The Fix is In!

:fu:,Dream on Motherfucker, ain't gonna happen, your full of shit, and don't know jack shit....

You Garbage trolls, are praying for shit that ain't gonna happen, because you know nobody can beat her, especially that Orange Baboon in the General..

Go fuck yourself..
You really are a dense MF, arent you?

Stopping this criminal process is not going to help Hillary as it will demonstrate to the whole nation how crooked the Dimbocrats are. Your apathy on the matter demonstrates how comfortable you as a Dimbocrat is with crime being committed by your own candidate.

Allowing this proceding to take its own natural course is not going to help Hillary either, but it will be much less damage to the down ticket.

But you dont care as long as you get to shit in your hand and throw the poop at anyone who disagree because you are an ignorant twit.

BTW, welcome to my ignore list as I dont have enough moments left in my life to justify wasting on ass hats like yourself.
Indeed. The "fix" is in - and we will ALL pay for it.

We have been paying for the Multinational Corporate Crony Network with stagnant wages and higher taxes since 1970.
Obama's got her back, just like Bush "took care of scooter Libby" and Ford "took care" of Trick Dickhead Nixon..

Ain't nobody gonna touch her:laugh:

It's gonna be beautiful and awesome to see you Cuntservatives, and Tea Maggots heads explode when she kicks ass in the Fall:laugh:


If that Orange blob of shit keeps tanking in the POLLS, what's gonna happen??? he gonna quit??? to save himself the embarrassment of a devastating defeat to of all people a Woman???:lmao:

Take your ignore list and shove it up your ass MOTHERFUCKER
Good Post:deal:..

All of the Hillary haters have been yapping for about 6 months now, how Hillary will be going to jail soon, blah-blah-blah:eusa_naughty:, ain't never gonna happen, the haters are just whistling in the Graveyard..

Obama by endorsing her, just FIXED everything, and isn't gonna let the FBI touch her:nono:, people are too stupid to realize he needs her to win to protect his legacy, and throwing her under the BUS, would be like benching your star QB, the night before the Super Bowl, ain't gonna happen..

Loretta Lynch would never touch Hillary anyways, she was appointed to bench by HER HUSBAND, during his administration..:laugh:

Bottom line this was just another witch hunt like Benghazi, GOING NOWHERE!!!

Hillary free and clear now to decimate the Orangutan!!

You are the biggest fucking doooosh bag that posts here and nothing more than a typical useless puppet. That is all.
For those of you who have been holding out hopes that Hillary Clinton could be indicted through the criminal investigation currently being undertaken by the FBI... forget about it. It's not going to happen. The fix is in.

First of all, we have Bill Clinton meeting secretly (and unethically) with Loretta Lynch... shortly after blowing that off as a "casual coincidence" where nothing was discussed other than "grandchildren and such" --Lynch informs us that she will essentially do her job and follow the recommendations of the FBI. All of this follows Obama's rather late endorsement of Hillary Clinton as the presumptive Democrat nominee.

Putting two and two together, this means they have been given a heads-up by someone inside the FBI on what is about to go down and Hillary will be completely exonerated of any and all wrongdoing. Obama would never risk his legacy and name to endorse someone who stood any kind of chance of criminal indictment. Lynch would certainly not announce she planned to follow the recommendations of the FBI... unless they knew for a fact that Hillary was about to be let off the hook.

So... there will be no indictment, no special prosecutor and no further investigation into Hillary's emails or violation of the Espionage Act. It's all going to be dismissed, swept under the rug, and the left will discount it as just another right-wing smear attempt that failed. Like it or not, the fix is clearly in and that's what is about to go down.
I have been saying this for a while now. Yes, I agree. At least 50% of this country are committed morons. Meaning left wing unappreciative American hating brainwashed morons.

They still believe in man made global warming for Gods sake. Regardless of ALL the things Gore has been utterly wrong about from his ridiculously stupid propaganda "movie."

Besides, there is no way we will recover from what the pathetic skinny lying smoking muslim American hating snake has done to this country in his 8 years.

20 trillion in debt. No way will any republican president be able to rescue us from the apocalyptic bubble that the democrats have created again.

They created the real estate bubble and they of course blamed boooooosh since he was the one in office in 2008, even though the republicans had lost the house and senate in 2007.

The point is no matter who the president is, the bubble will be that devastating and there is really no way to recover or avoid it as a result of that this piece of racist shit in the white house has done.

Yes, the fix is in.
Indeed. The "fix" is in - and we will ALL pay for it.

We have been paying for the Multinational Corporate Crony Network with stagnant wages and higher taxes since 1970.
Obama's got her back, just like Bush "took care of scooter Libby" and Ford "took care" of Trick Dickhead Nixon..

