The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

Idiots like ghost talk about quotas only when it pertains to black people. But he doesn't consider 100 percent white a quota. Secondly there are black republicans who are not right wing. Conservatives have no place in todays republican party, the leadership are right wing extremists and the blacks they champion are right wing black stooges.
Lt. Col. Allen West would have a good run if he chose to run this decade.

Republicans could have had Dr. Alan Keyes in 2000, but unfortunately went with George W. Bush in 2000, and Bush's 2000 rival John McCain in 2008.
It was a racist show written for morons and it is an embarrassment for anyone to admit they liked it.

No, there is nothing "wrong with me" because I do not share your particular taste in TV programs, and for you to even make a statement like that, makes YOU a pompous ass, not me. Obviously the show would have some regional appeal. By your own admission you were in a rust belt area where some people identified with the characters of the show, that's human nature.

I personally do not care who liked the show and who did not, nor am I judging anyone who did. It's not a big deal to me.

But you questioning my personal preferences as far as television shows, makes you someone who clearly has far too much time on their hands.

You nor me, nor anyone else "Knows what EVERYONE in America actually thought of the show", as you stated.

That is a ridiculous and illogical overstatement, because no one has the psychic ability to have such knowledge.

We have differing views of the Confederate flag and that amounts to what it is......different opinions, which has nothing to do with who watches what on television.

You are an extremely small and petty individual.

You'll understand if I don't hold my breath waiting for you to chastise rightwinger for what you're chastising Correll for.

Because everyone involved knows you're not going to do that.

What RW says to another poster, is his business, not mine.

I'm not a moderator here, so what is your point?
Pointing out leftist hypocrisy is a hobby of mine.

IT has nothing to do with anyone being on the "left, right or middle", and you know it.

It is you attempting to persuade another poster to say something against a poster that you disagree with in order to defend yet another poster that you are obviously in agreement with.

That is some childish, petty bullshit.

I dont see you "chastising" anyone who you think is on the so called called "right", so work on your own hypocrisy, and consider finding a new "hobby"
Wow. Okay, you get a checkmark in the "hates it when his hypocrisy is pointed out" column.

Meanwhile, the left can't exist without their double standards. Period. End of story. More whining about it changes nothing, so don't even bother.

So, here we have yet another moralizing hypocrite attempting to police this forum and assign political labels to complete strangers who were minding their own business.

You are not a moderator, therefore your silly attempt to direct who I criticize in your behalf is laughed at and dismissed.

Now get lost.
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If white men can be angry about some shit they imagine, I can be pissed off about what really happens.
That sums up this topic neatly, and many others I've seen. Just trying to picture all these put upon "white people" clutching their pearls while pounding out this daily stream of insufferable dreck... Yuck!! Makes perfect sense to be a proud, surviving, marginalized minority. Hard finding much to celebrate about identifying as a member of a neck crushing majority.

1. I'm not "clutching pearls". I'm a middle class man with real interests and/or grievances and that was you dismissing them, and using a racist stereotype to do it.

2. And the bit about "proud, surviving minority" vs " neck crushing majority"? That is you, once again, stating fairly clearly that you consider blacks morally superior to whites. THat is judging people by race, not their actual character. You are the racist here not me. You and IM2.

3. How can you be so lacking in self awareness as to read your own words and not see your anti-white racism in them?
Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

I said black Democrats. The party of which most blacks in this country belong to.

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Thanks for admitting your prejudice in assuming many Republicans and conservatives are racist.

You know, most Republicans are not racist and are completely baffled and angered by this trumped up hypocritical Democrat crusade against their imaginary racism and are quite frankly, sick and fucking tired of it.
Correll, you have not shown any policy of national anti white discrimination......

Sure, I have. Repeatedly. YOu are just lying.

Any attempt to give favorable treatment to blacks, to make up for past disadvantages, by the math principle of simple subtraction, takes away those limited resources from whites. That this practice has grown from just blacks to fucking EVERYONE who is not a white, normal, healthy male, has just made the practice even more harmful to whites.

I have given well documented and very limited examples, for discussion purposes, that you pretended to be too stupid to understand.
Trump supporters criticise Democrats because the last four letters spell 'rats'

With the amount of black support Trump has won over -- he has grown the republican party by an exponential amount -- at least 70% of blacks either publicly or privately support 2016 he won 8% of the black vote and he said this year he will win 95% of the black vote....with this increase in black support -- it's only reasonable to believe that after Trump -- the GOP may be nominating their first black presidential candidate very soon.....but who??

