The pettiness of the Trump haters reaches new levels of crazy


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
They started a thread complaining that future airplanes made for the President will not the capacity to refuel in the air.

That's how stupid this has become, he probably didn't even make this decision, it was made by some Air Force general and he just signed off on it.

And the ability to refuel Air Force in the air is a capacity that has literally NEVER BEEN USED in the history of Air Force One, which is what, how many decades?

Even George W. Bush after 9/11 did not refuel in the air.

The stupidity of all this hate is that it is actually having the opposite of the intended effect. Trump is doing a really good job, a DAMN good job, and the American people are starting to notice and he is getting more and more popular.

When history is written, Trump will be remembered as one of our greatest President, and all his enemies will be remembered as petty people who failed to stop him, or even slow him down.
I doubt he will be counted among the great, he just looks great compared to the opposition, which in this case is not hard to do.
They started a thread complaining that future airplanes made for the President will not the capacity to refuel in the air.

That's how stupid this has become, he probably didn't even make this decision, it was made by some Air Force general and he just signed off on it.

And the ability to refuel Air Force in the air is a capacity that has literally NEVER BEEN USED in the history of Air Force One, which is what, how many decades?

Even George W. Bush after 9/11 did not refuel in the air.

The stupidity of all this hate is that it is actually having the opposite of the intended effect. Trump is doing a really good job, a DAMN good job, and the American people are starting to notice and he is getting more and more popular.

When history is written, Trump will be remembered as one of our greatest President, and all his enemies will be remembered as petty people who failed to stop him, or even slow him down.

AF1 is supposed to be a flying command center to be used for indefinite time periods while other locations are not available. It will endanger the safety of the president if he has to pull over to gas up. Didn't anyone explain that to that obese orange fool?
If Obama did this, you libs would be lining up to give him congratulatory blow jobs.
They started a thread complaining that future airplanes made for the President will not the capacity to refuel in the air.

That's how stupid this has become, he probably didn't even make this decision, it was made by some Air Force general and he just signed off on it.

And the ability to refuel Air Force in the air is a capacity that has literally NEVER BEEN USED in the history of Air Force One, which is what, how many decades?

Even George W. Bush after 9/11 did not refuel in the air.

The stupidity of all this hate is that it is actually having the opposite of the intended effect. Trump is doing a really good job, a DAMN good job, and the American people are starting to notice and he is getting more and more popular.

When history is written, Trump will be remembered as one of our greatest President, and all his enemies will be remembered as petty people who failed to stop him, or even slow him down.

AF1 is supposed to be a flying command center to be used for indefinite time periods while other locations are not available. It will endanger the safety of the president if he has to pull over to gas up. Didn't anyone explain that to that obese orange fool?
You mean the plane does not need to replentish food supplies, water or discharge waste tanks?

Air Force One has never had to refuel in the air. The cost of including the capability is not worth the benefit.
They started a thread complaining that future airplanes made for the President will not the capacity to refuel in the air.

That's how stupid this has become, he probably didn't even make this decision, it was made by some Air Force general and he just signed off on it.

And the ability to refuel Air Force in the air is a capacity that has literally NEVER BEEN USED in the history of Air Force One, which is what, how many decades?

Even George W. Bush after 9/11 did not refuel in the air.

The stupidity of all this hate is that it is actually having the opposite of the intended effect. Trump is doing a really good job, a DAMN good job, and the American people are starting to notice and he is getting more and more popular.

When history is written, Trump will be remembered as one of our greatest President, and all his enemies will be remembered as petty people who failed to stop him, or even slow him down.

AF1 is supposed to be a flying command center to be used for indefinite time periods while other locations are not available. It will endanger the safety of the president if he has to pull over to gas up. Didn't anyone explain that to that obese orange fool?
You mean the plane does not need to replentish food supplies, water or discharge waste tanks?

Air Force One has never had to refuel in the air. The cost of including the capability is not worth the benefit.

There is plenty of room to store food, water, etc. , and I'm sure it is always fully stocked. Fuel takes much more room.
You completely, over-the-top, hate Trump so all your criticisms of him are completely discredited in the eyes of normal people who think rationally.
They started a thread complaining that future airplanes made for the President will not the capacity to refuel in the air.

That's how stupid this has become, he probably didn't even make this decision, it was made by some Air Force general and he just signed off on it.

And the ability to refuel Air Force in the air is a capacity that has literally NEVER BEEN USED in the history of Air Force One, which is what, how many decades?

Even George W. Bush after 9/11 did not refuel in the air.

The stupidity of all this hate is that it is actually having the opposite of the intended effect. Trump is doing a really good job, a DAMN good job, and the American people are starting to notice and he is getting more and more popular.

