The Trump nuts are finally feeling the consequences behind their votes!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
I posted months ago, that should the squeeze of financial ruin happen with Trump's boojay policies, please God, let it hurt the one's he love...I have said that over and over and over and finally, with the blessings of the man upstairs, its happened.
From his favorite pollster:
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 43% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-five percent (55%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 32% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 46% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14. (see trends).

See folks, its one thing to talk shit at the rallies, and his mindless nuts all cheering...but its another thing when reality starts to show its ugly head.
Its one thing to constantly talk about the jobs and low unemployment....especially among minorities...something he loves to throw in....but its another thing to face reality.

Those hit the most...are from Trump country. Coal mines are shutting down, the auto industry is downsizing, most of these great jobs from China, all low wage jobs, you need two to make ends meet, deregulation...we've had more recalls because of this than in our nations history, our allies are all but gone, stock market unstable, Trump under investigation for betraying this country...SOMETHING HIS BASE COULD GIVE A SHIT long as the checks keep coming.

Like I said before, I hope this shut down lasts for months and months and months...and I hope the effects paralyzes this nation, Trump supporters and especially the GOP...and people finally learn, when you play with fuckin snakes, expect to be bitten eventually!!
Oh look, another bash Trump supporters thread! This must be like ten million or so! Are you spamming this board?
Oh look, another bash Trump supporters thread! This must be like ten million or so! Are you spamming this board?
The fact your still Team Trump, once again renders you a non fuckin factor...when are you gonna learn?
I posted months ago, that should the squeeze of financial ruin happen with Trump's boojay policies, please God, let it hurt the one's he love...I have said that over and over and over and finally, with the blessings of the man upstairs, its happened.
From his favorite pollster:
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 43% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-five percent (55%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 32% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 46% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14. (see trends).

See folks, its one thing to talk shit at the rallies, and his mindless nuts all cheering...but its another thing when reality starts to show its ugly head.
Its one thing to constantly talk about the jobs and low unemployment....especially among minorities...something he loves to throw in....but its another thing to face reality.

Those hit the most...are from Trump country. Coal mines are shutting down, the auto industry is downsizing, most of these great jobs from China, all low wage jobs, you need two to make ends meet, deregulation...we've had more recalls because of this than in our nations history, our allies are all but gone, stock market unstable, Trump under investigation for betraying this country...SOMETHING HIS BASE COULD GIVE A SHIT long as the checks keep coming.

Like I said before, I hope this shut down lasts for months and months and months...and I hope the effects paralyzes this nation, Trump supporters and especially the GOP...and people finally learn, when you play with fuckin snakes, expect to be bitten eventually!!

That polling is almost as bad as "Trump has no path to the White House"

I'm discouraged.

Yes we are:

Great, growing economy
Historically low unemployment
Historically low Black, Hispanic, and Female unemployment
Low energy prices due to great Trump Energy Policy
Enhanced Border Security
North Korea no longer a threat
Better trade deals
Less onerous, and unnecessary regulations
Good GDP growth
Getting out of useless foreign wars

So, yes, we are seeing the benefits of voting for Trump!
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Oh look, another bash Trump supporters thread! This must be like ten million or so! Are you spamming this board?
Oh look! Another Trump-pan-zee who is in denial about the horrors of the Demented Orange Ogre and the fact that he is going down in more ways than ten.
Only brainwashed dupes still believe his avalanche of malicious lies.
Oh look, another bash Trump supporters thread! This must be like ten million or so! Are you spamming this board?
Oh look! Another Trump-pan-zee who is in denial about the horrors of the Demented Orange Ogre and the fact that he is going down in more ways than ten.
Oh look another trump supporter Bashar. How unique and original. Are you spamming this board?
So, because of a poll, we're supposed to embrace socialism?
At this point in the presidency of King Barry Obama, Bill Clinton, George Bush, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter all had similar disapproval ratings as Donald Trump does now (within a point or so). How Popular Is Donald Trump?

Please continue your hateful circle jerk, however. I know it makes his detractors feel so good and not at all like butt hurt losers.
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Oh look, another bash Trump supporters thread! This must be like ten million or so! Are you spamming this board?

That's how it works. You do something stupid, like vote for Trump and hurt the the entire country, people are going to remind you of it at least as long as your stupid behavior is still hurting them. Nixon got a lot of bad press too.
Oh look, another bash Trump supporters thread! This must be like ten million or so! Are you spamming this board?
Oh look! Another Trump-pan-zee who is in denial about the horrors of the Demented Orange Ogre and the fact that he is going down in more ways than ten.
Oh look another trump supporter Bashar. How unique and original. Are you spamming this board?
You might want to try to swallow some of this but beware of indigestion:
Trump’s Crumbling Wall — Of GOP Political Support | HuffPost

The increasing Republican skittishness about Trump’s wall and the continuing government shutdown offers an instructive preview of how Donald Trump’s presidency is likely to end: when key Republican senators decide that Trump is more trouble than he’s worth.

