The Dems won’t let the collusion lie die.

... and
So you knew you were LYING when you said that HuffPo was the source when you knew all along it was the Republican Senate report.
Thank you for admitting you are a premeditated LIAR!
....And still no Russian connection
The Mueller Report shows hundreds of Russian connections, try reading it sometime.
No trump involvement ... sorry
Trump campaign and RNC involvement, both of which Tramp controls.
Guilt by association?
It's been good enough for the Right for decades against the Clintons, so that knife cuts both ways.
... and
....And still no Russian connection
The Mueller Report shows hundreds of Russian connections, try reading it sometime.
No trump involvement ... sorry
Trump campaign and RNC involvement, both of which Tramp controls.
Guilt by association?
It's been good enough for the Right for decades against the Clintons, so that knife cuts both ways.
The Clintons have had decades of corrupt public office....
Since Page himself admitted he met with Russia spy back in 2013, its a safe bet that the FBI was keeping an eye on him.
Considering all of Page's Russia contacts, the FBI would be remiss if they werent keeping tabs on him.
it is crystal clear that the Steele dossier, an unverified Clinton-campaign product, was the driving force behind the Trump–Russia investigation.
Really? The FBI relied on a dossier from 2015/16 to get warrants starting back in 2013?
Turns out the FBI has time travel tech. Cool.

Since the Trump-Russia investigation was started by
Papadopoulos bragging to an Australian diplomat, you've undermined your argument by including patently false information.

What warrant in 2013?

There is ZERO evidence any such warrant ever existed. None.

We KNOW for a FACT that James Comey, Peter Strzok, and Andrew McCabe LIED on the 2016 FISA application and engaged in perjury to obtain it. (none have been prosecuted, we have different laws for the deep state elite.)

As for Papadopoulos, you are a fucking liar and I have nailed you before for the same lies.

{I essentially had no connection to Russia whatsoever before I became embroiled in, I guess, this issue. My background really focused on energy developments in Israel and Cyprus, the U.S.-Egypt relationship. And generally, that's what I was doing at the Hudson Institute, where I was working directly with Seth Cropsey, the former Under Secretary of the Navy, Douglas Feith. I mean, we were really focusing on these type of issues. We weren't focused -- I wasn't specifically wasn't focusing on Russia, whatsoever. And my process, my thought process going into the Trump campaign was, there's one country that the candidate wanted to work closely with, and that's Russia. So I said to myself, Okay, if he wants to work with Russia, how am I going to stand out as much as possible? Let's try and do something. And then obviously, things happened the way they did, and I'm here to clarify, many, many things. Q Okay. And did you have contacts in the Russian Government prior to working on the Trump campaign? A I have, to this day -- not even before -- to this day, I have never traveled to Russia. I've never knowingly met a Russian official. So even before or after this entire saga, I've never COMMITTEE SENSITIVE COMMITTEE SENSITIVE 10 knowingly met a Russian official in my life.}
There are multiple news sources reporting that Page warrant existed in 2013. Additionally, its just common sense, considering that Page had admitted to FBI his Russian contacts in 2013. FISA warrant is nothing more than an authorization to keep tabs on foreign activity of US citizens.

As for Papadopoulos, you're referencing an interview in which he spent two weeks in jail for lying.
Its really dumb to keep bringing up Carter Page, since Papadopoulos was the greater factor in starting Trump-Russia investigation. Ultimately, it was Trump's penchant for hiring all these people involved with Russia.

Did you want to provide actual PROOF that a FISA warrant was issued on Carter Page back in 2013? Or did you want to continue to post what 3 extremely biased liberal media outlets put out as a narrative without any proof? You're a bit a sleaze...aren't you, Dudmuck!
Its reported by justsecurity, which has least biased rating.

The actual report on this is WSJ, which has a right-center rating.
Calling wall street journal "liberal media" is comical at best.
it is crystal clear that the Steele dossier, an unverified Clinton-campaign product, was the driving force behind the Trump–Russia investigation.
Really? The FBI relied on a dossier from 2015/16 to get warrants starting back in 2013?
Turns out the FBI has time travel tech. Cool.

