The Insane Hypocricy of Democrats

The 2nd Ammendment was written guaranteeing our right to bear arms to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government, yes you are correct, probably the first time a libtard got it.

What's more tryannical than the government murdering people in the streets.?

What's more tryannical than the government murdering people in the streets.?

Thanks for validating the OP.

Ok. Then youve just validated the cop killers also .
Im sure that makes sense in your twisted heard somehow.

Hold on! You admit , we need big guns to fight off "the man".

Crazy cop shooter gets upset about cops getting away with killing black men like him , for doing nothing . He then goes to Baton Rouge to fight them with his big pop gun. How is that NOT what you are preaching ??

This is where your logic fails. By any measure the black man would be considered a democrat. Hell you folks even brag about being the party of blacks. The Democrat party is not exactly the party that supports the police. So a democrat supporter kills police officer and you try and excuse that by saying it is what law abiding citizens WANT to do?

That is really twisted thinking. You on the left have brought these murderers to our door step. You on the left have divided the country to the point where these black murderers think they are entitled. That they are victims that the only way out is to do as you have told them, and kill. Why? Because that serves the purpose of the democrats. They want gun control and if a few police need sacrificed to get what the democrats want, so be it.

The democrat party has become pathetic.
All that is needed to help the unemployed is to follow Obama's and Mrs. Tuzla's lead. Import more low educated and low skilled workers. Or keep the same free trade deals that have seen manufacturing jobs flee the country. Yep, keep the status quo vote Mrs. Tuzla.
The government is murdering people and getting away with it!
Solution: A larger and more powerful government.

I have no idea what this is even referring to...sounds like you just tried to come up with something so you could find a place for your "larger government" cliche. The 'government' is murdering people? Who? American citizens? Brown people in war torn countries? What the fuck are you even talking about?

The government is murdering people and getting away with it!
Solution: Repeal the 2nd Amendment that was designed to keep the government subservient to the People.

Again...what the fuck are you talking about? lol

The government is controlled by the 1%!
Solution: Elect another Clinton.

What? Who says the government is "controlled" by the 1%? The government is actually controlled by the people...the people who elect them and pay their salaries. WTF are you talking about? Your whole list reads like you were just making shit up while on the toilet, killing time as you squeezed out a steaming turd, along with your intellectual honesty.

There is too much money buying government!
Solution: Elect another Clinton and applaud Soros.

Money doesn't "buy" government, so your premise doesn't make any sense. (This is what happens when you just make shit up.) Yes, big corporations and the uber wealthy can influence policy to a certain degree, but....did you just write this one so you could use Soros' name? lol

We love America as much as you!
Solution: Burn the American flag.

lol, this one is so fucking retarded it isn't worth even commenting on. lol, jesus.

We are not socialists!
Solution: Occupy Wall St and almost nominate a self described socialist.

lol, you are a bit slow, aren't you? Occupy Wall Street is hardly the same thing as moderate democrats, ya silly twat.

Trumps wife proves he is dishonest!
Solution: Elect another Clinton.

Who is saying that Melania 'proves' Trump is dishonest? Are you just making shit up again? Anyone with an IQ above a grapefruit can tell that Trump is a dishonest hack simply from what he says. Except you, apparently. GULLIBLE CHUMP ALERT!

Separation of Church and State must be protected!
Solution: Ban Christian prayer and teach Islam in public schools.

No one wants to 'teach Islam' in schools, unless it is part of some kind of religious study curriculum. Stop making shit up. And yes, religion belongs in a church, not a classroom. Take your rightist dreams of a theocracy and shove it up your ass. Better yet, move somewhere where your ideas are bit more Saudi Arabia. Sounds like you would love it there. It's a rightist paradise.

Nuclear power is dangerous!
Solution: Put the worlds leading sponsor of terrorism on fast track to obtain nuclear weapons.

lol, right wing hysteria is truly a sight to behold. You sound like you listen to hate wing radio blowhards all day, every day.

