The first domino falls in GA

/---/ If a prosecutor with limitless resources threatened you with jail, fines, and legal fees that would bankrupt you, you'd confess to blowing up the Hindenburg.

No I wouldn't. Not if I were innocent. If I were guilty, I wouldn't bankrupt my family to try to fight this. Especially since Trump isn't paying the legal fees of those who did his bidding.
No I wouldn't. Not if I were innocent. If I were guilty, I wouldn't bankrupt my family to try to fight this. Especially since Trump isn't paying the legal fees of those who did his bidding.
/----/ That wasn't the question. I didn't specify if you were guilty, just that a prosecutor targeted you. Try to focus and don't move the goal posts.
It is not a laughing matter. It shattered the narrative. And it has never recovered. Any credibility they had vanished.

Bullshit. It confirmed what we already knew. Trump was in cahoots with the Russians to win the election. If Roger Stone hadn't lied to Congress and the FBI, who knows what charges would have been laid.

/----/ That wasn't the question. I didn't specify if you were guilty, just that a prosecutor targeted you. Try to focus and don't move the goal posts.

Notice how you say you'd cop a plea because of the money. What does it matter if you're rich and in prison? They'll be bankrupted anyway because there will be no way their families can continue to live in the style to which they've become accustomed, while the main breadwinner is serving their sentence.

All of these co-defendants are working people. Many work for the government, and none of them are wealthy. Gulliani is working into his 80's because he's broke. These people are all lawyers who will be disbarred if found guilty. They'll lose everything they have now, and come out with stripped of their ability to make money.
Bullshit. It confirmed what we already knew. Trump was in cahoots with the Russians to win the election. If Roger Stone hadn't lied to Congress and the FBI, who knows what charges would have been laid.

Notice how you say you'd cop a plea because of the money. What does it matter if you're rich and in prison? They'll be bankrupted anyway because there will be no way their families can continue to live in the style to which they've become accustomed, while the main breadwinner is serving their sentence.

All of these co-defendants are working people. Many work for the government, and none of them are wealthy. Gulliani is working into his 80's because he's broke. These people are all lawyers who will be disbarred if found guilty. They'll lose everything they have now, and come out with stripped of their ability to make money.
Bullshit. It confirmed what we already knew. Trump was in cahoots with the Russians to win the election.
There is irrefutable evidence Trump and the Russians shared a common purpose, his election. The fact that there was no coordination of their respective activities Mueller was able to discover (not surprising considering how many witnesses refused to cooperate and or lied), beyond the Wikileaks document dumps and the Trump Tower meeting, constituting the legal definition of a criminal conspiracy, doesn't change Trump's solicitation and eager acceptance of Russian government (see Putin) help. There is no parallel to it in US history and there never will be.
Scott Hall, a Georgia bail bondsman accused in a plot to steal election data to help Donald Trump discredit the vote in Georgia, pleaded guilty to five counts of of conspiracy to commit intentional interference with the performance of election duties on Friday.

The plea agreement was presented to the judge in brief unscheduled hearing, and the judge immediately sentenced Hall in accordance with the plea agreement.

He’s the first defendant in Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willi’s sprawling election conspiracy case to take a plea deal.

A video posted by Fulton County Superior Judge Scott McAfee’s chambers shows Hall entering his plea.

Hall was indicted last month on seven counts, including a RICO charge and conspiracy to commit election fraud. Under the plea agreement, prosecutors downgraded five counts from from felonies to misdemeanors, and the remaining two charges were dropped.

First Plea Deal And Sentencing Wraps Up In Georgia RICO Case

He's the first of what I'm guessing is many to come. Fani has a wealth of evidence to prosecute these folks with. Congrats to her and the grand jury. All of whom have received threats from Trump's mob.
As soon as 1 person rats, the others follow because they don't want to be the one who goes to prison when everybody else does not.

