The lunacy of electric cars

That you are ignorant of these things doesn't mean they are.

Speaking of lunacy and ignorance...

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currently americans are free to waste their money on cars and trucks of their choice. What I find amazing is that you libs are so ready to give up your freedoms for what your masters call the "common good" when its really all for their benefit. You advocate for a system where all the power and all the wealth is concentrated in a very small group of super elites, you want a system like Russia, China, or North Korea. your ignorance has no limits.
Remember last march when the ffreezes in Texas shut down the pipelines and people couldn't get gas in the mid south?
Thaaaaat's right. You blamed Biden.
actually those freezes shut down the windmills, the pipelines worked just fine.
Remember last march when the ffreezes in Texas shut down the pipelines and people couldn't get gas in the mid south?
Thaaaaat's right. You blamed Biden.
I didn't blame Biden for that...I blamed an overzealous green energy movement in Texas...and I was right to do embarrassing that an oil rich state like Texas could grind to a halt because it got cold....
actually those freezes shut down the windmills, the pipelines worked just fine.
Pipelines do not work without power...the pumps don't run on green would you like it if your 60,000 car was no good because of a three-day power outage?....
Its amazing how ignorant the EV advocates are about basic science and energy. They seem to think that an EV just runs forever without any input of any kind. If they get beyond that they think the recharging is free and doesn't require additional generating capacity. Ignorance abounds on the left, they prove it every day.

Mother just bought an EV... First off, EV generally power up at night over during the day... This means they are using more renewable energy sources than fossil...

EV by the way are seriously cheap to run. They are 5 times cheaper on todays US gas....

Battery Technology is improving and Europe has invested in fast charging points which can charge a car for 300km in 15 min... They charge twice the price but that is coming down and it is still way cheaper than Gas...
I didn't blame Biden for that...I blamed an overzealous green energy movement in Texas...and I was right to do embarrassing that an oil rich state like Texas could grind to a halt because it got cold....

So you are saying that the Greens in Texas are too powerful... Seriously...

How about the reality:
So you are saying that the Greens in Texas are too powerful... Seriously...

How about the reality:
Texas went for green energy during the oil price hike under Obama and Bush...its been a long time in the making and we all watched it fail in an ice really is just common sense...windmill's freeze and solar panels do not work under clouds and a foot of snow...isn't that common sense?....I think it is...we have fields of panels near where I live and they always have a layer of dust and dirt on them...
Why are you comparing a 17k civic to a Tesla model 3?
The Model 3 is the cheapest Tesla and is nearly the same size as a Civic. It was as close a comparison that could be made.

Tesla brings absolutely nothing to the market but a diaphanous "cool" factor, nothing more.

Electric cars are in no way cost effective.
Texas went for green energy during the oil price hike under Obama and Bush...its been a long time in the making and we all watched it fail in an ice really is just common sense...windmill's freeze and solar panels do not work under clouds and a foot of snow...isn't that common sense?....I think it is...we have fields of panels near where I live and they always have a layer of dust and dirt on them...
What we watched fail was ten years of warnings to Texas to weatherproof their grid.

The governor failed to do his job, and you drank his piss cup of excuses.
What we watched fail was ten years of warnings to Texas to weatherproof their grid.

The governor failed to do his job, and you drank his piss cup of excuses.
Weather proof their grid???? in Texas????? do you have a clue what that would cost? would have to be done every fall....
Weather proof their grid???? in Texas????? do you have a clue what that would cost? would have to be done every fall....
You should read the links you have been provided.

One example of how Texas has gone it alone is its refusal to enforce a “reserve margin” of extra power available above expected demand, unlike all other power systems around North America.


A surplus supply of natural gas, the dominant power fuel in Texas, near power plants might have helped avoid the cascade of failures in which power went off, forcing natural gas production and transmission offline, which in turn led to further power shortages.


The outages and the cold weather touched off an avalanche of failures, but there had been warnings long before last week’s storm.

After a heavy snowstorm in February 2011 caused statewide rolling blackouts and left millions of Texans in the dark, federal authorities warned the state that its power infrastructure had inadequate “winterization” protection. But 10 years later, pipelines remained inadequately insulated and heaters that might have kept instruments from freezing were never installed.


Another potential safeguard might have been far stronger connections to the two interstate power-sharing networks, East and West, that allow states to link their electrical grids and obtain power from thousands of miles away when needed to hold down costs and offset their own shortfalls.

