we can run it past
fellow members of the Libertarian, Constitution,
Republican and possibly the Green Party.
Ban political parties the way our Founding Fathers hoped our Republic would be?

Sure. sign me up!
The Democrat Party has racist roots. They supported slavery, they created Jim Crow laws, they ran the KKK.....thier statues are being torn down all over the South, so why not tear apart the primary cause of racism in America?
The Dimocratic Party is a crinal syndicate posing as a political party.

If Republicans had the balls to enforce the laws, the Democratic PArty would crumble into dust where it belongs.

Dear JimBowie1958
I think we can argue the Democratic Party is acting as a Religious Organization.
The platform states the BELIEF that health care is a right, which cannot
be taken away by majority. Thus a group of people espousing the same
collective beliefs constitutes a political RELIGION. And Religion cannot
be established nor prohibited by Govt, where it causes discrimination
by CREED against citizens of other beliefs, as with Constitutionalist who believe
in limited govt, and a Convention process before expanding on govt duties.

I found a friend online willing to put out a proposal to BAN political parties.

Are you willing to go that far?
If you and he agree, I don't mind helping you write out a petition,
starting with the State Governors and Senators.

If more people prefer to BAN parties altogether, if that's what you
believe, you have the right not to be under them at all.

I prefer neither to establish nor prohibit.
So my argument would be to treat the parties as Religious Organizations
that have the right to exercise and fund their own programs for their own members.
But not impose any such biased or faith based beliefs through govt on other people
where these policies violate their beliefs or discriminate against them by creed.

Please let me know if you'd like to work out
a summarized proposal. And we can run it past
fellow members of the Libertarian, Constitution,
Republican and possibly the Green Party.
Ban political parties the way our Founding Fathers hoped our Republic would be?

Sure. sign me up!

Thanks JimBowie1958
I will let my two friends know who were interested in a full ban.
I will consult with two more friends who were just focused
on policing specific types of abuses.
If we offer both, plus 2-3 alternatives that parties
can be used for, that will make a general proposal
and leave it open for people to discuss with their party
chairs or precincts.

If we can get 2-3 parties to take this on,
I think we could call for a Constitutional CONFERENCE online.
Not a Convention because too many people don't want
the Constitution touched. But we can certainly reform
political parties not governed by the Constitution but outside!

And have a conference on THAT!
The ignore function works just fine here. Otherwise, tough shit.

And I definitely have a side. Line of one my sig: 1. >>> It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the FUNDAMENTALISTS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America. THAT is MY "side of the fence".

Yet you remain solidly, hard core left. :dunno:
From your ignorant perspective sure, comrade.

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