The Pentagon has now handed over the first billion of the 12.8 billion they allocated for The Wall!


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
What Trump did is brilliant. Instead of trying to get Congress to approve massive funding for the Wall, he simply increased military spending by a massive amount and then re-allocated it to the wall. LOL


"The Pentagon has approved the transfer of up to $1 billion to build 57 miles of President Trump's southern border wall, according to a Defense Department statement released Monday night."

"The Pentagon last week sent Congress a list that included $12.8 billion of military construction projects that funds could be pulled from for a wall, but has not yet said which projects could be postponed if funding is shifted."

Pentagon authorizes $1B in counter-drug money for Trump's border wall

When you cannot negotiate your way out of a wet paper bag, cheat and ignore the Constitution...that is the Trump way
When you cannot negotiate your way out of a wet paper bag, cheat and ignore the Constitution...that is the Trump way
Kinda hard to negotiate with stone...

Trump was supposed to be the king of negotiators . the best that ever lived
And...he makes things happen. Which is what you need when you are wo
When you cannot negotiate your way out of a wet paper bag, cheat and ignore the Constitution...that is the Trump way
You must not have seen myn post....Tel me how he ignored the Constitution.

Thank you.
When you cannot negotiate your way out of a wet paper bag, cheat and ignore the Constitution...that is the Trump way
Is it the military's job to protect the nation or not? If it is we need a wall. If not then we don't need a military and should rely on the militia. Who in turn will need to build a wall. Or shoot invader's crossing the border. Either one works for me.
When you cannot negotiate your way out of a wet paper bag, cheat and ignore the Constitution...that is the Trump way
Kinda hard to negotiate with stone...

Trump was supposed to be the king of negotiators . the best that ever lived
And...he makes things happen. Which is what you need when you are wo
When you cannot negotiate your way out of a wet paper bag, cheat and ignore the Constitution...that is the Trump way
You must not have seen myn post....Tel me how he ignored the Constitution.

Thank you.
That’s what pisses him off, Trump gets it done. The other day he whined about Trump never does anything yet he can’t name one campaign promise broken.
Miles of fence has already been strengthened and repaired making it difficult for the drug cartels...the re fencing is causing them to find new areas of entry that are fewer and farther the new walls will be going will all be amazed on how fast walls like these can be constructed and erected....
When you cannot negotiate your way out of a wet paper bag, cheat and ignore the Constitution...that is the Trump way
And tell me how he ignored the Constitution....

The power of the purse is given to Congress, they authorize what the POTUS can spend. That is the way the Constitution set things up
He didn't change the amount spent. He spent military money on defending the nation. I call that good management.
Is it the military's job to protect the nation or not? If it is we need a wall. If not then we don't need a military and should rely on the militia. Who in turn will need to build a wall. Or shoot invader's crossing the border. Either one works for me.

Does the military defend the border in this country?

Do we station troops there and have them patrol it and stop anyone from crossing?

If you are honest you will admit the answer to both of those is no.

2 years ago I was saying on this very board that we do not need a wall, we just need to bring home half the troops in Europe and put them on the southern border to defend this nation for a change.

And everyone one of you Trump sheep told me that could not happen, that the posse continmums act would not allow it.

Amazing how quickly you change your tune.
When you cannot negotiate your way out of a wet paper bag, cheat and ignore the Constitution...that is the Trump way
And tell me how he ignored the Constitution....

The power of the purse is given to Congress, they authorize what the POTUS can spend. That is the way the Constitution set things up
He didn't change the amount spent. He spent military money on defending the nation. I call that good management.

If the military builds the wall, they should own it, maintain it and defend it.

is that going to happen?

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