Carbon emissions are destroying the planet!
Solution: kill the most reliable energy source that emits no carbon, nuclear power.

Not sure what you're referring to here. Probably something nutty and not based on fact, no doubt.

Manmade global warming is real and must be stopped!
Solution: fly hundreds of private jets to a climate conference and fly your private jet to the other side of the world to get an environmental award.

Funny point, but silly. Right wingers love fixating on this. What would you propose? Traveling by horse and sailboat? Don't answer that -- I can't handle any more of your retardation. I can already gleam from this stupidity that you think climate change is a "hoax" just like every other drooling conservative know-nothing jackass who couldn't read a scientific study if their life depended on it.

Bush going to war with Iraq is a war crime!
Solution: start wars with Libya and Syria.

I thought you chickenhawks love war though? Shouldn't you be supporting Hillary? She does everything conservatives do...

Cigarettes are bad for you and must be outlawed!
Solution: Legalize drugs.

Yeah well, the science is pretty definitive when it comes to marijuana and its lack of negative health effects, and absolutely definitive when it comes to cigarettes. Ignore reality if you want, it's what you do anyway. At any rate, addicts are sick and need treatment, and should not be treated as criminals.

Homosexuals and women must be treated equally!
Solution: side with Islam.

This is the one and only fair point in your entire post. I really, really fucking hate it whenever I see liberals defending Islam.

Republicans are racists!
Solution: give people jobs and entry into universities based upon skin color.

Methinks you are a bit confuzzled about what racism means there, champ.

A woman has the right to abort her child up to 9 months!
Solution: Putting murderers to death is cruel and causes them to suffer.

Saying that all democrats believe a woman has a right to an abortion up to 9 months is just about the most disingenuous thing you've written. Tell me, what's it like using such a large brush? Feel good, does it?

Most liberals are against the death penalty because the chances of killing someone who turned out to be innocent is unacceptably high, not to mention the fact that it costs WAY more than long prison sentences. Not that conservatives give a fuck about that pesky stuff guys want your death penalty and you want it bad, all while claiming to be "pro-life" which is just about the most pathological aspect about the conservative psyche. "Conservative logic."

The list goes on, feel free to add.

You get an A- for effort, but an F for execution. Oh well, maybe next time, squirt! I don't think these lists are your forte, you might want to stick with something you're a bit better at, like coloring books and watching cartoons.
And FYI for you:
"Studies reporting results for direct marijuana smoking have observed statistically significant associations with cancers of the lung, head and neck, bladder, brain, and testis. The strongest evidence of a causal association was for head and neck cancer, with two of four studies reporting statistically significant associations. The evidence was less strong but suggestive for lung cancer, with one of three studies conducted in populations that did not mix marijuana and tobacco reporting a significant association. Suggestive evidence also was seen for bladder cancer, with one of two studies reporting a significant association. For brain and testicular cancers, the single studies conducted of each of these endpoints reported significant associations. Among the epidemiological studies that reported results for parental marijuana smoking and childhood cancer, five of six found statistically significant associations. Maternal and paternal marijuana smoking were implicated, depending on the type of cancer. Childhood cancers that have been associated with maternal marijuana smoking are acute myeloid leukemia, neuroblastoma, and rhabdomyosarcoma. Childhood cancers that have been associated with paternal marijuana smoking are leukemia (all types), infant leukemia (all types), acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, and rhabdomyosarcoma."