Since the Trump-Russia investigation was started by
Papadopoulos bragging to an Australian diplomat, you've undermined your argument by including patently false information.

What warrant in 2013?

There is ZERO evidence any such warrant ever existed. None.

We KNOW for a FACT that James Comey, Peter Strzok, and Andrew McCabe LIED on the 2016 FISA application and engaged in perjury to obtain it. (none have been prosecuted, we have different laws for the deep state elite.)

As for Papadopoulos, you are a fucking liar and I have nailed you before for the same lies.

{I essentially had no connection to Russia whatsoever before I became embroiled in, I guess, this issue. My background really focused on energy developments in Israel and Cyprus, the U.S.-Egypt relationship. And generally, that's what I was doing at the Hudson Institute, where I was working directly with Seth Cropsey, the former Under Secretary of the Navy, Douglas Feith. I mean, we were really focusing on these type of issues. We weren't focused -- I wasn't specifically wasn't focusing on Russia, whatsoever. And my process, my thought process going into the Trump campaign was, there's one country that the candidate wanted to work closely with, and that's Russia. So I said to myself, Okay, if he wants to work with Russia, how am I going to stand out as much as possible? Let's try and do something. And then obviously, things happened the way they did, and I'm here to clarify, many, many things. Q Okay. And did you have contacts in the Russian Government prior to working on the Trump campaign? A I have, to this day -- not even before -- to this day, I have never traveled to Russia. I've never knowingly met a Russian official. So even before or after this entire saga, I've never COMMITTEE SENSITIVE COMMITTEE SENSITIVE 10 knowingly met a Russian official in my life.}
There are multiple news sources reporting that Page warrant existed in 2013. Additionally, its just common sense, considering that Page had admitted to FBI his Russian contacts in 2013. FISA warrant is nothing more than an authorization to keep tabs on foreign activity of US citizens.

As for Papadopoulos, you're referencing an interview in which he spent two weeks in jail for lying.
Its really dumb to keep bringing up Carter Page, since Papadopoulos was the greater factor in starting Trump-Russia investigation. Ultimately, it was Trump's penchant for hiring all these people involved with Russia.

Did you want to provide actual PROOF that a FISA warrant was issued on Carter Page back in 2013? Or did you want to continue to post what 3 extremely biased liberal media outlets put out as a narrative without any proof? You're a bit a sleaze...aren't you, Dudmuck!
Its reported by justsecurity, which has least biased rating.

The actual report on this is WSJ, which has a right-center rating.
Calling wall street journal "liberal media" is comical at best.

You've just repeated the same narrative by the same sources...reported on by another source! Once again...DO YOU HAVE ANY PROOF WHATSOEVER THAT A FISA WARRANT WAS ISSUED ON CARTER PAGE BACK IN 2013!!! If so...provide it now!
The Mueller Report shows hundreds of Russian connections, try reading it sometime.
No trump involvement ... sorry
Trump campaign and RNC involvement, both of which Tramp controls.
Guilt by association?
It's been good enough for the Right for decades against the Clintons, so that knife cuts both ways.
The Clintons have had decades of corrupt public office....
Typical Right-wing BULLSHIT
If I wanted to link directly to the Senate report, I would have.
Now about your claim that the Russians changed any votes......maybe you can find a National Review source?
National Review is FAKE NEWS, but you knew that already.

No more than HuffPo.
Then why did you lie about HuffPo being your source to give the phony GOP Senate report more credibility????

HuffPo was my source. That's why I had a HuffPo screen shot and a HuffPo link.

Have you always been a moron, or is your low IQ due to a recent event?

Perhaps you have a source that disproves the Senate report? Maybe the voices in your head can help?
Already did, where have you been?

