The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us

So you hate lies of omission, do ya?

My hatred doesn't change anything.

My research does.

Remember that when you are watching Tucker Carlson prolifically lie by omission.

I don't watch Tucker Carlson.

I, unlike you it seems, am not enamored by news personalities and celebrities.

You've just been caught in a vortex of irony. Self-owned.

Irony post of the day !!! ^^^ :lmao:
My hatred doesn't change anything.

My research does.

I don't watch Tucker Carlson.

I, unlike you it seems, am not enamored by news personalities and celebrities.


Irony post of the day !!! ^^^ :lmao:
So, basically, you interjected yourself into a conversation and allowed a point to sail a mile above your head.

Okay, then!
So, basically, you interjected yourself into a conversation and allowed a point to sail a mile above your head.

Okay, then!
You responded post, you fucking idiot.

You're stupid. Go away.
So you listed some of the extremes of the left, you left out open border policies and mass illegal immigration, the fact that all of their policies cause major debt and that their spending causes major inflation. You described the 'pushback' to the crazy ideology of the left as 'right extremism', so pushing back on these idiots on the left makes one a right extremist?

How about listing what the extreme right is trying to push on everyone via government fiat or even via culture intimidation? I'll start if for you, I'm sure your number one issue will be the supreme court sending abortion back to the states (even though that is constitutionally correct), and SC is hardly 'extreme right'. What else do you have?
When parents wanting the right to not have porn in grade school is ridiculed, I'm not sure what right wing extremism is supposed to be? Same goes for voter ID. How is it radical? I'm done thinking republicans are the good guys, but they hardly seem extreme. Is wanting your daughter to play sports against other girls crazy or authoritarian?
The alternative is evident. Stop supporting the uniparty. It’s not hard.

You recognize both parties are one, when you use the term uniparty. Yet, you still support one side of it. Supporting one side of something awful thinking it’s the lesser of two evils, results in exactly what we have. EVIL!
The little people are screwed. The parties determine who can run, and they all support Washington over the people they are supposed to represent. That is the obvious reason the government never SOLVES problems. That isn't what it is about.

Oh ... No one in their right mind would allow me to run this place ... :auiqs.jpg:
The Staff sucks ... But we don't really need them anyway.

You put some thought and effort into what you post and it's worth reading.
Have A Lovely Evening ... And See Ya Around.

Thank you for the kind compliment. The only problem with my term-paper-long posts is that almost no one reads them!

The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us​

How do you arrive at such nonsense when only one of the “ends” are hell-bent on changing America while the other “end” fights to protect and preserve it at it’s core?

Is this thread another one of those-
”Why don’t Conservatives just continue to do what they’ve always done and take it up the ass and concede to leftist demands? Why are they putting up such a fight this time?“ sort of threads?
Is that what you‘re really trying to say? Be honest.
Democrats are surely trying to destroy the country. The problem is that I no longer think republicans are trying to save it. They say the right things, but people like China Turtle are just as corrupt as the left. Americans are on their own, and they are getting slaughtered.
Well ... one problem is that the issues that really divide us -- "culture war" issues -- don't seem to be amenable to an "innovate" approach. And they don't seem to be the kind of issues where you can split the difference. And even when they were, from my side's point of view, the Left just keeps on pushing.

An example is the gay question. Up until not too long ago, it was illegal. Then, over a few decades, we reached a kind of compromise, coming from the libertarian strain within conservatism.

The basic idea was that the government had no right to tell two consenting adults what they could and couldn't do in the bedroom. I think most people on my side were happy with that. In daily life, it meant accepting that, in a government job, you couldn't be fired because you were gay. In the military, it meant "Don't ask, don't tell".

But ... that wasn't enough. Gay marriage was demanded. I thought we had a pretty good compromise in the concept of a "Civic Partnership", which would give gay couples the legal advantages of married couples with respect to inheritance, vistation rights in hospital, etc.

But that wasn't enough. Then on we wen to putting people out of business, or in prison, if they wouldn't bake a wedding cake for a gay marriage. And in the schools, positive pro-homosexual propaganda for kids.

So, although the idea of 'getting along with each other', 'live and let live', etc. sounds good -- I'm afraid my side doesn't believe that that's what your side really wants. Sort of like Hitler's claim, "This is my last territorial demand in Europe". Uh huh.
Can't argue, and I listed off several examples in the OP. The Left has always frustrated me in the way that it naturally divides the world into "oppressors" and "the oppressed", although in fairness MAGA world has doing its own version of that for last eight years or so.