What’s new about this crisis is the increasing number of Republican defections. Politically, Trump’s obsession has
backfired. His demand for the wall and his holding the rest of the government hostage become more unpopular by the day.

Bottom Line:

Republican defections over Trump’s wall are an ominous dress rehearsal for the end-game to come. Crumbling support for the shutdown comes at a moment when senior Republicans have challenged his Syria policy, and his Republican defenders are reeling from the latest revelations that the FBI initiated a counterintelligence investigation to assess whether Trump was literally acting as a Russian asset. That probe, in turn, became part of Robert Mueller’s inquiry.

Bottom line: Trump is becoming more and more of a political liability for Republicans, and harder and harder to defend. It’s challenging enough to defend him against all the charges of corruption and obstruction coming to a head in the Mueller probe. Impulsive and petulant demands like the wall only add to Republican miseries.
I posted months ago, that should the squeeze of financial ruin happen with Trump's boojay policies, please God, let it hurt the one's he love...I have said that over and over and over and finally, with the blessings of the man upstairs, its happened.
From his favorite pollster:
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 43% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-five percent (55%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 32% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 46% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14. (see trends).

See folks, its one thing to talk shit at the rallies, and his mindless nuts all cheering...but its another thing when reality starts to show its ugly head.
Its one thing to constantly talk about the jobs and low unemployment....especially among minorities...something he loves to throw in....but its another thing to face reality.

Those hit the most...are from Trump country. Coal mines are shutting down, the auto industry is downsizing, most of these great jobs from China, all low wage jobs, you need two to make ends meet, deregulation...we've had more recalls because of this than in our nations history, our allies are all but gone, stock market unstable, Trump under investigation for betraying this country...SOMETHING HIS BASE COULD GIVE A SHIT long as the checks keep coming.

Like I said before, I hope this shut down lasts for months and months and months...and I hope the effects paralyzes this nation, Trump supporters and especially the GOP...and people finally learn, when you play with fuckin snakes, expect to be bitten eventually!!

Do you mean voting for an ignorant orange Fuck You sign wasn't a stroke of genius?

Oh look, another bash Trump supporters thread! This must be like ten million or so! Are you spamming this board?

That's how it works. You do something stupid, like vote for Trump and hurt the the entire country, people are going to remind you of it at least as long as your stupid behavior is still hurting them. Nixon got a lot of bad press too.

For a country you say is hurting, things are going pretty damned well.

See post #6.
Yes we are:

Great, growing economy
Historically low unemployment
Historically low Black, Hispanic, and Female unemployment
Low energy prices due to great Trump Energy Policy
Enhanced Border Security
North Korea no longer a threat
Better trade deals
Less onerous, and unnecessary regulations
Good GDP growth
Getting out of useless foreign wars

So, yes, we are seeing the benefits of voting for Trump!

The debt has increased 2 trillion in the first 2 years of Trump's presidency.
Oh look, another bash Trump supporters thread! This must be like ten million or so! Are you spamming this board?

That's how it works. You do something stupid, like vote for Trump and hurt the the entire country, people are going to remind you of it at least as long as your stupid behavior is still hurting them. Nixon got a lot of bad press too.
No! You mother fucker, stupid was voting for Hillary. But we don’t have ten million started thread s on how stupid you mother fucking Hillary voters are! Perhaps every fucking conservative should start on every single day.
Oh look, another bash Trump supporters thread! This must be like ten million or so! Are you spamming this board?

That's how it works. You do something stupid, like vote for Trump and hurt the the entire country, people are going to remind you of it at least as long as your stupid behavior is still hurting them. Nixon got a lot of bad press too.
No! You mother fucker, stupid was voting for Hillary. But we don’t have ten million started thread s on how stupid you mother fucking Hillary voters are! Perhaps every fucking conservative should start on every single day.

You've been whining about Hillary for at least 25 years. Get a grip.
Oh look, another bash Trump supporters thread! This must be like ten million or so! Are you spamming this board?

That's how it works. You do something stupid, like vote for Trump and hurt the the entire country, people are going to remind you of it at least as long as your stupid behavior is still hurting them. Nixon got a lot of bad press too.
No! You mother fucker, stupid was voting for Hillary. But we don’t have ten million started thread s on how stupid you mother fucking Hillary voters are! Perhaps every fucking conservative should start on every single day.

You've been whining about Hillary for at least 25 years. Get a grip.
No you dumb ass mofo. Only when the fat **** ran for president and ewe voted for the bitch.

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