The truth about taxes


Your chart is pure bullshit, of course.

Piketty and Saez are eminent scholars in this field. They have only received accolades for their works on income distribution.

Please feel free to counter their works with cogent arguments.
Last time and example:

Taxes pay for roads. Roads are good for the GENERAL WELFARE of everyone even people who will never drive on it.

You dont get it, go read a book and stop trolling

Taxes also pay for welfare. How is that good for the GENERAL WELFARE?

SS has been a success by every measure of the book.

Sorry kooks, but you lost.

Every Ponzi scheme is a "success" until the day it collapses.
Last time and example:

Taxes pay for roads. Roads are good for the GENERAL WELFARE of everyone even people who will never drive on it.

You dont get it, go read a book and stop trolling

Taxes also pay for welfare. How is that good for the GENERAL WELFARE?

SS has been a success by every measure of the book.

Sorry kooks, but you lost.
Social Security is a ponzi scheme. And eventually all ponzi schemes fail.
yes, there should be a federal pension program for all American workers, but this thing is a mess. And soon enough it will be a broke mess

Every time one of you libs gleefully shouts "we won" or in obscene anger "you lost" it just exposes your ideology for what it is.
Taxes also pay for welfare. How is that good for the GENERAL WELFARE?

SS has been a success by every measure of the book.

Sorry kooks, but you lost.
Social Security is a ponzi scheme. And eventually all ponzi schemes fail.
yes, there should be a federal pension program for all American workers, but this thing is a mess. And soon enough it will be a broke mess

Every time one of you libs gleefully shouts "we won" or in obscene anger "you lost" it just exposes your ideology for what it is.

OMG....are Cons really comparing SS to prison....lmao.
SS has been a success by every measure of the book.

Sorry kooks, but you lost.

Every Ponzi scheme is a "success" until the day it collapses.

SS is not a ponzi scheme and has increased the standard of living among millions of Americans who helped made this country great.

It fits the definition of a Ponzi scheme to a 'T' and it has decreased the standard of living for Americans by siphoning off trillions of dollars that would have been invested in retirement funds and using it to payoff current retirees. SS single handedly reduced the growth of our economy by 2 percentage points, at least.
SS has been a success by every measure of the book.

Sorry kooks, but you lost.

Every Ponzi scheme is a "success" until the day it collapses.

SS is not a ponzi scheme and has increased the standard of living among millions of Americans who helped made this country great.

Where do you get this shit from?
When has SS lifted anyone's standard of living?
Yes it is a ponzi scheme.
The system takes the money of the many and as the top levels age out, they collect. The idea only can work when there are several people paying into the scheme for every person collecting.
The ratio now is less than TWO people contributing for each person collecting.
With the impending retirement of over 75 million baby boomers coming in the next 20 years, the ratio of workers to recipients will drop to 1 to 1 or even below.
Already Congress is considering increasing the age of SS retirement to perhaps as much as 70 or more.
By the time I reach retirement age, I will have no expectations of receiving a dime of SS.
Every Ponzi scheme is a "success" until the day it collapses.

SS is not a ponzi scheme and has increased the standard of living among millions of Americans who helped made this country great.

It fits the definition of a Ponzi scheme to a 'T' and it has decreased the standard of living for Americans by siphoning off trillions of dollars that would have been invested in retirement funds and using it to payoff current retirees. SS single handedly reduced the growth of our economy by 2 percentage points, at least.

Why lie?

SS has been the number one program that has reduced poverty in this country and has provided a decent standard of living for the people who helped build this country.

Without SS, economic growth would be substantially lower and we would be living in a third world shithole of nation (i.e. a Conservative nation) without public safety nets.
SS has been a success by every measure of the book.

Sorry kooks, but you lost.
Social Security is a ponzi scheme. And eventually all ponzi schemes fail.
yes, there should be a federal pension program for all American workers, but this thing is a mess. And soon enough it will be a broke mess

Every time one of you libs gleefully shouts "we won" or in obscene anger "you lost" it just exposes your ideology for what it is.

OMG....are Cons really comparing SS to prison....lmao.