Once these people start ratting the guys at the top go down badly, unless they themselves rat like Sammy the Bull did.
There is irrefutable evidence Trump and the Russians shared a common purpose, his election. The fact that there was no coordination of their respective activities Mueller was able to discover (not surprising considering how many witnesses refused to cooperate and or lied), beyond the Wikileaks document dumps and the Trump Tower meeting, constituting the legal definition of a criminal conspiracy, doesn't change Trump's solicitation and eager acceptance of Russian government (see Putin) help. There is no parallel to it in US history and there never will be.
/-------/ "There is irrefutable evidence"
Please post that elusive evidence. TIA
I believe Hall was involved with the plot to steal voting machine data. His plea may have implications for crazy Sidney Powell since she was one of the organizers of the plot.

“Hall, a Georgia bail bondsman, initially faced charges of racketeering as well as conspiracy to commit election fraud and computer crimes. He was accused of taking part in an unlawful breach of voting equipment in rural Coffee County in the southeastern part of the state in January 2021.”

Crimes Trump likewise committed.
RICO baby.

And he’s flipping on the Kraken Lady who is documented as being on White House meetings
/---/ If a prosecutor with limitless resources threatened you with jail, fines, and legal fees that would bankrupt you, you'd confess to blowing up the Hindenburg.
If you know you are guilty, why waste the money.
You will say and do anything to protect Trump.
As soon as 1 person rats, the others follow because they don't want to be the one who goes to prison when everybody else does not.

Once these people start ratting the guys at the top go down badly, unless they themselves rat like Sammy the Bull did.

This guy was a relative outsider. His job was to convince the two women who Gulliani falsely accused of election fraud, to "confess to their crime", and Trump and the GOP would "take care of them". He was picked because he was black and the women would be more likely to be persuaded by a black man.

My best bet too flip is Jenna Ellis. A true insider to all of the schemes, she was smart enough not to put her name on any court documents, and thus she still has her law license, albeit just barely. If convicted in Georgia, it's unlikely she'll escape disbarrment for long. Lawyers swear an oath to uphold the law and the Constitution, and she wasn't doing either.

She's already whined that Trump didn't pay her legal fees when she was doing his work for him, and he's not paying her legal fees for the charges she's currently facing.

I have little to no sympathy for white Christian nationalists at the best of times, so I find the fact that her life is now in ruins because of it is a real "see this little tear" moment. However it does make her more likely to have a "come to Jesus moment", and decide to repent her past crimes, in the hopes of perhaps salvaging her law license.

She's also one of the youngest defendants, meaning that her biggest earning years are ahead of her and going to prison and being disbarred when she gets out, are not quite what she had planned for.
This guy was a relative outsider. His job was to convince the two women who Gulliani falsely accused of election fraud, to "confess to their crime", and Trump and the GOP would "take care of them". He was picked because he was black and the women would be more likely to be persuaded by a black man.

My best bet too flip is Jenna Ellis. A true insider to all of the schemes, she was smart enough not to put her name on any court documents, and thus she still has her law license, albeit just barely. If convicted in Georgia, it's unlikely she'll escape disbarrment for long. Lawyers swear an oath to uphold the law and the Constitution, and she wasn't doing either.

She's already whined that Trump didn't pay her legal fees when she was doing his work for him, and he's not paying her legal fees for the charges she's currently facing.

I have little to no sympathy for white Christian nationalists at the best of times, so I find the fact that her life is now in ruins because of it is a real "see this little tear" moment. However it does make her more likely to have a "come to Jesus moment", and decide to repent her past crimes, in the hopes of perhaps salvaging her law license.

She's also one of the youngest defendants, meaning that her biggest earning years are ahead of her and going to prison and being disbarred when she gets out, are not quite what she had planned for.
She knows where all the bodies are buried and was in on everything. No way she's doing time for this !

These people think they are above the law and can break any law they want, they are starting to realize now that they are facing real serious charges, with real evidence of their wrongdoing.

They only have themselves to blame and they did this to themselves.
This is going to get really interesting soon, especially with the documents case going on at the same time!
On top of that it should dominate the campaign trial, and the Biden impeachment is a massive joke and they have jack shit on Joe Biden.
Something democrats never believed in.

And still don't.

10% for the big guy.

Hunter being paid a million a year to sit on the board of a company he knew nothing about while his daddy was VP. A company with ties to his daddy. A company his daddy had the prosecutor fired for looking into his sons business dealings, admitted to on video by his daddy.

Oh yea, lefties, the epitome of law and order. rolleyes

You still don't have the facts.

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