The Libtard Idea of What Freedomof Speech is, lol

They don't care that they are hypocrites, they don't care that they are liars, they only care about having things be their way. They will accept nothing less than acceptance. They spout tolerance but do not practice it while at the same time denigrating anyone who is anything less than accepting. They want equality but continually bring up race and sexuality. Equality would be no BET, equality would be talking about Michale Sam without the "first openly gay football player" prefacing everything. They want equality on their terms. Period.

Joanna Lohman and Lianne Sanderson: Everyone Wants to Be Accepted :

True, and it is a disservce to the public. I dont care one bit if Obama is the first black President or Hitlary the first woman Pres, or if Yellen is the first woman head of the Federal Reserve. That talk obscures their POLICIES, their accomplishments and intentions.

Their race and gender are irrelevant to every0one except the race hustlers and libtards.

Those are called "stats".

They use 'em in baseball. First guy to hit two home runs in one inning, first Japanese second baseman, whatever. Nobody seems to have a problem with it there.

You have a problem with, say, Jackie Robinson?

Demographic stats like first black/female/whatever are a way we measure our own social progress. Jackie Robinson measures how long it took baseball to get out from under its "gentlemen's agreement" and serves as a reminder of the shame of that obloquy. It's a moral compass. Gives us a benchmark to measure how long it took to achieve that particular goal.

So you have a problem with social progress?

Ooooh wait...... :eusa_doh: I think I see your point now.

You missed his point.

Is the 'first' whatever important? Of course it is. It's when criticism of that 'first' person's policies continually gets turned into cries of racism or sexism, that's bullshit. Which is why so many say 'I don't care if obama is the first black president' or with Hil 'the first female president', because aside from the 'first' of it, it doesn't matter. Also, the left has given obama a free pass because he's the first black president. Bad move.
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Everybody's tolerant until they're not...

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What a damn idiot. Hey Capehart...that line of thinking is why we do not like you and people like you. You think you're going to force us to accept that disgusting lifestyle you've got another thing coming, punk.

Can't leave well enough alone, can you fag enablers?

You May Do A Double-Take When You Hear What An MSNBC Host Say What Tolerance Means to Liberals

fellow contributor Jonathan Capehart was dismayed. He replied:

Tolerance, no, is not – it should not be a two-way street. It’s a one-way street.

You cannot say to someone that who you are is wrong, an abomination, is horrible, get a room, and all of those other things that people said about Michael Sam, and not be forced — not forced, but not be made to understand that what you’re saying and what you’re doing is wrong.

Nazis to the core of their being.

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