The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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    Votes: 74 29.7%
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    Votes: 105 42.2%
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    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Correction 'Godboy', Joseph the Seer, translated the Book of Mormon, by the power of God through instruments provided him. He didn't commence a translation of the Bible until later.

Thats because the first time he was going through the process of having it transcribed by his assistant, the assistans wife tested Joseph smith, by getting her husband (the assistant) to pretend like he lost all the writings they made up to that date. The idea being, that if Joseph was actually telling the truth about being able to read the exact word of god word for word, while staring into a top hat, he should be able to duplicate those exact words again.

All they would have to do is compare the first 50 pages side by side and see if there was any difference. If it was identical, he was telling the truth, but if it wasnt, then he was obviously lying.

...and what was the end result of this test? Joseph flew off the handle when he found out and said god punished him for allowing the transcripts to be seen by the assistant and his wife, and now he can no longer read the stones, so making a duplicate was now impossible.

What a fucking joke, and you clowns believe it. Good luck with that.

You also don't realize that if Joseph translated the words exactly they had designed that they were going to publish discrepancies in the original since they had made changes to the original text. God was not going to let them succeed in their evil design. Joseph disobeyed direct orders not to show the manuscript to anyone else and on the third time he said yes to prove to Joseph that disobedience has bad consequences.

And what kind of an upstanding individual are you? Randomly jumping in and hurling insults at a religion. Especially uneducated ones to boot.

I hurl random insults at any ridiculous claims people make. You ought to see my work in the conspiracy section.
Should i go into detail about Josephs activities before he became your holy leader? Shall i talk about him ripping off farmers by convincing them that he could find water (during terrible droughts) using only a divining rod? History shows he was run out of more than one town after he took all their money but offered no results.

He was a fucking con man, and people are still being conned by him today.

Please go into detail because all such lies are false. Please prove it.:eusa_whistle:

I could launch an offensive against your religious tenets that would be far more embarassing than anything you think you know about "Mormonism". But that wouldn't be like me. That's not the point of this thread, to expose the truth about Judaism.

Once again, I must repeat, you may think we are deluded because of whatever information you are privy to(biased or otherwise) but I'm going to set the record straight as to if we believe something or not. I can set forth strong evidence Joseph was not a con-man, let alone a prophet. You can't prove to the contrary. All you have is rumor. I have documents.

But of course we all know, documents must be tested as to their veracity.
No, you have not been "through" the DNA issue or about Brigham Young.

You better go talk to Blair Hodges at the Neal Maxwell Institute to help you stop sounding like an idiot here. I am truly writing this in your best interest.

Go ahead, make me look like an idiot. What did I miss?

And by the way, cut the crap like you know some huge secret the rest of us don't. You can lose the mystical shaman act. You're not the wise old guy who lives in the back simply observing the goings and doings of the young, while he muses on his Indiana Jones like experiences from his ancient past. You act almost as if you would charge people for your expositories on Mormonism. It's all been said and done before.

Yep, you are lost. Nope, I am not a mystical shaman, but I know your faith and history far better and more honestly than you do. Yes, I do observe what you are doing, and I have no trouble calling you out, you young sprout.:lol: Contact Blair Hodges; consider yourself "here" on assignment, and you are floundering. You need some serious guidance.
there is far more written in contemporary and publicly read books in our churches that teach the divine nature of women than the handful of cultic outcasted polygamous wives tales.

Yes, of course. I understand the church's position on the divine nature of women. The actual practice of polygamy seems to me to have been at odds with that teaching.

I'm surprised you bring up this book since it is admittedly a work of fiction based on history. Have you read the book yourself? It won awards in Utah as one of the best fictional writings of the year.

Yes, I've read it. It may be a work of fiction, but it is based on historical research. What is your take on it? Was the practice of polygamy by the Mormon pioneers accurately represented in the book?

I haven't read that book but I am reading the woman's actual account right now in her book Wife No. 19. She is very bitter in the words I read of hers so far. She seems very uneducated about the doctrines itself despite having grown up in the prophet's home. I'll let you know more when I finish.

Yes, she was bitter, and TruthSpeaker is right about that. And, no, she was far more educated about what was going on then that Truthspeaker is now. T'speaker is beginning to realize just how woefully ignorant (uneducated) he is about his own faith.
Yes, of course. I understand the church's position on the divine nature of women. The actual practice of polygamy seems to me to have been at odds with that teaching.

Yes, I've read it. It may be a work of fiction, but it is based on historical research. What is your take on it? Was the practice of polygamy by the Mormon pioneers accurately represented in the book?

