The Worst Five Years Since the Great Depression

The majority of America obviously doesn't blame Obama, or surely they wouldn't have re-elected him in 2012.
Personally I think the recovery has been much too slow, and I didn't hesitate to vote to replace Obama, but then again I depend on myself and not the government for my well being.
And why didn't the Republican led congress do so when they had control?

Republicans didn't control congress in 2007

They controlled Congress 2001-2007
Why didn't they change it?
Fear of the way democrats are doing now even when they won cry like little bitches and whine about racism
[ame=]Democrats were WARNED of Financial crisis and did NOTHING - YouTube[/ame]
And why didn't the Republican led congress do so when they had control?

Republicans didn't control congress in 2007

They controlled Congress 2001-2007
Why didn't they change it?

want to know why the country is in the current fiscal mess and who got us there? Please look at this chart and it will become very clear to you, democrats are to blame, there can be no question or disagreement about that.

sorry dems, its on your heads

Party In Power - Congress and Presidency - A Visual Guide To The Balance of Power In Congress, 1945-2008
When the history of this era is written it will be asked:

What did Republicans to to ease the impact of Americans struggling in the Great Recession

The answer will be- Nothing
When the history of this era is written it will be asked:

What did Republicans to to ease the impact of Americans struggling in the Great Recession

The answer will be- Nothing

Doing nothing is better than intentionally destroying the economy for political gain.
In a capitalistic system the economy does better when it's allowed to run it's course.
Democrats have done more damage than any barney madoff could ever do.
This may be the worst 5 years for Republicans since Nixon resigned

- Lost Helathcare debate
- Failed to block the advance of gay rights
- Lost two elections to an empty chair
- Failed to take the Senate
- Lost seats in the House
- Worst Speaker of the House in history
- Lost on tax cuts

Fortunately, there is only small group of goofy people who are pretending that widest, deepest and most complex domestic and international financial meltdown in history -- and its after-effects -- can be blamed on Barack Obama.

Sure, these people are amusing, I must admit. But it does make one respect the power of denial, and influence of radio talk show hosts on the subconscious.


And of course only a small group of goofy people who are pretending that widest, deepest and most complex domestic and international financial meltdown in history -- and its after-effects would forget about whom controlled the house and senate with a junior senator obama when it all began

Well, this one brings up two obvious questions:

1. When what "all began"? Describe "the beginning" for us.

2. You're actually going to blame the financial meltdown on Obama when he was a junior senator?

Very much looking forward to your responses.

This may be the worst 5 years for Republicans since Nixon resigned

- Lost Helathcare debate
- Failed to block the advance of gay rights
- Lost two elections to an empty chair
- Failed to take the Senate
- Lost seats in the House
- Worst Speaker of the House in history
- Lost on tax cuts
Lost two elections to an empty chair
Failed to take the Senate
Lost seats in the House
Just shows you how stupid obama supporters are
Wait until obama tax bites them in the ass
Advanced gay rights? Allowing queers to openly serve in the military?

Worst Speaker of the House in history
San Fran Nan has that all to herself.

Lost on tax cuts
And now obama and his dumb ass supporters are crying about the other part they wanted in exchange for raising taxes.

Fortunately, there is only small group of goofy people who are pretending that widest, deepest and most complex domestic and international financial meltdown in history -- and its after-effects -- can be blamed on Barack Obama.

Sure, these people are amusing, I must admit. But it does make one respect the power of denial, and influence of radio talk show hosts on the subconscious.


And of course only a small group of goofy people who are pretending that widest, deepest and most complex domestic and international financial meltdown in history -- and its after-effects would forget about whom controlled the house and senate with a junior senator obama when it all began

Well, this one brings up two obvious questions:

1. When what "all began"? Describe "the beginning" for us.

2. You're actually going to blame the financial meltdown on Obama when he was a junior senator?

Very much looking forward to your responses.


The controlled implosion of the economy was too get a democrat in the white house
obama has dirty fingers on this but you're to much the partisan to admit it.
Well now we can take a look at how obama's economy is doing. Now we can actually show who is to blame.