I've been right here. Listening to you whine. Didn't notice your proof.
Really? The FBI relied on a dossier from 2015/16 to get warrants starting back in 2013?
Turns out the FBI has time travel tech. Cool.

Since the Trump-Russia investigation was started by
Papadopoulos bragging to an Australian diplomat, you've undermined your argument by including patently false information.

What warrant in 2013?

There is ZERO evidence any such warrant ever existed. None.

We KNOW for a FACT that James Comey, Peter Strzok, and Andrew McCabe LIED on the 2016 FISA application and engaged in perjury to obtain it. (none have been prosecuted, we have different laws for the deep state elite.)

As for Papadopoulos, you are a fucking liar and I have nailed you before for the same lies.

{I essentially had no connection to Russia whatsoever before I became embroiled in, I guess, this issue. My background really focused on energy developments in Israel and Cyprus, the U.S.-Egypt relationship. And generally, that's what I was doing at the Hudson Institute, where I was working directly with Seth Cropsey, the former Under Secretary of the Navy, Douglas Feith. I mean, we were really focusing on these type of issues. We weren't focused -- I wasn't specifically wasn't focusing on Russia, whatsoever. And my process, my thought process going into the Trump campaign was, there's one country that the candidate wanted to work closely with, and that's Russia. So I said to myself, Okay, if he wants to work with Russia, how am I going to stand out as much as possible? Let's try and do something. And then obviously, things happened the way they did, and I'm here to clarify, many, many things. Q Okay. And did you have contacts in the Russian Government prior to working on the Trump campaign? A I have, to this day -- not even before -- to this day, I have never traveled to Russia. I've never knowingly met a Russian official. So even before or after this entire saga, I've never COMMITTEE SENSITIVE COMMITTEE SENSITIVE 10 knowingly met a Russian official in my life.}
There are multiple news sources reporting that Page warrant existed in 2013. Additionally, its just common sense, considering that Page had admitted to FBI his Russian contacts in 2013. FISA warrant is nothing more than an authorization to keep tabs on foreign activity of US citizens.

As for Papadopoulos, you're referencing an interview in which he spent two weeks in jail for lying.
Its really dumb to keep bringing up Carter Page, since Papadopoulos was the greater factor in starting Trump-Russia investigation. Ultimately, it was Trump's penchant for hiring all these people involved with Russia.

Did you want to provide actual PROOF that a FISA warrant was issued on Carter Page back in 2013? Or did you want to continue to post what 3 extremely biased liberal media outlets put out as a narrative without any proof? You're a bit a sleaze...aren't you, Dudmuck!
Its reported by justsecurity, which has least biased rating.

The actual report on this is WSJ, which has a right-center rating.
Calling wall street journal "liberal media" is comical at best.

You've just repeated the same narrative by the same sources...reported on by another source! Once again...DO YOU HAVE ANY PROOF WHATSOEVER THAT A FISA WARRANT WAS ISSUED ON CARTER PAGE BACK IN 2013!!! If so...provide it now!
Carter Page claimed to be an informal advisor to the Kremlin back in 2013. At the time, the FBI had no choice but to keep tabs on him. Especially considering Page's contact Victor Podobnyy. Further evidence is that FBI warned Page that Russia tried to recruit him. Only way to know such stuff is by investigating.
National Review is FAKE NEWS, but you knew that already.

No more than HuffPo.
Then why did you lie about HuffPo being your source to give the phony GOP Senate report more credibility????

HuffPo was my source. That's why I had a HuffPo screen shot and a HuffPo link.

Have you always been a moron, or is your low IQ due to a recent event?

Perhaps you have a source that disproves the Senate report? Maybe the voices in your head can help?
Already did, where have you been?

