The Difference between Republicans and Democrats

You FUCKING MORON, it is the STATED ADVERTISED reason for the march. And until people like you showed up ILLEGALLY to attack the march there was no violence.
Their official advertised flyer...


This poster is lying. As usual.

For some reason when you point out republican policies to Republicans they pretend to act angry. Like they’re being accused of something they aren’t proud of.

You should thank your lucky stars that being a whackjob imbecile ain't illegal.
I know right?
Because Republicans would be getting arrested right and left. Think about it.
What would Republicans actually have to run on? You don’t see any of them stand up there saying yeah we need tax cuts for billionaires because they don’t have enough money. Or yeah we’re trying to end your health care so if someone in your family gets sick they die quickly. And I mean really quick. It’s cheaper that way.
Republicans have no policies that anyone would want and that’s why they have to lie and cheat and smear. How else are you going to win?
Remember when Trump said you would get better healthcare? And now they’re trying to take healthcare away from 30 million Americans.

For some reason when you point out republican policies to Republicans they pretend to act angry. Like they’re being accused of something they aren’t proud of.

Wow! Can I borrow your post?
I need to fertilize my tomatoes.

See, Republicans do believe in choice. Only they choose the tiki torches.
The torch on the right is supposed to guarantee that the assholes with the torches on the left can freely make fools of themselves, shitferbrains.
Republicans like to lie about their racism. But there was no more stark difference between how the parties handle race than these 2 examples.

President Donald Trump On Charlottesville: You Had Very Fine People, On Both Sides

VA Governor to white supremacists: Go home

are you claiming that 100% of the people at Charlottesville were wither Antifa, or White Supremacists?

No in between?

Do better than this. You know why this event was organized.

To protest the removal of HISTORICAL Statues.

If that's the lie you want to tell yourself.

You FUCKING MORON, it is the STATED ADVERTISED reason for the march. And until people like you showed up ILLEGALLY to attack the march there was no violence.

Given the fact they could not have got a permit had they announced they were holding a white supremacist rally... They we not talking about historical statues in that tiki torch march. So, if you want to tell yourself the lie you keep repeating that's on you.
I don’t understand what platform the Democrats are running on. Saying Trump is vulgar is not a platform.

Since Trump has run on no platform and all he says is everybody who is not white are bad, what's your point.
Trump will run on the greatest economy in decades. DEMS will run on illegal immigrant rights, reparations, and impeaching Trump.

Trump will be shown he did not create the economy if it's still the same next year. A republican trying to tell me what the Democrats are goin to run on is like a blind man telling another blind man how to see.
Republicans like to lie about their racism. But there was no more stark difference between how the parties handle race than these 2 examples.

President Donald Trump On Charlottesville: You Had Very Fine People, On Both Sides

VA Governor to white supremacists: Go home

IM2 Differences I've noted between Republicans and Democrats
1. For abortion policies, and trying to BOTH
* defend people with beliefs in right to life extending to unborn persons
from laws established through govt that violate or infringe on this belief
* protect due process for women instead of being "criminalized" by govt
Clearly "more Republicans tend to favor" defending right to life beliefs
while "more Democrats tend to favor" defending women from being criminalized
(while the standard of law I support would protect, include and represent both of these approaches equally)

2. For inherent human rights, and matters of race and gender
* Conservative approaches (which tend to be affiliated with Christians, Constitutionalists, and Republicans)
tend toward the belief that rights are inherent and not dependent on govt granting or acknowledging these.
But the opposite, that people automatically have fundamental rights by human nature,
and the point of laws is to limit govt and prevent govt from overreaching and oppression or violating individual rights.
* Liberal approaches tend to use or rely on govt to establish beliefs and protections.
This is not believed to be inherent without govt publicly establishing laws and rights for all people.

Conservative tend to believe this is already established by the given laws.
But since Liberals do not follow the Constitution "literally"
they tend to rely on MORE laws and MORE rulings to establish rights and protections.

