The Trump Conundrum

He needs to chose his battles. The Kahn family has nothing to do with running the country. If he runs on popularity and how people feel he will lose badly. Hillary will beat him in a mud slinging campaign. If he could stay focused on issues he would win. Spend less time on what assholes everyone is, focus on how much the Bammer years sucked. Honestly, the Donald is in over his head. He is defeating himself leaving Hillery to just sit there and wait for her turn in the white house.

You're right but I think it's more than just picking his battles. He is showing some disturbing signs of how he handles opposition. People such as Reagan handled opposition by articulating their case. Appealing to the people with something everyone could relate to... we still, today, see the strategy of 'personalizing' the issue by pointing to a real life person as an example. He had a brilliant way of convincing the public that his ideas were the best. Trump simply steamrollers over anyone who opposes him with nasty and brutal smears and sleaze. Literally destroys them in any way he can, honest or dishonest.

To me, that's very troubling and scary. This isn't behavior of a true leader... It's tyrant despotic megalomaniac behavior, in my opinion. That has never been an accepted leadership value in America.
Shit or get off the pot, Boss. You know damn good and well it's either Trump or Clinton. Take a stand.

I don't know that I can stand behind either of these candidates. I'm smart enough to realize a third party vote is a waste and I don't really like the Johnson option anyway... I think the guy is a nutball. His running mate is even more of a loose marble.

BUT... This is not about who I vote for... this is about the campaign Trump is running which is going to end in disaster. He simply cannot continue to attack everyone who isn't worshiping at his feet. You don't win over voters by attacking them and calling them losers that you don't need anyway.... that strategy will fail. You don't go off the reservation attacking a Gold Star father, regardless of who he is or what he does or what connections he has where... none of that shit matters to most Americans.

All of this time squandered the past two weeks attacking Ted Cruz again and then attacking a democrat hack who spoke at the Democrat convention... it's stupidity on a phenomenal scale. He's running against HILLARY CLINTON! FOCUS! Or, you're going to lose!
Kudos on being honest about having mixed feelings - unfortunately there is a pretty high percentage of hardcore partisan ideologues from both ends on this board, meaning it's usually black & white, all or nothing, them or us. Good on you, seriously.

Your party has been hijacked by the wrong voices, and Trump is the result. The "more conservative vs. more moderate" battle - one that is perfectly reasonable, say, Cruz or Kasich, is what should have happened. Instead, the party was invaded by a fraud, a guy who clearly should have run as an Independent but knew he needed the GOP's infrastructure to have a chance. He ran a con and it worked, at least so far.

Take comfort in the fact that you're sure as hell not alone. Many decent Republicans have lined up against this guy, most recently Meg Whitman this morning.

The more reasonable, rational, clear-thinking elements of the party need to take a stand pretty quickly here.

Meg Whitman is a traitor to the party.
If she calls herself a Republican, she should stay and fight inside the party infrastructure. How on earth someone can claim to be one thing, then suddenly side with of all the people the Clintons ? She's not only voting for her, but she will be endorsing her and sending money her way. I would spit in her face if I could.
I'm not happy about Trump either, but I would never ever stoop to what this bitch and some others in the party are doing.
But I thought that Republicans are the bad guys? You're either with Trump, or you're the enemy - THAT is the message that is CONSTANTLY being sent.

Ryan is a RINO. Kasich is a RINO. Christie is a RINO. Rubio is a RINO. On and on.

Yet somehow Trump isn't. Can you really blame people who have always been Republicans for no longer feeling welcome?

It's one thing to not feel welcome, it's another to run to the other side and help them.
I could respect someone for not checking the box for president, or voting third party, but what this Benedict Arnold is doing is unforgivable.
Shit or get off the pot, Boss. You know damn good and well it's either Trump or Clinton. Take a stand.

I don't know that I can stand behind either of these candidates. I'm smart enough to realize a third party vote is a waste and I don't really like the Johnson option anyway... I think the guy is a nutball. His running mate is even more of a loose marble.

BUT... This is not about who I vote for... this is about the campaign Trump is running which is going to end in disaster. He simply cannot continue to attack everyone who isn't worshiping at his feet. You don't win over voters by attacking them and calling them losers that you don't need anyway.... that strategy will fail. You don't go off the reservation attacking a Gold Star father, regardless of who he is or what he does or what connections he has where... none of that shit matters to most Americans.

All of this time squandered the past two weeks attacking Ted Cruz again and then attacking a democrat hack who spoke at the Democrat convention... it's stupidity on a phenomenal scale. He's running against HILLARY CLINTON! FOCUS! Or, you're going to lose!
Kudos on being honest about having mixed feelings - unfortunately there is a pretty high percentage of hardcore partisan ideologues from both ends on this board, meaning it's usually black & white, all or nothing, them or us. Good on you, seriously.