I've been right here. Listening to you whine. Didn't notice your proof.
So it went right over your head!
21 states were hacked by the Russians as well as vendors who supply voting equipment. In at least six states, the Russian-affiliated cyber actors went beyond scanning and conducted malicious access attempts on voting-related websites.[2] In a small number of states, Russian-affiliated cyber actors were able to gain access to restricted elements of election infrastructure. In a small number of states, these cyber actors were in a position to, at a minimum, alter or delete voter registration data.
Anomali and Intel 471 researchers discovered dark web communications offering a large quantity of voter databases for sale. The databases include valuable personally identifiable information and voting history. The disclosure reportedly affects 19 states and includes 23 million records for just three of the 19 states. No record counts were provided for the remaining 16 states.
The voter records affect citizens of:

New Mexico
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Really? The FBI relied on a dossier from 2015/16 to get warrants starting back in 2013?
Turns out the FBI has time travel tech. Cool.

Since the Trump-Russia investigation was started by
Papadopoulos bragging to an Australian diplomat, you've undermined your argument by including patently false information.

What warrant in 2013?

There is ZERO evidence any such warrant ever existed. None.

We KNOW for a FACT that James Comey, Peter Strzok, and Andrew McCabe LIED on the 2016 FISA application and engaged in perjury to obtain it. (none have been prosecuted, we have different laws for the deep state elite.)

As for Papadopoulos, you are a fucking liar and I have nailed you before for the same lies.

{I essentially had no connection to Russia whatsoever before I became embroiled in, I guess, this issue. My background really focused on energy developments in Israel and Cyprus, the U.S.-Egypt relationship. And generally, that's what I was doing at the Hudson Institute, where I was working directly with Seth Cropsey, the former Under Secretary of the Navy, Douglas Feith. I mean, we were really focusing on these type of issues. We weren't focused -- I wasn't specifically wasn't focusing on Russia, whatsoever. And my process, my thought process going into the Trump campaign was, there's one country that the candidate wanted to work closely with, and that's Russia. So I said to myself, Okay, if he wants to work with Russia, how am I going to stand out as much as possible? Let's try and do something. And then obviously, things happened the way they did, and I'm here to clarify, many, many things. Q Okay. And did you have contacts in the Russian Government prior to working on the Trump campaign? A I have, to this day -- not even before -- to this day, I have never traveled to Russia. I've never knowingly met a Russian official. So even before or after this entire saga, I've never COMMITTEE SENSITIVE COMMITTEE SENSITIVE 10 knowingly met a Russian official in my life.}
There are multiple news sources reporting that Page warrant existed in 2013. Additionally, its just common sense, considering that Page had admitted to FBI his Russian contacts in 2013. FISA warrant is nothing more than an authorization to keep tabs on foreign activity of US citizens.

As for Papadopoulos, you're referencing an interview in which he spent two weeks in jail for lying.
Its really dumb to keep bringing up Carter Page, since Papadopoulos was the greater factor in starting Trump-Russia investigation. Ultimately, it was Trump's penchant for hiring all these people involved with Russia.

Did you want to provide actual PROOF that a FISA warrant was issued on Carter Page back in 2013? Or did you want to continue to post what 3 extremely biased liberal media outlets put out as a narrative without any proof? You're a bit a sleaze...aren't you, Dudmuck!
Its reported by justsecurity, which has least biased rating.

The actual report on this is WSJ, which has a right-center rating.
Calling wall street journal "liberal media" is comical at best.

You've just repeated the same narrative by the same sources...reported on by another source! Once again...DO YOU HAVE ANY PROOF WHATSOEVER THAT A FISA WARRANT WAS ISSUED ON CARTER PAGE BACK IN 2013!!! If so...provide it now!
On Feb. 2, 2018, FOX News’ Dana Perino said, “if Carter Page is under a FISA warrant starting in 2013. You have to go to the FISA court every 90 days in order to keep up that warrant. We don’t know if there was a lapse in the warrant between 2013 and 2015.”

Reports: Carter Page Was Subject to FISA Warrant in 2013/2014 - Just Security
Last edited:
No more than HuffPo.
Then why did you lie about HuffPo being your source to give the phony GOP Senate report more credibility????

HuffPo was my source. That's why I had a HuffPo screen shot and a HuffPo link.

