The RCC is a Church with a false Gospel of works

Salvation the hidden teaching

Salvation is a free gift of God. We cannot save ourselves through works or sacraments.

It's not like works are going to send you to hell, so what do you have against them? I think you're much more likely to be led astray by making a fetish of a book and interpreting things incorrectly. But since you do revere the book so much, I refer you to something Jesus said that requires very little interpretation, to the man he just made the leader of his church.

And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Matt.16:19(KJV)

What the Catholic Church has "bound" is that works are important, because JESUS said so.

I really don't know what this verse has to do with the topic, I don't understand how you think that the Catholic Church has imprisoned that works are important. Yes, bound means to tie up/imprison.
bound 3 (bound)
Past tense and past participle of bind.
1. Confined by bonds; tied: bound and gagged hostages.
2. Being under legal or moral obligation: bound by my promise.
3. Equipped with a cover or binding: bound volumes.
4. Predetermined; certain: We're bound to be late.
5. Determined; resolved: She's bound to be mayor.
6. Linguistics Being a form, especially a morpheme, that cannot stand as an independent word, such as a prefix or suffix.
7. Constipated.

So I really don't see how you got anything to do with the OP from that verse. Unless you are constipated and confused.

Now back to the OP.
Ephesians 2:…8For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

Good works are important! No one is denying that. However, works alone, will not get anyone into Heaven. Only grace though faith. That is how the thief on the cross got in. He had no time to do any good works, he was saved, because he believed and asked for forgiveness.

Luke 23:
39One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!”
40But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? 41We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”
42Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
43Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

I'll take definition #2. While works are good and a way to atone for ones sins, it's never been said to be the only way to be saved.
What are we being saved from? Think if you recite something about some guy you're not gonna die like the ones that didn't recite it?
Everyone alive is gonna die at some point. Be kind of silly to have heaven and hell if there was a third option like not dying. :) Salvation then is as wishy-washy as heaven and hell.

We're all either going to:

a) die and cease to exist
b) die and continue to exist somehow
c) die and exist in hevaen
d) die and exist in hell

I'm torn between a and some version of b. Our bodies will absolutely stop working right one day and we'll die. But the atoms which made up our lviing body one second are still there in its entirely the next second when we're dead. I have no idea what's changing between those seconds between living and dead. Maybe what we call a soul departs the body and we're dead vs alive, maybe something else is going on we know is happening, but don't yet fully understand.
Salvation the hidden teaching

Salvation is a free gift of God. We cannot save ourselves through works or sacraments.

FYI. Ignorance is bliss is only some saying. In this case, it may be causing you some real harm.

Not only are many of you fooling yourself by claiming you are saved without any doubt ---- you and they do not even know what saved means.

You really think you can sin away and be swept up right into the perfect, spotless kingdom of heaven the moment you die? As though hypocrisy or disobedience means so little to our Lord.
I don't believe hell is eternal. I hardly think a merciful God would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect.
I have seen teaching that says hell is eternal, for Lucifer will burn for eternity, though, the same teaching says those condemned there will not be there for eternity. Some will simply cease to exist, while others will get hot for awhile.

I can't imagine comparing the sins of Hitler, to the sins of an average non-believer. However, I don't make the rules, I'm just an invited guest at God's table, who decided to accept the invitation.
I don't believe hell is eternal. I hardly think a merciful God would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect.
I have seen teaching that says hell is eternal, for Lucifer will burn for eternity, though, the same teaching says those condemned there will not be there for eternity. Some will simply cease to exist, while others will get hot for awhile.

I can't imagine comparing the sins of Hitler, to the sins of an average non-believer. However, I don't make the rules, I'm just an invited guest at God's table, who decided to accept the invitation.

You were given the option to accept or not?!?! It's hardly an invitation, if the result of refusing is eternal damnation. That's normally called 'extortion'.
Maybe we should do good works, and not worry about getting some reward for it.
Which God are you talking about? Is it the God you make up in your head and does what you tell him to, rather than the other way around?
So if the Catholics have it wrong, why did God let them get it wrong for so many centuries?
I would answer you, if I thought you were sincere in your interest, however, you have proved yourself to be nothing but a troll, so, I won't bother.
Salvation the hidden teaching

Salvation is a free gift of God. We cannot save ourselves through works or sacraments.

You know, all of your basic beliefs came from the Catholic church. This is the group that answered via thuggery, politics etc. all of your basic beliefs. So, it's rather amusing to watch other denominations criticize Catholicism but refuse to question what laid the foundation.
It's sad that one would worship this sort of god. My God does not punish His imperfect creations eternally for being imperfect.

God hardened Pharaoh's heart remember. Pharaoh may have let the slaves go free but God prevented him from doing so.
Which makes Protestants reformers of a Church with a false Gospel of works.

Which means nearly all of Christianity is false.

Do you guys think these things out?

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