Ain't nobody gonna touch her:laugh:

It's gonna be beautiful and awesome to see you Cuntservatives, and Tea Maggots heads explode when she kicks ass in the Fall:laugh:


If that Orange blob of shit keeps tanking in the POLLS, what's gonna happen??? he gonna quit??? to save himself the embarrassment of a devastating defeat to of all people a Woman???:lmao:

Take your ignore list and shove it up your ass MOTHERFUCKER

Jesus Christ - you must be so proud of yourself. Actually wanting that evil son-of-a-bitch to take over - knowing what an evil and corrupt asshole she is. Hats off to you. At least you are honest about your opinion. Enjoy your life under her tyranny.
I have been saying this for months. I held a TS-SC3 Clearance while in the Army. It's a rather High Clearance, but I needed it for my work in Europe. Had I handled classified material in the manner that she did - The "investigation" would have lasted about 48 hours. The trial would have lasted about one day - and I would be occupying a cell in Leavenworth for the next 20 years.

And if Hillary were in the military, you might have a point. The military can also jail you for sleeping on the job or cheating on your spouse, something the civilian world wouldn't tolerate.

Therein lies the difference. I am not this bitch. She will skate, and it will be forgotten. I PROMISE you that. Oh sure, the FBI will contend that she "shouldn't have done what she did" and they will say she was a "bad girl" but nothing else will come from it.

This is the way the Clintons have worked for the last 40 years. Get used to it America - you are about to be raped by a president.

Okay and how does this effect you at all? You see, I used to be one of you Wingnuts who said "Impeach Clinton" back in the 1990's and talked about "Subornation of Perjury" like that was a real thing.

But do you know what I remember about the Clinton years today? That my salary doubled. That my property value doubled. That if I didn't like my job, I could throw out a few resumes and get better job offers.

Then Bush came along and fucked up, well, everything.

So i'm not going to get all worked up that Hillary used the wrong e-mail server.
Any failure or refusal to indict will be seen at this point as a political fix due to the amount of evidence, even that already made public. Her campaign will implode one way or another.

If it were you or I, we'd already be in Shawshank.

Wishful thinking.

Any chance to beat Clinton went away when you let NaziTrump hijack your nominating process.
"The Fix is In!"


There is no ‘fix,’ ‘in’ or otherwise.

And what’s both sad and telling is that conservatives desperately grasping at straws about ‘emails’ is a concession on the part of the right that they can’t beat Clinton on the issues, that Trump is a dreadful candidate, and that a majority of the voters will reject Trump this November.
I have been saying this for months. I held a TS-SC3 Clearance while in the Army. It's a rather High Clearance, but I needed it for my work in Europe. Had I handled classified material in the manner that she did - The "investigation" would have lasted about 48 hours. The trial would have lasted about one day - and I would be occupying a cell in Leavenworth for the next 20 years.

And if Hillary were in the military, you might have a point. The military can also jail you for sleeping on the job or cheating on your spouse, something the civilian world wouldn't tolerate.

Therein lies the difference. I am not this bitch. She will skate, and it will be forgotten. I PROMISE you that. Oh sure, the FBI will contend that she "shouldn't have done what she did" and they will say she was a "bad girl" but nothing else will come from it.

This is the way the Clintons have worked for the last 40 years. Get used to it America - you are about to be raped by a president.

Okay and how does this effect you at all? You see, I used to be one of you Wingnuts who said "Impeach Clinton" back in the 1990's and talked about "Subornation of Perjury" like that was a real thing.

But do you know what I remember about the Clinton years today? That my salary doubled. That my property value doubled. That if I didn't like my job, I could throw out a few resumes and get better job offers.

Then Bush came along and fucked up, well, everything.

So i'm not going to get all worked up that Hillary used the wrong e-mail server.

I would expect no less from you.
Hugh Hewitt put this up on Twitter.....

1. @RichardGrenell @TheRickWilson: There is also @CNN @TeddyDavisCNN report that "sources" say @HillaryClinton will be cleared in 2 weeks.

Pretty good deal. I bet you a dollar that James Comey would like to have the names of these "sources".

Funny how no one else is reporting this bullshit.

Don't get me wrong. I believe that the murdering bitch will walk also. But not until Comey releases the results of the investigation. I hate that two bit fucking bitch and I hope she dies from a heart attack.
"The Fix is In!"


There is no ‘fix,’ ‘in’ or otherwise.

And what’s both sad and telling is that conservatives desperately grasping at straws about ‘emails’ is a concession on the part of the right that they can’t beat Clinton on the issues, that Trump is a dreadful candidate, and that a majority of the voters will reject Trump this November.

You are a fucking blithering idiot. Fallacy.
Good Post:deal:..

