The GOP NOT the Party of No


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
While Obama calls them “obstructionists” and the media supports him, the truth is far different. For instance, the House passed a Back to Basics FY 2015 – an actual budget! The Senate has not even had a vote on a budget since 2009! The House also passed another bill to reform Obamacare – which the Senate has also not discussed.

This article has a link to a GOP site that outlines ALL of the bills passed in the House that Dingy Harry has tied up in the Senate. Read the article @ Far from 8216 party of no 8217 House GOP offers lots of proposals media never tells you about
While Obama calls them “obstructionists” and the media supports him, the truth is far different. For instance, the House passed a Back to Basics FY 2015 – an actual budget! The Senate has not even had a vote on a budget since 2009! The House also passed another bill to reform Obamacare – which the Senate has also not discussed.

This article has a link to a GOP site that outlines ALL of the bills passed in the House that Dingy Harry has tied up in the Senate. Read the article @ Far from 8216 party of no 8217 House GOP offers lots of proposals media never tells you about
Sure! The one bill discussed on this Right Wing website involve the repeal of Obamacare! What a novel idea! And it came from the Republican controlled House of Representatives? Imagine that!
While Obama calls them “obstructionists” and the media supports him, the truth is far different. For instance, the House passed a Back to Basics FY 2015 – an actual budget! The Senate has not even had a vote on a budget since 2009! The House also passed another bill to reform Obamacare – which the Senate has also not discussed.

This article has a link to a GOP site that outlines ALL of the bills passed in the House that Dingy Harry has tied up in the Senate. Read the article @ Far from 8216 party of no 8217 House GOP offers lots of proposals media never tells you about
Sure! The one bill discussed on this Right Wing website involve the repeal of Obamacare! What a novel idea! And it came from the Republican controlled House of Representatives? Imagine that!

Shows how much you read and what you look for in your biased viewpoint!

The main bill mentioned was The 2015 Budget! As required by the US Constitution!!!!!!

I suppose you really don't care about upholding or obeying our countries more import law, do you?
The GOP NOT the Party of No

Canada Free Press? Holy shit, that's like quoting Ted Cruz or Louie Gohmert - or even Michele Bachmann. Get real...

It is factually documented and proven that the GOP is the party of NO!
While Obama calls them “obstructionists” and the media supports him, the truth is far different. For instance, the House passed a Back to Basics FY 2015 – an actual budget! The Senate has not even had a vote on a budget since 2009! The House also passed another bill to reform Obamacare – which the Senate has also not discussed.

This article has a link to a GOP site that outlines ALL of the bills passed in the House that Dingy Harry has tied up in the Senate. Read the article @ Far from 8216 party of no 8217 House GOP offers lots of proposals media never tells you about
Sure! The one bill discussed on this Right Wing website involve the repeal of Obamacare! What a novel idea! And it came from the Republican controlled House of Representatives? Imagine that!

the Republican House passed that bill 50+ times ... they never said NO.

While Obama calls them “obstructionists” and the media supports him, the truth is far different. For instance, the House passed a Back to Basics FY 2015 – an actual budget! The Senate has not even had a vote on a budget since 2009! The House also passed another bill to reform Obamacare – which the Senate has also not discussed.

This article has a link to a GOP site that outlines ALL of the bills passed in the House that Dingy Harry has tied up in the Senate. Read the article @ Far from 8216 party of no 8217 House GOP offers lots of proposals media never tells you about
Sure! The one bill discussed on this Right Wing website involve the repeal of Obamacare! What a novel idea! And it came from the Republican controlled House of Representatives? Imagine that!

Shows how much you read and what you look for in your biased viewpoint!

The main bill mentioned was The 2015 Budget! As required by the US Constitution!!!!!!

