The MyPillow Guy really could destroy democracy

You'd welcome the destruction of democracy and arrival of an authoritarian plutocracy led by a strong-arm RW prick-tater. No surprise there Ford, but you could find what you wanted right now in Belarus, Hungary, Turkey, or Russia.

One way ticket on me. Just say the word! ;)
Dear DrLove
The Natural and Equal check on religious beliefs and practice, including Political Religions, is in enforcing our common Constitutional Principles designed to protect us from any such abuses of govt and power:

"Congress shall make no law respecting
prohibiting the FREE EXERCISE thereof;
or abridging the FREEDOM of SPEECH, or of the PRESS [etc.]"

NOTE to Liberal Literalists: The 14th Amendment extended these rights and protections of the laws to STATE govt jurisdictions as well, and the Civil Rights Act extended them further to ALL public institutions.

What the First Amendment clause means, DrLove, if people and parties actually followed it, is that NO SUCH BELIEFS, as you attribute to Trump, Mike Lindell, or any other "Conspiracy" groups or cults, can be ESTABLISHED through GOVT.

This is NOT Constitutional, period!

These people HAVE FREE SPEECH and can EXPRESS themselves through the Media or the Press, but cannot abuse Govt to impose their beliefs on the public.

The reason any party or person would FEAR political takeover by religious groups is because those people don't believe in Constitutional enforcement and limits on govt.

This is why LIBERALS fear Trump, fear Conservative Prolife and Christians.
Because Liberals RELY on party and govt to ESTABLISH liberal statist beliefs by majority, judicial or political rule. All of which are Unconstitutional abuse of govt.

So this makes sense DrLove

The reason you FEAR such abuses can happen and cannot be stopped or checked is if YOU and/or Liberals using Biden and Harris, Judges and Party, to run political beliefs through the Media, Courts, Public Institutions like schools and now businesses serving the public, and Federal and State govt, RELY on this approach to ESTABLISH beliefs as public policy. To force other people and taxpayers to comply and pay for the policies of a Dominant party by political coercion.

Liberals believe in using Govt this way, which is clearly Unconstitutional, discriminates against people of other creeds, beliefs and groups opposed to your beliefs, and denies public accommodations to the minority interests deprived of equal protections against such abusive violations of law and govt process.

It makes perfect sense that you FEAR these abuses if you support and depend on the same tactics that violate Constitutional laws, limits and protections.

Much the same way Liberals FEAR abuse of guns, due to lack of respect for Constitutional laws and enforcement that DEFENDS these against abuse and violation.

If you do not believe in enforcing Constitutional principles and protections, no wonder you FEAR any person or group expressing and exercising their beliefs SCARES you so much!

Note: I see the solution in SEPARATING political beliefs and parties FROM establishment through govt, similar to keeping Religious Organizations and Beliefs out of govt. Enforcing this protection uniformly would stop all such abuses by all sides and all forms.

The biggest threat is when all parties abuse govt to establish their beliefs, this diminishes and discredits our ability to enforce consistent Constitutional standards that protect the public from ALL such abuses!
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Well, you are full of crap, but nice to see that you may have actually read part of the story. ;)
Says one looking up through the seathole of the outhouse.
Thanks for showing the depth of your ignorance, or is it stupidity?

BTW, after a couple hours of putting their feet up on desks, did the "insurrectionists" of Jan.6 leave the Capital(Congress building) tumbling down and in flames?

Did they match the months of destruction and insurrection by the Left during Summer of 2020 in just a few hours on one day?
Wow - I'd have taken you for a serious PillowHead!

People who use their religion to promote themselves and their business make me sick.
I admire the guy for turning his life around from what I've heard about his past BUT God didn't do that, he did.
Wow - I'd have taken you for a serious PillowHead!

I buy REAL pillows. Typically about 80 or 90 bucks and they last years.
Kudos to him for turning his life around but no thanks.
Says one looking up through the seathole of the outhouse.
Thanks for showing the depth of your ignorance, or is it stupidity?

BTW, after a couple hours of putting their feet up on desks, did the "insurrectionists" of Jan.6 leave the Capital(Congress building) tumbling down and in flames?

Did they match the months of destruction and insurrection by the Left during Summer of 2020 in just a few hours on one day?

Sorry dude, but comparing the sacking of a CVS to sacking the seat of our democracy is a false equivalency. Did they leave it in flames? No, but they caused millions in damages, injured 150 cops, and traumatized hundreds of people.

Four Cap Cops committed suicide in the aftermath, but I'm sure you will stick to your "tourist, peaceful patriot - feet up on desk" delusions.
Great piece from Anne Applebaum. MrPillow is a frothing blend of conspiracy theories and perpetual victimhood. It is of little surprise that he gets along so famously with Trump.

When you contemplate the end of democracy in America, what kind of person do you think will bring it about? Maybe you picture a sinister billionaire in a bespoke suit, slipping brown envelopes to politicians. Maybe your nightmare is a rogue general, hijacking the nuclear football. Maybe you think of a jackbooted thug leading a horde of men in white sheets, all carrying burning crosses.​
Here is what you probably don’t imagine: an affable, self-made midwesterner, one of those goofy businessmen who makes his own infomercials. A recovered crack addict, no less, who laughs good-naturedly when jokes are made at his expense. A man who will talk to anyone willing to listen (and to many who aren’t). A philanthropist. A good boss. A patriot—or so he says—who may well be doing more damage to American democracy than anyone since Jefferson Davis.​
I met Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, in the recording studio that occupies the basement of Steve Bannon’s stately Capitol Hill townhouse, a few blocks from the Supreme Court—the same Supreme Court that will, according to Lindell, decide “9–0” in favor of reinstating Donald Trump to the presidency sometime in August, or possibly September. I made it through the entirety of the Trump presidency without once having to meet Bannon but here he was, recording his War Room podcast with Lindell. Bannon has been decomposing in front of our eyes for some years now, and I can report that this process continues to take its course. I walked in during a break and the two men immediately gestured to me to join the conversation, sit at the table with them, listen in on headphones. I demurred. “Anne Applebaum … hmm,” Bannon said. “Should’ve stuck to writing books. Gulag was a great book. How long did it take you to write it?”​



We know you need money, with that pitiful 401K, here is your chance.
Is funny to watch but I don't like him. Seems very smarmy and untrustworthy to me. I may be totally wrong but that's my take on the guy.
Having said that this thread is beyond stupid.

Yeah, some pillow dude isn't going to destroy democracy.

I've never liked him and his infomercials but hey he makes leftists heads spin and explode.

Kudos for that
The evidence he had is meaningless but he claims it’s proof.

Lindell is too detached from reality to ever accept the truth.
What do you mean he had? He still has got it and it will be on display for cyber experts to scrutinize very soon.

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