“From 2009 through 2012, the Obama cabal, and their allegiance to statist policies, has been in charge for four years. The global financial crisis took place in the previous year, 2008 [remember the Democrat majority Congress was elected in 2006], and based on the historical pattern of American economic recovery since the depression years, the United States should have been experiencing broad and significant economic and job growth by year three at the latest.”

Instead what America got by year five was fewer jobs than before. Even though the employment age population has increased by nearly 12 million since January, 2008, there are now 3 million fewer Americans working, with employment declining from 146.3 million in January, 2008 to 143.3 million in December, 2012. If America enjoyed the same labor force participation rate as in 2008, the unemployment rate in December, 2012 would have been 11.4%, compared to 4.9% in December, 2007, under President George Bush and his “failed” economic policies of the past. We won’t see 4.9% unemployment in America again until the statest takeover of America is purged.
The Worst Five Years Since the Great Depression - Forbes
If what obama was supposed to have done the last four years did work we should have seen some proof of it by now.

Hold that ain't seen a real ass kicking yet.

Well now we can take a look at how obama's economy is doing. Now we can actually show who is to blame.

“From 2009 through 2012, the Obama cabal, and their allegiance to statist policies, has been in charge for four years. The global financial crisis took place in the previous year, 2008 [remember the Democrat majority Congress was elected in 2006], and based on the historical pattern of American economic recovery since the depression years, the United States should have been experiencing broad and significant economic and job growth by year three at the latest.”

Instead what America got by year five was fewer jobs than before. Even though the employment age population has increased by nearly 12 million since January, 2008, there are now 3 million fewer Americans working, with employment declining from 146.3 million in January, 2008 to 143.3 million in December, 2012. If America enjoyed the same labor force participation rate as in 2008, the unemployment rate in December, 2012 would have been 11.4%, compared to 4.9% in December, 2007, under President George Bush and his “failed” economic policies of the past. We won’t see 4.9% unemployment in America again until the statest takeover of America is purged.
The Worst Five Years Since the Great Depression - Forbes
If what obama was supposed to have done the last four years did work we should have seen some proof of it by now.

Hold that ain't seen a real ass kicking yet.

The only ass kicking will be directed at obama from those who use too support him.
Well you seem to forget democrats including a junior senator obama have controlled the senate since 2007

And Bush vetoed how many things?
the senate is powerless without the presidential signature.

And democrats planned the economical collapse what better way too get a democrat elected in the white house.

But now they must blame bush to keep the welfare class from revolting

Egad. I knew you were stupid, but this takes the cake. It was the GOP that changed the regulations that would have prevented the crash of 2008.
And of course only a small group of goofy people who are pretending that widest, deepest and most complex domestic and international financial meltdown in history -- and its after-effects would forget about whom controlled the house and senate with a junior senator obama when it all began

Well, this one brings up two obvious questions:

1. When what "all began"? Describe "the beginning" for us.

2. You're actually going to blame the financial meltdown on Obama when he was a junior senator?

Very much looking forward to your responses.


The controlled implosion of the economy was too get a democrat in the white house
obama has dirty fingers on this but you're to much the partisan to admit it.

Come on, you can do better than that.

Tell us how the meltdown started, precisely.

Tell us how Obama had a hand in it, precisely.

Since you're not a partisan :)lol:), I'm sure you'll give me the straight scoop.

Come on, educate us.

Well now we can take a look at how obama's economy is doing. Now we can actually show who is to blame.

The Worst Five Years Since the Great Depression - Forbes
If what obama was supposed to have done the last four years did work we should have seen some proof of it by now.

Hold that ain't seen a real ass kicking yet.

The only ass kicking will be directed at obama from those who use too support him.

If the GOP is stupid enough to run someone you people approve, you will get your ass kickes six ways from nothing. In fact, if the GOP continues to allow the fruitloops to speak as if they are the spokesmen for the party, we may see a Democrat House and Senate, with a filibuster proof majority.

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