The ‘Scandal’ at CBS


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
The ‘Scandal’ at CBS​

The ‘Scandal’ at CBS | Flopping Aces
Erik Wemple @ The WaPo:

Oct. 17. That’s the date on which President Obama’s position on the Benghazi, Libya, attack peaked as a national issue. The night before, in a town hall debate moderated by CNN’s Candy Crowley, the president made a spectacle of noting that on the day after the Benghazi tragedy, he stood in the Rose Garden and called it an “act of terror.” His opponent, Mitt Romney, seemed convinced otherwise, prompting a controversial fact-check by Crowley. The fuss over all of this prompted politically involved Americans to debate just how Obama had categorized the tragedy.

Cue the “60 Minutes” video. Or not.

In a passionate post today, Bret Baier of Fox News hammers CBS News for waiting till Nov. 4 to post a bit of video quite relevant to all of this. In it, Steve Kroft of “60 Minutes” asks the president about Benghazi. The question was posed on Sept. 12, the same day of the Rose Garden address:

Read more: A CBS News Obama-Libya scandal? Certainly. - Erik Wemple - The Washington Post

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