All of the Hillary haters have been yapping for about 6 months now, how Hillary will be going to jail soon, blah-blah-blah:eusa_naughty:, ain't never gonna happen, the haters are just whistling in the Graveyard..

Obama by endorsing her, just FIXED everything, and isn't gonna let the FBI touch her:nono:, people are too stupid to realize he needs her to win to protect his legacy, and throwing her under the BUS, would be like benching your star QB, the night before the Super Bowl, ain't gonna happen..

Loretta Lynch would never touch Hillary anyways, she was appointed to bench by HER HUSBAND, during his administration..:laugh:

Bottom line this was just another witch hunt like Benghazi, GOING NOWHERE!!!

Hillary free and clear now to decimate the Orangutan!!

You are the biggest fucking doooosh bag that posts here and nothing more than a typical useless puppet. That is all.
And you can go Fuck yourself, you goofy inbred white trash cock sucking mother fucker:fu:

Quit embarrassing yourself, your noting but a piece of shit troll..
"The Fix is In!"


There is no ‘fix,’ ‘in’ or otherwise.

And what’s both sad and telling is that conservatives desperately grasping at straws about ‘emails’ is a concession on the part of the right that they can’t beat Clinton on the issues, that Trump is a dreadful candidate, and that a majority of the voters will reject Trump this November.

You are a fucking blithering idiot. Fallacy.

And your nothing more then a anti-civilization savage that needs to be caged.
Hugh Hewitt put this up on Twitter.....

1. @RichardGrenell @TheRickWilson: There is also @CNN @TeddyDavisCNN report that "sources" say @HillaryClinton will be cleared in 2 weeks.

Pretty good deal. I bet you a dollar that James Comey would like to have the names of these "sources".

Funny how no one else is reporting this bullshit.

Don't get me wrong. I believe that the murdering bitch will walk also. But not until Comey releases the results of the investigation. I hate that two bit fucking bitch and I hope she dies from a heart attack.
And i hope Trump is killed by a Mexican drug cartel assassin Fuck Trump and all of the racist white maggots supporting his sorry ass:fu:

Of course after he gets blown out Mccain style:laugh:

Say bye bye to your white privilege when Hillary gets in the WH MOTHERFUCKERS, she let all them Mexicans in here so we can have noting but Democrats winning Presidential elections forever..:fu:
For those of you who have been holding out hopes that Hillary Clinton could be indicted through the criminal investigation currently being undertaken by the FBI... forget about it. It's not going to happen. The fix is in.

First of all, we have Bill Clinton meeting secretly (and unethically) with Loretta Lynch... shortly after blowing that off as a "casual coincidence" where nothing was discussed other than "grandchildren and such" --Lynch informs us that she will essentially do her job and follow the recommendations of the FBI. All of this follows Obama's rather late endorsement of Hillary Clinton as the presumptive Democrat nominee.

Putting two and two together, this means they have been given a heads-up by someone inside the FBI on what is about to go down and Hillary will be completely exonerated of any and all wrongdoing. Obama would never risk his legacy and name to endorse someone who stood any kind of chance of criminal indictment. Lynch would certainly not announce she planned to follow the recommendations of the FBI... unless they knew for a fact that Hillary was about to be let off the hook.

So... there will be no indictment, no special prosecutor and no further investigation into Hillary's emails or violation of the Espionage Act. It's all going to be dismissed, swept under the rug, and the left will discount it as just another right-wing smear attempt that failed. Like it or not, the fix is clearly in and that's what is about to go down.

Hate the smug look at her face these days. Thanks to her corrupt friends in high places and a bias media, she is untouchable no matter what she does. There is no question that she is guilty of deliberate and illegal use of a person server. That wasn't in question. So, there really is no excuse not to press charges. If she claims ignorance, then she's too stupid to be president.

She risked security and did something she was told not to do and that it was against the rules. She did it anyway because no one tells the Queen Bitch what to do. She admitted that she did it, but pretended it was no big deal and told everyone to move on. Now, we have Bill Clinton meeting with the woman who has the final say in Hillary's fate. Whether he threatened her or whether they are just good friends, either way it doesn't bode well for justice. Lynch used the same deceptive language the Hillary campaign did when describing the FBI investigation. They say it was a "security inquiry." There is no such thing. It was an FBI criminal investigation. And there is no question that Hillary is guilty of mishandling sensitive information that put our country's security at risk. She did it for her own person convenience, which tells us that she puts her own needs ahead of the country. No surprise there. She also lied and refused to cooperate with the investigation. Only when the evidence was undeniable did she finally confess to going against the law and having a personal server to conduct official business. She dismissed it as a mistake and thinks that should end this.

Lynch should resign. Hillary should have dropped out of the race. A person with an iota of respect for the office would have done so. Hillary is all about herself, not this country.

