The good news and the bad news for the next four years...

the pendulum swings both ways .....after each party fucks up their turn,and it always happens,it moves the other way...
/—-/ Now that democRATs know how to steal an election, there is little chance Republicans can ever regain power— ever.
The bad news first: Biden was elected President of the United States. He probably stole the election, but the courts seem unwilling to do anything about it. So he will be sworn in in January and after that, we will have to deal.

The next four years will be a rough ride.

Democrats have very stupid ideas on many topics and they will do their damndest to implement as many of their stupid ideas as possible.

The result will be higher taxes, high unemployment, and massive numbers of business failures, especially small businesses who don't have the resources to ride out bad times.

We can also assume the Democrats will take a sledge hammer and try to destroy as many American institutions they can. Their goal is a one-party all powerful state, and anything that isn't part of the government is a threat to that goal and something to be done away with.

The infiltration of universities, media corporations, Wall Street firms, Big Tech companies, schools, churches will continue.

The "cancel culture" will continue, terrorizing people into silence to avoid losing their careers.

Expect that the left-wing fringe of the Democratic Party will run roughshod over Biden because he lacks the strength to resist them.

But, there is good news too.

In 2022, the American people will be so angry at the Democrats that Republicans will win massive victories at all levels of government: federal, state and local.

In 2024, the Republican candidate for President will defeat Biden, or Harris, because at that point the American people will be so sick of the Democrats that no amount of cheating can possibly change the outcome of the election.

The memory of what Democrats have done in four years will be so unpleasant to everyone that the Democrat Party will become a permanent minority party.

So there hope for the future.

The only thing we must do now is ride out the next four years, endure the pain and punishment the Democrats inflict on us, and try to survive.

Because for many people, merely surviving will be a strenuous effort.

Good luck to all of us.

You're whole OP is based on the assumption that the 2022 elections will be non-fraudulent.
This is inconclusive.
the pendulum swings both ways .....after each party fucks up their turn,and it always happens,it moves the other way...
the pendulum swings both ways .....after each party fucks up their turn,and it always happens,it moves the other way...

Trump farked up handling coronavirus. What else did he and Pubs fark up?
fark up? you mean fucked up? can use the big swear words here....
The best news is that the economic cratering due to the tyrannical Wuhan Flu shutdowns will happen on Obamala Biden's watch. That places the blame exactly on those who caused it.

We've already economically cratered, stupid.

Biden will oversee the recovery, and people will love him for it.

You are so gullible. Remember to keep you muzzle on even indoors by yourself!
The one thing we can be sure of happening over the next for years is that the Baby Boom Generation will make up a decreasing proportion of the electorate. And the generations that have been screwed by their bad policies will make up an increasing proportion of the electorate.
Untitled drawing - 2020-12-18T084633.753.png
The best news is that the economic cratering due to the tyrannical Wuhan Flu shutdowns will happen on Obamala Biden's watch. That places the blame exactly on those who caused it.

We've already economically cratered, stupid.

Biden will oversee the recovery, and people will love him for it.

You are so gullible. Remember to keep you muzzle on even indoors by yourself!

Ya gotta love how dems think a dementia addled idiot is going to fix the country somehow.
The bad news first: Biden was elected President of the United States. He probably stole the election, but the courts seem unwilling to do anything about it. So he will be sworn in in January and after that, we will have to deal.

The next four years will be a rough ride.

Democrats have very stupid ideas on many topics and they will do their damndest to implement as many of their stupid ideas as possible.

The result will be higher taxes, high unemployment, and massive numbers of business failures, especially small businesses who don't have the resources to ride out bad times.

We can also assume the Democrats will take a sledge hammer and try to destroy as many American institutions they can. Their goal is a one-party all powerful state, and anything that isn't part of the government is a threat to that goal and something to be done away with.

The infiltration of universities, media corporations, Wall Street firms, Big Tech companies, schools, churches will continue.

The "cancel culture" will continue, terrorizing people into silence to avoid losing their careers.

Expect that the left-wing fringe of the Democratic Party will run roughshod over Biden because he lacks the strength to resist them.

But, there is good news too.

In 2022, the American people will be so angry at the Democrats that Republicans will win massive victories at all levels of government: federal, state and local.

In 2024, the Republican candidate for President will defeat Biden, or Harris, because at that point the American people will be so sick of the Democrats that no amount of cheating can possibly change the outcome of the election.

The memory of what Democrats have done in four years will be so unpleasant to everyone that the Democrat Party will become a permanent minority party.

So there hope for the future.

The only thing we must do now is ride out the next four years, endure the pain and punishment the Democrats inflict on us, and try to survive.

Because for many people, merely surviving will be a strenuous effort.

Good luck to all of us.
What a crock of shit. Trump's mishandling of the COVID virus will leave us in economic ruin for two years. And who supported Trump? Dumbassss Republicans

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