So again, going back to the OP, the Left overcompensates by both pushing too hard for that particular victim group and at the same time lowering standards and expectations for that group. Which, again, I'm now seeing MAGA world do with its elected leaders.

I've said many times here that the Left's tactics on the cultural issues played a VERY large role in Trump's win and many other political events since. The Left absolutely refuses to admit that. I guess they can't admit it, because PC and Identity Politics are at their very core now.

So, as I've also said many times, the two ends of the spectrum can be remarkably similar in their behaviors. Hence, this thread.
The spike in violence started with Trump's campaign in 2015 and includes violence against black Jews gays Asians and Browns. whenever he had or has a rally the violence more than doubles in the area. what a disaster that guy is....
Part of Trumpism has clearly been the emboldening of ugly White Nationalism. No doubt. Trying to look for a silver lining, at least we know.

But it didn't happen in a vacuum. It's a response. A ridiculous, ignorant, overcompensation of a response, but a response nonetheless.
American history is rife with periods of partisan extremism. We always seem to come to our senses eventually. That's why I have the quote from Charles MacKay in my signature. I have to have hope.

I lived through the 1960s, and that was a far worse time. Far worse. Countless political assassinations, hundreds of cities set on fire during race riots, lynchings and church bombings, a police riot at a national convention, terrorist bombings at the Capitol and police stations, etc., etc., etc.

And then you have the 1930s. Father Coughlin was the Tucker Carlson of his time. We had YUGE Nazi rallies at Madison Square Garden and YUGE Communist rallies at the same venue.

I have faith the "silent majority" will see us through. They spoke quite loudly in 2018, 2020, and 2022. The New Right is ignoring them at their peril. They are on the verge of permanent irrelevance if they don't wise up.

So have faith, Mac.

Thanks. So I have a question on that.

Here's what concerns me: Whether it's the examples you provide there, or Europe of the 30's and 40's, there is one huge difference today. The citizenry of those days didn't have a propaganda machine literally in their ears 24/7/365. Cable TV, podcasts, the internet. Pounding away at them, no matter where they are. At the gym. Taking a walk. At work. Driving to the store. In bed.

Every day at my gym, I see people on treadmills with teevee screens in front of them. All the screens are on Fox, and the people are staring up at them as they exercise.

These people are absolutely saturated with this stuff, and my guess is recovering from it will take much, much longer. If ever. Your thoughts?
Part of Trumpism has clearly been the emboldening of ugly White Nationalism. No doubt. Trying to look for a silver lining, at least we know.

But it didn't happen in a vacuum. It's a response. A ridiculous, ignorant, overcompensation of a response, but a response nonetheless.

Are you still crying Chicken Little? Guess what, people have political goals and sometimes those goals are in opposition to other people's goals and we're just going to have to fight it out.

Are you still crying Chicken Little? Guess what, people have political goals and sometimes those goals are in opposition to other people's goals and we're just going to have to fight it out.
As I've said on this thread: It's not about the goals, it's about the way we go about achieving them.

The method used to achieve a goal can ultimately be more destructive than the original problem. As we are plainly seeing. In real time.

I don't expect you to understand that.
As I've said on this thread: It's not about the goals, it's about the way we go about achieving them.

The method used to achieve a goal can ultimately be more destructive than the original problem.

I don't expect you to understand that.
I don't expect you to explain what methods you imagine would convince racists that Black intellectuals have a right to their opinions as they attempt to ban all Black intellectualism as CRT.

Thanks. So I have a question on that.

Here's what concerns me: Whether it's the examples you provide there, or Europe of the 30's and 40's, there is one huge difference today. The citizenry of those days didn't have a propaganda machine literally in their ears 24/7/365. Cable TV, podcasts, the internet. Pounding away at them, no matter where they are. At the gym. Taking a walk. At work. Driving to the store. In bed.

Every day at my gym, I see people on treadmills with teevee screens in front of them. All the screens are on Fox, and the people are staring up at them as they exercise.

These people are absolutely saturated with this stuff, and my guess is recovering from it will take much, much longer. If ever. Your thoughts?
The establishment media holds much of the blame for the division in the country. Those watching Fox News thinks it’s truthful and those watching CNN/MSNBC think it’s truthful. The fact is of course these media outlets are propaganda machines run by oligarchs with the obvious goal of dividing Americans.

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