Have you always been a moron, or is your low IQ due to a recent event?

Perhaps you have a source that disproves the Senate report? Maybe the voices in your head can help?
Already did, where have you been?

I've been right here. Listening to you whine. Didn't notice your proof.
So it went right over your head!
21 states were hacked by the Russians as well as vendors who supply voting equipment. In at least six states, the Russian-affiliated cyber actors went beyond scanning and conducted malicious access attempts on voting-related websites.[2] In a small number of states, Russian-affiliated cyber actors were able to gain access to restricted elements of election infrastructure. In a small number of states, these cyber actors were in a position to, at a minimum, alter or delete voter registration data.
Anomali and Intel 471 researchers discovered dark web communications offering a large quantity of voter databases for sale. The databases include valuable personally identifiable information and voting history. The disclosure reportedly affects 19 states and includes 23 million records for just three of the 19 states. No record counts were provided for the remaining 16 states.
The voter records affect citizens of:

New Mexico
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

Where is the proof they changed a single vote?
Why would the Democratic Party let collusion go. It’s all about winning elections. This is their issue. It makes no difference whether collusion occurred or not, it’s all about the narrative.
Then why did you lie about HuffPo being your source to give the phony GOP Senate report more credibility????

HuffPo was my source. That's why I had a HuffPo screen shot and a HuffPo link.

Have you always been a moron, or is your low IQ due to a recent event?

Perhaps you have a source that disproves the Senate report? Maybe the voices in your head can help?
Already did, where have you been?

I've been right here. Listening to you whine. Didn't notice your proof.
So it went right over your head!
21 states were hacked by the Russians as well as vendors who supply voting equipment. In at least six states, the Russian-affiliated cyber actors went beyond scanning and conducted malicious access attempts on voting-related websites.[2] In a small number of states, Russian-affiliated cyber actors were able to gain access to restricted elements of election infrastructure. In a small number of states, these cyber actors were in a position to, at a minimum, alter or delete voter registration data.
Anomali and Intel 471 researchers discovered dark web communications offering a large quantity of voter databases for sale. The databases include valuable personally identifiable information and voting history. The disclosure reportedly affects 19 states and includes 23 million records for just three of the 19 states. No record counts were provided for the remaining 16 states.
The voter records affect citizens of:

New Mexico
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

Where is the proof they changed a single vote?
Tramp won!
HuffPo was my source. That's why I had a HuffPo screen shot and a HuffPo link.

Have you always been a moron, or is your low IQ due to a recent event?

Perhaps you have a source that disproves the Senate report? Maybe the voices in your head can help?
Already did, where have you been?

I've been right here. Listening to you whine. Didn't notice your proof.
So it went right over your head!
21 states were hacked by the Russians as well as vendors who supply voting equipment. In at least six states, the Russian-affiliated cyber actors went beyond scanning and conducted malicious access attempts on voting-related websites.[2] In a small number of states, Russian-affiliated cyber actors were able to gain access to restricted elements of election infrastructure. In a small number of states, these cyber actors were in a position to, at a minimum, alter or delete voter registration data.
Anomali and Intel 471 researchers discovered dark web communications offering a large quantity of voter databases for sale. The databases include valuable personally identifiable information and voting history. The disclosure reportedly affects 19 states and includes 23 million records for just three of the 19 states. No record counts were provided for the remaining 16 states.
The voter records affect citizens of:

New Mexico
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

Where is the proof they changed a single vote?
Tramp won!

Nah, she lost.
What warrant in 2013?

There is ZERO evidence any such warrant ever existed. None.

We KNOW for a FACT that James Comey, Peter Strzok, and Andrew McCabe LIED on the 2016 FISA application and engaged in perjury to obtain it. (none have been prosecuted, we have different laws for the deep state elite.)

As for Papadopoulos, you are a fucking liar and I have nailed you before for the same lies.