Even the Benghazi investigation proved poor judgment on Hillary's part. There is likely more to this that she successfully kept covered up, but at the very least, she failed to do her job and there is no question she lied.

Accepting donations from foreign countries, who later received favors from Sec. of State Clinton showed more that bad judgment, it was treasonous to favor hostile countries.

She spent $6 Billion as Sec. of State and claims she lost the receipts.

She has accepted campaign donations from foreign countries, another law broken.

How many laws and rules is Hillary allowed to break? How many lies can she tell and still think she deserves to hold the highest office in our country? She is not worthy.

"Attorney General Loretta Lynch said her impromptu tarmac summit at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport was a purely social affair. Golf and grandchildren were on the agenda, she said — and not how a home-brew server crammed with classified information ended up in Bill Clinton’s basement.

However, the attorney general normally doesn’t meet with family members of a target in an active FBI criminal investigation.

Hillary is just that — a target in an FBI criminal investigation.

But you’d never know that, listening to Lynch. She borrowed the narrative of the Hillary campaign when she described the FBI criminal investigation as a "security inquiry."

Downplaying the FBI criminal investigation is a deliberate communications strategy of the Clinton campaign. It’s a very bad sign that the person who must approve any grand-jury referral has adopted Hillary’s dishonest language.

Many won’t believe Lynch and Clinton only discussed grandkids and golf in her cozy jet. But I do.

That’s all they needed to discuss for Bill to interfere with a criminal prosecution. Sophisticated insiders don’t need to use clumsy and explicit language. Merely having the tarmac meeting interferes with the investigation, even if golf and grandkids were the only topics discussed.

The tarmac summit sent a signal. It is a signal to all of the hardworking FBI agents who have the goods on Hillary. The attorney general has made it clear what team she is on. The attorney general isn’t on the side of justice. She’s on the Democratic Party team.

This is the unspoken message from Lynch to all of the FBI agents on the case and to all the front-line lawyers at the Justice Department: When you send your recommendation to refer Hillary’s case to the grand jury, you had better realize your burden to convince me I should sign off on a grand-jury request is higher than you thought. These are my friends.

This is standard operating procedure in the Obama Justice Department. When DOJ lawyers were reviewing South Carolina voter-ID laws for pre-clearance under the Voting Rights Act, then-Attorney General Eric Holder gave an interview and speech about the discriminatory nature of voter-ID laws. Like day follows night, the lawyers responsible for the review then blocked South Carolina’s law under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.

It took South Carolina several million dollars in attorney fees to win a federal court case to gain approval — fees the state cannot recover.

I have never believed Hillary will be indicted, even though the case appears fairly easy to make. As I said on "The Kelly File," I suspect a county district attorney could win the case. For a
swarm of seasoned assistant United States attorneys? It seems like a slam dunk.

But that’s not what matters in the age of Obama. An indictment of Hillary would likely increase her popularity with Democrats. It’s Ken Starr all over again. Remember, Bill Clinton became more popular when he was under legal attack.

This saga involves two American values that perhaps are irreconcilable in this mess.

Criminal proceedings should not alter election outcomes. The Justice Department has long had such a policy where proceedings are delayed until after an election — that’s so America doesn’t come to resemble a third-world nation that criminalizes politics.

At the same time, the American ideal says nobody is above the law — even Hillary.

That’s what separates the Anglo-America legal experience from every other legal culture in world history.

This is a marriage of a Clinton-style carnival ride in an age of Obama-style lawlessness. The stars of "no controlling legal authority" are behaving badly in an age of "punishing your enemies and rewarding your friends."

That it is no longer about a dalliance with a White House intern and instead involves national security makes the gangsterism all the more frightening."
Hugh Hewitt put this up on Twitter.....

1. @RichardGrenell @TheRickWilson: There is also @CNN @TeddyDavisCNN report that "sources" say @HillaryClinton will be cleared in 2 weeks.

Pretty good deal. I bet you a dollar that James Comey would like to have the names of these "sources".

Funny how no one else is reporting this bullshit.

Don't get me wrong. I believe that the murdering bitch will walk also. But not until Comey releases the results of the investigation. I hate that two bit fucking bitch and I hope she dies from a heart attack.
And i hope Trump is killed by a Mexican drug cartel assassin Fuck Trump and all of the racist white maggots supporting his sorry ass:fu:

Of course after he gets blown out Mccain style:laugh:

Say bye bye to your white privilege when Hillary gets in the WH MOTHERFUCKERS, she let all them Mexicans in here so we can have noting but Democrats winning Presidential elections forever..:fu:
a very compassionate post, however I am certain, actually praying that should that bitch steal the white house, somebody will do the right thing. Most likely be a scorned bernie supporter.
It wont be me because Im not that type of person, but somewhere out there is the person that will take the first step in cleansing this country.

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