The end of Trump's time in the White House is now 6 months away. January 20, 2021

By the evening of January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will be the United States new standing President, and Donald Trump will be a private citizen no longer living at the White House. Finally the United States will be able to begin to rebuild itself after 4 years of Trump, first by starting enact policies that will defeat the Virus that is destroying the country.
That crystal ball of yours probably has an '8' on it. Famous for telling you what you want to hear.

By the evening of January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will be the United States new standing President, and Donald Trump will be a private citizen no longer living at the White House. Finally the United States will be able to begin to rebuild itself after 4 years of Trump, first by starting enact policies that will defeat the Virus that is destroying the country.
but the slime ,those who trump brought out from their holes will still be with us We must always be on guard for slime like Easy
By the evening of January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will be the United States new standing President, and Donald Trump will be a private citizen no longer living at the White House. Finally the United States will be able to begin to rebuild itself after 4 years of Trump, first by starting enact policies that will defeat the Virus that is destroying the country.
Are you going to cry again if Trump wins?
the world will weep if you give that miserable pos another 4
By the evening of January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will be the United States new standing President, and Donald Trump will be a private citizen no longer living at the White House. Finally the United States will be able to begin to rebuild itself after 4 years of Trump, first by starting enact policies that will defeat the Virus that is destroying the country.

The virus
Will Biden arrest the virus ?? You dummy

Under Joe Sanders , you will get :
Police will have little power
Massive flood of tens of millions from 5th world
Total collapse of every city
Crime as high as Brazil
Non stop 24/7 hate against whites
2nd A destroyed
By the evening of January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will be the United States new standing President, and Donald Trump will be a private citizen no longer living at the White House. Finally the United States will be able to begin to rebuild itself after 4 years of Trump, first by starting enact policies that will defeat the Virus that is destroying the country.
Are you going to cry again if Trump wins?
the world will weep if you give that miserable pos another 4
If you’re a self hating white trash loser then vote for a party that wants you eradicated
“The end of Trump's time in the White House is now 6 months away. January 20, 2021”

Seems like an eternity.

Every American should work to ensure that Trump is voted out of office this November.
I can’t wait to vote Trump and he will win
Bernie Biden has been dead for 5 yrs
By the evening of January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will be the United States new standing President, and Donald Trump will be a private citizen no longer living at the White House. Finally the United States will be able to begin to rebuild itself after 4 years of Trump, first by starting enact policies that will defeat the Virus that is destroying the country.
Are you going to cry again if Trump wins?
the world will weep if you give that miserable pos another 4
By the evening of January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will be the United States new standing President, and Donald Trump will be a private citizen no longer living at the White House. Finally the United States will be able to begin to rebuild itself after 4 years of Trump, first by starting enact policies that will defeat the Virus that is destroying the country.
Are you going to cry again if Trump wins?
the world will weep if you give that miserable pos another 4
If you’re a self hating white trash loser then vote for a party that wants you eradicated
Polls have Biden with 40% of white voters You better hope that % goes down or Biden wins in a landslide and the stink leaves our WH
If he makes it to then. It's a long way to election day. He's not having any fun, he's completely ignoring the virus, and people are starting to get irritated at his lack of action...and some Republicans are starting to edgy and nervous.
What do you mean by that?

Do you need a secret service visit?
If he makes it to then. It's a long way to election day. He's not having any fun, he's completely ignoring the virus, and people are starting to get irritated at his lack of action...and some Republicans are starting to edgy and nervous.
What do you mean by that?

Do you need a secret service visit?

Again, you need to untwist your panties. Getting them bunched up like that in a self righteous knot isn't good for your sphincter. My point is, if his ego allowed it, I believe he'd quit and go back to Trump Tower to plan his media empire. But if he does that, Republicans will destroy him and he won't have a future. At the same time, Republicans are caught between a rock and a hard place with his popularity among party voters and his incompetent and frankly downright callous handling of the virus. They can't break from him but don't want to be seen condoning him. It's what's setting the party up for a possible blue tsunami come November.
By the evening of January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will be the United States new standing President, and Donald Trump will be a private citizen no longer living at the White House. Finally the United States will be able to begin to rebuild itself after 4 years of Trump, first by starting enact policies that will defeat the Virus that is destroying the country.
Are you going to cry again if Trump wins?
the world will weep if you give that miserable pos another 4
If you’re a self hating white trash loser then vote for a party that wants you eradicated
Polls have Biden with 40% of white voters You better hope that % goes down or Biden wins in a landslide and the stink leaves our WH
You better hope
You will be in danger if Bernie Biden wins

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