- Weatherman
Educating the left since 1978
there has been 0 job growth since 2009. big deal we create 100,000 a month, what about the 280,000 files for unemployment?
ummm the "jobs created" number is the NET change. For example, in May, 4,952,000 left their jobs (2,895,000 quit, 1,667,000 were laid off or fired, and 390,000 retired, died or other). For the same month, 5,036,000 people were hired. Net change 84,000 "new jobs." (no it doesn't match up with official jobs numbers due to different time periods used.

when unemployment was and still is about 35% during these last 7 years, the Dems kept reporting that it was 10% and now its 4.9%,,,,yah, right!
Ok, if unemployment was 35%, that would mean around 81 MILLION unemployed. Is that your claim? That there are 81 million people who are looking for work and failing?
And not accounting for the hundreds of thousands entering the job market.
Yes it is. Why do you think it's not? 11.6% of the unemployed are new entrants to the labor market. 29.2% are people re-entering the labor market. Table A-11. Unemployed persons by reason for unemployment
there has been 0 job growth since 2009. big deal we create 100,000 a month, what about the 280,000 files for unemployment?
ummm the "jobs created" number is the NET change. For example, in May, 4,952,000 left their jobs (2,895,000 quit, 1,667,000 were laid off or fired, and 390,000 retired, died or other). For the same month, 5,036,000 people were hired. Net change 84,000 "new jobs." (no it doesn't match up with official jobs numbers due to different time periods used.

when unemployment was and still is about 35% during these last 7 years, the Dems kept reporting that it was 10% and now its 4.9%,,,,yah, right!
Ok, if unemployment was 35%, that would mean around 81 MILLION unemployed. Is that your claim? That there are 81 million people who are looking for work and failing?
92 million.

More and more Americans are outside the labor force entirely. Who are they?

Typical RWNJ misrepresentation. (like most all of the BS List) That is not the number of job seekers, that list includes all retirees and children.
there has been 0 job growth since 2009. big deal we create 100,000 a month, what about the 280,000 files for unemployment?
ummm the "jobs created" number is the NET change. For example, in May, 4,952,000 left their jobs (2,895,000 quit, 1,667,000 were laid off or fired, and 390,000 retired, died or other). For the same month, 5,036,000 people were hired. Net change 84,000 "new jobs." (no it doesn't match up with official jobs numbers due to different time periods used.

when unemployment was and still is about 35% during these last 7 years, the Dems kept reporting that it was 10% and now its 4.9%,,,,yah, right!
Ok, if unemployment was 35%, that would mean around 81 MILLION unemployed. Is that your claim? That there are 81 million people who are looking for work and failing?
92 million.

More and more Americans are outside the labor force entirely. Who are they?
You do realize that's not counting the officially unemployed? the 92 million are people who are not trying to get a job. Why should they be considered unemployed?

Ok, let's look at the breakdown: 87 million of that 92 million DO NOT WANT A JOB.
of the 6 million who say they want a job, but aren't doing anything about it, 3.5 million did not send out a single application or resume, did not answer or place a single ad, did not even ask friends or family about jobs in the last YEAR. Do you really think that someone who has not done anything at all about work in the last year actually wants a job?
there has been 0 job growth since 2009. big deal we create 100,000 a month, what about the 280,000 files for unemployment?
ummm the "jobs created" number is the NET change. For example, in May, 4,952,000 left their jobs (2,895,000 quit, 1,667,000 were laid off or fired, and 390,000 retired, died or other). For the same month, 5,036,000 people were hired. Net change 84,000 "new jobs." (no it doesn't match up with official jobs numbers due to different time periods used.

when unemployment was and still is about 35% during these last 7 years, the Dems kept reporting that it was 10% and now its 4.9%,,,,yah, right!
Ok, if unemployment was 35%, that would mean around 81 MILLION unemployed. Is that your claim? That there are 81 million people who are looking for work and failing?
92 million.

More and more Americans are outside the labor force entirely. Who are they?
You do realize that's not counting the officially unemployed? the 92 million are people who are not trying to get a job. Why should they be considered unemployed?