Your party has been hijacked by the wrong voices, and Trump is the result. The "more conservative vs. more moderate" battle - one that is perfectly reasonable, say, Cruz or Kasich, is what should have happened. Instead, the party was invaded by a fraud, a guy who clearly should have run as an Independent but knew he needed the GOP's infrastructure to have a chance. He ran a con and it worked, at least so far.

Take comfort in the fact that you're sure as hell not alone. Many decent Republicans have lined up against this guy, most recently Meg Whitman this morning.

The more reasonable, rational, clear-thinking elements of the party need to take a stand pretty quickly here.

Meg Whitman is a traitor to the party.
If she calls herself a Republican, she should stay and fight inside the party infrastructure. How on earth someone can claim to be one thing, then suddenly side with of all the people the Clintons ? She's not only voting for her, but she will be endorsing her and sending money her way. I would spit in her face if I could.
I'm not happy about Trump either, but I would never ever stoop to what this bitch and some others in the party are doing.
But I thought that Republicans are the bad guys? You're either with Trump, or you're the enemy - THAT is the message that is CONSTANTLY being sent.

Ryan is a RINO. Kasich is a RINO. Christie is a RINO. Rubio is a RINO. On and on.

Yet somehow Trump isn't. Can you really blame people who have always been Republicans for no longer feeling welcome?

It's one thing to not feel welcome, it's another to run to the other side and help them.
I could respect someone for not checking the box for president, or voting third party, but what this Benedict Arnold is doing is unforgivable.
I know you won't agree with this, but my guess is their opinion is that Trump is causing their party grave damage, and they don't want to participate.

They'd rather lose the election than see their party burned to the ground.

That's some pretty strong stuff, but that has to be what they're thinking. For them, they're trying to save their party.
I don't know that I can stand behind either of these candidates. I'm smart enough to realize a third party vote is a waste and I don't really like the Johnson option anyway... I think the guy is a nutball. His running mate is even more of a loose marble.

BUT... This is not about who I vote for... this is about the campaign Trump is running which is going to end in disaster. He simply cannot continue to attack everyone who isn't worshiping at his feet. You don't win over voters by attacking them and calling them losers that you don't need anyway.... that strategy will fail. You don't go off the reservation attacking a Gold Star father, regardless of who he is or what he does or what connections he has where... none of that shit matters to most Americans.

All of this time squandered the past two weeks attacking Ted Cruz again and then attacking a democrat hack who spoke at the Democrat convention... it's stupidity on a phenomenal scale. He's running against HILLARY CLINTON! FOCUS! Or, you're going to lose!
Kudos on being honest about having mixed feelings - unfortunately there is a pretty high percentage of hardcore partisan ideologues from both ends on this board, meaning it's usually black & white, all or nothing, them or us. Good on you, seriously.

Your party has been hijacked by the wrong voices, and Trump is the result. The "more conservative vs. more moderate" battle - one that is perfectly reasonable, say, Cruz or Kasich, is what should have happened. Instead, the party was invaded by a fraud, a guy who clearly should have run as an Independent but knew he needed the GOP's infrastructure to have a chance. He ran a con and it worked, at least so far.

Take comfort in the fact that you're sure as hell not alone. Many decent Republicans have lined up against this guy, most recently Meg Whitman this morning.

The more reasonable, rational, clear-thinking elements of the party need to take a stand pretty quickly here.

Meg Whitman is a traitor to the party.
If she calls herself a Republican, she should stay and fight inside the party infrastructure. How on earth someone can claim to be one thing, then suddenly side with of all the people the Clintons ? She's not only voting for her, but she will be endorsing her and sending money her way. I would spit in her face if I could.
I'm not happy about Trump either, but I would never ever stoop to what this bitch and some others in the party are doing.
But I thought that Republicans are the bad guys? You're either with Trump, or you're the enemy - THAT is the message that is CONSTANTLY being sent.

Ryan is a RINO. Kasich is a RINO. Christie is a RINO. Rubio is a RINO. On and on.

Yet somehow Trump isn't. Can you really blame people who have always been Republicans for no longer feeling welcome?

It's one thing to not feel welcome, it's another to run to the other side and help them.
I could respect someone for not checking the box for president, or voting third party, but what this Benedict Arnold is doing is unforgivable.
I know you won't agree with this, but my guess is their opinion is that Trump is causing their party grave damage, and they don't want to participate.

They'd rather lose the election than see their party burned to the ground.

