The Women's March is Global

The last time I saw political reaction on the streets like this, it was about Vietnam. That brought about the end of the war. Before that, I saw the same sort of national commitment to end segregation in the South. It worked. Women are not going to forget this, and Trump is never going to win them over. Ever. Other than those women trying to get into his pockets for other reasons, I do believe that Trump's pussy grabbing days are over. The percentage of women who the Twitter in Chief will pigeonhole as "nasty" is going to get larger and larger with each passing week.
President Trump will eventually be embraced by many of those who made the mistake of listening to the liberal propaganda. That includes you and coyote.

Assuming you have an IQ greater than 100, you'll soon learn how wrong you are.

I'll tell you what. Until Trump, I thought that the presidency could not get any lower than Nixon. We threw his ass out in 1974. That was 43 years ago, and I still hate the SOB. If I ever get over that, I'll start working on getting over the Loose Cannon in Chief, Trump.
What Trump supporter don't realize is his opposition judges him more by his character than his deals, more by the respect he shows for others than the respect he demands of others, more by his heart than his intellect, and more by his principals that his issues.

Those that hate Trump today will hate him just as much in fours because they judge him on his character and his principals and those things don't change. In four years, Trump will be just as short tempered, egotistical, bombastic, and crude as he is today. So no, people that hate him today will not come to love in future.
Washington D.C today

Denver Colorado


San Francisco



Las Vegas Nevada


Los Angeles


There are many more locations, but clearly millions of women came out for this march today.
It's got to be in the millions.


They'll all soon be home and forgotten. I can only hope the had a good time. :)

I don't know, they protested Obama for months after he beat Hillary in the 2008 primary.
Why Etherion? Do you take EVERY statement against the POTUS seriously? I agree they should all be investigated, but I don't take them all seriously and I don't understand why you think I should.

When I hear them I think about whether they could carry it out or inspire others to carry it out. Not sure Madonna fits either category, so my view is - by all means check it out, but I am not too concerned.

"Do you take EVERY statement against the POTUS seriously?"

This is different, even people in the MSM are hinting and obviously trying to incite someone to assassinate The Donald some in the MSM have openly called for him to be assassinated on their Twitter page.

And we all know that if The Donald was assassinated then 80% of Leftists across the world would have a collective orgasm and then get throw a big street party and get drunk and celebrate the murder of this man, don't say they wouldn't because they would. may surprise you to hear this (I'm a leftist after all) - but I'd rather have Trump then Pence.

Other then that - risks need to be evaluated and reacted to accordingly. I'm not going to have heart palpitations at every threat. Someone like Madonna making an offhand remark like that is not someone I take seriously. I trust the SS to look into all of this approriately. Foxnews joked about killing Obama - tasteless, like Madonna - but not a serious threat.

But most of them would rather Pence than Trump and that's the problem, it's Trump they hate him so much they want him dead, they don't call for Pence to be murdered, they only call for Trump to be murdered.

Anyone calling for Trump's assassination should just be immediately thrown into Gitmo, period.

:lol:'re wrong about that.

Pence is a known quantity and Pence knows how to work with Congress and he and the rightwing Congress are on the same page. Trump isn't. Trump has his own ideas. We'd risk Trump over Pence. Pence's agenda would be far worse.

I agree. Ayatollah Pence would be bad.

And why are we comparing him to the Ayatollah?
But myself - personally - I'm not that concerned. I think there are other threats that could be more credible then Madonna. Do you see what I mean?

Well you have a right not to be concerned, but that still doesn't make me feel any better. I was raised never to talk about the president that way. Whether it be him or the building he lives in. It's wrong, and I feel it requires concern.

I was raised that way as well....but my expectations of people like Madonna are not that high. In fact the past decade has severely lowered my expectations of people's behavior regarding our President. I've heard things said I wouldn't have dreamed of 20 years ago. And the level of disrespect is sad.

I also try very hard (and not always succesfully) to evaluate and react to risk realistically.

I was a republican back when Clinton was elected, and I was utterly disgusted by all the crap that hit the news about the blue dress, etc. I kept wondering to myself, "How are parents going to explain this to their kids?

But Trump is Clinton on steroids. Trump has exactly no positive character traits that I can identify. He is disgusting and vile. How middle America embraced him, other than out of spite to Hillary, is beyond me.
But Trump is Clinton on steroids. Trump has exactly no positive character traits that I can identify. He is disgusting and vile. How middle America embraced him, other than out of spite to Hillary, is beyond me.

Do you approve of Madonna's comments? Or any comments of that nature? It shouldn't matter what Trump is or is comparable to. Saying things like that should warrant swift punishment.
Washington D.C today

Denver Colorado


San Francisco



Las Vegas Nevada


Los Angeles


There are many more locations, but clearly millions of women came out for this march today.
It's got to be in the millions.


They'll all soon be home and forgotten. I can only hope the had a good time. :)

I don't know, they protested Obama for months after he beat Hillary in the 2008 primary.
Really? I must have been too busy to notice.

Isn't it amazing how one corrupt politician can cost taxpayers so much money? I'm starting to think the cost of the misdeeds of people like Hillary should fall on them.
Washington D.C today

Denver Colorado


San Francisco



Las Vegas Nevada


Los Angeles


There are many more locations, but clearly millions of women came out for this march today.
It's got to be in the millions.


They'll all soon be home and forgotten. I can only hope the had a good time. :)

I don't know, they protested Obama for months after he beat Hillary in the 2008 primary.
Really? I must have been too busy to notice.