Ok, let's look at the breakdown: 87 million of that 92 million DO NOT WANT A JOB.
of the 6 million who say they want a job, but aren't doing anything about it, 3.5 million did not send out a single application or resume, did not answer or place a single ad, did not even ask friends or family about jobs in the last YEAR. Do you really think that someone who has not done anything at all about work in the last year actually wants a job?
Link. I call bullshit.
there has been 0 job growth since 2009. big deal we create 100,000 a month, what about the 280,000 files for unemployment?
ummm the "jobs created" number is the NET change. For example, in May, 4,952,000 left their jobs (2,895,000 quit, 1,667,000 were laid off or fired, and 390,000 retired, died or other). For the same month, 5,036,000 people were hired. Net change 84,000 "new jobs." (no it doesn't match up with official jobs numbers due to different time periods used.

when unemployment was and still is about 35% during these last 7 years, the Dems kept reporting that it was 10% and now its 4.9%,,,,yah, right!
Ok, if unemployment was 35%, that would mean around 81 MILLION unemployed. Is that your claim? That there are 81 million people who are looking for work and failing?
92 million.

More and more Americans are outside the labor force entirely. Who are they?

Typical RWNJ misrepresentation. (like most all of the BS List) That is not the number of job seekers, that list includes all retirees and children.
Wrong again. Try reading the link.
there has been 0 job growth since 2009. big deal we create 100,000 a month, what about the 280,000 files for unemployment?
ummm the "jobs created" number is the NET change. For example, in May, 4,952,000 left their jobs (2,895,000 quit, 1,667,000 were laid off or fired, and 390,000 retired, died or other). For the same month, 5,036,000 people were hired. Net change 84,000 "new jobs." (no it doesn't match up with official jobs numbers due to different time periods used.

when unemployment was and still is about 35% during these last 7 years, the Dems kept reporting that it was 10% and now its 4.9%,,,,yah, right!
Ok, if unemployment was 35%, that would mean around 81 MILLION unemployed. Is that your claim? That there are 81 million people who are looking for work and failing?
92 million.

More and more Americans are outside the labor force entirely. Who are they?

Typical RWNJ misrepresentation. (like most all of the BS List) That is not the number of job seekers, that list includes all retirees and children.
Wrong again. Try reading the link.


People age 16 to 17, who likely are in high school: 9 million

People who are enrolled in either two- or four-year colleges: 21 million

People age 65 and older, who have reached retirement age: 40 million people

That means 20 million people are of normal working age, not in college and not working. That’s less than one-quarter the amount repeatedly cited in the blogosphere.

there has been 0 job growth since 2009. big deal we create 100,000 a month, what about the 280,000 files for unemployment?
ummm the "jobs created" number is the NET change. For example, in May, 4,952,000 left their jobs (2,895,000 quit, 1,667,000 were laid off or fired, and 390,000 retired, died or other). For the same month, 5,036,000 people were hired. Net change 84,000 "new jobs." (no it doesn't match up with official jobs numbers due to different time periods used.

when unemployment was and still is about 35% during these last 7 years, the Dems kept reporting that it was 10% and now its 4.9%,,,,yah, right!
Ok, if unemployment was 35%, that would mean around 81 MILLION unemployed. Is that your claim? That there are 81 million people who are looking for work and failing?
92 million.

More and more Americans are outside the labor force entirely. Who are they?
You do realize that's not counting the officially unemployed? the 92 million are people who are not trying to get a job. Why should they be considered unemployed?

Ok, let's look at the breakdown: 87 million of that 92 million DO NOT WANT A JOB.
of the 6 million who say they want a job, but aren't doing anything about it, 3.5 million did not send out a single application or resume, did not answer or place a single ad, did not even ask friends or family about jobs in the last YEAR. Do you really think that someone who has not done anything at all about work in the last year actually wants a job?
Link. I call bullshit.
I did forget the link: A-38. Persons not in the labor force by desire and availability for work, age, and sex
Remember, these are people age 16 and older who are neither working nor looking for work. Excluded are those in prison, mental institutes, nursing homes, etc.
24 million are disabled. 25 million are age 65 or older and not disabled. Table A-6. Employment status of the civilian population by sex, age, and disability status, not seasonally adjusted
And about 9 million are students age 16-24 A-16. Employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population 16 to 24 years of age by school enrollment, age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, and educational attainment
Add in stay home spouses, independently wealthy, early retirees, pot-heads living in mom's basement etc.
there has been 0 job growth since 2009. big deal we create 100,000 a month, what about the 280,000 files for unemployment?
ummm the "jobs created" number is the NET change. For example, in May, 4,952,000 left their jobs (2,895,000 quit, 1,667,000 were laid off or fired, and 390,000 retired, died or other). For the same month, 5,036,000 people were hired. Net change 84,000 "new jobs." (no it doesn't match up with official jobs numbers due to different time periods used.