{I essentially had no connection to Russia whatsoever before I became embroiled in, I guess, this issue. My background really focused on energy developments in Israel and Cyprus, the U.S.-Egypt relationship. And generally, that's what I was doing at the Hudson Institute, where I was working directly with Seth Cropsey, the former Under Secretary of the Navy, Douglas Feith. I mean, we were really focusing on these type of issues. We weren't focused -- I wasn't specifically wasn't focusing on Russia, whatsoever. And my process, my thought process going into the Trump campaign was, there's one country that the candidate wanted to work closely with, and that's Russia. So I said to myself, Okay, if he wants to work with Russia, how am I going to stand out as much as possible? Let's try and do something. And then obviously, things happened the way they did, and I'm here to clarify, many, many things. Q Okay. And did you have contacts in the Russian Government prior to working on the Trump campaign? A I have, to this day -- not even before -- to this day, I have never traveled to Russia. I've never knowingly met a Russian official. So even before or after this entire saga, I've never COMMITTEE SENSITIVE COMMITTEE SENSITIVE 10 knowingly met a Russian official in my life.}
There are multiple news sources reporting that Page warrant existed in 2013. Additionally, its just common sense, considering that Page had admitted to FBI his Russian contacts in 2013. FISA warrant is nothing more than an authorization to keep tabs on foreign activity of US citizens.

As for Papadopoulos, you're referencing an interview in which he spent two weeks in jail for lying.
Its really dumb to keep bringing up Carter Page, since Papadopoulos was the greater factor in starting Trump-Russia investigation. Ultimately, it was Trump's penchant for hiring all these people involved with Russia.

Did you want to provide actual PROOF that a FISA warrant was issued on Carter Page back in 2013? Or did you want to continue to post what 3 extremely biased liberal media outlets put out as a narrative without any proof? You're a bit a sleaze...aren't you, Dudmuck!
Its reported by justsecurity, which has least biased rating.

The actual report on this is WSJ, which has a right-center rating.
Calling wall street journal "liberal media" is comical at best.

You've just repeated the same narrative by the same sources...reported on by another source! Once again...DO YOU HAVE ANY PROOF WHATSOEVER THAT A FISA WARRANT WAS ISSUED ON CARTER PAGE BACK IN 2013!!! If so...provide it now!
Carter Page claimed to be an informal advisor to the Kremlin back in 2013. At the time, the FBI had no choice but to keep tabs on him. Especially considering Page's contact Victor Podobnyy. Further evidence is that FBI warned Page that Russia tried to recruit him. Only way to know such stuff is by investigating.

So you have no proof that a FISA warrant was obtained by the FBI to spy on Carter Page back in 2013? Noted!
What warrant in 2013?

There is ZERO evidence any such warrant ever existed. None.

We KNOW for a FACT that James Comey, Peter Strzok, and Andrew McCabe LIED on the 2016 FISA application and engaged in perjury to obtain it. (none have been prosecuted, we have different laws for the deep state elite.)

As for Papadopoulos, you are a fucking liar and I have nailed you before for the same lies.

{I essentially had no connection to Russia whatsoever before I became embroiled in, I guess, this issue. My background really focused on energy developments in Israel and Cyprus, the U.S.-Egypt relationship. And generally, that's what I was doing at the Hudson Institute, where I was working directly with Seth Cropsey, the former Under Secretary of the Navy, Douglas Feith. I mean, we were really focusing on these type of issues. We weren't focused -- I wasn't specifically wasn't focusing on Russia, whatsoever. And my process, my thought process going into the Trump campaign was, there's one country that the candidate wanted to work closely with, and that's Russia. So I said to myself, Okay, if he wants to work with Russia, how am I going to stand out as much as possible? Let's try and do something. And then obviously, things happened the way they did, and I'm here to clarify, many, many things. Q Okay. And did you have contacts in the Russian Government prior to working on the Trump campaign? A I have, to this day -- not even before -- to this day, I have never traveled to Russia. I've never knowingly met a Russian official. So even before or after this entire saga, I've never COMMITTEE SENSITIVE COMMITTEE SENSITIVE 10 knowingly met a Russian official in my life.}
There are multiple news sources reporting that Page warrant existed in 2013. Additionally, its just common sense, considering that Page had admitted to FBI his Russian contacts in 2013. FISA warrant is nothing more than an authorization to keep tabs on foreign activity of US citizens.

