The Wall - Why it's a dumb idea

Why don't you & your right wing mob start a fundraiser to help finance a wall?

Oh wait, another one of Trump's Mafia already ran that scam.
And Trump gave him amnesty for bilking the rubes.

It just doesn't get any better than that! :lol:

As I have said many times over the Trump years, Trumpies DESERVE to be lied to.
Sure when you spend massive manpower securing an area and massacre people with gunfire when they approach a wall, the wall works. Of course, it was massacring people that actually worked, since the wall would never have stopped them.
Obviously, walls don't work when they are totally unsupported. That's all turd like you ever prove.
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Sure when you spend massive manpower securing an area and massacre people with gunfire when they approach a wall, the wall works. Of course, it was massacring people that actually worked, since the wall would never have stopped them.
No gunfire is required, moron. People are not going to cross the wall if immigration agents are waiting on the other side.
Are you actually stupid enough to believe a fence around someone's house will stop someone intent on getting in?



Yard fences are for a privacy screen and for dogs who would run away otherwise. Dipshit.

You just shot yourself in your pointy head.

You really got me a good one. Fences are for dogs and privacy, someone tell both my neighbors already, no dogs and cyclone fences. You're right g5000, fences aren't for dividing property & security. Mfing farmers throughout the land must take their fences down now, because g5000 is smart enough to get through that BS, he's smart like a cat.

Fuck, does your mom's house have a lock on the door? Are you actually stupid enough to believe a door at someone's house will stop someone intent on getting in? FUCK YOU'RE DUMB G5000, what were you thinking?

Hey G5000, are border fences built like fences around people's homes? I just thought I'd invite the elephant in the room since you missed the original point.

You just shot yourself in your pointy head.
How is guarding them in sanctuary cities and states serving and protecting anybody? How is making laws that prohibit a police officer from contacting ICE when they have an illegal in custody serving and protecting anybody? How is giving them drivers licenses so they can get to these jobs they're not supposed to have serving or protecting anybody?
We know that illegals, because of their status are taken advantage of by criminals. To stop those criminals we need the cooperation of the illegals, and you can't get that, if you arrest more illegals than you do criminals.

And for drivers licenses, remember a simple fact. You can't get car insurance without a divers license. Therefore denying them licenses won't keep them from driving, they will just do so, without insurance, which is a much bigger problem.
I say attack it from the other side. Prevent people from hiring illegals, which is the reason they come here. It's like the way that moths are attracted to a flame, all we have to do is put out the fire.

Remember, Trump hired illegals to work at Mar-a-lago. Ironically the wall wouldn't have kept the illegals he hired out of the country.

Where do you on the left get this notion that we believe walls will keep out everybody. Walls in prisons don't stop all escapes. What walls do is provide a deterrent for people considering coming to our country and yes, stop a lot of people who try to compromise it.

President Trump's design for the wall was rejected by our border patrol. They wanted a see-through wall so they can see upcoming trouble long before it gets here, and that's what Trump did. He created a design to their specifications.
So what are you suggesting here, we let in millions because a wall would only stop 99% of them? That's liberal logic for you.
You asked for videos, I gave you videos.

It is very revealing you were unaware of these weaknesses in Trump's border wall. Your propagandists have been keeping you rubes in the dark, and that should piss you off. You should stop listening to them, but I am sure you won't, cuck.

That's why you DESERVE to be lied to.
Democrats do more for illegals than they do for Americans. Check out my signature again. In California while some of our vets are living in tents on the sidewalk looking for a used syringe to use, the state is providing illegals with medical care.

Trump calls soldiers "losers and suckers".
You really got me a good one. Fences are for dogs and privacy, someone tell both my neighbors already, no dogs and cyclone fences. You're right g5000, fences aren't for dividing property & security. Mfing farmers throughout the land must take their fences down now, because g5000 is smart enough to get through that BS, he's smart like a cat.

Ah, I see. You bigots believe Mexicans are no smarter than a cow. This explains SOOOOO much!
Gosh, a fence will stop a cow. Therefore, one will stop Mexicans!



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