I suppose you really don't care about upholding or obeying our countries more import law, do you?
Well, according to your source, that budget calls for the repeal of Obamacare. It seems the 'party of no' label sticks to whatever legislation those pesky Republicans want to pass.
When I think of the Republicans, I am reminded of what JFK told an aid in 1963, when asked if he would rather run against Goldwater or Rockefeller in 1964. His reply was, "It doesn't matter. Rockefeller. No guts. Goldwater. No brains"

And the republicans have remained the party of "no" since then, with a few exceptions, such as Ford. Also, the first Bush was tolerable, but for some reason did not have a grasp of economics.
While Obama calls them “obstructionists” and the media supports him, the truth is far different. For instance, the House passed a Back to Basics FY 2015 – an actual budget! The Senate has not even had a vote on a budget since 2009! The House also passed another bill to reform Obamacare – which the Senate has also not discussed.

This article has a link to a GOP site that outlines ALL of the bills passed in the House that Dingy Harry has tied up in the Senate. Read the article @ Far from 8216 party of no 8217 House GOP offers lots of proposals media never tells you about

So you're saying the media failed to give us the good news about the Republicans? You're blaming the media for the 54 votes to repeal PPACA?
The House also passed another bill to reform Obamacare – which the Senate has also not discussed.

Did you read your own link?

Then there’s the American Health Care Reform Act, which is actually incorporated into the budget bill described above. Not only would this bill (which a majority of House Republicans support) repeal ObamaCare, it would replace it with a number of measures that bring common sense and sanity back to health care.

It was just another stupid reindeer game to repeal ObamaCare, and you wonder why the Senate didn't act on it?
While Obama calls them “obstructionists” and the media supports him, the truth is far different. For instance, the House passed a Back to Basics FY 2015 – an actual budget! The Senate has not even had a vote on a budget since 2009! The House also passed another bill to reform Obamacare – which the Senate has also not discussed.

This article has a link to a GOP site that outlines ALL of the bills passed in the House that Dingy Harry has tied up in the Senate. Read the article @ Far from 8216 party of no 8217 House GOP offers lots of proposals media never tells you about
Sure! The one bill discussed on this Right Wing website involve the repeal of Obamacare! What a novel idea! And it came from the Republican controlled House of Representatives? Imagine that!
yep. Too easy :p

From the link:

First, there’s the Back to Basics FY2015 budget bill. Yes, an actual budget - the sort of thing Democrats haven’t even tried to pass since 2009. It would limit federal spending to $3.536 trillion in 2015 (still an awful lot, obviously, but pretty restrained in the context of where we currently stand), and would only run a deficit of about $230 trillion.


Hey, how come it's a Canadian web site talking about this stuff? How come no one in America can name anything the GOP would do to solve America's problems?

Whose fault is it if the dumb shits can't get the message out? You have to have a message before you can get it out there.
If the Republicans aren't the party of "no", why do they threaten to filibuster instead of compromising?

There is no compromising with Obama or Harry Reid. It is now and has always been their way or no way!!!
Once again, the Libtard attack the messenger instead of the message.

Totally ignore the obstructionism of Harry Reid.

You can post all you wish but the truth is clear to anyone whose eyes aren't blinded by lifelong propoganda.

As for it being a "Canadian website" - did any of you even bother to see who the author is, where he's from, and what his credentials are?

No? Of course! :fu:
If the Republicans win the Senate, the Democrats will no longer be able to hide behind Harry Reid and his obstructionism. That will force Senate Democrats to actually do their jobs, and force Obama to veto or sign.....
While Obama calls them “obstructionists” and the media supports him, the truth is far different. For instance, the House passed a Back to Basics FY 2015 – an actual budget! The Senate has not even had a vote on a budget since 2009! The House also passed another bill to reform Obamacare – which the Senate has also not discussed.

This article has a link to a GOP site that outlines ALL of the bills passed in the House that Dingy Harry has tied up in the Senate. Read the article @ Far from 8216 party of no 8217 House GOP offers lots of proposals media never tells you about

The GOP NOT the Party of No

You're right, it's the party of "Fuck You"
Republitards hold the RECORD for the number of filibusters blocking Dems .. they also hold the record for losing touch with reality ... take the OP for instance.

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