The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

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  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Truth will you explain, "celestial marriage" and whether a man can have more then one wife sealed to him.

This is one of those touchy subjects which I will deal with only because there is a clear doctrine on this. About wives and the plurality thereof, I will first insist you all realize that no one is compelled to marry another. We have never believed in forcing marriages on anyone. It is between consenting adults.
Second I will refer to the common practice of polygamy in the Bible. It was common knowledge among historians, that the practice was around among the children of Israel even after the chronological period of the Bible. Notable prophets who engaged in the practice were Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Nathan, David, Solomon and others. It was not questioned too much back in the day. However there was a reason that certain individuals were allowed to practice in those times. This reason was revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith in Doctrine & Covenants which states that not everyone is ordained unto this level but select individuals whom the Lord has commanded to raise up seed unto the Lord. The primary purpose is for the continuation of the family. It was shown to him the fact that there are simply more female spirits in the universe than there are male. this is evident when you see that women outnumber men in this world nearly two to one and in some communities as much as 7 to 1. The practice has most of the time by the Lord been forbidden among his children as it is now. There was a time in the early history of our church where there were many men murdered and killed in the 1800s as a result of mob violence against us. This left many women and children without fathers and without protectors. The society of the day was far different from the independant female society that exists among us now. Women absolutely needed protection and providence from a man, either a father or brother or husband. they didn't have office jobs where they could make their own money, and they were not trained to go into the forest and hunt for food. Women were all homemakers and were in great peril without a man providing and protecting them. It was a very dangerous lifestyle back then without the comforts and conveniences we have today.

At the time of greatest oppression, the Lord commanded several prominent members of the church to take in these women as wives in order to help stabilize their community. The actual numbers of men who engaged in polygamy was between 2 and 5% of the population. Not widespread like the media will have you think.

Now I will refer to the Book of Mormon in Jacob Chapter 2. Where the prophet Jacob is chastising the Nephites for justifying themselves in practicing polygamy when it was not instructed of the Lord to do it. They said among themselves that because Abraham and David and Solomon had many wives, then it was ok for them to do it as well. Their practices were considered an abomination before Him. And the tender hearts of their children and wives had been broken as a result of their breaking the commandments of God and MISINTERPRETATION of God's writings.
Those people are the same as the weird sectists who broke away from our church and misinterpreted the doctrine of plural wives.

So in a nutshell only those who are instructed of the Lord to have plural wives will have them sealed to them. The Lord knows all the personalities of his children and he knows which ones should be born in which time and which ones he knows he would not ask to participate. That is why we are all born in the times we are born in.
The Lord is with the times as well as anyone. Which is why he knew that it was time to end polygamy in his church around the same time it became illegal in the U.S. Some people find that to be a convenient coincidence, but it doesn't matter.
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This site has been created to provide a forum for gay men, lesbians and their families and friends to share their stories. The common denominator is Mormonism with the hope that those who are journeying therein will feel less alone after reading these stories.

At best, the Mormon Church has provided a less than hospitable environment for its gay and lesbian members, leaving most of us to find our own way out of the confusion, condemnation and guilt. It can be a pretty lonely road and sometimes just knowing that somebody else is going through the same things we are helps make the journey a little easier.

Rather than going to battle with the Mormon Church over its beliefs and practices, this site focuses on the first-person narratives of those who are impacted by it all. Sometimes we get so caught up in the doctrine that we forget the human toll involved in a one-size-fits-all plan. Hopefully these stories will help put a more human face on the complex issues of religion and sexuality and generate a greater feeling of tolerance and understanding.
Gay Mormon Stories - Family & Friends

I must disagree with you. US Message is not a sanctuary for gays and lesbians. It is a message board for discussion.
This thread I started is to clarify the truth about Mormons.
No offense, chloe. IMO 'helping' LDS with homosexuality would be helping them love and accept themselves as they are, NOT 'helping' overcome the same-sex attraction. It's like trying to 'help' a left handed person become right handed. It's possible, but why bother? It's as natural for a left handed person to use their left hand dominantly as it is for a right handed person to use their right hand.

