The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us

Multi-rep districts would solve the gerrymandering problem better than "Bipartisan" (just two?) commissions.

The biggest dysfunction, in my view, is that we're trying to use government to shape society - government has become the coach rather than the referee. Instead of government that keeps the peace and protects our freedom to live as we want, we have government that tries to push and prod people toward someone's vision of the "good life". Naturally, everyone wants to control that process, and/or is terrified that someone they don't trust will control it.
Yeah, I think all we can do is optimize the guardrails, since we know that politicians, politicos and pundits will remain on the edges of those guardrails. At least minimize their worst impulses.

Unfortunately, the country is more concerned with who the Kardashian girls are banging than this critical topic.
Yeah, I think all we can do is optimize the guardrails, since we know that politicians, politicos and pundits will remain on the edges of those guardrails. At least minimize their worst impulses.
Well, we need to change the system under which these people operate. We already know, just by the way they are, that they'll go as far as they can within any system. So we've tossed around ideas like ranked choice voting, term limits, bipartisan redistricting, etc., etc., in order to minimize their bullshittery.

Those are the types of guardrails I'm talking about.
It preys on the worst impulses of many. It enables the best of the best, and the worst of the worst.

It feels like a race: Will we be able to constructively adapt to it, before it destroys us.
It's not just the Web. We would be where we are without the Web. The Web is an amplifier of something that is already there.

The key problem is, we're raising a generation that is being taught to despise its own country, and to repeat things that it doesn't believe. (Not every child, but a significant number, and of that number, it's the "intelligentstia" -- the ones who will become teaches, journalists, etc -- for whom despising their country will have the greatest effect, and they're the ones most affected.)

And it's more than that. It used to be that it was the Left who exalted Reason and Science, and the Right who balked at this, and emphasized tried-and-true Custom and Tradition.

Both sides quickly came to approve of Reason and Science as applied to the physical world -- after all, if a capitalist wants to make money, he'll want the latest and best results from the labs, the brightest engineers, time-and-motion studies to get the most out of his workers, etc. It was the question of applying Reason and Science to the structure of society that was the problem. But that's another discussion.

Now, the Left is moving in the direction of exalting backwardness and superstition. [Minnesota medical students vow to 'honor Indigenous ways of healing']

This isn't new. The Portland Oregon Board of Education pioneered the idea of teaching nonsense to its Black students thirty years ago. [ Magic Melanin: Spreading Scientific Illiteracy Among Minorities: Part II | Skeptical Inquirer ]

And it should be said that the people doing the best job of exposing this b.s. are the secular humanists, mostly men and women of the Left. Good for them.

And it should also be said that the Right has plenty of people who exalt irrational thinking and careless exaggeration as well -- just on different subjects. (I could fill a screen with links to this crap.)

There are certain personality types who are just nasty, unpleasant, dishonest people. You find them on both sides of the barricades. It's just the human condition.

Each side would like to think that the people with undesirable personality traits are all on the other side. We rightwingers have to put up with periodic discoveries by academics that we are more likely to be fearful and dogmatic than liberals ... sometimes this is put down to a shrunken anterior singulate cortex, or a swollen amygdala. (Here's a relatively neutral appraisal from a liberal source: [ Who Are More Biased: Liberals or Conservatives? | Skeptical Inquirer ] (It may be behind a paywall. If you want to read it, and it is, PM me.)

What these psychological studies don't take into account is historical/social context: a few decades ago, the bottom half of society was on the Left, and the top half, on the Right. (As a broad generalization. ) If you went to university in 1925, you were probably a Republican. The Hitler Youth took power in the German Student Association a year and a half before Hitler took power in the state.

And they also assume that 'openness to new ideas' etc. is a uniform virtue under all circumstances. But it was the stubborn conservatism of the Italian and French peasantry after WWII that kept these countries from falling into the hands of the Communists, who had great support among the industrial urban working class, and even more among the European intellectuals and were certainly proposing new ideas for organizing society.

Anyway, Mac, let's keep arguing with each other, and invite the rational people from each of our sides to join in. And ignore the ones who just want to exhibit their personality disorders online.
Anyway, Mac, let's keep arguing with each other, and invite the rational people from each of our sides to join in. And ignore the ones who just want to exhibit their personality disorders online.
Well, this goes back to my OP. Look at all the cultural issues that you and I agree have been bad ideas from the Left. From the Left's perspective, those tactics have been a response to actions and behaviors it sees from the Right. And yes, the Right has had things to answer for. So the Left raised the stakes, intensified the game.

In response, the Right has done exactly the same thing. From its perspective, its tactics are a response to what the Left has been doing. The election of Trump in 2016 is the shining example of that. He's the bull in the china shop the Right wanted to express their anger and frustration over the direction in which the country was going.

