The first domino falls in GA

RICO means that they don't have any evidence of actual crimes.
They are looking to create some process crimes.

Pray tell what law school did you attend, Ms. Billiejeens? Do you even know what a "process crime' really means? Hunter Biden filing his taxes late is a "process crime". Trying to overturn the legally elected government of the United States of America is not a "process crime".

Incorrect useage of "insider terminology" is a dead give away.

RICO means there was a conspiracy to commit a crime involving a number of people, and a number of lesser crimes involved, all with the aim of a common criminal goal - to overturn the Presidential election in the State of Georgia.

These aren't "process crimes". They tried to extort people into lying about an election that wasn't stolen, so that Trump could stay in power, even though he lost the election. Trump threatened Brad Raffensberger with prosecution if he didn't go along with the scheme.
And find reason to extend conspiracy to your children, wife, siblings, parents.

Yes. The tactic is to extort perjury from as many innocent bystanders as possible. The Cheka and Gestapo are great role models for the new banana republic the Democrats want now.
Joe demanded the prosecutor be fired because he wouldn't prosecute his son.

I though that I had heard it all.
But no.

No, stupid one. Hunter Biden was hired AFTER the prosecution began, and it had NOTHING to do with Hunter Biden. That's why Joe firing Shokin had NOTHING to do with Hunter Biden.

You're like a horse being pulled out of a burning building, pulling away and running back into the fire.
Something democrats never believed in.

And still don't.

10% for the big guy.

Hunter being paid a million a year to sit on the board of a company he knew nothing about while his daddy was VP. A company with ties to his daddy. A company his daddy had the prosecutor fired for looking into his sons business dealings, admitted to on video by his daddy.

Oh yea, lefties, the epitome of law and order. rolleyes

Please don't try to parrot that tired right wing talking point to me yet again. Directors aren't required to know anything about the business of the company. They're not running the company, they're protecting the interests of the shareholders.

Directors oversee the actions of the shareholders: are they lawful, are they in the best interests of the company, and its shareholders.

Hunter wasn't being paid "a million a year to sit on the board". He was paid $50,000 a month, and there is no requirement that someone have knowledge of the business to sit on a board.
You are not getting the truth. You are most certainly stupid enough to think you are. That is your problem.

When you point your finger at someone else, there are 4 pointing back at you.
Why are Dems still trying to justify stealing the 2020 election that they already stole? Seems they'd want to keep it on the down low. What do they have to gain?
Trump knew he lost, dope. Him & his mob planned the coup attempt months before one vote was cast because they knew Dotard was in for an ass whupping at the hands of Joe Biden.

I'm glad the fuck did what he did because he's going to prison for it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
There is irrefutable evidence Trump and the Russians shared a common purpose, his election. The fact that there was no coordination of their respective activities Mueller was able to discover (not surprising considering how many witnesses refused to cooperate and or lied), beyond the Wikileaks document dumps and the Trump Tower meeting, constituting the legal definition of a criminal conspiracy, doesn't change Trump's solicitation and eager acceptance of Russian government (see Putin) help. There is no parallel to it in US history and there never will be.
This guy was a relative outsider. His job was to convince the two women who Gulliani falsely accused of election fraud, to "confess to their crime", and Trump and the GOP would "take care of them". He was picked because he was black and the women would be more likely to be persuaded by a black man.

My best bet too flip is Jenna Ellis. A true insider to all of the schemes, she was smart enough not to put her name on any court documents, and thus she still has her law license, albeit just barely. If convicted in Georgia, it's unlikely she'll escape disbarrment for long. Lawyers swear an oath to uphold the law and the Constitution, and she wasn't doing either.

She's already whined that Trump didn't pay her legal fees when she was doing his work for him, and he's not paying her legal fees for the charges she's currently facing.

I have little to no sympathy for white Christian nationalists at the best of times, so I find the fact that her life is now in ruins because of it is a real "see this little tear" moment. However it does make her more likely to have a "come to Jesus moment", and decide to repent her past crimes, in the hopes of perhaps salvaging her law license.

She's also one of the youngest defendants, meaning that her biggest earning years are ahead of her and going to prison and being disbarred when she gets out, are not quite what she had planned for.
To what??? The Mueller Report. The Senate Report on Russian Interference? The Inspector General's Report? How many times do we have to post links you haven't bothered to read over the past 4 years FuckBoi?????
So you have nothing......again.
Please don't try to parrot that tired right wing talking point to me yet again. Directors aren't required to know anything about the business of the company. They're not running the company, they're protecting the interests of the shareholders, and confirming that the Officers are handling the business of the company in the best interests of the Shareholders.

They also hire the Officers of the corporation, and set their salaries. So in that regard, a lawyer, with experience in corporate governance is very qualified to sit on the Board. Directors oversee the actions of the Officers: are they lawful, are they in the best interests of the company, and its shareholders.

Hunter wasn't being paid "a million a year to sit on the board". He was paid $50,000 a month, and Burisma kept him on the Board even after his father left office and had no plans to run. Hunter resigned his position with Burisma when his father was preparing to run for President.

Joe Biden had the prosecutor fired for FAILING to prosecute Burisma.
No, stupid one. Hunter Biden was hired AFTER the prosecution began, and it had NOTHING to do with Hunter Biden. That's why Joe firing Shokin had NOTHING to do with Hunter Biden.

You're like a horse being pulled out of a burning building, pulling away and running back into the fire.
Please don't try to parrot that tired right wing talking point to me yet again. Directors aren't required to know anything about the business of the company. They're not running the company, they're protecting the interests of the shareholders.

Directors oversee the actions of the shareholders: are they lawful, are they in the best interests of the company, and its shareholders.

Hunter wasn't being paid "a million a year to sit on the board". He was paid $50,000 a month, and there is no requirement that someone have knowledge of the business to sit on a board.

When you point your finger at someone else, there are 4 pointing back at you.
Directors oversee the actions of the shareholders?????

Holy shit you are stupid

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