Zone1 The New World Order (and related issues)

Why did I (and millions of other Christians) never have an abortion? Was it Christian morality or lack of opportunity? Or is it because we have been forced by big business to accept it as a fact of life? All who are pro-life can (and have) spoken up about it, but money and power have their way.

The same was true of slavery. Very few private individuals owned slaves--even in the South. It were the big businessmen--those with power and wealth. People spoke out against it all day long.

And--like abortion will be in the future--the descendants of Christians who spoke out against slavery will be dismissed as not doing enough, even though the majority spoke out against it, abhorring it with all their hearts. It was then exactly like it is today, only today's issue is abortion. In the future, people like you will be crying Christians had abortions and Christians didn't do enough. Count on it.

such a deceitful person -

The percentage of women who have ever used a contraceptive method other than natural family planning is nearly the same across different religions. According to newly updated 2017 data†:

99.0% of Catholics;
  • 99.4% of mainline Protestants;
  • 99.3% of evangelical Protestants; and
  • 95.7% of people with other religious affiliations.

using their books of evil to persecute and victimize the innocent is never an issue for their perverse goals as two sides of the same coin ... the desert religions
It is not. Look it up. Those plantations were the big business of their day. Study congress and what they were doing. The Southern states went ballistic if a new state were added that upset the equal balance between northern and southern state.
You confused me, I thought you referred to abortions as being 'big business'. Certainly the Southern rulers were 'big business' slave owners but I believe the Confederate soldiers willing fought to maintain their way of life, including Christianity and slavery.
Would that be because the vast majority of people in the Western Hemisphere are Christians?
Obviously. There were plenty of Christians that wanted to abolish slavery and plenty of Christians that supported or owned slaves. My point was that Christianity didn't seem to be much of a factor.
Obviously. There were plenty of Christians that wanted to abolish slavery and plenty of Christians that supported or owned slaves. My point was that Christianity didn't seem to be much of a factor.
Were there really plenty of people that owned slaves in the south? Or was it only the plantation owners who owned slaves? Slavery in America wasn’t a Christian institution. It was a British institution that Americans inherited. The Founding Fathers believed that slavery was against the Natural Law and intended for it to perish and took steps for it to perish.
Were there really plenty of people that owned slaves in the south? Or was it only the plantation owners who owned slaves?
This may be a high number but maybe not:
So, according to the Census of 1860, 30.8 percent of the free families in the confederacy owned slaves.
That means that every third white person in those states had a direct commitment to slavery.

Slavery in America wasn’t a Christian institution. It was a British institution that Americans inherited.
Not a Christian institution for sure, but run mainly by people who happened to be Christians.

The Founding Fathers believed that slavery was against the Natural Law and intended for it to perish and took steps for it to perish.
Some did, some didn't.
This may be a high number but maybe not:
So, according to the Census of 1860, 30.8 percent of the free families in the confederacy owned slaves.
That means that every third white person in those states had a direct commitment to slavery.
I’m pretty sure that doesn’t mean that. It means what it says it means. That 30.8 percent of the free families - which can be white or black - in the confederacy owned slaves. Which actually makes them the minority and not the majority.
Some did, some didn't.
You should probably research the history there. They wrote into the Constitution the date that importation of slaves could end, abolished the importation of slaves at the earliest date possible, wrote laws that halted the expansion of slavery and the vice president of the confederacy admitted that the founding fathers believed that slavery was against the natural law, knew not how to end it and found the nation and intended for slavery to perish.
Started by the British and ended by Christians. Spin much?
You do realize the British knew the date the Constitution allowed for the earliest abolishment of the importation of slaves in America, right? And they waited almost twenty years before they abolished the importation of slaves so they could say they did it before America did. Almost twenty years. Slavery was most definitely a British institution.
You should probably research the history there. They wrote into the Constitution the date that importation of slaves could end, abolished the importation of slaves at the earliest date possible, wrote laws that halted the expansion of slavery and the vice president of the confederacy admitted that the founding fathers believed that slavery was against the natural law, knew not how to end it and found the nation and intended for slavery to perish.
Of course the ban on importing slaves inevitably led to their increase in value, a boon to those who already owned slaves. When Washington died, he freed the slaves he owned in his will, the only Founding Father to do so.
No more than your spin that Christians were responsible for it. And a heck of a lot more accurate than yours.
I said Christians were responsible, I never said Christianity was. Christians are just as hypocritical as everyone else, something you don't seem capable of seeing. Kind of like slave owners being against slavery.
Of course the ban on importing slaves inevitably led to their increase in value, a boon to those who already owned slaves. When Washington died, he freed the slaves he owned in his will, the only Founding Father to do so.
Talk about spin!!! You must be British.
You do realize the British knew the date the Constitution allowed for the earliest abolishment of the importation of slaves in America, right? And they waited almost twenty years before they abolished the importation of slaves so they could say they did it before America did. Almost twenty years. Slavery was most definitely a British institution.
So it was the British that ended slavery?
I said Christians were responsible, I never said Christianity was. Christians are just as hypocritical as everyone else, something you don't seem capable of seeing. Kind of like slave owners being against slavery.
Actually the British were responsible and Christians ended it.
So it was the British that ended slavery?
No. The British were responsible for slavery. Slavery was a British institution. Christians were responsible for ending slavery. You should read Daniel Websters speech in the Senate.

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