The Conservative approach is to believe and assume those rights are already given by human nature.

3. Democrats tend to foster the image of the "party of the poor blaming the rich"
while the opposite is true of Republicans as "the party of the rich blaming the poor"

4. On guns and immigration/voting:
* Conservatives favor MINIMAL or NO regulation of guns for citizens
(while pushing for stronger regulations to police immigration and voting).
* Liberals favor open access and support to all people for immigration and voting rights,
(while pushing for strong regulations to police guns through background checks or bans).

5. In general, I find that
* Conservatives who place God and the Church first, as the central institutional authority and relationship,
will place government secondary, after the PEOPLE (where collectively PEOPLE are the govt and PEOPLE are the church),
so that govt laws should always follow or comply with God's laws and can't supercede or violate them (which is unconstitutional)
* Liberals who place Government first as the central public authority for establishing policy for everyone will place
churches and religious authority second, as an optional choice for people, but not required for everyone to meet that standard.

So one group puts church authority and laws under God first, and then the government laws should follow in harmony and agreement.
The other puts Government first, as the central authority to establish the collective will of the people.

Therefore, again, this is why I advocate for resolving conflicts and differences of beliefs,
so that laws can be made or reformed by AGREEMENT between these two approaches.

Whether one group puts church/people first (then government reflects and follows that where the two are in harmony)
or the other group puts Government first, as representing the public will (and any other church/religious authority or values come second), as long as policies are made by CONSENT of the people, the laws would naturally satisfy both church and state requirements,
(even where church/religious standards remain optional/free choice, and cannot be established by govt).

Otherwise, laws passed that satisfy or favor the bias in beliefs by one group over the other,
cause "discrimination by creed" by not representing and treating people of all creeds or beliefs equally.
Republicans like to lie about their racism. But there was no more stark difference between how the parties handle race than these 2 examples.

President Donald Trump On Charlottesville: You Had Very Fine People, On Both Sides

VA Governor to white supremacists: Go home

IM2 Differences I've noted between Republicans and Democrats
1. For abortion policies, and trying to BOTH
* defend people with beliefs in right to life extending to unborn persons
from laws established through govt that violate or infringe on this belief
* protect due process for women instead of being "criminalized" by govt
Clearly "more Republicans tend to favor" defending right to life beliefs
while "more Democrats tend to favor" defending women from being criminalized
(while the standard of law I support would protect, include and represent both of these approaches equally)

2. For inherent human rights, and matters of race and gender
* Conservative approaches (which tend to be affiliated with Christians, Constitutionalists, and Republicans)
tend toward the belief that rights are inherent and not dependent on govt granting or acknowledging these.
But the opposite, that people automatically have fundamental rights by human nature,
and the point of laws is to limit govt and prevent govt from overreaching and oppression or violating individual rights.
* Liberal approaches tend to use or rely on govt to establish beliefs and protections.
This is not believed to be inherent without govt publicly establishing laws and rights for all people.

Conservative tend to believe this is already established by the given laws.
But since Liberals do not follow the Constitution "literally"
they tend to rely on MORE laws and MORE rulings to establish rights and protections.

The Conservative approach is to believe and assume those rights are already given by human nature.

3. Democrats tend to foster the image of the "party of the poor blaming the rich"
while the opposite is true of Republicans as "the party of the rich blaming the poor"

4. On guns and immigration/voting:
* Conservatives favor MINIMAL or NO regulation of guns for citizens
(while pushing for stronger regulations to police immigration and voting).
* Liberals favor open access and support to all people for immigration and voting rights,
(while pushing for strong regulations to police guns through background checks or bans).

