The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Zimmerman saying that martin said " your going to die tonight" is fucking hack.

Seriously nobody says this unless you are in a die hard movie.....
Remove your partisanship for a second and at least admit that was fucking stupid.

and how exactly do you know that he did not say that? were you there? maybe you should volunteer as a witness since you KNOW what was said and who said it.

sigh....You are one of these people i see....Rational thought does not sit well with partisans.....Oh well.

UHHH,, OK, you are not being partisan when you KNOW that TM did not say that and that GZ made it up. Speaking of lack of rational thought, you are the poster child.
They got through her entire testimony without R2D2 and his friends trying to break in.

How about that.

It's really funny to me watching Bernie attempt to work with technology. It is fairly apparent he still uses a bag phone and an Apple 2e.
I really don't think that's what he meant, thanatos. He doesn't trust them, he doesn't mean to abolish them.

It doesnt matter . it is how a free country operates. You cant judge Juries by the action of others.



which part of that simple statement confuses you? Let me go at it this way... It is stupid to assume a jury will do something because some other jury did in another case. Now say you dont trust juries is to say you dont trust the system. I would love for him to show a more fair system of justice anywhere in the world.
The left is rabid over the fact that the evidence in the case doesn't match the evidence in their heads.

It's freaking them out.

their little heads are imploding, their made-up case is falling apart as the truth comes out.

these silly ass liberals would be much happier if TM and cracked GZ's skull and killed him. Then they would be crying in the streets for an acquital.

Why the fuck can't this case be about getting to the truth instead of a political game?
Through Tracy Martin, he pointed to that being Zimmerman's voice. Deductive reasoning will tell you that there were only two people in that fight, one of them had to be screaming. If what Tracy says is true that it wasn't his son on that tape, it is logical to deduce that Zimmerman was the one screaming on that tape.

The prosecution has tried one last time to suggest via Zimmerman's deposition "that doesn't sound like me" to Singleton as reason to suggest it was Martin screaming. Game over.

One person (even if it was the father) saying he didn't think it was TM doesn't invalidate the others who claim it was. TM's father was experiencing grief/stress when he heard the tape, he may still have been in denial about TM's death, I'm sure that will be brought up in closing.
No, in most state statutes self defense is a very subjective term. The Fla law defines when it is, and is not, OK to use deadly force to defend yourself.

It is a good and needed law.


Does the law say you can harass some kid into a fight, then shoot him when you start losing?

NO, but the evidence does not support that anything like that happened.

The law does say that when a thug is cracking your head on the concrete and trying to kill you that you can shoot him.

You lefties just cannot admit that TM was a trouble maker and a thug. He was probably going to end the same way in some gang bang shootout or drug deal gone sour.
Hehe, I wish. I was out "fake lawyering."

I did that earlier today on a couple of matters.

Since then, I have knocked out one pending motion. And of course, I also learned a boat load about lawyering Florida style. :cool:

I have also reaffirmed my belief that avoiding nimrods like Sarie is a key to rational jury selection.

You're seeming a little obsessed with me now. I can't help it if you all ran off all the Dems here with your boring posts. Go find someone else to focus on.

i was thnking the same thing. I think he would love to dip your pigtails into the ink well
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