So as the two ends (not "sides", but "ends") of the spectrum are pulling further and further apart from the other, they are taking the rest of the country along with them. We're seeing an abject breakdown in the things that I personally think are key to maintaining America's global edge: Communication, collaboration, and innovation.

This is a classic self-inflicted wound, and neither end appears to care.
Not at all gipper….there’s plenty to criticize about Trump, mostly in the way his ego drives him. But, objectively he did a better job as POTUS than Biden by leaps and bounds.
We can’t help that dems are emotion driven, and are triggered by the slightest things.
There is little difference between the two criminal gangs and the differences promoted by the state run media are all for show to divide Americans.

Your dislike of D voters is proof your stuck. You need to focus your attention on the oligarchy that controls everything, including the two crime families.
Well ... one problem is that the issues that really divide us -- "culture war" issues -- don't seem to be amenable to an "innovate" approach. And they don't seem to be the kind of issues where you can split the difference. And even when they were, from my side's point of view, the Left just keeps on pushing.

An example is the gay question. Up until not too long ago, it was illegal. Then, over a few decades, we reached a kind of compromise, coming from the libertarian strain within conservatism.

The basic idea was that the government had no right to tell two consenting adults what they could and couldn't do in the bedroom. I think most people on my side were happy with that. In daily life, it meant accepting that, in a government job, you couldn't be fired because you were gay. In the military, it meant "Don't ask, don't tell".

But ... that wasn't enough. Gay marriage was demanded. I thought we had a pretty good compromise in the concept of a "Civic Partnership", which would give gay couples the legal advantages of married couples with respect to inheritance, vistation rights in hospital, etc.

But that wasn't enough. Then on we wen to putting people out of business, or in prison, if they wouldn't bake a wedding cake for a gay marriage. And in the schools, positive pro-homosexual propaganda for kids.

So, although the idea of 'getting along with each other', 'live and let live', etc. sounds good -- I'm afraid my side doesn't believe that that's what your side really wants. Sort of like Hitler's claim, "This is my last territorial demand in Europe". Uh huh.

The left has mastered incrementalism.
Your dislike of D voters is proof your stuck. You need to focus your attention on the oligarchy that controls everything, including the two crime families.

That IS the D.

Right now, deep state = democrat and democrat = deep state

If you take out the Dems you take out 2/3 of the deep state.
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Thank you for the kind compliment. The only problem with my term-paper-long posts is that almost no one reads them!

Just giving credit where credit is due ... Who else did you want to read it anyway ... :auiqs.jpg:

Nah ... I could write a bunch of crap and give links ... Supporting the idea of knowing or understanding your "audience" ...
But why ... You already know and understand that ... Even if you don't think you know.

In the Age of Immediate Gratification ... And very short attention spans ... The vast majority of people are looking for "nuggets".
The vast majority of people are also lazy ... Whether they are reading or contributing ...
And the more you add ... The more you express yourself and not them ... Allowing opportunities for their minds to stray.

Eventually ... It all boils down to method and style ... And how well can you condense what you want to express.
Reduce the number of "rabbit holes" you include ... That require the reader to follow or unfold a thought with too many avenues ...
Or accept that you are going to lose a few readers ... As they wander off into the wilderness of their own mind.

And to an extent ... Just say what you want to say ... And screw the minutia going on all around you.

Well, this goes back to my OP. Look at all the cultural issues that you and I agree have been bad ideas from the Left. From the Left's perspective, those tactics have been a response to actions and behaviors it sees from the Right. And yes, the Right has had things to answer for. So the Left raised the stakes, intensified the game.

In response, the Right has done exactly the same thing. From its perspective, its tactics are a response to what the Left has been doing. The election of Trump in 2016 is the shining example of that. He's the bull in the china shop the Right wanted to express their anger and frustration over the direction in which the country was going.

So as the two ends (not "sides", but "ends") of the spectrum are pulling further and further apart from the other, they are taking the rest of the country along with them. We're seeing an abject breakdown in the things that I personally think are key to maintaining America's global edge: Communication, collaboration, and innovation.

This is a classic self-inflicted wound, and neither end appears to care.
None of this means anything. I have no idea what you stand for.
Do you not remember the withering opposition from dems and reps, refusing to work with him on ANYTHING?

Hey, do not get me wrong, I agree he is better than Biden.

I just said it is a damn low bar.
Do you? So far all I've seen is you wishing politics operated differently, but to what end? What policies do you actually hope to come out of it? Or do you seriously think that in and of itself will fix political discourse? And how do you there? Or is this cosplay hour with Mac1958?
For these poor souls, if you're not an obedient Trumpster, you're a screaming commie.

That's the binary thinking to which they've been reduced.

The other side is just as bad, if you do not hate Trump with all of your being you are a MAGA head.

Hell, just this week I was accused of being a screaming commie and a Trump lover in the same thread.

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