Isn't it amazing how one corrupt politician can cost taxpayers so much money? I'm starting to think the cost of the misdeeds of people like Hillary should fall on them.

I feel sorry for women that they got stuck with Hillary.
I lived in the midwest for about 1/3rd of my life, and I thought that I knew these people who voted for Trump. In Iowa, Nebraska, or Texas, if you said things about a man's wife or daughter that Trump routinely says, you would quickly find yourself on the losing argument with a John Deere hay baler. Yet, they voted for the miserable SOB. Amazing!
I don't think it's that amazing. They wanted someone who was flawed, someone that spoke their language. They were sick of intellectual, well spoken, well educated gentlemen. They wanted a wheeler dealer, not a statesman. Unfortunately, they interpreted willingness to fight with courage, stubbornness as strength, and egotism as confidence.
Washington D.C today

Denver Colorado


San Francisco



Las Vegas Nevada


Los Angeles


There are many more locations, but clearly millions of women came out for this march today.
It's got to be in the millions.


They'll all soon be home and forgotten. I can only hope the had a good time. :)

I don't know, they protested Obama for months after he beat Hillary in the 2008 primary.
Really? I must have been too busy to notice.

Isn't it amazing how one corrupt politician can cost taxpayers so much money? I'm starting to think the cost of the misdeeds of people like Hillary should fall on them.

I feel sorry for women that they got stuck with Hillary.
I'm amazed at the number of people who didn't know she was corrupt. I'm still hoping she's held accountable.
Why is the Womens March considered a March against Trump?
All the conditions existed under the Obama Administration and they said nothing!
It is all BS

They are marching against the repeal of The Affordable Care Act, which Obama passed. They are marching against defunding Planned Parenthood which Ryan has threatened and which Obama would have vetoed.

They are marching to retain their right to choose which Obama never threatened.

They had no reason to march against Obama.

Sent from my iPhone using
Washington D.C today

Denver Colorado


San Francisco



Las Vegas Nevada


Los Angeles


There are many more locations, but clearly millions of women came out for this march today.
It's got to be in the millions.


They'll all soon be home and forgotten. I can only hope the had a good time. :)

I don't know, they protested Obama for months after he beat Hillary in the 2008 primary.
Really? I must have been too busy to notice.

Isn't it amazing how one corrupt politician can cost taxpayers so much money? I'm starting to think the cost of the misdeeds of people like Hillary should fall on them.
The more Trump supporters see him as president, the greater their need is to put Hillary down.
Washington D.C today

Denver Colorado


San Francisco



Las Vegas Nevada


Los Angeles


There are many more locations, but clearly millions of women came out for this march today.
It's got to be in the millions.


They'll all soon be home and forgotten. I can only hope the had a good time. :)

I don't know, they protested Obama for months after he beat Hillary in the 2008 primary.
Really? I must have been too busy to notice.

Isn't it amazing how one corrupt politician can cost taxpayers so much money? I'm starting to think the cost of the misdeeds of people like Hillary should fall on them.

I feel sorry for women that they got stuck with Hillary.
I'm amazed at the number of people who didn't know she was corrupt. I'm still hoping she's held accountable.

Well most of the MSM covered for her.
Why not, all your lunatics compare Trump and EVERYONE to him who they don't like, so why not compare Madonna to him as well and while we're at it that fat madcow Rosie O'Donnell.

And that make sit ok? Seriously - Hitler comparisons to modern politicians are shoddy, a lazy man's attempt at debate.

I agree which is why any Leftist that goes Godwin deserves to be treated like the mindless and uneducated moron they are.

Can I take that to mean that any Rightest that goes Godwin deserves to be treated like the mindless and uneducated moron they are, as well....:eusa_angel:

How many Rightests go Godwin?

Sadly...many :(
Haven't seen it except as a response, the left is quick to throw out the Nazi, Hitler, fascist, racist, homophobe, sexist, blah blah card. Always a simple emotional answer to their frustrations and their frustrations stem from failing to agree fully with them.
Haven't seen it except as a response, the left is quick to throw out the Nazi, Hitler, fascist, racist, homophobe, sexist, blah blah card. Always a simple emotional answer to their frustrations and their frustrations stem from failing to agree fully with them.

The nazi claim is a bit steep, but he does have a few of those traits. Scotty boy not taking nay questions this morning being one of htem. Him not answering questions from certain places. As for the other stuff - racist, sexist etc. Um, he is. Fact. Nobody's fault but his own..
Why is the Womens March considered a March against Trump?
All the conditions existed under the Obama Administration and they said nothing!
It is all BS

They are marching against the repeal of The Affordable Care Act, which Obama passed. They are marching against defunding Planned Parenthood which Ryan has threatened and which Obama would have vetoed.

They are marching to retain their right to choose which Obama never threatened.

They had no reason to march against Obama.

Sent from my iPhone using
Obama put them in chains so they couldn't.....
Haven't seen it except as a response, the left is quick to throw out the Nazi, Hitler, fascist, racist, homophobe, sexist, blah blah card. Always a simple emotional answer to their frustrations and their frustrations stem from failing to agree fully with them.

The nazi claim is a bit steep, but he does have a few of those traits. Scotty boy not taking nay questions this morning being one of htem. Him not answering questions from certain places. As for the other stuff - racist, sexist etc. Um, he is. Fact. Nobody's fault but his own..
He does have a few leftist his taste in art.....

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