As for Papadopoulos, you're referencing an interview in which he spent two weeks in jail for lying.
Its really dumb to keep bringing up Carter Page, since Papadopoulos was the greater factor in starting Trump-Russia investigation. Ultimately, it was Trump's penchant for hiring all these people involved with Russia.

Did you want to provide actual PROOF that a FISA warrant was issued on Carter Page back in 2013? Or did you want to continue to post what 3 extremely biased liberal media outlets put out as a narrative without any proof? You're a bit a sleaze...aren't you, Dudmuck!
Its reported by justsecurity, which has least biased rating.

The actual report on this is WSJ, which has a right-center rating.
Calling wall street journal "liberal media" is comical at best.

You've just repeated the same narrative by the same sources...reported on by another source! Once again...DO YOU HAVE ANY PROOF WHATSOEVER THAT A FISA WARRANT WAS ISSUED ON CARTER PAGE BACK IN 2013!!! If so...provide it now!
On Feb. 2, 2018, FOX News’ Dana Perino said, “if Carter Page is under a FISA warrant starting in 2013. You have to go to the FISA court every 90 days in order to keep up that warrant. We don’t know if there was a lapse in the warrant between 2013 and 2015.”

Reports: Carter Page Was Subject to FISA Warrant in 2013/2014 - Just Security

Once again...IF YOU HAVE ANY PROOF AT ALL THAT CARTER PAGE WAS UNDER A FISA WARRANT BACK IN 2013 THEN PROVIDE THAT PROOF! If you don't...then stop repeating the same unproven bullshit that Dudmuck couldn't back up!
There are multiple news sources reporting that Page warrant existed in 2013. Additionally, its just common sense, considering that Page had admitted to FBI his Russian contacts in 2013. FISA warrant is nothing more than an authorization to keep tabs on foreign activity of US citizens.

As for Papadopoulos, you're referencing an interview in which he spent two weeks in jail for lying.
Its really dumb to keep bringing up Carter Page, since Papadopoulos was the greater factor in starting Trump-Russia investigation. Ultimately, it was Trump's penchant for hiring all these people involved with Russia.

Did you want to provide actual PROOF that a FISA warrant was issued on Carter Page back in 2013? Or did you want to continue to post what 3 extremely biased liberal media outlets put out as a narrative without any proof? You're a bit a sleaze...aren't you, Dudmuck!
Its reported by justsecurity, which has least biased rating.

The actual report on this is WSJ, which has a right-center rating.
Calling wall street journal "liberal media" is comical at best.

You've just repeated the same narrative by the same sources...reported on by another source! Once again...DO YOU HAVE ANY PROOF WHATSOEVER THAT A FISA WARRANT WAS ISSUED ON CARTER PAGE BACK IN 2013!!! If so...provide it now!
On Feb. 2, 2018, FOX News’ Dana Perino said, “if Carter Page is under a FISA warrant starting in 2013. You have to go to the FISA court every 90 days in order to keep up that warrant. We don’t know if there was a lapse in the warrant between 2013 and 2015.”

Reports: Carter Page Was Subject to FISA Warrant in 2013/2014 - Just Security

Once again...IF YOU HAVE ANY PROOF AT ALL THAT CARTER PAGE WAS UNDER A FISA WARRANT BACK IN 2013 THEN PROVIDE THAT PROOF! If you don't...then stop repeating the same unproven bullshit that Dudmuck couldn't back up!
What kind of proof are you looking for that would be acceptable to you?
There are multiple news sources reporting that Page warrant existed in 2013. Additionally, its just common sense, considering that Page had admitted to FBI his Russian contacts in 2013. FISA warrant is nothing more than an authorization to keep tabs on foreign activity of US citizens.