That's some pretty strong stuff, but that has to be what they're thinking. For them, they're trying to save their party.
He sure the fuck is!!!
To me, that's very troubling and scary. This isn't behavior of a true leader... It's tyrant despotic megalomaniac behavior, in my opinion. That has never been an accepted leadership value in America.

You'll still vote for him... so don't worry about it.
Kudos on being honest about having mixed feelings - unfortunately there is a pretty high percentage of hardcore partisan ideologues from both ends on this board, meaning it's usually black & white, all or nothing, them or us. Good on you, seriously.

Your party has been hijacked by the wrong voices, and Trump is the result. The "more conservative vs. more moderate" battle - one that is perfectly reasonable, say, Cruz or Kasich, is what should have happened. Instead, the party was invaded by a fraud, a guy who clearly should have run as an Independent but knew he needed the GOP's infrastructure to have a chance. He ran a con and it worked, at least so far.

Take comfort in the fact that you're sure as hell not alone. Many decent Republicans have lined up against this guy, most recently Meg Whitman this morning.

The more reasonable, rational, clear-thinking elements of the party need to take a stand pretty quickly here.

Meg Whitman is a traitor to the party.
If she calls herself a Republican, she should stay and fight inside the party infrastructure. How on earth someone can claim to be one thing, then suddenly side with of all the people the Clintons ? She's not only voting for her, but she will be endorsing her and sending money her way. I would spit in her face if I could.
I'm not happy about Trump either, but I would never ever stoop to what this bitch and some others in the party are doing.
But I thought that Republicans are the bad guys? You're either with Trump, or you're the enemy - THAT is the message that is CONSTANTLY being sent.

Ryan is a RINO. Kasich is a RINO. Christie is a RINO. Rubio is a RINO. On and on.

Yet somehow Trump isn't. Can you really blame people who have always been Republicans for no longer feeling welcome?

It's one thing to not feel welcome, it's another to run to the other side and help them.
I could respect someone for not checking the box for president, or voting third party, but what this Benedict Arnold is doing is unforgivable.
I know you won't agree with this, but my guess is their opinion is that Trump is causing their party grave damage, and they don't want to participate.

They'd rather lose the election than see their party burned to the ground.

That's some pretty strong stuff, but that has to be what they're thinking. For them, they're trying to save their party.
He sure the fuck is!!!
DigitalDrifter, here's an example of my point. owebo is happy to see this happening, he wants to rid the party of anyone who is not Trump-pure (whatever that is) and burn it to the ground.

How are traditional Republicans supposed to support the literal destruction of their party, especially when they are now the enemy?
Meg Whitman is a traitor to the party.
If she calls herself a Republican, she should stay and fight inside the party infrastructure. How on earth someone can claim to be one thing, then suddenly side with of all the people the Clintons ? She's not only voting for her, but she will be endorsing her and sending money her way. I would spit in her face if I could.
I'm not happy about Trump either, but I would never ever stoop to what this bitch and some others in the party are doing.
But I thought that Republicans are the bad guys? You're either with Trump, or you're the enemy - THAT is the message that is CONSTANTLY being sent.

Ryan is a RINO. Kasich is a RINO. Christie is a RINO. Rubio is a RINO. On and on.

Yet somehow Trump isn't. Can you really blame people who have always been Republicans for no longer feeling welcome?

It's one thing to not feel welcome, it's another to run to the other side and help them.
I could respect someone for not checking the box for president, or voting third party, but what this Benedict Arnold is doing is unforgivable.
I know you won't agree with this, but my guess is their opinion is that Trump is causing their party grave damage, and they don't want to participate.

They'd rather lose the election than see their party burned to the ground.

That's some pretty strong stuff, but that has to be what they're thinking. For them, they're trying to save their party.
He sure the fuck is!!!
DigitalDrifter, here's an example of my point. owebo is happy to see this happening, he wants to rid the party of anyone who is not Trump-pure (whatever that is) and burn it to the ground.

How are traditional Republicans supposed to support the literal destruction of their party, especially when they are now the enemy?
Try again grasshopper....
But I thought that Republicans are the bad guys? You're either with Trump, or you're the enemy - THAT is the message that is CONSTANTLY being sent.

Ryan is a RINO. Kasich is a RINO. Christie is a RINO. Rubio is a RINO. On and on.

Yet somehow Trump isn't. Can you really blame people who have always been Republicans for no longer feeling welcome?

It's one thing to not feel welcome, it's another to run to the other side and help them.
I could respect someone for not checking the box for president, or voting third party, but what this Benedict Arnold is doing is unforgivable.
I know you won't agree with this, but my guess is their opinion is that Trump is causing their party grave damage, and they don't want to participate.

They'd rather lose the election than see their party burned to the ground.