When history is written, Trump will be remembered as one of our greatest President, and all his enemies will be remembered as petty people who failed to stop him, or even slow him down.
Even without aerial refueling Airforce One can probably stay in the air for 18 hours.
When history is written, Trump will be remembered as one of our greatest President, and all his enemies will be remembered as petty people who failed to stop him, or even slow him down.
He's got a long way to go, since he's currently the least popular president ever.
He lies so much that people and the even the media barely pay attention about what the Liar in Chief lies about when he spews out his daily ration of falsehoods. Yesterday he lied about a Senator being in the hospital and blamed the failure of the healthcare repeal bill in the Senate on the lie about the Senator.
They started a thread complaining that future airplanes made for the President will not the capacity to refuel in the air.

That's how stupid this has become, he probably didn't even make this decision, it was made by some Air Force general and he just signed off on it.

And the ability to refuel Air Force in the air is a capacity that has literally NEVER BEEN USED in the history of Air Force One, which is what, how many decades?

Even George W. Bush after 9/11 did not refuel in the air.

The stupidity of all this hate is that it is actually having the opposite of the intended effect. Trump is doing a really good job, a DAMN good job, and the American people are starting to notice and he is getting more and more popular.

When history is written, Trump will be remembered as one of our greatest President, and all his enemies will be remembered as petty people who failed to stop him, or even slow him down.
The sheer ferocity of the over-the-top, howling derangement of the Trump-haters tells me he will be remembered as the greatest American hero. That's the way these things go.
They started a thread complaining that future airplanes made for the President will not the capacity to refuel in the air.

That's how stupid this has become, he probably didn't even make this decision, it was made by some Air Force general and he just signed off on it.

And the ability to refuel Air Force in the air is a capacity that has literally NEVER BEEN USED in the history of Air Force One, which is what, how many decades?

Even George W. Bush after 9/11 did not refuel in the air.

The stupidity of all this hate is that it is actually having the opposite of the intended effect. Trump is doing a really good job, a DAMN good job, and the American people are starting to notice and he is getting more and more popular.

When history is written, Trump will be remembered as one of our greatest President, and all his enemies will be remembered as petty people who failed to stop him, or even slow him down.

Just because something has never been needed does not mean it will automatically never be needed. I would rather see that included and spend a few extra bucks. It's not like we have to buy them every year.

Getting popular? His approval ratings are in the 30s and even a majority of Republicans want him to stop tweeting.He never had Democrats and has lost independents.
They started a thread complaining that future airplanes made for the President will not the capacity to refuel in the air.

That's how stupid this has become, he probably didn't even make this decision, it was made by some Air Force general and he just signed off on it.

And the ability to refuel Air Force in the air is a capacity that has literally NEVER BEEN USED in the history of Air Force One, which is what, how many decades?

Even George W. Bush after 9/11 did not refuel in the air.

The stupidity of all this hate is that it is actually having the opposite of the intended effect. Trump is doing a really good job, a DAMN good job, and the American people are starting to notice and he is getting more and more popular.

When history is written, Trump will be remembered as one of our greatest President, and all his enemies will be remembered as petty people who failed to stop him, or even slow him down.

Just because something has never been needed does not mean it will automatically never be needed. I would rather see that included and spend a few extra bucks. It's not like we have to buy them every year.

Getting popular? His approval ratings are in the 30s and even a majority of Republicans want him to stop tweeting.He never had Democrats and has lost independents.

Those approval ratings don't mean jack squat. 1500 people in a nation of 160 million, give me a break. That tweets and polls are all you have to fall back is a sign of your desperation. Better get used to seeing his face because he's gonna be president for 8 years.
They started a thread complaining that future airplanes made for the President will not the capacity to refuel in the air.

That's how stupid this has become, he probably didn't even make this decision, it was made by some Air Force general and he just signed off on it.

And the ability to refuel Air Force in the air is a capacity that has literally NEVER BEEN USED in the history of Air Force One, which is what, how many decades?

Even George W. Bush after 9/11 did not refuel in the air.

The stupidity of all this hate is that it is actually having the opposite of the intended effect. Trump is doing a really good job, a DAMN good job, and the American people are starting to notice and he is getting more and more popular.

When history is written, Trump will be remembered as one of our greatest President, and all his enemies will be remembered as petty people who failed to stop him, or even slow him down.

The point of having a president is that he goes and MAKES THE RIGHT DECISION. To make the right decision he has different people to talk to, different people with different opinions. If something like this takes place, he should be the one to delegate finding out information to different people, let them make reports, then come back to him, he reads the reports, then makes a decision one way or the other.

You're basically saying it's not Trump's fault that some decision is being made because Trump didn't make that decision. Er... you elected him to MAKE THOSE DECISIONS, and now you're excusing him for NOT MAKING THOSE DECISIONS. Wow.
the level of Trumpdrone stupidity is endless. Seriously, look who they elected potus.

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