As for Papadopoulos, you're referencing an interview in which he spent two weeks in jail for lying.
Its really dumb to keep bringing up Carter Page, since Papadopoulos was the greater factor in starting Trump-Russia investigation. Ultimately, it was Trump's penchant for hiring all these people involved with Russia.

Did you want to provide actual PROOF that a FISA warrant was issued on Carter Page back in 2013? Or did you want to continue to post what 3 extremely biased liberal media outlets put out as a narrative without any proof? You're a bit a sleaze...aren't you, Dudmuck!
Its reported by justsecurity, which has least biased rating.

The actual report on this is WSJ, which has a right-center rating.
Calling wall street journal "liberal media" is comical at best.

You've just repeated the same narrative by the same sources...reported on by another source! Once again...DO YOU HAVE ANY PROOF WHATSOEVER THAT A FISA WARRANT WAS ISSUED ON CARTER PAGE BACK IN 2013!!! If so...provide it now!
On Feb. 2, 2018, FOX News’ Dana Perino said, “if Carter Page is under a FISA warrant starting in 2013. You have to go to the FISA court every 90 days in order to keep up that warrant. We don’t know if there was a lapse in the warrant between 2013 and 2015.”

Reports: Carter Page Was Subject to FISA Warrant in 2013/2014 - Just Security

Once again...IF YOU HAVE ANY PROOF AT ALL THAT CARTER PAGE WAS UNDER A FISA WARRANT BACK IN 2013 THEN PROVIDE THAT PROOF! If you don't...then stop repeating the same unproven bullshit that Dudmuck couldn't back up!
Just the fact that wall street journal has this article up, and that its still up, its evidence enough. Along with many other reputable news sites citing that WSJ article.

If the FBI didn't have a FISA warrant on Page in 2013, they would have been grossly incompetent.
I view this collusion crap in the same way I looked upon the birther issue. With the left's media much more powerful then the right's, Democrats just have been able to play the game better. I also believe Trump's sensitivity and inability to ignore the silliness also brings shame to the Democrats for such toying with the man.
Did you want to provide actual PROOF that a FISA warrant was issued on Carter Page back in 2013? Or did you want to continue to post what 3 extremely biased liberal media outlets put out as a narrative without any proof? You're a bit a sleaze...aren't you, Dudmuck!
Its reported by justsecurity, which has least biased rating.

The actual report on this is WSJ, which has a right-center rating.
Calling wall street journal "liberal media" is comical at best.

You've just repeated the same narrative by the same sources...reported on by another source! Once again...DO YOU HAVE ANY PROOF WHATSOEVER THAT A FISA WARRANT WAS ISSUED ON CARTER PAGE BACK IN 2013!!! If so...provide it now!
On Feb. 2, 2018, FOX News’ Dana Perino said, “if Carter Page is under a FISA warrant starting in 2013. You have to go to the FISA court every 90 days in order to keep up that warrant. We don’t know if there was a lapse in the warrant between 2013 and 2015.”

Reports: Carter Page Was Subject to FISA Warrant in 2013/2014 - Just Security

Once again...IF YOU HAVE ANY PROOF AT ALL THAT CARTER PAGE WAS UNDER A FISA WARRANT BACK IN 2013 THEN PROVIDE THAT PROOF! If you don't...then stop repeating the same unproven bullshit that Dudmuck couldn't back up!
What kind of proof are you looking for that would be acceptable to you?

ANY proof! You and Dudmuck have shown ZERO proof that a FISA warrant was ever issued for Carter Page back in 2013! You've cited some articles from liberal media sources saying that might have taken place...but absolutely nothing that shows that it DID! That's the way you on the left have conducted your witch hunt all allege wrongdoing...cite anonymous or unnamed sources...and then never provide anything that's even close to proof that the allegations were ever justified!

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