Dear shit for brains...I wrote federal PENSION system..
Not only are you a liberal. You are a very stupid individual.
Every Ponzi scheme is a "success" until the day it collapses.

SS is not a ponzi scheme and has increased the standard of living among millions of Americans who helped made this country great.

Where do you get this shit from?
When has SS lifted anyone's standard of living?
Yes it is a ponzi scheme.
The system takes the money of the many and as the top levels age out, they collect. The idea only can work when there are several people paying into the scheme for every person collecting.
The ratio now is less than TWO people contributing for each person collecting.
With the impending retirement of over 75 million baby boomers coming in the next 20 years, the ratio of workers to recipients will drop to 1 to 1 or even below.
Already Congress is considering increasing the age of SS retirement to perhaps as much as 70 or more.
By the time I reach retirement age, I will have no expectations of receiving a dime of SS.

Why lie, loser Con?

Social Security benefits play a vital role in reducing poverty. Without Social Security, 21.4 million more Americans would be poor, according to the latest available Census data (for 2011). Although most of those whom Social Security keeps out of poverty are elderly, nearly a third are under age 65, including 1.1 million children. (See Table 1.) Depending on their design, reductions in Social Security benefits could significantly increase poverty, particularly among the elderly.
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Social Security is a ponzi scheme. And eventually all ponzi schemes fail.
yes, there should be a federal pension program for all American workers, but this thing is a mess. And soon enough it will be a broke mess

Every time one of you libs gleefully shouts "we won" or in obscene anger "you lost" it just exposes your ideology for what it is.

OMG....are Cons really comparing SS to prison....lmao.

Dear shit for brains...I wrote federal PENSION system..
Not only are you a liberal. You are a very stupid individual.

^^lmao...this Con thinks he was a high serving bureaucrat for the SS administration.

Gosh, not only are Cons idiots, they are fucking blatant liars who think that the world revolves around them.

Do us a favor and drown yourself.
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SS is not a ponzi scheme and has increased the standard of living among millions of Americans who helped made this country great.

Where do you get this shit from?
When has SS lifted anyone's standard of living?
Yes it is a ponzi scheme.
The system takes the money of the many and as the top levels age out, they collect. The idea only can work when there are several people paying into the scheme for every person collecting.
The ratio now is less than TWO people contributing for each person collecting.
With the impending retirement of over 75 million baby boomers coming in the next 20 years, the ratio of workers to recipients will drop to 1 to 1 or even below.
Already Congress is considering increasing the age of SS retirement to perhaps as much as 70 or more.
By the time I reach retirement age, I will have no expectations of receiving a dime of SS.

Why lie, loser Con?

Social Security benefits play a vital role in reducing poverty. Without Social Security, 21.4 million more Americans would be poor, according to the latest available Census data (for 2011). Although most of those whom Social Security keeps out of poverty are elderly, nearly a third are under age 65, including 1.1 million children. (See Table 1.) Depending on their design, reductions in Social Security benefits could significantly increase poverty, particularly among the elderly.

Social Security Keeps 21 Million Americans Out of Poverty: A State-by-State Analysis ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Hey, I was born during the day. Not yesterday.
I recognize a liberal advocacy group with an agenda.
My post is factual.
You can't handle it. So you accuse me of lying.
So be it. The facts are what they are.
OMG....are Cons really comparing SS to prison....lmao.

Dear shit for brains...I wrote federal PENSION system..
Not only are you a liberal. You are a very stupid individual.

^^lmao...this Con thinks he was a high serving bureaucrat for the SS administration.

Gosh, not only are Cons idiots, they are fucking blatant liars who think that the world revolves around them.

Do us a favor and drown yourself.

why don't you turn yourself into a tampon for that pachyderm...hopefully you'll get lost
I still have the facts on my side.
You have emotional rants...I suppose you'd have told the band on the Titanic to keep playing, "the ship isn't sinking boys, they are just hosing her down"....
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SS has been a success by every measure of the book.