I haven't read that book but I am reading the woman's actual account right now in her book Wife No. 19. She is very bitter in the words I read of hers so far. She seems very uneducated about the doctrines itself despite having grown up in the prophet's home. I'll let you know more when I finish.

Yes, she was bitter, and TruthSpeaker is right about that. And, no, she was far more educated about what was going on then that Truthspeaker is now. T'speaker is beginning to realize just how woefully ignorant (uneducated) he is about his own faith.

Bottom line is that there are actual things we teach and things we don't teach. Ms. Young outright stated that Joseph Smith "set himself up as another Messiah." This is absolutely false. No where in any writings any where did Joseph Smith claim to be any kind of Messiah. That was one of the first major errors in her understanding. More to come later.....

For every misinformed opinion as Ms. Young's, there are hundreds of better and favorable opinions of our church. It's all up to the individual to decide who to believe.
....and this one is precious:

"being a woman in bondage to mormonism was far worse than any Negro slavery."

That is double rich. Some one please strike up the music:eusa_boohoo:

I'd like to see any lashes on her back or any transactional history of her being sold.
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You might want to request that your thread be killed-off, as I think your losing fence walking converts and potential converts.

This may or may not be your "mission" but I'd suggest you take to bicycling door to door, as this "Truth About Mormonism" thread is woefully going downward in respect to helping your church gain converts.

Can't understand how a nice handsome, and intelligent dude like yourself can hang onto this false hope, in a system of belief built upon a foundation of sand. :(

You might want to request that your thread be killed-off, as I think your losing fence walking converts and potential converts.

This may or may not be your "mission" but I'd suggest you take to bicycling door to door, as this "Truth About Mormonism" thread is woefully going downward in respect to helping your church gain converts.

Can't understand how a nice handsome, and intelligent dude like yourself can hang onto this false hope, in a system of belief built upon a foundation of sand. :(

He was essentially brainwashed into believing in it since a young age. Its one of the very few ways a person can believe in complete horse shit like the mormon book.

You might want to request that your thread be killed-off, as I think your losing fence walking converts and potential converts.

This may or may not be your "mission" but I'd suggest you take to bicycling door to door, as this "Truth About Mormonism" thread is woefully going downward in respect to helping your church gain converts.

Can't understand how a nice handsome, and intelligent dude like yourself can hang onto this false hope, in a system of belief built upon a foundation of sand. :(

He was essentially brainwashed into believing in it since a young age. Its one of the very few ways a person can believe in complete horse shit like the mormon book.

Have you even read this book you're condemning?

If not, are you just relying on what someone has told you?

Or what?

You might want to request that your thread be killed-off, as I think your losing fence walking converts and potential converts.

This may or may not be your "mission" but I'd suggest you take to bicycling door to door, as this "Truth About Mormonism" thread is woefully going downward in respect to helping your church gain converts.

Can't understand how a nice handsome, and intelligent dude like yourself can hang onto this false hope, in a system of belief built upon a foundation of sand. :(

He was essentially brainwashed into believing in it since a young age. Its one of the very few ways a person can believe in complete horse shit like the mormon book.

Have you even read this book you're condemning?

If not, are you just relying on what someone has told you?

Or what?

I prefer more realism in my science fiction. His book didnt even try. Besides, ive never read Mein Kampf and i know its fucking bullshit too.
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This thread has dragged on longer than the Titanic. And just like the Titanic, it's bound to sink.

You might want to request that your thread be killed-off, as I think your losing fence walking converts and potential converts.

This may or may not be your "mission" but I'd suggest you take to bicycling door to door, as this "Truth About Mormonism" thread is woefully going downward in respect to helping your church gain converts.

Can't understand how a nice handsome, and intelligent dude like yourself can hang onto this false hope, in a system of belief built upon a foundation of sand. :(

Well, I am about truth. We don't want converts for the wrong reason. We want people who join because they choose to. Not because we talk them into it. If anything, conversations like this will prompt people to do their own research and decide for themselves. If someone is willing to cast the church away because of opinions on USMB, then they aren't the kind of person that is ready for our church anyway. Their time will have to come later, when they are ready to do their own private soul searching.

Our teachings are calculated to divide people, just like Jesus said they would.
1978, blacks were considered to not be sub human. Good for the mormons. Of course they had to be threatened to tax away their tax exemption away, but they did it....they actually said blacks were human from then on. Good for them.

You might want to request that your thread be killed-off, as I think your losing fence walking converts and potential converts.

