The right is soooo going to miss Obama.

well now what !? For the last 8 years all you ever did is blame obama every time it rained on Sunday's !

Even when the GOP took congress, they did nothing ! Just complian about everything obama , even when he did things they wanted.

What ya gonna do without your binky?
I guess you didn't hear all the dimwitcraps blaming Bush for everything right?

I hope some day people in this country see how juvenile our population is when it comes to politics

Tribal...scoring political points is much important than being right.

The GOP took it to a new level ! "Thanks obama " became a viral joke because the blamestorming was so obnoxious. They eventually sabotaged themselves to spite the black guy .
Ironic post is ironic
You're really a myopic little fella, aint' cha?

Would your really like to review the blame game the last eight years to see which party is in the lead? Everything from Iraq to Commie Care you blamed on the Republicans.

Ummm..last time I looked the invasion of Iraq happened in 2003. During that time, Dumbya was in office. And I'm reasonably confident he was a Republican....
You're really a myopic little fella, aint' cha?

Would your really like to review the blame game the last eight years to see which party is in the lead? Everything from Iraq to Commie Care you blamed on the Republicans.

Ummm..last time I looked the invasion of Iraq happened in 2003. During that time, Dumbya was in office. And I'm reasonably confident he was a Republican....

And when Iraq was handed over to ISIS, that was an accomplishment of Obama.
well now what !? For the last 8 years all you ever did is blame obama every time it rained on Sunday's !

Even when the GOP took congress, they did nothing ! Just complian about everything obama , even when he did things they wanted.

What ya gonna do without your binky?

Combat 8 years of Democrats blaming Trump every time it rains on Sundays...:eusa_whistle:
And before that GWB or any other conservative getting too much positive media attention.
You're really a myopic little fella, aint' cha?

Would your really like to review the blame game the last eight years to see which party is in the lead? Everything from Iraq to Commie Care you blamed on the Republicans.

Ummm..last time I looked the invasion of Iraq happened in 2003. During that time, Dumbya was in office. And I'm reasonably confident he was a Republican....

And when Iraq was handed over to ISIS, that was an accomplishment of Obama.

1) that's not what happened

2) leaving Iraq was a promise of his . And we were right to leave .
well now what !? For the last 8 years all you ever did is blame obama every time it rained on Sunday's !

Even when the GOP took congress, they did nothing ! Just complian about everything obama , even when he did things they wanted.

What ya gonna do without your binky?

I'm going to make a list here of things you on the left blamed the right for. I'm just going off the top of my head, so any other member here that can think of something I didn't, by all means, please add on:

Iraq: Bush's fault because he made a deal of when to pull out of Iraq.

Benghazi: Republican Congresses fault for not allocating enough money for security.

Commie Care: The Republicans fault because they refused to allow adjustments for it's failures and they made changes to the original bill.

Fast and Furious: Bush's fault because F and F was an extension of Bush's gun program.

The Bailouts: Bush's fault because he allowed the economy to collapse.
You're really a myopic little fella, aint' cha?

Would your really like to review the blame game the last eight years to see which party is in the lead? Everything from Iraq to Commie Care you blamed on the Republicans.

Ummm..last time I looked the invasion of Iraq happened in 2003. During that time, Dumbya was in office. And I'm reasonably confident he was a Republican....

And when Iraq was handed over to ISIS, that was an accomplishment of Obama.

1) that's not what happened

2) leaving Iraq was a promise of his . And we were right to leave .

There you go, that didn't take long.
well now what !? For the last 8 years all you ever did is blame obama every time it rained on Sunday's !

Even when the GOP took congress, they did nothing ! Just complian about everything obama , even when he did things they wanted.

What ya gonna do without your binky?

I'm going to make a list here of things you on the left blamed the right for. I'm just going off the top of my head, so any other member here that can think of something I didn't, by all means, please add on:

Iraq: Bush's fault because he made a deal of when to pull out of Iraq.

Benghazi: Republican Congresses fault for not allocating enough money for security.

Commie Care: The Republicans fault because they refused to allow adjustments for it's failures and they made changes to the original bill.

Fast and Furious: Bush's fault because F and F was an extension of Bush's gun program.

The Bailouts: Bush's fault because he allowed the economy to collapse.

And yet you still voted for Trump. How dumb are you?
well now what !? For the last 8 years all you ever did is blame obama every time it rained on Sunday's !

Even when the GOP took congress, they did nothing ! Just complian about everything obama , even when he did things they wanted.

What ya gonna do without your binky?

I'm going to make a list here of things you on the left blamed the right for. I'm just going off the top of my head, so any other member here that can think of something I didn't, by all means, please add on:

Iraq: Bush's fault because he made a deal of when to pull out of Iraq.

Benghazi: Republican Congresses fault for not allocating enough money for security.

Commie Care: The Republicans fault because they refused to allow adjustments for it's failures and they made changes to the original bill.

Fast and Furious: Bush's fault because F and F was an extension of Bush's gun program.

The Bailouts: Bush's fault because he allowed the economy to collapse.

And yet you still voted for Trump. How dumb are you?

Only half as dumb as anybody that voted for Hil--Liar.
Not going to miss him at all and I suspect unlike George W Bush Obama won't go quietly into the sunset his ego will force him to find a way to stay in the spotlight thus giving his critics reason to continue to go after him.
They eventually sabotaged themselves to spite the black guy .

Yep...sabotaged themselves into total control of every branch of the Federal Government, an extra Supreme Court Seat, 34 of 50 Governorships, control of 68 of 99 State legislature, and total control of every branch of government in 25 states (Dems control 7)...putting the Democrats as far from the levers of power as they have been in almost a century.

If that's better pray to God you never see success.

Links --- Gubernatorial and legislative party control of state government - Ballotpedia
Just like "blame Bush"...:eek:

If the shoe fits...
But, who's going to fit in Obamas shoes?

Not going to miss him at all and I suspect unlike George W Bush Obama won't go quietly into the sunset his ego will force him to find a way to stay in the spotlight thus giving his critics reason to continue to go after him.

DumBama is going to be like Bill Clinton where he won't be able to run fast enough to get in front of a news camera.
well now what !? For the last 8 years all you ever did is blame obama every time it rained on Sunday's !

Even when the GOP took congress, they did nothing ! Just complian about everything obama , even when he did things they wanted.

What ya gonna do without your binky?

Combat 8 years of Democrats blaming Trump every time it rains on Sundays...:eusa_whistle:

You guys had all the fun bitching and moaning. Playing Monday morning QB is the best!
Cool, keep winning dude! Hope you have much more of the same.

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