Among the possible candidates, whom do you believe is the most brilliant, capable and inspiring conservative mind in America?? I know there are a few rising stars who can definitely get the Diamond & Silk, either one of them could get the nod as soon as republicans stop treating them like minstrels and realize their actual political brilliance...

"The pair, who are regulars on Fox News and InfoWars, were Democrats until 2015 but then made a dramatic shift to Trumpism by utilising social media and the right-wing ecosystem to promote arguments that are quite frankly nonsensical but somehow found an audience. Unsurprisingly Donald Trump is a big fan of them and their status has grown to the point that they are now talking at CPAC, America's most prominent conservative conference, which is currently happening in Washington."

They were among the first to leave the Democratic plantation and cashed in on the lucrative business of black conservative novelty -- I know some may say Candace Owens, but Diamond and Silk switched over far earlier than Candace Owens did -- Candace switched after Trump became president, so it makes her look more like a grifter...There is also Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, he has been a long time conservative scholar and could also be a great presidential candidate, he can shore up the evangelical vote -- here is a list of others:

KingFace (Conservative Thug)
View attachment 310638
Sheriff Clarke -- (long time conservative lawman and strategist)
View attachment 310639

Paris Dennard - (Former Bush official and brilliant political mind)
View attachment 310641

Kanye West is most likely the frontrunner for it right now, but there is stiff competition.....

I like Brodus Clay for President, now serving this nation on Fox News as "Tyrus"

Your argument is tired son. You argue against documented history, court cases and public policy. That's what you're challenging and you're challenging it with only your opinion. So let's talk about Corrigan v. Buckley. This case is an example of how the government helped whites enforce racist policy. I doubt if you know anything about that case and decision. But when I say that the government has given whites everything they have, you want to argue claiming that you aren't kissing any black persons ass and that somehow you're whitey the hero because you challenge the black man you call a racist because he refuses to genuflect to your punk lily white ass.

The fact you know nothing about this case is a reason why you don't want to discuss the years after slavery and it is why you best leave this argument before I stick my black foot so far up your white ass, that you can walk while sitting on it.

You call me a racist and you do that based on your white fragility.
You're retarded.

So you know nothing about Corrigan v. Buckley but you want yo argue with me and call me a racist. Now that's retarded. Do you know what a deed clause is? A restrictive covenant? Contract selling? C'mon Mr. I'm the white man that bows to no negro. Because when I say that Whites have benefitted from racist law and policy, you choose to disagree, woof about what ass you won't kiss, then call me a racist for saying things like that. These things happened after slavery so talking about who owns who today us just a diversion and its all you got. You decided you could go from high school to the pros, but you ain't Kevin Garnett. White racist shit talk don't work here son. I ain't posting memes junior, I'm posting legal cases and decisions from the United States Supreme court. You have no challenge for this.

That's nice. Go play.

You can't talk about these things now can you. You don't have any clue about them. If you did, you'd be running your mouth. You came here to fuck with me and got your racist white ass kicked with a quickness.
"Hello, Central Casting? I have a part for a guy. 'Angry Black Man'. Yes, the angrier, the better....Right. Lots of calling people racist, lots of arrogance, lots of 'bowing up', as the kids say...You have a guy? Awesome! Have his agent call him!"

Your phone should be ringing any minute with a gig.

If white men can be angry about some shit they imagine, I can be pissed off about what really happens. So you just keep running because you can't discuss what has gone on since slavery ended because it crushed that little lie whites like you have made up. I beat your ass, and you know it. I Beat Correll long ago. He's a joke, a whiny snot nose joke, now you have joined the Correll the clown club.

By "beat", you mean, "perfected the pretend to be too stupid to understand his argument tactic, and my white lib friends tell me that I did good"
Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Colin Powell would have easily defeated Bill Clinton according to exit polls in 1996. I would have happily voted for him against Bill Clinton. Some of my republican friends were really big fans of his.

That not many blacks would likely have crossed party lines, would not have mattered, and actually, imo, would have been a good thing.