That's some pretty strong stuff, but that has to be what they're thinking. For them, they're trying to save their party.
He sure the fuck is!!!
DigitalDrifter, here's an example of my point. owebo is happy to see this happening, he wants to rid the party of anyone who is not Trump-pure (whatever that is) and burn it to the ground.

How are traditional Republicans supposed to support the literal destruction of their party, especially when they are now the enemy?
Try again grasshopper....
Maybe you could just communicate like an adult.

If I was wrong, please point out where and how.

Like an adult.
It's one thing to not feel welcome, it's another to run to the other side and help them.
I could respect someone for not checking the box for president, or voting third party, but what this Benedict Arnold is doing is unforgivable.
I know you won't agree with this, but my guess is their opinion is that Trump is causing their party grave damage, and they don't want to participate.

They'd rather lose the election than see their party burned to the ground.

That's some pretty strong stuff, but that has to be what they're thinking. For them, they're trying to save their party.
He sure the fuck is!!!
DigitalDrifter, here's an example of my point. owebo is happy to see this happening, he wants to rid the party of anyone who is not Trump-pure (whatever that is) and burn it to the ground.

How are traditional Republicans supposed to support the literal destruction of their party, especially when they are now the enemy?
Try again grasshopper....
Maybe you could just communicate like an adult.

If I was wrong, please point out where and how.

Like an adult.
Indeed...when you start, I will.....
I thought the op said he was gonna vote for Hillary last week?

I guess you're like MarcATL and have an illiteracy problem? :dunno:
Naw I understood the thread quite well. You were feeling out the waters while claiming to be a conservative. The two ideas do not meld.

Well then you shouldn't have any problem pointing us to the quote from me that says I am going to vote for Hillary Clinton.

I'll wait.
I thought the op said he was gonna vote for Hillary last week?

I guess you're like MarcATL and have an illiteracy problem? :dunno:
Naw I understood the thread quite well. You were feeling out the waters while claiming to be a conservative. The two ideas do not meld.

Well then you shouldn't have any problem pointing us to the quote from me that says I am going to vote for Hillary Clinton.

I'll wait.
You can back pedal all you like but you were toying with the idea and EVERYONE here knows it.
the sad part here is its not a case that hillarys is the best thing sense sliced cheese ... its Trump will be the worst thing that could happen to the american government ...
You miss the point entirely. The fact that he upsets liberals so much is a really good sign. Believe me.
keep telling yourself that, snookums
The fact that you hate him so much is more proof. I want him to win solely for the reason it will lower the life span of the extreme liberals. I want to see the veins popping out of their skulls, the foaming purple faced rants. It will be some long overdue entertainment. Snookums.
and we want to see the same happen to you when Hillary I elected
just this morning I saw on the TV Hillary 49% trump 38% in Pennsylvania ... in Florida hillary 48% trump 37% it seems his mouth is getting him in trouble ... where your guys are pissed off ... they were showing all the places in the north where trump says he is winning, the sad part with all the new polling that came out this morning he's losing between 8 and 11 points in the states trump needs to win ... all I ca say yea!!!! for now ... thats why these republicans are in a tizzy ... they're losing their minds ... saying all kinds of bull shit ... they are in a panic look at them here on these post sites can you say liberal supreme court republicans ??? sure we can BWA HAHAHAHAHASHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!!!!!!
the sad part here is its not a case that hillarys is the best thing sense sliced cheese ... its Trump will be the worst thing that could happen to the american government ...
You miss the point entirely. The fact that he upsets liberals so much is a really good sign. Believe me.
keep telling yourself that, snookums
The fact that you hate him so much is more proof. I want him to win solely for the reason it will lower the life span of the extreme liberals. I want to see the veins popping out of their skulls, the foaming purple faced rants. It will be some long overdue entertainment. Snookums.
and we want to see the same happen to you when Hillary I elected
You'll be waiting a long time Billy. I'm semi retired now and if Hillary winds I will start demanding every goodie government will provide, which will be considerable, thanks to the taxes you will pay. If the country wants socialism I won't fight it. What I say here is not in my best interests.

I just find it amusing the younger generation is fucking themselves thinking it's in their best interest.
just this morning I saw on the TV Hillary 49% trump 38% in Pennsylvania ... in Florida hillary 48% trump 37% it seems his mouth is getting him in trouble ... where your guys are pissed off ... they were showing all the places in the north where trump says he is winning, the sad part with all the new polling that came out this morning he's losing between 8 and 11 points in the states trump needs to win all I ca say yea!!!! for now ... thats why these republicans are in a tizzy ... losing their minds ... saying all kinds of bull shit they are in a panic can you say liberal supreme court??? sure we can BWA HAHAHAHAHASHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!!!!!!
No one with half a brain is getting worked up over polls for an election light years ahead.

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