Clearly, LDS does not love and accept gays and lesbians. Church doctine interferes. A person's identity is not sinful. Loving is not sinful.

What I will say about my personal experience with Mormons, is that over the years, I have had the most interesting discussions about spirituality with LDS members. I find them generally well- educated, kind, sincere and passionate adherents of their faith. I enjoy engaging with them in indepth discussions about issues of ethics. There are even places where LDS and Buddhist beliefs dove tail.

I am happy to call Mormons my friends. I am deeply aggrieved by the political actions of the LDS church in financing Proposition 8. It hurts me to see them impose their LDS morality on civil marriage equality laws. IMO, as an institution, LDS is disrespectful of other spiritual traditions who do not find homosexual and lesbian unions sinful, and it also implies that non-religious citizens who marry must accept their definition of marriage.

Frankly, if they want to promote marriage law that the rest of US citizenry can accept, they ought to clean up their own act, and get rid of plural marriage and child sexual exploitation and leave queerfolk alone to live in peace.

Again herein lies one of those misconceptions about us. It is easy to confuse our discrimination against sin for discrimination against individuals. We do not believe that a person's identity revolves around their sexuality but instead revolves around what they do, believe, and stand for. Sexuality is not the primary reason we are alive. it is over emphasized in our society and people in general seem to be obsessed with it above all else.
We do believe God created them the way they are with male and female parts for the proper use thereof. We are taught to love the sinner but hate the sin.
oddly enough it does seem all the answers to the negative part of lds is answered with the same answer..they are misguided etc

Dude you have to pay better attention. "negative part of LDS"? Members who do things wrong are not acting according to the teachings of the church and are not supported by the church if they do so. As is a common saying among us, The teachings are perfect, but the people are not.
Mountain Meadows massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wyhat does the LDS teach you about the Mountain Meadows Massacre?

The best and most accurate information I have found is the article from about it. here is a link - Ensign Article - The Mountain Meadows Massacre

The article makes it clear that this act was done by members of the church who ignored the counsel of their leaders and in the heat of the moment committed terrible acts for which they were punished according to the laws of the land and the laws of the church.
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No offense, chloe. IMO 'helping' LDS with homosexuality would be helping them love and accept themselves as they are, NOT 'helping' overcome the same-sex attraction. It's like trying to 'help' a left handed person become right handed. It's possible, but why bother? It's as natural for a left handed person to use their left hand dominantly as it is for a right handed person to use their right hand.

Clearly, LDS does not love and accept gays and lesbians. Church doctine interferes. A person's identity is not sinful. Loving is not sinful.

I'm not offended Sky ! I only know about Evergreen because thats where my friend "Jeffree" was sent by his family when he returned from his mission and called off his wedding because he is Gay. You already know I support gay marriage because I have gay friends.
So in a nutshell only those who are instructed of the Lord to have plural wives will have them sealed to them. The Lord knows all the personalities of his children and he knows which ones should be born in which time and which ones he knows he would not ask to participate. That is why we are all born in the times we are born in.
The Lord is with the times as well as anyone. Which is why he knew that it was time to end polygamy in his church around the same time it became illegal in the U.S. Some people find that to be a convenient coincidence, but it doesn't matter.

I support Polygamy. I think it should be legal now. Thanks for answering my question Truth.
I must disagree with you. US Message is not a sanctuary for gays and lesbians. It is a message board for discussion.
This thread I started is to clarify the truth about Mormons.

US Message Board includes gays and lesbians. The truth about Mormons is that there are gay and lesbian Mormons too. For that reason, I have posted a couple of links and so have other posters.

This is a message board for discussion. As long as Mormons choose to interfere in the civil rights of other citizens--marriage equality for example, I will highlight that.