I don't know why Ghost thinks that a black republican candidate would not win, or could not win without black dem voters. But he is incorrect.
Idiots like ghost talk about quotas only when it pertains to black people. But he doesn't consider 100 percent white a quota. Secondly there are black republicans who are not right wing. Conservatives have no place in todays republican party, the leadership are right wing extremists and the blacks they champion are right wing black stooges.

1. There are no white quotas today and not for many generations.

2. There are not many moderate black republicans. Blacks who buck the pressure to conform to the lib herd, tend to go hard core. You don't do that, so you can stake out the middle ground. YOu pretend to want a black republican, you dis those you disagree with, now you want to limit the pool further to MODERATE black republicans.

3. There is nothing extreme about President Trump's policies or actions. I could accept is someone found his mannerism extremely annoying. That is it.

4. YOur racist dismissal of black republicans makes a mockery of your attacks on us for not electing them President. You racist clown.

5. Do you consider yourself an American?
Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

I said black Democrats. The party of which most blacks in this country belong to.

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Thanks for admitting your prejudice in assuming many Republicans and conservatives are racist.

You know, most Republicans are not racist and are completely baffled and angered by this trumped up hypocritical Democrat crusade against their imaginary racism and are quite frankly, sick and fucking tired of it.

Yep. They complain about divisive politics, but don't realize how divisive it is, to accuse large numbers of people, falsely.

They are pissing off EVERYONE. AT EVERYONE ELSE.
Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

I said black Democrats. The party of which most blacks in this country belong to.

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Thanks for admitting your prejudice in assuming many Republicans and conservatives are racist.

You know, most Republicans are not racist and are completely baffled and angered by this trumped up hypocritical Democrat crusade against their imaginary racism and are quite frankly, sick and fucking tired of it.

YOU admitted many Republicans/conservatives are racist. YOU said a black Republican struggles to get elected...

"And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this."

... it wouldn't be a problem if there weren't so many racists on the right.
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Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

I said black Democrats. The party of which most blacks in this country belong to.

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Thanks for admitting your prejudice in assuming many Republicans and conservatives are racist.

You know, most Republicans are not racist and are completely baffled and angered by this trumped up hypocritical Democrat crusade against their imaginary racism and are quite frankly, sick and fucking tired of it.

Yep. They complain about divisive politics, but don't realize how divisive it is, to accuse large numbers of people, falsely.

They are pissing off EVERYONE. AT EVERYONE ELSE.
It's not false.
  • Thanks
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Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

I said black Democrats. The party of which most blacks in this country belong to.

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Thanks for admitting your prejudice in assuming many Republicans and conservatives are racist.

You know, most Republicans are not racist and are completely baffled and angered by this trumped up hypocritical Democrat crusade against their imaginary racism and are quite frankly, sick and fucking tired of it.

YOU admitted many Republicans/conservatives are racist. YOU said a black Republican struggles to get elected...

"And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this."

... it wouldn't be a problem if there weren't so many racists on the right.

He did not clearly state what you are claiming his statement HAD to mean.

Ask him. You are just assuming the worst about people you hate. That is not very convincing.

AND, HE is wrong. Exit polls from 1996, strongly show that Republicans would have happily elected Colin Powell against Bill Fucking Clinton, if Powell had run.
Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Colin Powell would have easily defeated Bill Clinton according to exit polls in 1996. I would have happily voted for him against Bill Clinton. Some of my republican friends were really big fans of his.

That not many blacks would likely have crossed party lines, would not have mattered, and actually, imo, would have been a good thing.

I don't know why Ghost thinks that a black republican candidate would not win, or could not win without black dem voters. But he is incorrect.

If he's incorrect, where is the black Republican president? Why are nearly all blacks in Congress Democrats? Why are rightwingers the ones holding Unite the Right racist rallies? Why are rightwingers the ones primarily supporting the history of the racist confederacy?
Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

I said black Democrats. The party of which most blacks in this country belong to.

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Thanks for admitting your prejudice in assuming many Republicans and conservatives are racist.

You know, most Republicans are not racist and are completely baffled and angered by this trumped up hypocritical Democrat crusade against their imaginary racism and are quite frankly, sick and fucking tired of it.

YOU admitted many Republicans/conservatives are racist. YOU said a black Republican struggles to get elected...

"And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this."

... it wouldn't be a problem if there weren't so many racists on the right.

He did not clearly state what you are claiming his statement HAD to mean.