Sorry kooks, but you lost.
Social Security is a ponzi scheme. And eventually all ponzi schemes fail.
yes, there should be a federal pension program for all American workers, but this thing is a mess. And soon enough it will be a broke mess

Every time one of you libs gleefully shouts "we won" or in obscene anger "you lost" it just exposes your ideology for what it is.

OMG....are Cons really comparing SS to prison....lmao.

If people saved their money in private accounts they would have more to live on.

It's not hard to figure out.
Last time and example:

Taxes pay for roads. Roads are good for the GENERAL WELFARE of everyone even people who will never drive on it.

You dont get it, go read a book and stop trolling

Taxes also pay for welfare. How is that good for the GENERAL WELFARE?

SS has been a success by every measure of the book.

Sorry kooks, but you lost.

^^ That

Go look up the reasons societies throughout history provided welfare and you tell me. This isn't a new concept and the reasons aren't new either. Crack open a book or at the least google it
Some people don't pay INCOME taxes. Focus. Taxes are for the GENERAL WELFARE.

If you are confused at the words general and welfare and what that means I cannot help you.

Kudos tho, on picking out one statement dropping your previous point and shifting when your lost was predictable. Now, are we talking about General Welfare anymore or now about how the poorest don't pay income taxes?

Let me know when you finish spinning the wheel what it lands on next :lol:

You're the one with the spin. You first tried to cherry-pick "general welfare" out of the Constitution. When I asked how taking from one specific group to promote another specific group, you wanted to cherry pick again and drop the "general" part of the small part YOU cherry-picked in the first place.

Why is it you can't explain to me how the GENERAL welfare is promoted under our current socialized government? Could it be [MENTION=25032]ClosedCaption[/MENTION] it's because you're lying ass knows the GENERAL welfare is not being promoted - but instead a specific group is being targeted and another specific group is being "promoted"?

It's the only reason I can think of you keep running like a coward from a basic question...

Last time and example:

Taxes pay for roads. Roads are good for the GENERAL WELFARE of everyone even people who will never drive on it.

You dont get it, go read a book and stop trolling

We weren't talking about "roads" troll and you know it [MENTION=25032]ClosedCaption[/MENTION]. I specifically stated Social Security, welfare, food stamps, etc. earlier in the thread? Want to try again troll or are you going to keep running from the question like a coward?

I think someone knows they've had their ass handed to them with facts!

SS has been a success by every measure of the book.

Sorry kooks, but you lost.
Social Security is a ponzi scheme. And eventually all ponzi schemes fail.
yes, there should be a federal pension program for all American workers, but this thing is a mess. And soon enough it will be a broke mess

Every time one of you libs gleefully shouts "we won" or in obscene anger "you lost" it just exposes your ideology for what it is.

OMG....are Cons really comparing SS to prison....lmao.

You need to learn how to read [MENTION=34168]Valox[/MENTION]. He said pension not prison.... :lol:
• The top 1% of the wealthy earn 13% of all income but pay 39% of all income taxes (that is 3x's as much taxes as their share of the income: 13x3=39)

• The top 5% pay an astounding 64% of all income taxes

• The top 20% —the “rich”—already pay 94.1% of income taxes

• The bottom 60% pay on net less than zero income taxes, once the tax credits the government pays them are taken into account

Top 1% earns 13% of the wealth but pays 39% of the taxes

Top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their 'fair' share?

Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store:

Why is it you guys only discuss federal income taxes and never discuss the numbers when all taxation is included? I'll tell you why. Because if you include all forms of taxation, those numbers become drastically different, and the wealthy then only pay slightly more than percentage wise compared to their earnings. Just by including payroll taxes, the numbers change substantially, and then when you include state and local taxes, it really changes drastically, because lower income earners pay the highest percentage of state and local taxes. They also pay a much larger portion of their income in payroll taxes.

I'm so sick of this stupid argument, but hey, I'm sure you'll keep throwing it out there. What we should do is tax the wealthy less and tax the poor more.

Until you start throwing local property and school taxes into the mix. That multimillion dollar yacht brings far more into the county assessor's office then Jim Bob's bass boat.

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