when unemployment was and still is about 35% during these last 7 years, the Dems kept reporting that it was 10% and now its 4.9%,,,,yah, right!
Ok, if unemployment was 35%, that would mean around 81 MILLION unemployed. Is that your claim? That there are 81 million people who are looking for work and failing?
92 million.

More and more Americans are outside the labor force entirely. Who are they?

Typical RWNJ misrepresentation. (like most all of the BS List) That is not the number of job seekers, that list includes all retirees and children.
Wrong again. Try reading the link.
First sentence: "According to the October jobs report, more than 92 million Americans — 37% of the civilian population aged 16 and over — are neither employed nor unemployed, but fall in the category of “not in the labor force.”"

So 16 and older includes children and retirees, does it not?
Conservatives : gov is bad. We need AR style guns to fight them off. Which is exactly what these kooky cop killers did . LETS BLAME THE LIBERALS !

The cops were ambushed. Do you know the difference between justified self-defense and cold-blooded murder?
The government is murdering people and getting away with it!
Solution: A larger and more powerful government.

I have no idea what this is even referring to...sounds like you just tried to come up with something so you could find a place for your "larger government" cliche. The 'government' is murdering people? Who? American citizens? Brown people in war torn countries? What the fuck are you even talking about?

The government is murdering people and getting away with it!
Solution: Repeal the 2nd Amendment that was designed to keep the government subservient to the People.

Again...what the fuck are you talking about? lol

The government is controlled by the 1%!
Solution: Elect another Clinton.

What? Who says the government is "controlled" by the 1%? The government is actually controlled by the people...the people who elect them and pay their salaries. WTF are you talking about? Your whole list reads like you were just making shit up while on the toilet, killing time as you squeezed out a steaming turd, along with your intellectual honesty.

There is too much money buying government!
Solution: Elect another Clinton and applaud Soros.

Money doesn't "buy" government, so your premise doesn't make any sense. (This is what happens when you just make shit up.) Yes, big corporations and the uber wealthy can influence policy to a certain degree, but....did you just write this one so you could use Soros' name? lol

We love America as much as you!
Solution: Burn the American flag.

lol, this one is so fucking retarded it isn't worth even commenting on. lol, jesus.

We are not socialists!
Solution: Occupy Wall St and almost nominate a self described socialist.

lol, you are a bit slow, aren't you? Occupy Wall Street is hardly the same thing as moderate democrats, ya silly twat.

Trumps wife proves he is dishonest!
Solution: Elect another Clinton.

Who is saying that Melania 'proves' Trump is dishonest? Are you just making shit up again? Anyone with an IQ above a grapefruit can tell that Trump is a dishonest hack simply from what he says. Except you, apparently. GULLIBLE CHUMP ALERT!

Separation of Church and State must be protected!
Solution: Ban Christian prayer and teach Islam in public schools.

No one wants to 'teach Islam' in schools, unless it is part of some kind of religious study curriculum. Stop making shit up. And yes, religion belongs in a church, not a classroom. Take your rightist dreams of a theocracy and shove it up your ass. Better yet, move somewhere where your ideas are bit more Saudi Arabia. Sounds like you would love it there. It's a rightist paradise.

Nuclear power is dangerous!
Solution: Put the worlds leading sponsor of terrorism on fast track to obtain nuclear weapons.

lol, right wing hysteria is truly a sight to behold. You sound like you listen to hate wing radio blowhards all day, every day.

Carbon emissions are destroying the planet!
Solution: kill the most reliable energy source that emits no carbon, nuclear power.