But Texas, reluctant to submit to the federal regulation that is part of the regional power grids, made decisions as far back as the early 20th century to become the only state in the continental United States to operate its own grid — a plan that leaves it able to borrow only from a few close neighbors.

The governor fucked up. Period.
No engine oil changes (or leaks), ever.
Fuel is transported through wires; no pipeline spills.
Fewer moving parts to wear out.
Fuel up in your driveway.
No oil spots in your driveway.
No dirty oil spilled all over the place by DIY mechanics.
No air pollution in heavy traffic areas.
Wide range of sources to provide electricity.

EVs have more mess than oil changes or leaks, like expensive batteries only lasting 10 years or so and costing $10k.
Fuel is not transported through wires for EVs, but by coal trucks delivering it to the power plant.
Internal combustion engines have lots of moving parts, but they generally last 250,000 miles, while electric motors burn out at least twice as quickly.
Fueling up in your driveway is a disadvantage, since it is when you are far from home that you need to refuel.
With cold weather, rain, and at night, most EVs drop down to a range of only 100 miles or so.
Oil spills are better than battery fires.
The EV pollution is not in traffic areas, but much more concentrated where the power plants are.
Internal combustion has a much wider range of energy sources because they can use bio-fuels like ethanol, hydrogen, or palm oil.

The best EV gets the equivalent of 29 mpg in emissions, while my VW gets 40 mpg.
The problem is that people have never owned an EV, are pushing for mandatory legislation that would prevent anything by EVs.
You say "the problem is..." but it is not a problem. It's 2022 not 1952. Get an EV, or get buried under the prices of gas.

It's your choice.
Weather proof their grid???? in Texas????? do you have a clue what that would cost? would have to be done every fall....

Nah, it just means using antifreeze in the transformer coolant, putting gas lines and valves deeper underground, etc.
It is a one shot deal.
You do not do it every seasonal change.
You say "the problem is..." but it is not a problem. It's 2022 not 1952. Get an EV, or get buried under the prices of gas.

It's your choice.

EVs use more fuel and cost more to run than internal combustion.
Most electricity comes from coal, and an EV is equivalent getting only 29 mpg.
Half the cars made beat that.
Plus internal combustion can run on bio fuels, so actually makes the environment cleaner.
EVs use more fuel and cost more to run than internal combustion.
Most electricity comes from coal, and an EV is equivalent getting only 29 mpg.
Half the cars made beat that.
Plus internal combustion can run on bio fuels, so actually makes the environment cleaner.

You just type words, dude.
Nah, it just means using antifreeze in the transformer coolant, putting gas lines and valves deeper underground, etc.
It is a one shot deal.
You do not do it every seasonal change.
The east coast does...windmills freeze up and must be deiced just like panels must be cleaned and anti freeze sprayed on them...I mean if you want to keep them running all winter....this is what that gets expensive...and digging even 1 inch deeper gets very costly...
The point is renewable energy is not here can't replace fossil fuels yet....
When we are totally done with oil and gas it won't be windmills and solar that gets us off will be something not yet discovered or invented....
Mother just bought an EV... First off, EV generally power up at night over during the day... This means they are using more renewable energy sources than fossil...

EV by the way are seriously cheap to run. They are 5 times cheaper on todays US gas....

Battery Technology is improving and Europe has invested in fast charging points which can charge a car for 300km in 15 min... They charge twice the price but that is coming down and it is still way cheaper than Gas...

I disagree.
By needing to charge at night, EVs can NOT use renewable, like solar.
They use fossil fuel exclusively.

EVs are not cheaper to run.
EVs get the equivalent of 29 mpg and my VW gets 40 mpg, so costs less than the equivalent EV.
The reason they SEEM cheaper is that about half the pump price is tax, which EV's currently are evading.
But they will have to start paying road use taxes soon, somehow.

Fast charging greatly reduces battery life.
And if you need heat, wipers, and headlight, EV range is cut by more than half.
You just type words, dude.

I know what I am talking about, and that electricity to charge EVs comes from fossil fuel.
And generating electricity is only 50% efficient, transmission lines are 10% loss, charging batteries is only 50% efficient, discharging batteries is only 50% efficient, and then it goes to the electric motors which are also only 50% efficient, as is an ICE engine.

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