I'm sorry that seems to annoy you.
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I'm not offended Sky ! I only know about Evergreen because thats where my friend "Jeffree" was sent by his family when he returned from his mission and called off his wedding because he is Gay. You already know I support gay marriage because I have gay friends.

I'm glad you aren't offended.

Did this resource work for your friend "Jeffree"?
Interesting teaching, to be sure, though of course I would be skeptical. You made me laugh:lol: when you said who wants to re-enter a corpse?
When I talk of people being ressurected with their same bodies, I am not talking about Night of the Living Dead!:eek: That would be really gross.
We believe that your body will still look like you, but whatever imperfections it has will be restored to it's perfect frame never to perish. We will all be beautiful, glorious looking and fully functional humans.:eusa_angel:

That's a nice fairy tale with a wonderful happy ending, but as a spiritual teaching, I find it lacking in depth and wisdom.

Not surprising. I'm in one path, you are in another.
Ok, will give you that I forgot about DESERET NEWS. It's not like they push mormon propaganda anyway. Of course the church through it's teaching of individuals is going to have an effect on the community. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to see that. You are way out of line if you think that President Monson gets on the phone with government officials to dictate policy. Nope never happened except when it comes to what we consider to be a moral issue. Very rarely does that even happen except for recently with the gay marriage issue.
Of course the population of the senate and other government officials is going to be represented by mainly mormons. What are they supposed to elect all non-mormons. Your argument misses the mark. Again you can't claim church involvement with individual or political decisions except moral ones.

You have your head in the sand if you don't think that the LDS church HEAVILY influences politics in the state of Utah. But then, that doesn't surprise me in the least. I generally know more about your faith then the average LDS prostelytizer I encounter on message boards.
US Message Board includes gays and lesbians. The truth about Mormons is that there are gay and lesbian Mormons too. For that reason, I have posted a couple of links and so have other posters.

This is a message board for discussion. As long as Mormons choose to interfere in the civil rights of other citizens--marriage equality for example, I will highlight that.

I'm sorry that seems to annoy you.

THe LDS Church has a long history of taking wrong-headed stances against civil rights. For instance, for a long while, they taught that people who have dark skins were marked with dark skin for being less valiant in the pre-existence. i.e., having dark skin was a sign that you once rebelled against God (when Lucifer and the angels who followed him fell and were ejected from heaven), or at the least, were ambivalent. Thus, the LDS church would not grant the priesthood to black members of the church until they suddenly had "new revelation" in the 1970s that blacks were now worthy to hold the priesthood.

Maybe, at some point, a hundred years from now, they will have new revelation that gays/lesbians are also beloved of God.
"The fact that Mormons are a small percentage of the voters in California is a large part of the concern regarding the LDS church’s involvement with Proposition 8. Despite a small population, Mormons were 80% to 90% of the early canvassers in election precincts. Funds for the Proposition 8 campaign are now estimated at $40 million, with Mormons from around the nation providing as much as $22 million in support of a California proposition—over half of the funds used in the campaign. By a narrow margin of 52%, Proposition 8 succeeded, now citizens are using their democratic rights of free speech and peaceful assembly to finally let their voices be heard.

Contributions of individual members were used to drown out those voices during the vote, but it is becoming clear that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints directly donated a significant amount to the Proposition 8 campaign. The LDS Church only reported a single contribution of between $2000 and $5000, while actively encouraging church members to donate and support. However, the church also organized phone banks, news releases, direct mailers, door-to-door canvassing, speakers, distribution of campaign materials, and transportation of leaders and representatives, in addition to producing at least 9 commercials, 4 broadcasts and 2 satellite simulcasts over 5 western states in support of Proposition 8. If any of this was used to contact non-members, it is considered a campaign contribution and must be reported under the Political Reform Act of 2007. A complaint regarding this has already been sent to the California Fair Political Practices Commission."
Die Wachen: The Tiresomely Offensive Martyr Stance of the Mormon Church

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