Not sure what you're referring to here. Probably something nutty and not based on fact, no doubt.

Manmade global warming is real and must be stopped!
Solution: fly hundreds of private jets to a climate conference and fly your private jet to the other side of the world to get an environmental award.

Funny point, but silly. Right wingers love fixating on this. What would you propose? Traveling by horse and sailboat? Don't answer that -- I can't handle any more of your retardation. I can already gleam from this stupidity that you think climate change is a "hoax" just like every other drooling conservative know-nothing jackass who couldn't read a scientific study if their life depended on it.

Bush going to war with Iraq is a war crime!
Solution: start wars with Libya and Syria.

I thought you chickenhawks love war though? Shouldn't you be supporting Hillary? She does everything conservatives do...

Cigarettes are bad for you and must be outlawed!
Solution: Legalize drugs.

Yeah well, the science is pretty definitive when it comes to marijuana and its lack of negative health effects, and absolutely definitive when it comes to cigarettes. Ignore reality if you want, it's what you do anyway. At any rate, addicts are sick and need treatment, and should not be treated as criminals.

Homosexuals and women must be treated equally!
Solution: side with Islam.

This is the one and only fair point in your entire post. I really, really fucking hate it whenever I see liberals defending Islam.

Republicans are racists!
Solution: give people jobs and entry into universities based upon skin color.

Methinks you are a bit confuzzled about what racism means there, champ.

A woman has the right to abort her child up to 9 months!
Solution: Putting murderers to death is cruel and causes them to suffer.

Saying that all democrats believe a woman has a right to an abortion up to 9 months is just about the most disingenuous thing you've written. Tell me, what's it like using such a large brush? Feel good, does it?

Most liberals are against the death penalty because the chances of killing someone who turned out to be innocent is unacceptably high, not to mention the fact that it costs WAY more than long prison sentences. Not that conservatives give a fuck about that pesky stuff guys want your death penalty and you want it bad, all while claiming to be "pro-life" which is just about the most pathological aspect about the conservative psyche. "Conservative logic."

The list goes on, feel free to add.

You get an A- for effort, but an F for execution. Oh well, maybe next time, squirt! I don't think these lists are your forte, you might want to stick with something you're a bit better at, like coloring books and watching cartoons.
That was totally lame. You simply validated my points, thanks.

How did I "validate" your non-points? You don't make points. You drool over your keyboard and hit "post reply" with your chin.
What's more tryannical than the government murdering people in the streets.?

What's more tryannical than the government murdering people in the streets.?

Thanks for validating the OP.

Ok. Then youve just validated the cop killers also .
Im sure that makes sense in your twisted heard somehow.

Hold on! You admit , we need big guns to fight off "the man".

Crazy cop shooter gets upset about cops getting away with killing black men like him , for doing nothing . He then goes to Baton Rouge to fight them with his big pop gun. How is that NOT what you are preaching ??

This is where your logic fails. By any measure the black man would be considered a democrat. Hell you folks even brag about being the party of blacks. The Democrat party is not exactly the party that supports the police. So a democrat supporter kills police officer and you try and excuse that by saying it is what law abiding citizens WANT to do?

That is really twisted thinking. You on the left have brought these murderers to our door step. You on the left have divided the country to the point where these black murderers think they are entitled. That they are victims that the only way out is to do as you have told them, and kill. Why? Because that serves the purpose of the democrats. They want gun control and if a few police need sacrificed to get what the democrats want, so be it.

The democrat party has become pathetic.
The idiot would have to have any logic in the first place for it to fail, he is a libtard after all.
Conservatives : gov is bad. We need AR style guns to fight them off. Which is exactly what these kooky cop killers did . LETS BLAME THE LIBERALS !

The cops were ambushed. Do you know the difference between justified self-defense and cold-blooded murder?

Oh yeah they were murdred . I agree. I don't approve of anything those shooters did .

But tell me , when is rising up against the gov justified ? What scenario ?

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