5. In general, I find that
* Conservatives who place God and the Church first, as the central institutional authority and relationship,
will place government secondary, after the PEOPLE (where collectively PEOPLE are the govt and PEOPLE are the church),
so that govt laws should always follow or comply with God's laws and can't supercede or violate them (which is unconstitutional)
* Liberals who place Government first as the central public authority for establishing policy for everyone will place
churches and religious authority second, as an optional choice for people, but not required for everyone to meet that standard.

So one group puts church authority and laws under God first, and then the government laws should follow in harmony and agreement.
The other puts Government first, as the central authority to establish the collective will of the people.

Therefore, again, this is why I advocate for resolving conflicts and differences of beliefs,
so that laws can be made or reformed by AGREEMENT between these two approaches.

Whether one group puts church/people first (then government reflects and follows that where the two are in harmony)
or the other group puts Government first, as representing the public will (and any other church/religious authority or values come second), as long as policies are made by CONSENT of the people, the laws would naturally satisfy both church and state requirements,
(even where church/religious standards remain optional/free choice, and cannot be established by govt).

Otherwise, laws passed that satisfy or favor the bias in beliefs by one group over the other,
cause "discrimination by creed" by not representing and treating people of all creeds or beliefs equally.

And this is the problem, nothing you said was right.
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For some reason when you point out republican policies to Republicans they pretend to act angry. Like they’re being accused of something they aren’t proud of.

much like when Republicans accuse Democrats of wanting to kill babies.
Of course that's going to be taken as insulting and outrageous!

So when you post "protect children in schools from gun violence"
Republicans can argue for "protecting children from infanticide"

If Democrats argue that funding Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions instead of causing more,
Republicans argue that arming citizens prevents more crime and gun violence instead of causing more.

For every issue you paint positive on the left, there is a parallel issue on the right.

For every issue you paint negative on the right, there is a parallel complaint against the left!

For some reason when you point out republican policies to Republicans they pretend to act angry. Like they’re being accused of something they aren’t proud of.

much like when Republicans accuse Democrats of wanting to kill babies.
Of course that's going to be taken as insulting and outrageous!

So when you post "protect children in schools from gun violence"
Republicans can argue for "protecting children from infanticide"

If Democrats argue that funding Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions instead of causing more,
Republicans argue that arming citizens prevents more crime and gun violence instead of causing more.

For every issue you paint positive on the left, there is a parallel issue on the right.

For every issue you paint negative on the right, there is a parallel complaint against the left!

Those are false equivalences Emily. Democrats don't want to kill babies. But republicans do not want to protect kids from gun violence. Arming citizens does not deter crime or gun violence. We have 300 million guns on the streets and crime and gun violence is not prevented.

There really are no parallel issues. But you are republican so you adopt their beliefs no matter how many fallacies exist in them.
I don’t understand what platform the Democrats are running on. Saying Trump is vulgar is not a platform.

Since Trump has run on no platform and all he says is everybody who is not white are bad, what's your point.

He ran in better immigration policies, lower taxes, better trade deals and stronger military. Your lack of education is astounding.
I don’t understand what platform the Democrats are running on. Saying Trump is vulgar is not a platform.

Since Trump has run on no platform and all he says is everybody who is not white are bad, what's your point.
Trump will run on the greatest economy in decades. DEMS will run on illegal immigrant rights, reparations, and impeaching Trump.

Trump will be shown he did not create the economy if it's still the same next year. A republican trying to tell me what the Democrats are goin to run on is like a blind man telling another blind man how to see.

Was this English? Lowering the corporate tax rate has spurned economic growth, job creation and wage growth. Also from an intangible point of view he is seen as a business friendly president, which results in companies spending more. Consumer confidence is high, unemployment is at a 49 year low. You may not like his rhetoric because he is mean to you but his actions have been effective. You’re also a parasite who retired at 52.

See, Republicans do believe in choice. Only they choose the tiki torches.
The torch on the right is supposed to guarantee that the assholes with the torches on the left can freely make fools of themselves, shitferbrains.
Until they run over innocent people with their cars. Then they need to go to prison.
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