Ask him. You are just assuming the worst about people you hate. That is not very convincing.

AND, HE is wrong. Exit polls from 1996, strongly show that Republicans would have happily elected Colin Powell against Bill Fucking Clinton, if Powell had run.
It's easy to tell a pollster you'd vote for someone you'd never really vote for.

That's meaningless.
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Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

I said black Democrats. The party of which most blacks in this country belong to.

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Thanks for admitting your prejudice in assuming many Republicans and conservatives are racist.

You know, most Republicans are not racist and are completely baffled and angered by this trumped up hypocritical Democrat crusade against their imaginary racism and are quite frankly, sick and fucking tired of it.

Yep. They complain about divisive politics, but don't realize how divisive it is, to accuse large numbers of people, falsely.

They are pissing off EVERYONE. AT EVERYONE ELSE.
It's not false.

Every time you do that, you are tearing this nation apart. You piss off the majority of whites, who are getting more and more pissed off at being treated like dirt.

And you get minorities pissed off at whites, because you are filling their heads with fear of the supposedly evul racist whites.

If your plan was to ruin this nation and inflame racial tension to the point of permanently damaging this nation, one would be hard pressed to come up with a better plan of action, than what you have already done.

I mean, I just always assumed that you lefties knew that and just considered it the cost of doing business.

Are you claiming that that is not true? That you did NOT know that?

Oh, wait, is this just more lying from you?

Whatever. FUck off and die.
Republicans struggle to elect blacks to Congress. Electing one as president won't happen in this century.

I don't know why this is an issue for Democrats in the first place since they don't like conservatives anyway. If you don't like conservatives or conservative values, you're not going to like a black Republican. And if a black Republican does get nominated, it's unlikely he/she would be elected and Democrats would be largely responsible for this. The reason being because a lot of black Democrats already consider conservative blacks as sellouts and Uncle Toms.

All of this nonsense about black Republican presidential nominees is just farting in a hurricane. Speaking for myself, I don't care how many blacks the Republican party has. A black person will either choose to be Republican or not, I don't give a shit and I don't want some kind of quota. If the Republican party doesn't have what a black person wants, shut the fuck up and become a Democrat. Same goes for white people.
So a black Republican can't get elected without support from Democrats?

Thanks for admitting that many Republicans and conservatives are racist. I already knew that but it's nice to see your side admit it.

Colin Powell would have easily defeated Bill Clinton according to exit polls in 1996. I would have happily voted for him against Bill Clinton. Some of my republican friends were really big fans of his.

That not many blacks would likely have crossed party lines, would not have mattered, and actually, imo, would have been a good thing.

I don't know why Ghost thinks that a black republican candidate would not win, or could not win without black dem voters. But he is incorrect.

If he's incorrect, where is the black Republican president? ...

Colin Powell did not run because he did not have a "passion for politics". That is where the most recent chance of a black republican President went.

Can you blame him? You libs are fucking nightmares to deal with.
Idiots like ghost talk about quotas only when it pertains to black people.

Idiots like IM2 confuse "I don't want quotas" with "I don't want blacks".

IM2, I believe you may be suffering a form of comprehension dyslexia. The letters are all in the right place and facing the right way but you always seem to get the meaning backwards.

But he doesn't consider 100 percent white a quota.

100 per cent is not a quota dumbass. And the Republican party is not 100 per cent white anyway.

Quota - 1: A proportional part or share.
2: The number or amount constituting a proportional share.

Look it up.

Secondly there are black republicans who are not right wing. Conservatives have no place in todays republican party, the leadership are right wing extremists and the blacks they champion are right wing black stooges.

Idiots like ghost talk about quotas only when it pertains to black people.

Idiots like IM2 confuse "I don't want quotas" with "I don't want blacks".

IM2, I believe you may be suffering a form of comprehension dyslexia. The letters are all in the right place and facing the right way but you always seem to get the meaning backwards.

But he doesn't consider 100 percent white a quota.

100 per cent is not a quota dumbass. And the Republican party is not 100 per cent white anyway.

Quota - 1: A proportional part or share.
2: The number or amount constituting a proportional share.

Look it up.

Secondly there are black republicans who are not right wing. Conservatives have no place in todays republican party, the leadership are right wing extremists and the blacks they champion are right wing black stooges.


Why do you think that COlin Powell would not have won the 96 election?

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