This may or may not be your "mission" but I'd suggest you take to bicycling door to door, as this "Truth About Mormonism" thread is woefully going downward in respect to helping your church gain converts.

Can't understand how a nice handsome, and intelligent dude like yourself can hang onto this false hope, in a system of belief built upon a foundation of sand. :(

He was essentially brainwashed into believing in it since a young age. Its one of the very few ways a person can believe in complete horse shit like the mormon book.

Do you really take that statement of yours seriously?:eusa_eh: You might ALMOST have a very small point if I was born and raised in Utah or some place completely opposite to the environment I've grown up in here in San Francisco. If there is any place on earth that will make you question your beliefs it's here. Please don't come with the lame argument of brainwashing.:wtf:
1978, blacks were considered to not be sub human. Good for the mormons. Of course they had to be threatened to tax away their tax exemption away, but they did it....they actually said blacks were human from then on. Good for them.

Zona, the Book of Mormon was printed in 1830, not 1978. The Book itself says "all are alike unto God. Male and female, black and white, bond and free...."

You might want to request that your thread be killed-off, as I think your losing fence walking converts and potential converts.

This may or may not be your "mission" but I'd suggest you take to bicycling door to door, as this "Truth About Mormonism" thread is woefully going downward in respect to helping your church gain converts.

Can't understand how a nice handsome, and intelligent dude like yourself can hang onto this false hope, in a system of belief built upon a foundation of sand. :(

Well, I am about truth. We don't want converts for the wrong reason. We want people who join because they choose to. Not because we talk them into it. If anything, conversations like this will prompt people to do their own research and decide for themselves. If someone is willing to cast the church away because of opinions on USMB, then they aren't the kind of person that is ready for our church anyway. Their time will have to come later, when they are ready to do their own private soul searching.

Our teachings are calculated to divide people, just like Jesus said they would.

This thread will not encourage fence sitters to research at all, Truth. They will hop off the fence onto the other side and forget about you. Now if you were to talk knowingly about your subjects, who knows.
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1978, blacks were considered to not be sub human. Good for the mormons. Of course they had to be threatened to tax away their tax exemption away, but they did it....they actually said blacks were human from then on. Good for them.

Zona, the Book of Mormon was printed in 1830, not 1978. The Book itself says "all are alike unto God. Male and female, black and white, bond and free...."

That was not what the church policy or doctrine was from 1844 until 1978. Otherwise, that good man Spencer W. Kimball (and I mean that sincerely) would not have had need for guidance on this issue.

Contact the Neal Maxell Institute at BYU for help, mean. I man it, Truth, you are an embarassment to your church!
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You might want to request that your thread be killed-off, as I think your losing fence walking converts and potential converts.

This may or may not be your "mission" but I'd suggest you take to bicycling door to door, as this "Truth About Mormonism" thread is woefully going downward in respect to helping your church gain converts.

Can't understand how a nice handsome, and intelligent dude like yourself can hang onto this false hope, in a system of belief built upon a foundation of sand. :(

Well, I am about truth. We don't want converts for the wrong reason. We want people who join because they choose to. Not because we talk them into it. If anything, conversations like this will prompt people to do their own research and decide for themselves. If someone is willing to cast the church away because of opinions on USMB, then they aren't the kind of person that is ready for our church anyway. Their time will have to come later, when they are ready to do their own private soul searching.

Our teachings are calculated to divide people, just like Jesus said they would.

This thread will not encourage fence sitters to research at all, Truth. They will hop off the fence onto the other side and forget about you. Now if you were to talk knowingly about your subjects, who knows.

How do you know that oh all seeing one. I've gotten half positive comments about this thread and half negative. That's about what I expected.
1978, blacks were considered to not be sub human. Good for the mormons. Of course they had to be threatened to tax away their tax exemption away, but they did it....they actually said blacks were human from then on. Good for them.

Zona, the Book of Mormon was printed in 1830, not 1978. The Book itself says "all are alike unto God. Male and female, black and white, bond and free...."

That was not what the church policy or doctrine was from 1844 until 1978. Otherwise, that good man Spencer W. Kimball (and I mean that sincerely) would not have had need for guidance on this issue.

Contact the Neal Maxell Institute at BYU for help, mean. I man it, Truth, you are an embarassment to your church!

Do you think for one minute that I don't know about 1978's revelation on the priesthood?:wtf:

Let's back up here a minute. When I say I've already dealt with this issue, especially since I served my mission in Africa, don't tell me I haven't dealt with this issue. Let me go back.....again.....and copy and paste from page 15.....

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